What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop (2024)

Constipation is common, but thankfully, there are a number of things you can try that might provide relief.

For instance, finding the best way to sit on the toilet can help.There are also natural remedies, like drinking plenty of water, eating enough fiber, and exercising.

Some over-the-counter products may also work.

To keep you regular in the long term, it’s a good idea to improve your overall gut health.

ZOE runs the largest study of nutrition and gut health in the world. Our “blue poop” study showed that the time it takes food to move through your digestive system is linked to the types of bacteria that live in your gut.

The ZOE at-home test tells you about the range of bugs that make up your unique gut microbiome and how they’re related to your gut health. With ZOE’s personalized nutrition program, you can find the best foods for your body and your gut bugs.

You can take a free quiz to find out more.

What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop (1)What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop (2)

What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop (3)What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop (4)

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How to sit on the toilet when constipated

How you sit on the toilet may affect your ability to poop when you’re constipated.

The way your body is usually positioned on modern, Western-style toilets may not be the best for easy bowel movements. Instead of sitting straight up, evidence suggests that getting your body into a squatting position can be helpful.

If you are struggling to poop, you may want to try:

  • elevating your knees above your hips by placing your feet on a stepping stool or stack of books

  • leaning over your thighs and resting your arms on your knees

  • straightening your spine

  • allowing your muscles to relax

Getting into this position helps your pelvic muscles relax, which allows your colon to straighten out and pass poop more easily.

Ways to help relieve constipation

Constipation can be very uncomfortable and can have a significant impact on your quality of life. If you’re struggling to go, there are some natural as well as over-the-counter options that may help.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water may be the best natural remedy for constipation. According to a study involving over 9,000 adults, not drinking enough liquid was more closely linked with constipation than either diet or exercise.

That’s because water helps soften your poop and makes it easier to pass through your system.

While everyone’s needs vary, around 6-8 cups, or roughly 2 liters, of total fluid intake per day is a good place to start.

Eat enough fiber

Fiber helps food pass through your body, and it's vital for a healthy digestive system. Evidence suggests that fiber may also help with constipation by increasing how often you go.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adult women consume about 25 grams of fiber per day, and adult men should aim for about 38 grams per day.

Some examples of fiber-rich foods include:

  • whole grains, like whole-wheat pasta, oats, brown rice, and bran cereals

  • legumes, such as beans and lentils

  • fruits with the skin on

  • vegetables

If you’re looking to increase your fiber intake, do so gradually. Eating too much extra fiber all at once can lead to uncomfortable side effects, such as gas, bloating, and stomach pain.

Particular foods may help with constipation, like prunes, apples, green vegetables, and legumes.

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Get up and move

Being physically active is not only great for your overall health, it may also help to relieve constipation.

One study involving women with chronic constipation found that those who increased their physical activity and improved their diets got roughly 10% more relief from constipation than those who only made diet changes.

Certain types of exercise, such as yoga and aerobic exercises like running, swimming, and walking, may be particularly helpful for constipation.

Over-the-counter options

There are some over-the-counter products you can try to relieve constipation. They come in a variety of forms, such as pills or powders you can mix into a drink.

They are generally safe as long as you follow the instructions carefully.

Some over-the-counter options include:

  • Lubricants: make it easier to pass poop out of your body.

  • Stool softeners: add moisture to poop, making it softer and easier to pass.

  • Fiber supplements: add water to poop by absorbing it from the rest of the body.

  • Bulking laxatives: add bulk to poop, which helps it to pass through.

  • Stimulant laxatives: cause the muscles in your intestines to contract, moving poop along.

  • Osmotic laxatives: draw water into your intestines, which helps poop to pass through.

Whichever kind you choose, it’s important to follow the instructions on the label closely. Taking more than the recommended dosage can harm your health and damage your digestive system.

When to see a doctor

You can usually deal with constipation at home without a visit to your doctor. However, if colon or rectal cancer runs in your family or your symptoms are not going away, talk to a healthcare professional.

Call your doctor right away if you’re constipated and have serious symptoms, such as:

  • bleeding from your rectum or blood in your poop

  • constant stomach pain

  • vomiting or fever

  • lower back pain

  • unintentional weight loss

  • anemia, fatigue, or weakness

How to improve your gut health and stay regular

While there are many possible causes of constipation, recent evidence suggests that poor gut health — specifically an imbalance between the “good” and “bad” bugs that live in your gut — can be a key factor.

There are changes you can make to your diet to help support your “good” bugs and improve your gut health.

Eat a variety of colorful plants

Brightly colored plants are high in fiber, and chemical compounds called polyphenols. Both of these helps promote a healthy and diverse gut microbiome.

ZOE's Scientific Co-founder, Prof. Tim Spector recommends aiming for 30 different plants in a variety of colors each week.

Limit ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed foods include cookies, chips, and most prepackaged snacks. They are often high in unhealthy fats, sugar, and salt but low in fiber.

Evidence suggests that they can have a negative effect on your gut health, including promoting the growth of more “bad” bugs.

Eat fermented foods

Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, aged cheeses, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha, contain probiotics — live bacteria similar to some of the “good” bugs in your gut.

Unpublished ZOE research showed that people who consumed more probiotics — as fermented foods and supplements — were up to 15% more likely to poop most days than those who didn’t consume them.

ZOE scientists are experts in gut health. Their research has identified 15 “good” gut bugs linked to better health and 15 “bad” gut bugs linked to worse health.

As part of ZOE’s at-home test, you can discover which of these bugs live in your gut.

We use this information, along with measurements of your blood sugar and blood fat responses, to give you personalized recommendations of the best foods for you. Our advice includes your personalized “gut booster” and “gut suppressor” foods.

You can take a free quiz to find out how ZOE can help you.


If you’re struggling to poop while on the toilet, changing how you sit on your toilet could help. Raising your knees, leaning forward, and allowing your muscles to relax is one position that researchers recommend.

Some over-the-counter products, including lubricants, stool softeners, and laxatives, can offer fast relief from constipation.

Lifestyle changes, like eating enough fiber, drinking the right amount of water, and exercising, could also make a difference.

Research has linked constipation to the health of your gut, in particular the balance of “good” and “bad” bugs that live there. Adding a range of plants and fermented foods to your diet and limiting ultra-processed foods can help your “good” bugs thrive.

The ZOE at-home test can tell you about the unique range of bugs that live in your gut. With our personalized nutrition program, based on your test results, you can find the best foods for your gut health and your overall health.

You can take a free quiz to find out more.


Beneficial effects of dietary polyphenols on gut microbiota and strategies to improve delivery efficiency. Nutrients. (2019). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6770155/

Blue poo: impact of gut transit time on the gut microbiome using a novel marker. Gut. (2021). https://gut.bmj.com/content/70/9/1665

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025. (2020). https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/sites/default/files/2020-12/Dietary_Guidelines_for_Americans_2020-2025.pdf

Eating, diet, and nutrition for constipation. (2018). https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/constipation/eating-diet-nutrition

Effect of dietary fiber on constipation: a meta-analysis. World Journal of Gastroenterology. (2012). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3544045/

Effects of a proposed physical activity and diet control to manage constipation in middle-aged obese women. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. (2017). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5734236/

Exercise therapy in patients with constipation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. (2019). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30843436/

FDA drug safety communication: FDA warns of possible harm from exceeding recommended dose of over-the-counter sodium phosphate products to treat constipation. (2016). https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-drug-safety-communication-fda-warns-possible-harm-exceeding-recommended-dose-over-counter-sodium

Fluid (water and drinks): Food Fact Sheet (n.d.). https://www.bda.uk.com/uploads/assets/337cfde9-13c5-4685-a484a38fbc3e187b/Fluidfood-fact-sheet.pdf

Gut microbiota and chronic constipation: a review and update. Frontiers in Medicine. (2019). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6379309/

Implementation of a defecation posture modification device. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. (2019). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6382038/

Laxative use: what to know. (2019). https://health.cornell.edu/sites/health/files/pdf-library/LaxativeUse.pdf

Over-the-counter laxatives. JAMA. (2014). https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1904830

Role of yoga therapy in improving digestive health and quality of sleep in an elderly population: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. (2021). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1360859221000863

Squatting or western toilet — a review. Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research. (2020). http://jamdsr.com/uploadfiles/23VOL8ISSUE11P102-104.20201112115109.pdf

Symptoms and causes of constipation. (2018). https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/constipation/symptoms-causes

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What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop (2024)


What To Do When You’re Constipated and Trying To Poop? ›

Find a regular time of day to use the toilet, preferably about 10 to 20 minutes after a meal (it's a good idea to include coffee, as it can help trigger the urge to move your bowels). Sit on the toilet for a while; try for 15 minutes or so. Don't strain if nothing happens. Try to relax.

How can I poop a lot when constipated? ›

Constipation Remedies
  1. Drink an extra two to four glasses of water a day, unless your doctor tells you to limit fluids for another reason.
  2. Try warm liquids, especially in the morning.
  3. Add fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  4. Eat prunes and bran cereal.
  5. Exercise most days of the week. ...
  6. Don't ignore the urge to poop.
Nov 13, 2023

How do I get unconstipated asap? ›

5 Home Remedies for Constipation
  1. Eat enough fiber. "The No. 1 thing I recommend is altering your diet," says Dr. Kalakota. ...
  2. Drink plenty of water. ...
  3. Exercise regularly. ...
  4. Use an osmotic laxative to help soften stool. ...
  5. Take a stimulant laxative for quicker relief. ...
  6. The signs it's time to see your doctor about constipation.
Sep 1, 2023

How do you move your bowels when severely constipated? ›

Treatment for Constipation
  1. Change what you eat and drink. Changing what you eat and drink may make your stools softer and easier to pass. ...
  2. Get regular physical activity. ...
  3. Try bowel training. ...
  4. Stop taking certain medicines or dietary supplements. ...
  5. Take over-the-counter medicines. ...
  6. Prescription medicines. ...
  7. Biofeedback therapy. ...
  8. Surgery.

What if nothing is helping me poop? ›

Find a regular time of day to use the toilet, preferably about 10 to 20 minutes after a meal (it's a good idea to include coffee, as it can help trigger the urge to move your bowels). Sit on the toilet for a while; try for 15 minutes or so. Don't strain if nothing happens. Try to relax.

How do you push a hard stool out? ›

Bulge your tummy muscles forward as you take a deep breath in. 'Brace' your tummy to prevent it from bulging further forwards. Do not tighten your tummy. Use your deep breath to increase the pressure in your abdomen and push down towards your anus.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try These Tricks for Quick Bowel Movement Stimulation
  • Drink coffee. Regarding drinks that make you poop, coffee is probably the first that comes to mind. ...
  • Squat when you poop. ...
  • Use a fiber supplement. ...
  • Take a stimulant laxative. ...
  • Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  • Take a lubricant laxative. ...
  • Try a stool softener. ...
  • Use a suppository.
Aug 2, 2022

How can I trigger a bowel movement? ›

Perform stimulation with your finger every day until you start to have a regular pattern of bowel movements. You can also stimulate bowel movements by using a suppository (glycerin or bisacodyl) or a small enema. Some people find it helpful to drink warm prune juice or fruit nectar.

How can I loosen my bowel blockage at home? ›

Taking Over-the-Counter Laxatives
  1. Fiber supplements, such as Metamucil (psyllium) or Citrucel (methylcellulose)
  2. Miralax (polyethylene glycol), milk of magnesia, magnesium citrate, or other osmotic agents, which increase the fluid content of stools.
  3. Stool softeners, such as Docusate (colace)
Jun 8, 2024

How to clean out bowels quickly? ›

You can do a natural colon cleanse by adding more fiber and probiotics to your diet, as well as by trying a saltwater flush or mixing apple cider vinegar with honey. While you may find that the practice helps ease bloating or other digestive issues, there's no scientific support for doing a natural colon cleanse.

What not to do when constipated? ›

Constipation Mistakes
  1. Add fiber too fast. Eating fiber from fruits, vegetables, and other foods is really important. ...
  2. Drink alcohol. Booze zaps your body of fluids, which can make your stools hard -- and harder to pass.
  3. Double down on dairy. ...
  4. Skip your workout. ...
  5. Rely on laxatives.
Mar 17, 2024

What are the signs of a blocked bowel? ›

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are:
  • Severe pain in your belly.
  • Severe cramping sensations in your belly.
  • Throwing up.
  • Feelings of fullness or swelling in your belly.
  • Loud sounds from your belly.
  • Feeling gassy, but being unable to pass gas.
  • Constipation (being unable to pass stool)

What to do when you have a big poop that won't come out? ›

Taking laxatives can help soften a stool that is too large to pass. Dietary changes, such as consuming more fiber, may also help. If home remedies or OTC treatments do not help, it is important to contact a doctor to determine the underlying cause.

How to get unconstipated fast? ›

How to make yourself poop naturally
  1. Up your fluid intake. ...
  2. Eat more fiber-rich foods. ...
  3. Consider a fiber supplement. ...
  4. Enjoy a cup of coffee. ...
  5. Get moving. ...
  6. Have some healthy fats. ...
  7. Sip on warm water. ...
  8. Load up on probiotics.
Feb 7, 2024

What is the 7 second poop method? ›

Crouching on a chair

Sitting a certain way for seven seconds is not proven to help constipation. However, changing your body posture while on the toilet can make things easier. Place your feet on a stool to place your knees higher than your hips.

How to clear constipation quickly? ›

Here are top ways to get constipation relief:
  1. Dietary fiber. One of the first steps you can take to relieve constipation is to increase your intake of fiber through your diet. ...
  2. Fiber supplements. ...
  3. Hydration. ...
  4. Osmotic laxatives. ...
  5. Stool softeners. ...
  6. Lubricants. ...
  7. Stimulant laxatives. ...
  8. Enema.
Aug 10, 2023

Can you poop a lot and still be constipated? ›

You can actually poop everyday, sometimes even several times a day, and still be constipated if you have incomplete emptying. This manifests with the feeling of incomplete evacuation, a second bowel movement less than an hour after the first, or having itty-bitty poops.

Can constipation cause excessive pooping? ›

Constipation can make stool harder and drier than usual, which can slow the movement of stool within the body. Some people may have frequent but incomplete bowel movements. They may return to the bathroom frequently to pass stool, and a doctor may describe this as constipation.

How can I increase my poop amount? ›

Eat high-fiber foods such as whole-wheat grains, fresh vegetables, and beans. Use products containing psyllium, such as Metamucil, to add bulk to the stools. Try to drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid a day (unless you have a medical condition that requires you to restrict your fluid intake).

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