How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month With Intermittent Fasting? (2024)

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month With Intermittent Fasting? (1)

Reviewed by Carolyn Nicholas, FDNP Written by Our Editorial Team

Weight Loss Nutrition

Intermittent fasting has gained tons of popularity lately, and for goodreason. It is an effective way to maintain orlose weight, andit can be a lot easier than traditional fasting. However, it isn’t foreveryone, so be sure to consider all of your options before making anydecisions.

The primary function of intermittent fasting is weight loss. By controllingyour caloric intake and introducing eating windows throughout the day, yourbody will begin to shed unnecessary weight. It’s a great alternative totraditional fasting as it won’t leave you feeling exhausted or sluggishthroughout the day.

It may sound a bit complicated, but we’re here to help throughout the entireprocess. It takes time for your body to adjust to new routines, especiallydiets. Below, you’ll find background information about intermittent fasting,the different methods of fasting, and how much weight you can lose.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fastingdates back to the earliest humans in hunter-gatherer societies. While theseancient civilizations didn’t practice fasting for weight loss, it allowedour bodies to evolve to go long periods without food.

Modern times, drive thrus, and convience foods mean we live in a world wherewe eat from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. Thiscreates a day full of blood sugar spikes and dips which our body can't copewith long term.

Thankfully, we no longer have to hunt and gather our food. But, the idea ofintermittent fasting remains the same: short windows of time throughout theday or week where you can eat while leaving the rest of the day for yourbody to burn more fat and trigger innate healing opportunities.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

After hours without food, the body starts to run out of its stored sugarsand burn fat (ketones). Intermittent fasting allows you to eat at selecttimes during the day to keep your energy levels high and avoid dropping toan unhealthy blood sugar level (which is what your body uses forfuel).

While most diets focus on the type of food you can eat,intermittent fasting focuses on when you can eat. This shift infocus doesn’t mean you should eat whatever you want during your eatingwindow, as unhealthy foods and empty calories can derail yourweight loss planno matter how often you eat them. Stick to eating healthy foods and stayingactive to reap the benefits of intermittent fasting.

You’re probably wondering about thedifferent methods of intermittent fasting. There’s a lot, so we’ve selected our personal favorites and what webelieve to be the most effective.

What Are the Different Types of Intermittent Fasting?

If you’re considering starting an intermittent fasting diet, we encourageyou to read the suggestions listed below closely.

Some styles are a little more moderate, while others can be very intense.Each method has pros and cons, so keep this in mind when deciding whichmethod best aligns with your needs.

If you're new to fasting, the best thing to do is start with 12 hours - sofrom 7pm to 7am so your blood sugar doesn't suddenly plummet and you feelfaint. Each week, push the morning back by 30 minutes so your body has timeto adjust switching it's fuel sources - think of your body like a hybridcar. Break your fast with health options such as avocados, eggs, salmon,broccoli, spinach, mushrooms or other good quality protein.

Also note that menstruating women should NOT follow at fasting scheduleevery day as hormonal balance can be disrupted. Focus on fasting mostly onthe first 10 days of your cycle and then again on days 16-20. It's notadvised to fast at all the week before your period starts as progesteronelevels might be affected.

The 16/8 Method

If you’re looking to start slow and ease your way into intermittent fasting,the 16/8 method is a good place to start. It’s the simplest and most popularout of every strategy on this list.

The 16/8 method entails a 16 hour fasting period and an 8 hour eating periodthroughout the day. You can easily fit in two healthy meals separated by 4hours during the 8-hour window. Additionally, healthy snacks like fruit andprotein bars can also help subside your cravings if you end up getting toohungry, particularly in the beginning.

If you think about it, you can break down the 16/8 method like this: ifyou’re getting 7-hours of sleep every night, those hours automatically counttowards your fasting period. If you choose to have your eating windowstarting at 9 am or 10 am, you can easily fit in a healthy breakfast and alate lunch or early dinner.

The 16/8 method is a simple and easy way to kick off your intermittentfasting journey.

Eat-Stop-Eat Method

If you’ve never tried a fasting-oriented diet before, the eat-stop-eat (ESE)might be challenging for you, but it is also the most effective. With theESE method, you pick two days out of the week for a 24 hour fast.

If your body is not adjusted to going long periods without food, the firstfew weeks of ESE will be difficult. However, the fasting periods don’t haveto be and shouldn’t be consecutive, so you can spread them out however youplease.

A full 24 hours might seem like a long time to go without food. It can be,but your body will adapt, and it will get easier. The ESE method is also themost effective, as two full 24 hour fasting periods give your body a lotmore time to burn sugars and fat.

If you’re new to fasting and the ESE method sounds more appealing to youthan the 16/8, we recommend starting slow. Instead of a full day, an 18-20hour fasting window is an excellent place to start if you find 24 hours toodifficult to manage.

The Warrior Diet

While telling your family and friends that you’re on a “warrior diet” soundscool in theory, this method will test you, unlike any other diet you’ve evertried. The warrior diet fully embodies the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, asthese people would often not eat throughout the day until they managed tobring back enough food.

The warrior diet involves a 20-hour fasting period every day, followed by a4-hour overeating period. The warrior diet is highly effective because the20-hour fast gives your body plenty of time to digest and burn fat beforereplenishing during the eating period. You can eat as much as you want toduring this time to ensure you have the energy to make it through theday.

If you are new to fasting diets, we don’t recommend starting with this one.If you have tried fasting before and are curious about what this method cando for you, you might give it a shot for a week or two and then see how youfeel.

How Much Weight Can You Lose With Intermittent Fasting?

Now that you know about three popular and helpful ways to fastintermittently, you’re probably wondering how effective they are.Unfortunately, their effectiveness will depend on many factors, such as age,sex, weight, which method you choose, and how meticulously you followit.

If the diet is followed correctly and consistently, you can lose as much ashalf a pound to a pound and a halfeach week. This would equal roughly 2-4 pounds a month. Remember, thiscalculation does not account for your bodily movement. If you consistentlystay active while following intermittent fasting, you can lose as much as6-8 pounds per month.

This estimation is shockingly high when you consider that all you have to dois not eat for select hours throughout the day. It might be easier said thandone, but once your body gets adjusted to the diet, you may find you hardlynotice it. If you keep at it, you’ll achieve your weight loss goal in notime.

When you focus on eating good fats, proteins and natural carbs during youreating windows, your hunger and cravings will dissipate, and your energylevels will go up.

Intermittent fasting is a great weight loss tool, especially once your bodygets adjusted. But how can you keep track of all the progress you’re makingwith intermittent fasting or just a new weight loss routine ingeneral?

How Can Able Help?

As you begin your intermittent fasting period, you will need a place torecord what you’re eating, track your progress, and see an estimated datefor when you will meet your goal.

That’s why we created Able.

Able is a straightforward and easy-to-use weight loss partner that can helpyou achieve your health goals, no matter how big or small. Whether it’sintermittent fasting, other exercise routines that will help you with weightloss or gain, or just a better diet, Able is by your side every step of theway.

All you need to do is record your health information and goals, and Able cangive you an accurate estimate of when you will hit your goal, whether it’sweight loss or gain. You can think ofAble as your helper for all thingshealth!

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month With Intermittent Fasting? (2024)


How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month With Intermittent Fasting? ›

If you consistently stay active while following intermittent fasting, you can lose as much as 6-8 pounds per month. This estimation is shockingly high when you consider that all you have to do is not eat for select hours throughout the day.

How much weight can I lose in 1 month by intermittent fasting? ›

How much weight can you lose in a month with intermittent fasting. In doing the fast correctly and ensuring that it is aligning with your mind, body and soul–you can expect a good weight loss of anywhere between 2 to 6 kgs a month with excellent inch loss and increase in energy levels and brain function.

How fast can I lose 30 pounds with intermittent fasting? ›

How much, though, depends on what kind of intermittent fasting schedule you're following (more on those schedules, below). People who do some form of full-day fasts usually lose about 10 to 30 pounds over a three-to-six-month period, says Varady.

Can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months with intermittent fasting? ›

Yes, intermittent fasting may help you lose 20 pounds in 2 months. This involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. This can be an effective approach as it allows you to reduce your overall calorie intake while eating satisfying meals (5).

How much weight can I lose in 12 weeks with intermittent fasting? ›

One study reports that alternate day fasting is effective for weight loss and heart health in healthy and overweight adults. The researchers found that the 32 participants lost an average of 5.2 kilograms (kg), or just over 11 pounds (lb), over a 12-week period.

Why am I not losing weight on 16:8 fasting? ›

If you've tried intermittent fasting but aren't losing weight, possible reasons why include overeating during your eating window and poor food choices. To help, you can try eating fewer calories, work on balancing your meals, or create a smaller or larger eating window.

Why is 16 hours the magic number for fasting? ›

While both 12-hour and 16-hour fasting can promote fat burning, it's possible that a 16-hour fast may be more effective. This is because the longer fasting period may lead to a greater depletion of glycogen stores, which can trigger higher levels of fat burning.

What is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat? ›

Depending on your lifestyle and when you can manage to stop eating, the best hours for intermittent fasting include the 16/8 or 14/10 fasting periods. Intermittent fasting is hailed by many as the new mantra of weight loss, disease prevention, and reversal of aging.

Can I eat whatever I want while intermittent fasting and still lose weight? ›

There are typically no inherent dietary restrictions when intermittent fasting, but this does not mean calories do not count. People working with a doctor or dietitian to manage their weight may need to create a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than they use.

How many pounds can you realistically lose in 30 days? ›

How much weight can you lose in a month? Most people can realistically lose about 0.5% to 1% of their body weight per week, confirms the CDC. This works out to be an average of 1 to 2 pounds per week or 5 to 10 pounds in a month. The amount of weight you can truly lose in 30 days is a matter of physics.

Can you lose 20 lbs in a month? ›

Losing 20 pounds in 1 month may be easier than 2 weeks, but it's still unrealistic for most people. Once again, it comes down to your TDEE and simple math. To lose 20 pounds in 1 month, you'd need to create an average deficit of 2,500 calories per day for 4 weeks. This might be possible for larger men.

What does losing 20 lbs do? ›

Shedding just 20 pounds can bring about numerous positive changes, from reducing the risk of chronic diseases to improving your energy levels and self-esteem. Atlanta Medical Institute, located in Atlanta, GA, understands the importance of weight loss as a means to achieve optimal health.

Is losing 20lbs in 2 weeks healthy? ›

According to many experts, losing 1–2 pounds (0.45–0.9 kg) per week is a healthy and safe rate (1, 2, 3 ). Losing more than that is considered too fast and could put you at risk of many health problems, including muscle loss, gallstones, nutritional deficiencies and a drop in metabolism ( 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 ).

What is the downside of intermittent fasting? ›

However, like most diets, intermittent fasting can reduce your energy, could lead to disordered eating, and may be hard to sustain in the long term. There is evidence that intermittent fasting may help to improve risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Does intermittent fasting reduce belly fat? ›

Intermittent fasting is a convenient way to lose weight without counting calories. Many studies show that it can help you lose weight and belly fat.

Does coffee break a fast? ›

Technically speaking, eating or drinking any calories breaks a fast. That means it's generally considered OK to drink black, unsweetened coffee or tea, as well as water.

What are the results of 30 days of intermittent fasting? ›

Men and women often experience an average weight loss of 1–2 pounds per week with intermittent fasting. That means you could lose 4–8 pounds in 30 days. Furthermore, studies show that typical weight loss with intermittent fasting is 7–11 pounds over the course of ten weeks.

Can I lose 20 pounds in a month? ›

A 20-pound weight loss [goal within one month] would require a person to eat around 2,300 fewer calories than they burn every single day. This [deficit] would be pretty difficult [to achieve] unless their daily metabolic rate is considerably higher than 2,300 calories,” she explains.

How long does it take for 16:8 intermittent fasting to work? ›

Additionally, it will take your body a while to get used to this new eating schedule. So don't expect results right away. You may need to wait between 2 and 4 weeks to see or feel any results.

What are the results of 2 months of intermittent fasting? ›

One to three months of intermittent fasting may lead to weight loss, better athletic performance, improved gut, liver, and heart health, and lower inflammation. Long-term intermittent fasting is more indicated for chronic disease prevention and maintaining overall health.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.