Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (2024)

Baker’s Yeast, Brewer’s Yeast, Nutritional Yeast, Instant Dry Yeast, Active Dry Yeast, Yeast Cakes, Compressed Yeast, Fast Rise Yeast, Rapid Rise Yeast, Quick Rise, Bread Machine Yeast, Wild Yeast … how are you supposed to know what to use when baking gluten free bread??! And what if you can’t have or don’t have yeast?

Good questions, all! Luckily I have answers for you!

First things first — what is “yeast?” Simply put, yeast isa livingmicro-organism that converts sugar and starch into carbon dioxideand alcohol, making it the perfect ingredient for beer brewers, wine makers and bread bakers — anywhere you need bubbles.

Yeast canbe divided into4 general categories:Dried Yeast; Fresh Yeast; Wild Yeast; and Brewer’s Yeast.

For basic, at-home gluten-free bread baking purposes, we’re sticking with the firstcategory, but in case you are curious, I’ll give you the nutshell version of the other three kinds of yeast (it’s great trivia to impress your friends!).

(And in case you’re wondering, the yeasts we’re going to be talking about are all gluten free unless otherwise noted.)

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (1)

Baker’s/Dried Yeast:

This form of Baker’s yeast is alive but inactive due to lack of moisture.

Quick Rise, Rapid Rise, Fast Rise, Instant Dryand Bread Machine Yeast

These type of yeast are all basically the same, but are different from “Active Dry Yeast” in that they are more finely granulated and are dried to a lower moisture level, so these quick rise yeasts need not be dissolved in water to become hydrated before mixing (i.e. no proofing!). Specific brand package directions will indicate the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer to allow for rising. Here’s the Quick Rise Yeast I use most often in my gluten free baking.

What does the name mean to you? It means that these instant dry yeasts can be added to the dry ingredients during mixing or can be added last, on top of other dry ingredients in a bread machine. Furthermore, these fast rise yeasts usually contain ascorbic acid which increases the height you’ll achieve with most baked loaves.

Gluten free loaves do not need — and in fact, should not be punched down and given a second rise (find out why in this article) — so these instant yeasts are the perfect choice for your gluten free bread baking needs. Do not proof these yeasts or they will lose some of their fast rising properties. Click here for the Quick Rise Yeast I prefer for my gluten free baking.

Active Dry Yeast

This type of yeast has larger granules and must be dissolved completely for the yeast to become “active,” so it must be dissolved in warm water (100° to 110°F) before using. This process is called “proofing” or “proving” the yeast.

It also typically requires more Active Dry yeast to rise a bread loaf than it does Instant Yeast, so those recipes can smell and taste more “yeasty.”

If a recipe calls for Quick Rise or Rapid Rise Yeast, can I use regular Active Dry Yeast instead? Yes! Here’s How:

If a recipe calls for Quick Rise yeast and you’re using Active Dry yeast instead, use 1 1/4 x more Active Dry yeast than the Quick Dry yeast called for in the recipe. (Example: recipe calls for 2 1/4 tsp Quick Rise yeast; use 2 3/4 tsp Active Dry yeast.) You also must proof the yeast before adding it to the recipe.

Dried yeast of either kind is most often sold in 3-pack strips or in 4-ounce jars. Three-pack strips each contain a 2 1/4 tsp. of yeast per packet — the amount typically required for one loaf of bread. The 3-packs also help to keep yeast fresh if you’re not using it daily.

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (2)

To proof active dry yeast or cake yeast …

add 1 packet of yeast plus 1/4 cup warm water and 1 teaspoon sugar. By warm water, I mean 100-110F, or an easy trick is just to stick your finger in the water and if it feels a little warm, it’s probably just right. Cold water won’t activate the yeast well and if the water is too hot, it could kill the yeast organisms. Think Goldilocks — it needs to be just right!

Stir the mixture together in a bowl like pictured here and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. The yeast should start bubbling, which means it is fermenting into alcohol and carbon dioxide — the bubbles you want inside your breads to give them rise and lightness.

Always store yeast away from moisture and at room temperature, and use by the expiration date; it does keep longer if refrigerated or frozen, but bring it to room temperature before using. Almost all of these types and brands (Red Star; SAF, Hodgson Mill, Fleishmann’s, …) of yeast are gluten free and many say so on the packaging. Here’s a link to buy gluten free Active Dry Yeast.

NOTE: Red Star PLATINUM and Red Star SOURDOUGH STARTER are NOT GLUTEN FREE. As with anything else, always read labels!

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (3)

Baker’s/Fresh Yeast:

This yeast (also called “Cake Yeast”) is alive and extremely perishable since it has not been dried. You may, but you don’t have to, proof this yeast. To work with fresh yeast, soften the yeast cake in warm water or just crumble it into the dry ingredients.

Fresh yeast requires two rises, so it is not ideal for gluten free breads, which require only one rise. To substitute fresh yeast in a recipe calling for active dry yeast, use one cake for each package (2 1/4 teaspoons) of Active Dry or Instant Yeast called for in the recipe.

Wild Yeast:

Ever made a sourdough starter? That’s Wild Yeast. Starters are comprised of a mixture of equal parts flour and water, “colonized” by yeast and friendly bacteria (and yes, you can make a gluten free sourdough starter — use my gfJules Multigrain Flour or All Purpose Flour!).

One way of making your own starter is to simply sprinkle 2-3 teaspoons of rapid rise or active dry yeast onto 2 cups of warm water and let sit for 15 minutes, then whisk in 2 cups of gluten free all purpose flour. Cover loosely, and let the mixture sit. You need to “feed” it, as my friend Amy says – “like a pet!”

The more authentic way of making sourdough starter is to follow the recipe below by mixing in a non-reactive container like glass, glazed pottery, stainless steel, or food-grade plastic.

Go HERE for Gluten Free Sourdough Starter Recipe

Gluten Free Sourdough Bread Recipe

Brewer’s Yeast/Nutritional Yeast:

To confuse things further, there are two kinds of Brewer’s Yeasts: one used to produce alcohol and bubbles in beer; the other used as a nutritional supplement. The latter is what is used in cooking — it is deactivated, and will not produce any alcohol or bubbles, and thus, will not rise your bread.

While there is adifferencebetween the Brewer’s Yeast usedfor cookingand Nutritional Yeast,they areactually made from the same strain of yeast.Brewer’s Yeast for cooking is a by-product of beer production and thus, retains some of the bitter flavor from the hops; Nutritional Yeast isnot as bitter because it is grown on molasses.

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (6)

One would assume that people eating gluten free would need to avoid “Brewer’s” yeast, opting for “Nutritional” yeast instead; however, one brand I have used takes confusion to new heights by calling itself “Brewer’s Yeast: High Potency Instant Natural Nutritional Yeast.”

At first, I passed it by, but the product rep assured me it was gluten free (it’s also certified gluten free). How could this be? Apparently because this particular “Brewer’s Yeast” product is grown on beet molasses, rather than being a by-product of gluten containing beer processing. Right. I wish they could get their terminology straight! (Yet another reason to read labels thoroughly in every case!) {Bragg Gluten Free Nutritional Yeast}

As anutritional supplement, this yeast offers a cheesy/nutty flavor that vegans love to usein recipes wherethe cheese is not used — it’s even great on popcorn! It is also full of protein and B vitamins, and thus is highly prized, particularly in the vegetarian community.

I have a great recipe for gluten free crustless (vegan) quiche in my newest cookbook, Free for All Cooking. I also use it in some other savory gluten free dinner recipes in my Gluten Free Dinner-A-Day ebook. It’s fun to make something so simple and easy for your family’s dinner, and know it’s chock full of yummy good-for-you goodness — you really should give nutritional yeast a try in some of your recipes, too!

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (7)

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (8)

Gluten Free Bread Baking — which yeast and why?

So by now you’re probably asking why gluten free yeast breads require only one rise, and therefore work well with the instant yeast varieties.

Well, we have come to the point in this program where we can celebrate the fact that gluten free yeast breads are actually faster to make and to bake because they do not contain gluten. Obvious, I know, but that means that there is no “punch down” step, no second rise, and no kneading required. In fact, all those steps are done just to “exercise” the gluten, which is totally lacking in our breads (right?!).

Soactually, not only do you not need to take those steps, you don’t want to do them either, or you will kill your precious gluten free bread! For more on they why and how of making great gluten free bread … easily, read my top tips to Great Gluten Free Bread.

Trust me: when making gluten free bread, simply mix/beat well; cover & rise; bake; enjoy. That’s it. Easy as can be. You can even do it with a wooden spoon and bowl, although I’ll admit I use my stand mixer every time I have a choice. Check out my updated Gluten Free Bread Baking ebook for loads more gluten free bread baking tips and 32 gluten free bread recipes!

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (9)

What if I can’t have yeast or can’t find yeast?

I have lots of gluten free bread recipes that don’t require yeast.

Many breads can still be yummy when you use chemical leaveners like baking soda and baking powder in place of yeast. Typically you’ll use the same amount of double acting baking powder in place of yeast, so if a recipe calls for one packet of yeast, you’ll use 2 1/4 teaspoons of baking powder.

If you don’t have baking powder, you’ll need to add baking soda plus an acid, so use an equal amount of baking soda and lemon juice or white vinegar in place of yeast. Either double acting baking powder or the baking soda + acid trick will replace the yeast needed to create the bubbles that give the dough lift and create air pockets that make bread, well, bread. What will be different is that there will be no yeasty smell or taste and there will be no need to allow for rise time.

Yeast-Free Gluten Free Bread recipes:

  • Gluten Free Yeast Free Sandwich Bread Recipe
  • Gluten Free Yeast Free Pizza Recipe (Scroll to the bottom for yeast-free modification)
  • Gluten Free Yeast Free Dinner Rolls Recipe
  • Gluten Free Flour Tortillas Recipe
  • Gluten Free Pita Bread or Flatbreads Recipe
  • Gluten Free Sourdough Breadsticks Recipe
  • 52-Minute Gluten Free Cinnamon Bun Recipe
  • Gluten Free Irish Soda Bread Recipe

These yeast-free, gluten-free bread recipes are fantastic, and prove that you don’t need yeast to make great bread. I encourage you to give these recipes a try.

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (10)

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (11)
Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (12)

*In some cases, sponsors have provided free product. Some links to products may be affiliate links; purchasing through these links doesn’t cost you anything additional. As always, all opinions are my own. See my disclosure policy for more information. Working with select brands I love allows me to keep bringing you free recipes and great contests! I hope that in the process, you’ll learn about some of the safe gluten free products I choose for my family. Thanks so much for your support!

Yeast: answering the questions that also arise - GF expert gfJules (2024)


How does yeast react with gluten? ›

Because yeast are living organisms, any gluten or other proteins in their growth media have the potential to be broken down by the yeast's enzymes—effectively making the growth media similar to a fermented product.

Which yeast is best for gluten free bread? ›

What type of yeast should be used to bake Gluten Free Bread? Active dry yeast and instant yeast both work well and are often interchangeable. Be on the lookout for any Rapid Rise yeast that is best for one rise. For most of us that's the way gluten free bread is baked, a single rise in the tin.

What ingredient does yeast feed on group of answer choices? ›

Yeast feeds on sugar and converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide through fermentation. Alcohol is useful in beer making and carbon dioxide is responsible for stretching and expanding the dough, something we see as the dough rises.

Does yeast contain gluten? ›

Fresh yeast is naturally gluten free. We are now aware of some brands of dried yeasts that now contain wheat starch in the ingredients so they are not gluten free. We therefore now list dried yeasts on our Food and Drink Information Service that do not contain gluten.

Is yeast extract ok for a gluten-free diet? ›

Yeast extract and autolyzed yeast extract may contain gluten from barley. Manufacturers are not required to disclose the source of yeast extract on the ingredients label, so you should only use yeast extract that is labeled gluten-free or confirmed gluten-free by the manufacturer.

Is a yeast allergy the same as a gluten allergy? ›

The fact is that yeast and gluten are completely different things. Gluten is a group of plant proteins found in many grains, such as wheat or barley. There is no gluten in yeast. This means that if someone has an intolerance to bread, it is more likely a gluten intolerance.

What is the secret to making good gluten-free bread? ›

  • Use Psyllium Husk Powder as a binder for better Gluten Free Bread.
  • The benefits of letting your dough rest, my second tip for baking better gluten free bread.
  • Mix or knead your bread dough thoroughly.
  • For a better gluten free loaf, use less yeast.
  • Bake your bread in a tin with tall sides.

Why won't my gluten-free bread rise? ›

Of course make sure that your yeast and baking powder is still active and fresh. Your bread will not rise if your yeast or baking powder has expired. A dense loaf could also be the result of not measuring your ingredients accurately. Weight measurements are best (I have to update my recipes).

How do you activate gluten-free yeast? ›

Simply take 50 ml of the liquid in the recipe (milk/water), heat to lukewarm and pour into a small container, sprinkle the dry yeast on top, then the sugar, put it aside and wait for around 10 to 15 minutes. The yeast will activate.

What does yeast do to the body? ›

Besides being important in the fermentation of foods and beverages, yeasts have shown numerous beneficial effects on human health. Among these, probiotic effects are the most well known health effects including prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases and immunomodulatory effects.

What happens if you put too much yeast in bread? ›

The more yeast in a recipe initially, the quicker it produces CO2, alcohol, and organic acids. Alcohol, being acidic, weakens the gluten in the dough, and eventually the dough becomes “porous,” and won't rise; or won't rise very well.

Does yeast expire? ›

Does Yeast Expire? Yeast is a living thing, which means that all yeast expires at some point. All yeast has an expiration date, but yeast will expire sooner if not stored properly. Properly stored yeast may last for up to four months beyond the expiration date.

What are the signs of yeast intolerance? ›

Some of the most common yeast intolerance symptoms include:
  • Bloating.
  • Breathing difficulties.
  • Joint pain.
  • Dizziness.
  • Rashes.
  • Migraine.
  • Lethargy.
Jan 11, 2023

Who should avoid yeast extract? ›

However, you may want to avoid yeast extract if you have a problem with blood pressure or another reason to limit sodium.

What to use instead of yeast for bread? ›

You can substitute yeast with equal parts lemon juice and baking soda. So if a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of yeast, you can use half a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Keep in mind that the bread will not need the typical proofing time and the dough will begin rising right away.

Can gluten cause yeast overgrowth? ›

The candida diet requires people to avoid foods and drinks that could increase the risk of Candida overgrowth. These include gluten, sugar, alcohol products, and certain types of dairy. The diet focuses instead on eating lean proteins, healthful fats, nonstarchy vegetables, and probiotics.

Does fermentation destroy gluten? ›

Several studies have shown that fermentation with multiple selected strains of lactic acid bacteria and/or the use of specific enzymes may successfully degrade gluten [20,21,22,23,28,29].

Does gluten free mean no yeast? ›

Some make the mistake of thinking that gluten-free also means yeast-free, but this is not necessarily true. Many gluten-free products have yeast in them. Read ingredient labels to make sure a product is yeast-free before you eat it if you have an allergy.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.