7 Potential Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar (2024)

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made by combining apples with yeast.

The yeast converts the sugar in the apples into alcohol. Bacteria are then added to the mixture and ferment the alcohol into acetic acid (1).

Acetic acid makes up 5–6% of apple cider vinegar. It’s classified as a “weak acid” but still has fairly strong acidic properties when it’s concentrated.

In addition to acetic acid, vinegar contains water and trace amounts of other acids, vitamins, and minerals (1).

Several studies in animals and humans have found that acetic acid and apple cider vinegar may promote fat-burning and weight loss, decrease blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and improve cholesterol levels (2, 3, 4, 5).

Unfortunately, human studies supporting the daily use of apple cider vinegar are lacking, and more research is needed (6).


Apple cider vinegar is made from acetic acid, which may contribute to weight loss and health benefits such as lower blood sugar and healthier cholesterol levels.

What are the negative effects of apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has been reported to cause some side effects. This is particularly true when it’s consumed in large doses.

Although small amounts are generally fine and healthy, consuming too much can be harmful and even dangerous.

1. Delayed stomach emptying

Small studies in humans have suggested that apple cider vinegar may reduce the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the lower digestive tract. This could slow the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

However, this effect may worsen symptoms of gastroparesis, a common condition that affects people living with diabetes.

In gastroparesis, the nerves in the stomach don’t work properly, so food stays in the stomach too long and is not emptied at a normal rate.

Symptoms of gastroparesis include heartburn, bloating, and nausea. For people who have both type 1 diabetes and gastroparesis, timing insulin with meals is very challenging because it’s hard to predict how long food will take to be digested and absorbed.

One controlled study looked at 10 patients with type 1 diabetes and gastroparesis.

Drinking water with 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of apple cider vinegar significantly increased the amount of time food stayed in the stomach, compared to drinking plain water (7).

Newer research is needed to better understand apple cider vinegar’s effect on stomach emptying and blood sugar.


Research suggests apple cider vinegar may slow the rate at which food leaves the stomach. This may worsen symptoms of gastroparesis and make blood sugar management more difficult for people with type 1 diabetes.

2. Digestive side effects

Apple cider vinegar may cause unpleasant digestive symptoms in some people.

Some research has found that in the short term, acetic acid decreases appetite, but more studies are needed to understand if this effect is sustained in the long term (8, 9).

However, one controlled study suggests that in some cases, appetite and food intake may decrease due to indigestion.

The people who consumed a drink containing 25 grams (0.88 ounces) of apple cider vinegar reported less appetite but also significantly greater feelings of nausea, especially when the vinegar was part of an unpleasant-tasting drink (10).


Apple cider vinegar may help reduce appetite, but it may also cause feelings of nausea, particularly when consumed as part of a drink with an unpleasant flavor.

3. Low potassium levels and bone loss

There are no controlled studies on apple cider vinegar’s effects on blood potassium levels and bone health at this time.

However, there is one case report of low blood potassium and bone loss that was attributed to large doses of apple cider vinegar taken over a long period of time.

A 28-year-old woman consumed 8 ounces (1 cup) of apple cider vinegar diluted in water on a daily basis for 6 years.

She was admitted to the hospital with low potassium levels and other abnormalities in blood chemistry (11).

What’s more, the woman was diagnosed with osteoporosis, a condition that causes brittle bones and is rarely seen in young people.

Doctors who treated the woman believe the large daily doses of apple cider vinegar led to minerals being leached from her bones to buffer the acidity of her blood.

They also noted that high acid levels can reduce the formation of new bone.

Of course, the amount of apple cider vinegar in this case was much more than most people would consume in a single day — plus, she did this every day for many years.


There is one case report of low potassium levels and osteoporosis likely caused by drinking too much apple cider vinegar.

4. Erosion of tooth enamel

Acidic foods and beverages have been shown to damage tooth enamel (12).

Soft drinks and fruit juices have been more widely studied, but some research shows the acetic acid in vinegar may also damage tooth enamel.

In one lab study, enamel from wisdom teeth was immersed in different vinegars with pH levels ranging from 2.7 to 3.95. The vinegars led to a 1–20% loss of minerals from the teeth after 4 hours (13).

Importantly, this study was done in a lab and not in the mouth, where saliva helps buffer acidity — and a person would not hold vinegar in their mouth for 4 hours. Nevertheless, there’s some evidence that large amounts of vinegar may cause dental erosion.

A case study also concluded that a 15-year-old girl’s severe dental decay was caused by consuming 1 cup (237 mL) of undiluted apple cider vinegar per day as a weight loss aid (14).


The acetic acid in vinegar may weaken dental enamel and lead to loss of minerals and tooth decay.

5. Throat burns

Apple cider vinegar has the potential to cause esophageal (throat) burns.

A review of harmful liquids accidentally swallowed by children found that acetic acid from vinegar was the most common acid that caused throat burns.

Researchers recommended that vinegar be considered a “potent caustic substance” and kept in childproof containers (15).

Case reports of people drinking large volumes of vinegar beverages for a prolonged period of time found that they needed medical attention for their throat burns (16).


The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar has caused throat burns in children. One woman experienced throat burns after an apple cider vinegar tablet became lodged in her esophagus.

6. Skin burns

Due to its strongly acidic nature, apple cider vinegar may also cause burns when applied to the skin.

In one case, a 14-year-old girl developed erosions on her nose after applying several drops of apple cider vinegar to remove two moles, based on a protocol she’d seen on the internet (17).

In another, an 8-year-old boy with multiple health problems developed leg burns after his mother treated his leg infection with apple cider vinegar (18).

There are also several anecdotal reports online of burns caused by applying apple cider vinegar to the skin.


There have been reports of skin burns occurring in response to attempts to treat moles and infections with apple cider vinegar.

7. Drug interactions

A few medications may interact with apple cider vinegar:

  • Diabetes medication. People who take insulin or insulin-stimulating medications and consume vinegar may experience dangerously low blood sugar or potassium levels.
  • Digoxin (Lanoxin). This medication lowers your blood potassium levels. Taking digoxin in combination with apple cider vinegar could lower your potassium too much.
  • Certain diuretic drugs. Some diuretic medications cause your body to excrete potassium. To prevent potassium levels from dropping too low, do not consume these drugs with large amounts of vinegar.

Some medications, including insulin, digoxin, and certain diuretics, may interact with apple cider vinegar.

How to consume apple cider vinegar safely

Most people can safely consume reasonable amounts of apple cider vinegar by following these general guidelines:

  • Limit your intake. Start with a small amount and gradually work up to a maximum of 2 tablespoons (30 mL) per day, diluted in water, depending on your personal tolerance.
  • Minimize your tooth exposure to acetic acid. Try diluting the vinegar in water and drinking it through a straw.
  • Rinse your mouth. Rinse with water after taking it. To prevent further enamel damage, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.
  • Consider avoiding it if you have gastroparesis. Avoid apple cider vinegar or limit the amount to 1 teaspoon (5 mL) in water or salad dressing.
  • Be aware of allergies. Allergies to apple cider vinegar are rare, but if you experience an allergic reaction, stop taking it immediately and call your doctor.

To consume apple cider vinegar safely, limit your daily intake, dilute it, and avoid it if you have certain conditions.

Apple cider vinegar is made up of acetic acid and a small amount of other acids, vitamins, and minerals. Research suggests consuming it may help you lose weight, reduce blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and decrease your total cholesterol.

Including apple cider vinegar in your diet can be healthy if it’s done in moderation. It is known to cause some negative side effects, such as slowed digestion, nausea, and erosion of your tooth enamel. It may also interact with certain medications.

Depending on the issue you’re using it for, how much you consume daily can vary. Generally, however, 1–2 tablespoons (tbsp) or 15–30 milliliters (mL) with water or food is viewed as a moderate daily amount.

You should avoid apple cider vinegar if you’re allergic to it, have gastroparesis, or are taking a medication that may interact with it, such as a diuretic.

The bottom line

Apple cider vinegar can provide several health benefits.

However, to stay safe and prevent side effects, it’s important to monitor the amount you consume and be careful with how you take it.

While a small amount of vinegar can be good, more isn’t better and may even be harmful.

7 Potential Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar (2024)


7 Potential Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar? ›

Apple cider vinegar may reduce the level of potassium in your body, so if you're using both, you may have low potassium levels, which can negatively affect how your heart and muscles function.” Be mindful if you're taking certain heart medications as well, specifically those for arrhythmia.

Does apple cider vinegar affect heart rate? ›

Apple cider vinegar may reduce the level of potassium in your body, so if you're using both, you may have low potassium levels, which can negatively affect how your heart and muscles function.” Be mindful if you're taking certain heart medications as well, specifically those for arrhythmia.

Does apple cider vinegar interfere with blood pressure medication? ›

Since apple cider vinegar in large doses is connected to a reduction of potassium in the body, care must be taken with other medications that lower potassium. These include insulin, diuretics like furosemide (Lasix) or chlorothiazide (Diuril), some blood pressure medications like digoxin (Lanoxin), and even laxatives.

Can apple cider vinegar clean out your liver? ›

“By promoting blood flow and filtration, and boosting energy within the liver, apple cider vinegar can aid in the removal of harmful toxins that tend to build up in an overwhelmed or unhealthy liver,” she continues.

What does apple cider vinegar do to the stomach? ›

ACV is naturally acidic, and so for people with low stomach acidity, using ACV may help raise stomach acid levels to aid digestion. In theory, this could prevent gas and bloating, which a slow digestion can cause. ACV is also an antimicrobial substance , meaning it may help kill bacteria in the stomach or intestines.

What should you never do while taking apple cider vinegar? ›

You should not drink apple cider vinegar straight and you should always dilute ACV with water if you're drinking it. The high acid content can cause erosion of the enamel in your teeth, as well as damage to your mouth and throat.

What medications should not be taken with apple cider vinegar? ›

A few medications may interact with apple cider vinegar:
  • Diabetes medication. People who take insulin or insulin-stimulating medications and consume vinegar may experience dangerously low blood sugar or potassium levels.
  • Digoxin (Lanoxin). This medication lowers your blood potassium levels. ...
  • Certain diuretic drugs.

How do I know if my liver is detoxing? ›

Liver detoxing is an important step in recovery and includes the following signs:
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Anxiety.
  • Tremors.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increase blood pressure.
  • Confusion.

What is the #1 best drink for your liver? ›

1. Coffee. Coffee is one of the best beverages you can drink to promote liver health. Studies have shown that drinking coffee protects the liver from disease, even among those who already have health concerns related to this organ.

Can you drink lemon water and apple cider vinegar together? ›

Fill a glass with warm water, squeeze in half a lemon, and pour in a rough teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Sip it slowly and let it work its magic! These health tonics work best if you keep at it — make sure you drink them as directed for at least a week to begin experiencing the myriad of health benefits they offer.

What are the downsides of apple cider vinegar? ›

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can cause digestive issues if not used properly. Its high acidity may lead to stomach upset, indigestion, and nausea, especially when consumed in large amounts or without adequate dilution. Some people may experience delayed stomach emptying, which can exacerbate feelings of discomfort.

What happens to your body when you start taking apple cider vinegar? ›

What benefits does apple-cider vinegar provide for the body? While more data is needed to definitively say that ACV offers health benefits, some data suggests that it may help support healthy blood sugar levels, weight-management goals and heart health. It may also have antimicrobial effects.

What does apple cider vinegar do to hair? ›

“ACV removes buildup and closes the hairs cuticles, which makes hair more light reflective and shiny,” Haygood explains. “The cleansing capabilities of apple cider vinegar not only get our hair and scalp super squeaky-clean,” Bennett says. “They help restore luster and shine to dull locks too.”

What should I drink if my heart rate is high? ›

Drink enough water

The thicker your blood, the harder your heart has to work to move it through your veins. This can increase your pulse rate and potentially lead to palpitations. If you feel your pulse climb, reach for a glass of water.

What does apple vinegar do for the heart? ›

Cholesterol – when built up in the arteries, causes them to harden and narrow. High cholesterol levels in the blood put additional pressure and strain on the heart as it has to work harder to pump blood through the body. Apple cider vinegar helps to keep the heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels.

What lowers your heart rate quickly? ›

Simple but specific actions such as coughing, bearing down as if passing stool or putting an ice pack on the face can help slow down the heart rate. Your healthcare team may ask you to do these specific actions during an episode of a fast heartbeat. The actions affect the vagus nerve.

Why do I feel dizzy after drinking apple cider vinegar? ›

If you are on antidiabetic medications, taking vinegar may cause your blood sugar levels to go extremely low. This can make you dizzy and even faint in severe cases. It is recommended to ask your doctor if you are planning to make vinegar as part of your daily diet.

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