What Is The 30 Day Gut Cleanse Diet? (2024)

The 30 day gut cleanse diet may involve a similar approach, with a focus on eliminating potential food triggers and consuming a healthy diet that supports gut health. It may also involve supplements and other gut-healing protocols recommended by a healthcare professional.

A 30 day gut cleanse typically involves eliminating inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, dairy, and processed foods, and incorporating nutrient-dense whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

The 30-Day Gut Cleanse Guide: A Path to Enhanced Health and Vitality

We’ve provided a simple to follow 30-day gut cleanse guide you can follow for free. We advise our patients who need to reset their gut to follow a similar protocol to improve their gut, while they receive other therapies at out clinic. Give it a shot. We think you’ll notice some great improvements with it!

This simple 30 day gut health guide is designed to provide you with a comprehensive dietary outline that prioritizes nutrient-dense whole foods while eliminating inflammatory culprits such as sugar, gluten, dairy, and processed foods. Let’s dive into a step-by-step plan to rejuvenate your gut health.

Week 1: The Foundation

Objective: Ease into the cleanse by eliminating inflammatory foods and introducing gut-healing nutrients.

  • Breakfast: Start your day with a smoothie made from spinach, avocado, a small handful of berries, and plant-based protein powder. This combination is gentle on the gut and provides a rich source of antioxidants and protein.
  • Lunch: Enjoy a salad composed of mixed greens, cucumbers, carrots, and a lean protein source like grilled chicken or tofu. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice for a dose of healthy fats and vitamin C.
  • Dinner: Opt for a large serving of steamed vegetables and wild-caught salmon, seasoned with herbs and spices of your choice. Salmon is not only a great protein source but also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for gut health.
  • Snacks:Apples, pears, any kind of berries. Nuts, seeds, or almond butter. Feel free to add these to yogurt or a grain-free granola. You can also try some organic bone broth which is great for the gut lining

Week 2: Deepening the Cleanse

Objective: Intensify the detoxification process by incorporating more diverse whole foods and probiotic-rich options.

  • Breakfast: Fermented gluten free porridge with almond milk, topped with sliced bananas and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Fermented porridge provide a probiotic boost to support your gut microbiome. If you do not want to do porridge, get a high quality, dairy free yogurt to boost probiotic intake.
  • Lunch: A bowl of cauliflower rice, with roasted vegetables and a dollop of hummus. Add to this some lean chicken breast which is a good source of protein.
  • Dinner: Stir-fried lean cuts of meat with broccoli, bell peppers, and ginger served over cauliflower rice with olive oil.
  • Snacks:Apples, pears, any kind of berries. Feel free to add these to dairy free yogurt or a grain-free granola. You can also eat nuts, seeds, or almond butter.

Week 3: Integrating Variety

Objective: Broaden your palate with an array of gut-friendly foods to enhance microbial diversity.

  • Breakfast: A vegetable omelette made with eggs, spinach, mushrooms, and zucchini, offering a protein-rich start with a variety of nutrients.
  • Lunch: Hearty chicken or vegetable soup with kale, carrots, and celery, seasoned with turmeric and black pepper. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Dinner: Baked sweet potato stuffed with shredded chicken, avocado, and salsa. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber and antioxidants, promoting a healthy gut lining.
  • Snacks:Apples, pears, any kind of berries. Feel free to add these to dairy free yogurt or a grain-free granola. You can also eat nuts, seeds, or almond butter.

Week 4: Solidifying Habits

Objective: Focus on sustainable eating habits that will support your gut health long after the cleanse.

  • Breakfast: Chia seed pudding made with coconut milk and topped with mixed berries and nuts. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, essential for a healthy gut.
  • Lunch: A large salad with mixed greens, beets, walnuts, avocado, and grilled fish. Beets are high in fiber and walnuts are packed with healthy fats.
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken or lean beef with asparagus and brown rice. Asparagus is a prebiotic food that feeds beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Snacks:Apples, pears, any kind of berries. Feel free to add these to dairy free yogurt or a grain-free granola. You can also eat nuts, seeds, or almond butter.

Other Tips

Supplements We Recommend

  • Ensure adequate protein intake. We recommend all our patients take 5-10 Perfect Aminosor a serving ofPerfectAmino powder daily on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. This ensures you’re getting a high quality source of protein for repair and rebuild.
  • A serving of Eliminatedaily to help improve bowel movements and detox.
  • Take ahigh quality probioticdaily
  • Take a high-quality magnesium supplement to aid in elimination and stress reduction, such as Natural Vitality Calm.
  • Take a high quality fiber supplement. Fiber is critical to gut health and most of us don’t get enough. Psyllium seems to work for many. Avoid supplements with sucralose or other artificial sweeteners, colors and ingredients.


  • Avoid serious or emotional discussions before bed.
  • Avoid eating anything 3 hours before bed, as this will improve sleep quality.
  • Enhance sleep quality by wearing blue-blocking glasses 2 hours before bed.

Stress Reduction

  • Take a 15-30 minute walk daily and focus on noticing and getting oriented in your environment (no talking, music, or headphones!) Just become very present in your environment.
  • Try 10-15 minutes ofNSDR(Non-Sleep Deep Rest). Non-Sleep Deep Rest, also known as NSDR, is a method of deep relaxation developed by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist at Stanford University School of Medicine. This can be great right before bed or anytime throughout the day.
  • Try aYoga routine for Gut Health on YouTube
  • Journal or do some pleasurable light reading before bed (no business or serious topics) to unwind and promote restful sleep.

Weekly Milestones to Enhance Your Gut Health

  1. End of Week 1: Begin incorporating a daily probiotic supplement or more probiotic-rich foods to support a healthy gut microbiome.
  2. End of Week 2: Experiment with removing one food you suspect may not agree with your gut (beyond the already eliminated categories) and observe how you feel.
  3. End of Week 3: Introduce a new, gut-friendly food you haven’t tried before to increase microbial diversity.
  4. End of Week 4: Reflect on your dietary changes and how your body has responded. Plan how you can incorporate these habits into your regular diet.

Remember, the journey towards improved gut health is deeply personal and varies from individual to individual. Listen to your body, and adjust as needed. Consulting with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist before starting any new diet plan is also a wise decision to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs and goals. Embrace the process, and here’s to a happier, healthier gut!

Some Popular Books on the Subject Include:

  • The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body’s Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast, by Dr. Mark Hyman
  • The 30-Day Ketogenic Cleanse: Reset Your Metabolism with 160 Tasty Whole-Food Recipes & a Guided Meal Plan, by Maria Emmerich

What to Do I You’re Still Having Gut Health Issues?

If you’re still having issues after doing the 30 Day Gut Cleanse Diet, you may have other specific issues holding you back. For example you may have:

  • Gut microbiota imbalance, due to a variety of reasons
  • An overgrowth of yeast or fungus.
  • Leaky gut
  • Low stomach acid
  • One or more nutritional deficiencies
  • Need to supplement with digestive enzymes
  • Suffering from chronic stress
  • Food intolerances or allergies
  • Taking a medication that is interfering with gut health, such as antibiotics, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and acid-blocking drugs,
  • You may have a gut illness like IBS, SIBO, or Crohn’s disease.

It’s important to work with a qualified practitioner to develop a personalized plan that addresses your specific health concerns if you are not getting an improvement by following this 30-Day Gut Cleanse Diet. The health of the gut is vital for you to properly absorb nutrients, detoxify, and feel your best.

If you need some extra help, please contact LifeWorks Wellness Center to learn more about how we can support your gut health journey! We have helped thousands of patients over the years resolve long-standing gut health issues and we’re confident we can help you too!

And subscribe to our special 5-part series on Gut Healing below!

Learn More About Gut Health

  • Gut Healing FAQ
  • How to Heal Your Gut Naturally
  • FREE Gut Healing Email Series
  • Gut Health Testimonials
What Is The 30 Day Gut Cleanse Diet? (2024)


What Is The 30 Day Gut Cleanse Diet? ›

A 30 day gut cleanse typically involves eliminating inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, dairy, and processed foods, and incorporating nutrient-dense whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

What is the 30 day diet and cleanse? ›

The Whole30 program is a 30-day elimination diet designed to remove certain foods that may cause health concerns in some people. Most people start a Whole30 for weight loss or help identify foods that give them digestive issues. On Whole30, you can eat meat, vegetables, fruit, tree nuts and seeds, and healthy fats.

What foods are good for a gut cleanse? ›

Whole grains are rich in fiber and will help to cleanse the colon. Oats, oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa are all great sources. Try to incorporate 3 – 5 servings per day into your meals. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and most leafy greens are fiber-dense and are always healthy choices.

What is the best diet to reset your gut? ›

Mutha recommends a whole-foods, plant-based (WFPB) diet for optimal gut health. “A WFPB diet primarily focuses on consuming plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, while minimizing or avoiding animal products, processed foods, and refined sugars and oils,” Mutha said.

What is the 30 day gut and metabolic reset? ›

The 30-day Gut & Metabolic Reset offers simple but often surprising methods that will restore gut integrity and motility, boost nutrient absorption, energize you, and bring back your lifeforce. The book includes delicious, gut-friendly recipes and tips to help you navigate the reset with ease.

How do I reset my gut for weight loss? ›

Eating a gut-friendly diet that contains plenty of fiber, prebiotics, and fermented foods rich in probiotics can help the beneficial bacteria in your gut to thrive. Our data shows that eating for your unique microbiome and metabolism can lead to weight loss without counting calories or restricting how much you eat.

How much weight can you lose on a 30 day juice cleanse? ›

On average, people can lose anywhere from 3-10 pounds on a 3-7 day juice cleanse. However, some people have reported losing up to 20 pounds on a longer cleanse. It's worth noting that the weight loss you experience on a juice cleanse isn't just water weight.

What is the new 30 day diet? ›

The Original Whole30 has two phases: 30 days of elimination and 10 (or more) days of reintroduction. During elimination, your meals will include meat, seafood, and eggs; lots of vegetables and fruit; natural, healthy fats; and fresh herbs, spices, and seasonings.

What do I drink to clean my gut? ›

Lemon water and honey: Mix fresh lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, and a pinch of salt with warm water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Juices and smoothies: These include fruit and vegetable juice fasts and cleanses. Juices made of apples, lemons, and aloe vera help in colon cleansing.

What food empties the bowels? ›

What foods are natural laxatives?
  • legumes such as beans and lentils.
  • fermented beverages such as kefir.
  • fruits such as prunes, figs, and apples.
  • vegetables such as rhubarb and sweet potatoes.
  • seeds such as chia seeds and flaxseed.
  • grains such as rolled oats and oat bran.
Jun 30, 2023

How do I flush my gut? ›

The following natural colon cleanses can be done cheaply, and they're also quite safe if done correctly.
  1. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is a great way to regulate digestion. ...
  2. Saltwater flush. ...
  3. High fiber diet. ...
  4. Juices and smoothies. ...
  5. Juice fast. ...
  6. More resistant starches. ...
  7. Probiotics. ...
  8. Herbal teas.

What can I drink to reset my gut? ›

People should drink plenty of water during a gut reset to ensure they stay hydrated. They may also create drinks like smoothies to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in a meal or herbal teas to replace drinks high in alcohol or added sugars. Some supplements may contain probiotics.

Is apple cider vinegar good for gut health? ›

You May Have Better Digestive Health

The “mother” in apple-cider vinegar is a source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. Probiotics support digestion and may even enhance nutrient absorption, according to a review in Cureus in 2022.

What three foods cause a leaky gut? ›

Foods To Avoid
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners: Sugar and artificial sweeteners feed and multiply bad bacteria and increase gut permeability.
  • Grains (even gluten-free ones): These contain amylose sugars that also feed bad bacteria in the gut.
  • Dairy: Lactose often triggers inflammation and gut issues.

How to do a 30 day gut cleanse? ›

A 30 day gut cleanse typically involves eliminating inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, dairy, and processed foods, and incorporating nutrient-dense whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

What is whole 30 diet for gut health? ›

Tips for Healing Your Gut on Whole30
  • The Whole30 is an excellent way to help heal your gut since the foundation of the program is pure whole foods. ...
  • Bone Broth contains collagen and amino acids that are known to help heal the gut. ...
  • Cultured/Fermented Foods are another key food group to include for gut health.

Does gut cleanse make you lose weight? ›

Answer: The only weight loss benefit resulting from a colon cleanse is the weight removed from your intestines. In other words, the number on the scale may go down immediately after you cleanse, but unless you are “dieting” that number will return to normal soon after.

What drink is best for gut health? ›

The bottom line

Fermented drinks like kombucha and kefir may promote gut health. Green tea and ginger tea might also help ease gut symptoms.

Is coffee bad for gut health? ›

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Coffee has been found to positively impact the gut microbiome with its prebiotic properties. Coffee can lower harmful specifics of microbes and feed the good bacteria in your gut 7.

How much weight can you lose on a 30 day diet? ›

How much weight can you lose in a month? Most people can realistically lose about 0.5% to 1% of their body weight per week, confirms the CDC. This works out to be an average of 1 to 2 pounds per week or 5 to 10 pounds in a month. The amount of weight you can truly lose in 30 days is a matter of physics.

What is the 30 rule for diet? ›

The rule includes eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning and then doing 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise.

How much weight can you lose on a cleanse day? ›

However, in the short term, people might see a loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day. A 5-8 pound weight loss with a 5 day juice cleanse is often achievable, however, we usually do not recommend long juice cleanses beyond 2-3 days. Remember, much of this weight loss is often due to losing water weight and muscle mass, not fat.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.