Dough Enhancer Recipe - (2024)

Dough Enhancer Recipe - (1)

As I was curious about dough enhancers, I tried this recipe. I was able to purchase all the ingredients except the lecithin, so used the mixture without. I included the mixture in two bread recipes, using white bread flour, but would be hard put to say whether there was a difference or not. Perhaps the effect is more pronounced in heavier breads. I feel it would take more research than I am prepared to do to accurately judge the efficacy of this enhancer. Therefore I am choosing not to assign stars. Learning about the different ingredients of this dough enhancer was quite interesting. As I understand it, the milk and lecithin are emulsifiers, which make the dough finer textured. The gluten combines with the gluten existing in the flour, and adds elasticity, which makes it possible for the dough to rise higher. The ascorbic acid and ginger encourage yeast action. I don't know the purpose of the gelatin and pectin, but assume they work to preserve freshness. I plan to use what I have learned in my future bread making, though I intend to use some of the ingredients here individually, rather than together. Thank you for posting this recipe.

Dough Enhancer Recipe  - (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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