Oaths (2024)

Oaths (1)

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“ Swear an Oath. An indescribable power emanates from words spoken from the soul. You now wield it. ”
― Oathsworn badge


  • 1 Description
    • 1.1 Obtainable Oaths
    • 1.2 Upcoming Oaths
  • 2 Oath Skipping
  • 3 Oathbreaker - Oath Removal
  • 4 Lore Oaths
  • 5 Trivia


Oaths (3)

"Oaths" are viewpoints and beliefs that a character vows to live by until the day they fall.They chiefly serve to further define the player character's potential, personality, and story- providing a progressable set of abilities alongside a set of rules or actions to swear under. Oaths, just like Murmurs and Resonances, are classified as unique Talent Cards that players obtain only through meeting certain requirements.

Due to the unique nature of swearing an Oath, only one can be wielded at once. It is possible to break an Oath with the Shrine of Yun'Shul, but... "it's called an Oath for a reason." Heed the consequences that come with being an Oathbreaker.

Every character begins as a simple Pathfinder, meaning they are without an Oath (but not devoted to being Oathless). Being a Pathfinder offers no real advantages, but it may protect you from intentions that involve those with an Oath, such as being engaged by a loyal Contractor or by one in search of the powers of a Linkstrider.

Obtainable Oaths[]

  • Arcwarder: +1 Wildcard Mantra, +2 Combat Mantra [20 Flamecharm, Thundercall, & Fortitude]
  • Blindseer: +1 Wildcard Mantra, +1 Support Mantra, +10 Sanity [40 Willpower & All 3 Mental Fortress Talents]
  • Contractor: +2 Combat Mantra, +10 Ether [No Stat Requirements]
  • Dawnwalker: +2 Combat Mantra [No Stat Requirements]
  • Fadetrimmer: +1 Wildcard Mantra, +1 Combat Mantra [No Stat Requirements]
  • Jetstriker: +1 Wildcard Mantra, +1 Mobility Mantra, +8 Passive Agility [50 Agility]
  • Linkstrider: +1 Wildcard Mantra, +2 Support Mantra [No Stat Requirements]
  • Oathless: +2 Wildcard Mantra, +15% Oath DMG Resistance, +10 HP [No Stat Requirements]
  • Saltchemist: +1 Wildcard Mantra, +1 Support Mantra, +20 Carry Load [75 Intelligence]
  • Silentheart: +10% Mantra Resistance, +10 HP, +2 Posture [Attunement-less, 75 Weapon, 25 Strength, 25 Agility/Charisma]
  • Starkindred: +2 Combat Mantra, +8 HP [40 Strength]
  • Visionshaper: +2 Combat Mantra, +1 Support Mantra [50 Charisma]

Upcoming Oaths[]

Oath Skipping[]

If you've progressed to maximum a certain oath once before, you are able to skip the progression next time you reobtain said oath, this feature applies across slots. Simply talk to the relevant NPC of the oath (for Blindseer and Linkstrider, the wall glyphs and linkstrider machine respectively), and use 10 Knowledge, instantly granting you all abilities of the Oath. Note that you still need to get the requirements of the oath you wish to skip.

Oathbreaker - Oath Removal[]

It is possible to remove your oath (once) by making a wish to Yun'Shul. This comes with a warning: You could potentially close off your former Oath to you forever.

Oaths (4)

Upon breaking an Oath, unique effects will occur:

  • Arcwarder:??? - "Your connection to the Arc Suit withers, cut off at the stem. An expensive choice to make."
    • You lose some reputation with The Ignition Union.
    • Upon talking to Delta he'll say "You've got some nerve showin' your face to me after trashing an Arc Suit like that. Called an Oath for a reason, mate."
  • Blindseer:??? - "The world grows darker once more. The night rolls in, and so do its terrors."
  • Contractor: Zi'eer - "Don't bother showing your face again. I had little faith in you to begin with"
    • You instantly become maximum negative rep with Etrea and The Ministry.
    • Will get instantly gripped if by chance you stumble into the courtroom of the Lord Regent.
  • Dawnwalker: Klaris - "It seems you lack commitment. Not everyone can be a beacon. Some are fated to be retreat into the dark."
    • You instantly become maximum negative rep with The Divers.
    • Upon talking to her again she'll prompt the dialogue "Ah, the flake is back again. What do you want?"
  • Fadetrimmer: Your Scissors - "Whatever, man."
  • Jetstriker: Alirian - "Huh. And here I thought I'd found a true rival. I had fun while it lasted, friend."
    • Talking to Alirian will prompt the following conversation:
      • "Oh you're back? You kinda hurt my feelings when you broke off our rivalry like that." / Please forgive me.
      • "Hmm. Okay, sure. You'll still make a good rival. Want to strike up an Oath again?" / I'll follow your oath, my dear rival.
      • "This is our path then, my friendly nemesis! To be a Jetstriker, one who walks with the Song's flow itself.. ah, it's so freeing.
  • Linkstrider:??? - "Like two halves of an image coming together, you once more feel like at home in this reality. Your view of greater dimensions has retreated away into the horizon."
  • Oathless: Cerulean - "The way opens more to you, my disciple. Safe travels."
    • Talking to Cerulean will prompt the dialogue "Ah, my friend, it is good to see you. Have you need of anything? / I'd like to become Oathless once more.
  • Saltchemist:??? - "Your body feels still. Inert. The Panacea's effects have worn off."
  • Silentheart: The Voice of Dread - "This matters not. Your heart has already been claimed."
    • The Attunement Trainers will respawn afterwards.
    • If you attempt to regain the Oath, The Dreadstar will not spawn after you survive the Ghosts on the Beloved Zofia.
  • Starkindred: Samael - "The Stars were never yours to lay claim to. You're just another heretic rejected by the blood."
    • Talking to Samael again will cause him to say "Insolent worm. Leave."
  • Visionshaper: The Nestmind - "Our end of the deal has already been struck. You're welcome to seek out whichever path pleases you. Just know that you have not won your freedom, mouse."
    • Talking to Surge again will prompt the following conversation:
      • "Retired from the Hunt, eh? If you can prove yourself a hunter again I'd be happy to welcome you back." / Bring me back.
      • "Hmm... Perhaps you are ready after all... But be mindful that this is only the beginning." / [End Dialogue]

Note: Wiping after breaking your Oath will leave the "Obtained an Oath" echo task incomplete if you didn't make a new Oath prior to wiping.

Lore Oaths[]

Oaths that are mentioned by either NPCs or developers but are not currently in the game.

  • Warmaster

  • Time Magic


  • Not much is known about it, but its confirmed to be an Oath that is going to be added in a future update, confirmed by Ragoozer, and is very possible to come alongside or be related to the Authority Origin.
  • One notorious user of this Oath is Warden Jericho (Also confirmed by Ragoozer), as seen in his journal and by the dialogue of the Windrunner.
  • Similar to Blindseer being the counter-oath to Visionshaper, there is a high chance of this oath having the same relationship the Contractor Oath due to the fact that the Windrunner explains that the two oaths are inherently against each other, and in the Journal of Jericho explaining that the Warden is trying to stop the Contractors, being Zi'eer (Lord regent) and his puppets (Contractor Players).
  • It is known that the source of power of the Oath is something called "The Circle of Honor", it is not known if its related to the Authority or not, but they are confirmed to be the source and creators of the Warmaster Oath.

Time Magic[]

Oaths (5)
  • An 'ability' used by the Knives of Eylis to 'slow down time'. Mentioned to be an oath by Arch_Mage.
  • It is very likely to be the Oath mentioned by Eylis when you ask her about her Oath as a Voidwalker.
  • It is not confirmed, but its very probably that this oath can manipulate time in a very similar way as the Voidsea due to the relation of the Voidwalkers and the Voidsea, meaning, that instead like a "time magic" oath, it could be more like a "Void oath" where time manipulation is just one part of the oath.


  • There is a common misconception that being a Pathfinder and having an Oath are mutually exclusive. This is not true. A Pathfinder is merely treated as being without an Oath for gameplay purposes, as Oathless cannot be used as a term given it is an actual Oath.
    • Probably because "Person without an Oath" would be too long to fit onto a Wanted Poster.
  • All Oaths have a Talent category, and thus all have a line associated with the Mystics, even if this cannot be used, much like Rare and Innate Talents.
  • You can't Shrine of Order with an Oath.
    • This excludes Oathless.
  • There is no reason to not get an Oath as most of them give benefits with no downsides.
    • Furthermore, upon changing your mind, any Oath can be broken with Yun'Shul. Once.
  • Smelting a blindfold will still give you the night-vision effect Blindseer gives.
  • Unequipping your facial accessory while having Blindseer will automatically give you a cosmetic-only version of the normal Blindfold, which is pale in color.
  • For Starkindred progression, the opponents you have to defeat all bear names of supernatural figures from religious texts and literature. Two of which are names of demons, their appearance is still accurate however, as demons are fallen angels.
    • Iblis is the leader of the devils in Islam.
    • Samael is an Angel from Judaism.
    • Abaddon appears in the Bible as a place of destruction and an angel of the abyss. In addition, Abaddon is the name of a demon in the Acts of Thomas.
    • The mythological Cretan king Minos became a judge of the underworld after death.
    • In demonology, Astaroth was the "Great Duke of Hell".
  • Almost all Oath Mantras can be modified with Vibrant Gems.
    • However, no Oath Mantras can be leveled up beyond level 1.
  • Trying to speak to an attunement trainer as a Silentheart will cause them to instantly aggro onto you, as you deny the Song itself.
  • Some Oaths change your character's eye color.
    • Linkstrider gives the user Cyan eyes.
    • Visionshaper gives the user Bright Magenta eyes.
    • Jetstriker gives the user Silver eyes.
    • Dawnwalker gives the user White eyes.
    • Contractor gives the user Dark Maroon eyes.
    • Silentheart gives a darker and duller shade of the user's current eye color.
  • The developers have confirmed that Oathless is a "seatwarmer" since their objective is to make many Oaths so Oathless will be basically useless, causing community backlash due to the Oath's obtainment method being more tedious than some Oaths. Despite this, it still received a buff, so their exact intentions aren't clear.
    • It's also said that they had commented that it was canonically the strongest Oath, though the veracity of this statement and it's meaning are unclear, especially since this was prior to Verse 2.
  • Stratos will never speak to Silenthearts.
  • The Dawnwalker talents used to each give 5 extra health.
  • Blindseer's Tranquil Circle mantra was able to activate most status-related talents upon M1, such as the "Silencer's" tree, Cheap Shot, Nullifying Clarity, and many other talents, this allowed them to be much stronger than even Silenthearts. In May 16th 2023's patch note, it was found to be a bug, and was subsequently patched.
  • Silentheart's talent names reference Fire Emblem multiple times. Most notable is Lodestar and Mani Katti, which are both references to the names of unique swords in the Fire Emblem series.
  • Arcwarder armor is similar to Bulats "Incursio" from the anime and manga series, Akame Ga Kill!.
  • Arcwarder's Oath description says "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs" which is a quote from Karl Marx's Critique of the Gotha Program.
  • Visionshaper originally used to be an Attunement during the testing era but was removed for unknown reasons.[citation needed]
    • Of course, it was later molded into one of the first Oaths.
  • In the Battle Royale gamemode, Oaths can be obtained by collecting Oath Shards from chests.
    • It takes 3 shards to obtain the oath, and one for each subsequent talent.
Oaths (2024)


What are examples of oaths? ›

I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

What is the meaning of the word oaths? ›

a(1) : a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says. (2) : a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words. The witness took an oath to tell the truth in court.

What is oaths in the Bible? ›

Num. 30:2), an oath refers to a promise made in God's presence to another human party; whereas a vow refers to a promise made directly to God. The vows in Scripture often included both a negative and also a positive pledge.

What does it mean to take oaths? ›

a promise, especially that you will tell the truth in a law court: Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord. The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath (= promised to tell the truth). Synonyms. assurance (PROMISE)

What are the two types of oaths? ›

Oath of office, an oath or affirmation a person takes before undertaking the duties of an office. Pauper's oath, a sworn statement or oath by a person that he or she is completely without any money or property.

What is a common oath? ›

An oath, affirmation, or declaration by a Public Officer is an action or a proceeding, administered by obtaining an affirmative response to one of the following questions: (1) “Do you solemnly state that the evidence you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ...

Does God forbid oaths? ›

Jesus now says flatly that His disciples should not take an oath, at all. They should not swear by anything. The main reason is that a person known for integrity doesn't need to enhance their promises. The upright truth behind a Christian's "yes" and "no" should be strong enough to stand on its own.

What do oaths do? ›

An oath is a public pledge that a person will perform some action or duty, generally with the promise of doing so truthfully. An oath can also be used as a way of promising oneself to support a cause or an entity. Oaths are often done in the name of a deity–like swearing “under God”–though this is not always the case.

Who takes oaths? ›

The Constitution only specifies an oath of office for the President; however, Article VI of the Constitution states that other officials, including members of Congress, "shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this constitution."

What does Paul say about oaths? ›

' 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.

What does God is an oath mean? ›

This is the reason God chooses to use the concept of an "oath" in certain situations. As an unchanging, perfect, absolutely good being, God cannot lie or change. Everything God says is absolutely true, and He has the power to do anything He says He will do.

What is a false oath in the Bible? ›

religious precept, and (2) a false oath, in which one uses the name of God to swear falsely, thus committing a sacrilege. At the time of Jesus in the 1st century ce, oaths were often misused and, for that reason, were often rebuked in early Christianity.

What are three examples of oaths? ›

the oath of office required by members of the U.S. Senate. the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance taken when someone becomes a citizen of the United States. wedding vows in which you make a solemn promise to be faithful before a deity and/or authorized officiant.

Is cursing a sin? ›

Cussing is viewed as inappropriate and unbecoming for believers. While the Bible discourages unwholesome speech and encourages edifying language, the focus is more on the quality and impact of words rather than labeling specific words as sinful.

What is the point of oaths? ›

An oath is a solemn declaration or undertaking that calls upon God to witness the truthfulness of the statement a person is making. A document made under oath is said to be 'sworn under oath', as the contents of the document are 'sworn before God'.

What is an example of an oath promise? ›


as long as the sun rises at dawn each day. I promise to love you as long as you smile at me in your special way. I promise to give you some time on your own so to your own self be true. I promise to give you my help and support always, in all that you do.

What do you say in an oath? ›

I, (name), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and will well and faithfully discharge the duties of ...

What makes something an oath? ›

An oath is a public pledge that a person will perform some action or duty, generally with the promise of doing so truthfully. An oath can also be used as a way of promising oneself to support a cause or an entity. Oaths are often done in the name of a deity; like swearing “under God”–though this is not always the case.

What is the swear wording for oaths? ›

The form of wording is as follows: “I solemnly and sincerely declare that this is my name and handwriting and that the contents of this my declaration are true.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.