The Drift 100 – The Drift (2024)

103 miles of winter wonderland, with over 9,000 ft elevation loss/gain. Self-sufficiency is key, as there are no drop bags, pacers, or cell service along the way. Instead, you’ll navigate your way through varied conditions and temperatures, with check points separated by upwards of 25 miles of challenging terrain.

It is still very much winter up here in March. The temperatures can be sub zero, the wind can be relentless, and snowfall can be measured in feet. If you want a fast manicured course with aid stations every few miles this isn’t your race. If you want a true challenge in magical untamed wilderness, join us. You will be glad you did.

This recreation event is authorized under a Special Use Permit with theBridger-Teton National Forest and the Shoshone National Forest.

Prerace Meeting

Gear check will take place Thursday March 7th during the day at the Sublette County Library Lovett Room. Prerace meeting will be at 6pm. A sign up for gear check will be sent out closer to race day.

Course Marking

All trails are marked with reflective lath by the state. Turns will be marked by the Drift with orange lath and signs. Racers need to be familiar with the course. We strongly recommend racers download the Avenza app and the CDT geo pdf from the links below. Closer to race day, we will email a GPX overlay of the course including aid stations and safety shelters. This will allow racers to navigate by GPS with a smart phone. Bear in mind the limitations of phone batteries in the cold. Night 1 of the 2021 race registered temperatures of nearly -30* F, so seriously…be prepared for cold with your body and your electronics.

The Drift 100 – The Drift (1)

Avenza App Download

CDT Geo PDF Download

Snowmachine Trail Map

KML Download

GPX Download


Racers must qualify for The Drift 100, however, there is no specific qualifying race. You must be able to prove you can safely and independently complete the course. Previous completion of a similar winter ultra such as Arrowhead, White Mountains, ITI, Susitna, Fat Pursuit, etc. will allow you access to the 100. Not sure about your qualifications? Reach out to Race Directors Keri or Darren with any concerns before registering. On the registration form, please list previous race, expedition and/or winter travel experience and any other experience you feel is relevant. Racer acceptance for The Drift 100 is ultimately decided by Race Directors. If you register and the Race Directors deny your acceptance, you will receive a full refund, or you may switch distances (sign up for the 13- or 28-mile course) as space allows or roll your registration to the following year.


Its mandatory. See here for list. There is a mandatory prerace meeting on Thursday before the race and prerace meeting Thursday evening. See timeline for details.

Aid Stations

There will be four manned, heated aid stations along this course at approximately mile(s) 25, 50, 67 and 83. Racers must check in and out of all aid stations! Aid stations are small-no bikes, skis or sleds allowed inside. We do not have exclusive use of Strawberry or Sheridan Aid Stations. Aid stations will have water, hot drinks, something sweet and something salty. Sleeping in Aid Stations is not allowed.

Aid Station

MileDistance from Last ASCut-off time


Start Green River TH

00Friday 9 amNA

Strawberry Aid Station

(bathroom available)

24.924.9Friday 10 pm

13 hours

Mashed Potatoes.


Sheridan Aid Station

5025Saturday 11 am

26 hours


Warm Springs Aid Station

(bathroom available)

67.317.3Saturday 8 pm

33 hours

Cheese and PB Quesadillas.


Strawberry Aid Station

(bathroom available)

83.516.2Sunday 4 am

41 hours

Pita Pizza


Kendall Valley Lodge

10118.3Sunday 5 pm

55 hours


All aid stations will have sweet and salty snacks, coffee, tea, water and the ability to heat it. See the chart above for the hot food menu (subject to change prior to race day). In the event of severe weather, menu may be limited. Please plan accordingly. If you have food allergies/restrictions, you may leave us a small container of food to leave at the Warm Springs Aid Station. This is for hot food only as we are unable to accommodate all food allergies or guarantee no cross-contamination. Racers are expected to pack their own trail food.


Cut-off times are generous but strict. Driftersmust leave the aid station before its posted cut-off time. If a racer does not make a cut-off time they will be snow machined off the course and required to pay their $200 fee. This is not an option.

Course Map and Profile

Map Download


This route is subject to slight modification prior to race day. Stay tuned for any updates to this course, as much of it will be weather dependent.

The Drift 100 – The Drift (2)

Snowmachine Trail Map

Snowmachine Map Download

Course Description

Note: All numbers are not exact!

Section 1: Start to Strawberry Aid Station

24.9 miles +2384′ -1054′

The Drift 100 race will start at 9 am from the Upper Green River parking area, just past the Forest boundary. The race starts on the CDT and heads north a flat 2.6 miles paralleling the Green River. At mile 2.6, racers will cross the Kendall Bridge and continue along the CDT for an additional 3.1 miles (the course will retrace this section on the way to the finish line). After crossing Tosi Creek, racers will turn off onto the ‘S’ trail, which the course will follow to Strawberry Shelter. It is here that the gradual climb to Strawberry begins. The trail remains flat, fast and open for another 2 miles. The trail forks and the course begins to climb toward Bacon Ridge, gaining 1000 feet in the next 5 miles. The trail continues along the base of Bacon Ridge and past Mosquito Lake. At mile 19, the course has gained 1500 feet. The trail continues gently over the next three miles past Buffalo Meadows, then meanders west in and out of the woods, up and down rolling hills for another 4 miles. At mile 24, the ‘S’ trail rejoins the CDT, which you will follow for 0.5 miles to the Strawberry Aid Station. You’ve completed a near-marathon, and are psyched to see the aid station and the food, but then you remember that you signed up for a 100 so you eat away your sorrows and keep mooooving! Struggling here? Remember you have 48 hours. Eat. Drink. Warm up. Stay positive (whining and negativity is toxic). Rest and move on.

Section 2: Strawberry Aid Station to Sheridan Aid Station

25 miles +3117′ -2975′

The course heads east from Strawberry through gently rolling hills in and out of the woods for 5 miles. Racers will retrace this section back to Strawberry on the way toward the finish. The course then splits north onto the A trail. This turn is marked, but easy to miss. Pay attention. This is the only ungroomed section of trail. (Although it doesn’t always feel like it). There is a wide open nearly 400 feet descent into the Salt Creek drainage. The trail curves east, the drainage narrows and tress start to appear. If you are here at night we recommend singing the opening lines of Gangster’s Paradise. At mile 35 the course turns west on to the ‘B’ trail, where it will gain 1000′ over the next 3.7 miles. The trail continues south of Fish Creek Mountain and crosses the Continental Divide two more times across a small descent. About mile 40 the course leaves the ‘B’ trail and continues southwest on the ‘F’ trail, which will lead the way to the Sheridan Basin Aid Station. The trail continues with small descents and climbs. Some steep. Watch your ass! The trail crosses the Continental Divide again before following and zig-zagging back and forth across it for about 6 miles. At mile 47, racers will reach 9840′-the highest point on the course. The front of the pack will have views of the Tetons, Wyoming Range, Gros Ventre and Wind River Mountains. Most of you will be here in the dark. The course gently descends in and out of the woods for 600′ over 3 miles to Sheridan Pass at mile 50. You are halfway there. The trail continues downhill for just shy of a mile to Sheridan Aid Station, where you will find some much-deserved warm food and shelter from the wind and cold.

Section 3: Sheridan Aid Station to Warm Springs Aid Station

16.5 miles: +1547′ -2302′

This section of course is fast (sometimes), short (comparatively) and downhill (kinda), so prepare to feel like a pro. The trail leaves Sheridan Aid Station heading east on the ‘F’ trail. Almost immediately, the course will continue east on the ‘E’ trail. The trail remains open and downhill-one may appreciate a pair of goggles. At mile 52, the trail slows a bit and reenters the trees. The next couple of miles are relatively flat and protected. At mile 54 the course turns south on the Continental Divide Trail, which the trail will follow until about mile 97. The CDT descends the next 3 miles toward the Trout Creek drainage. The ‘B’ trail intersects here, but the course will stay on the CDT. Shortly after the intersection is the Green Creek Safety Shelter. The course finishes this section with a series of three climbs and descents ranging from 200-400′. There is a descent decent coming into Warm Springs. You’ll notice cabins on your left and views open up. At the trailhead you will turn North toward Lineshack Lodge. Welcome to mile 67.

Section 4: Warm Springs Aid Station to Strawberry Aid Station

16.2 miles +1784′ -1174′

Warm Springs offers wide open views…and the potential for wind. The course continues on the Continental Divide Trail heading south. The course descends but only for a moment so enjoy that! Then at about mile 68, Drifters will begin the biggest climb of the course up Union Pass. The trail gains nearly 1400 fee in 4.4 miles. Although much of the climb up Union Pass is protected in the trees, the pass itself is not, and is prone to some serious wind. Goggles, face coverings and warm layers will definitely be appreciated here. Mile 72.5 is the summit of Union Pass at 9656′. The descent is more gradual than the climb, but less protected by trees. At mile 76, the ‘AA’ trail intersects the CDT. The course remains on the CDT continuing south. At mile 78.8, the CDT and ‘A’ trail intersect, joining the same trail the course left from Strawberry Aid Station. The last five miles are relatively flat, ending with a short climb to Strawberry Aid Station, another fabulous hot meal and the final leg of the course.

Section 5: Strawberry Aid Station to Finish Line

18.3 miles +806′ -2107′

Welcome to the home stretch! Strong work!

Kendall Valley Lodge is only 18 miles away. The course leaves Strawberry Aid Station on the same trail Drifters started the race on. There is less than a half-mile descent after leaving the aid station and intersecting with the ‘S’ trail. If you are a fast Drifter, you may encounter other racers approaching or departing Strawberry Aid Station for the first time-be kind. The course remains on the CDT and begins the final climb of the race. The trail ascends about 400 feet to Pinion Ridge at 9200′. From here, you have 15 miles and 1500′ of descent to finish. The first 1400′ will come quick. If you choose to sled here, be cautious of uphill traffic as visibility is not great. Green River straight through to the finish. If you are here Saturday morning, watch for 13- and 28-mile Drifters across the river. At mile 95.5, the ‘S’ and CDT trails intersect again. The course continues on the CDT retracing miles 3-6. Just before reaching the Kendall Bridge, the course leaves the CDT and continues south on the ‘P’ trail. Do NOT cross the river. From here it is a mere 4 miles to the finish. No one likes the P trail. Stay strong! Once the trail crosses Rock Creek, you are a stone’s throw away from the finish line. Congratulations, you badass, you. You did it!

Sleeping on the Course

Keep in mind that this is a race, not a tour. Sleeping is not allowed in aid stations, but you may sleep outside of them (preferred). Should you choose to sleep on the trail, you must go at least 10 feet off the trail, but keep your blinking light visible to volunteers, other racers and especially fast traveling snowmachines. Green Creek Safety shelter is available for use on a first come first serve basis. Please do not sleep here during daylight hours and be sure to allow space for all users.


The Drift 100 has partnered with Trackleaders. All 100-mile Drifters will be required to carry a tracking device. Racers are encouraged to rent from trackleaders. If you have a Spot or an InReach you may use your own. Please please make sure you can operate it and troubleshoot it. As with any gear, this should not be the first time you you use it. We will send a Trackleaders sign-up link for the event closer to race day. This is REQUIRED for all 100-milers, even those who choose to travel together.Although this does add an element of safety to the race, it by no means allows for unprepared racing.Plan accordingly for the cold-have a way to insulate your device.


Although every attempt is made to make this race as safe as possible, Drifters are reminded that you will be traveling through 100 miles of extremely remote wilderness in variable, often formidable, conditions at altitude in the winter at altitudes just shy of 10,ooo feet. Again for those in the back: Remote Wilderness. Horrible Weather Conditions. Altitude. Winter. You are ultimately responsible for your safety. The 100-mile race is capped at 70 competitors, so it is likely that you may not encounter anyone between checkpoints or for several hours at a time. There will be limited snow machine support and course sweeps. Approach this race as more of a mountaineering expedition and less like an ultra. Do not underestimate the difficulties of this race.


In the event a racer is unable to finish the race or if they miss an aid station cutoff, they will be taken off the course via snow machine. It may not be possible to evacuate from the course immediately. Be prepared to wait for hours!! Racers may initially be taken to a heated aid station for a time before a full evacuation can be completed, based on volunteer availability and race flow. There are no evacuation to the finish line after dark. Reminder: All racers evacuated from the 100-mile course are REQUIRED to pay $200. Exceptions: If you turn around at or south of Strawberry Safety Shelter on your way in, you may return to the start/finish on your own. Racers will not be permitted to leave the course on non-race snow machines.

We know it can be a bummer to quit a race. We know you’re tired, you’re disappointed, you’re hungry, you may be hurting, you’re probably freezing, and you’re just plain defeated. But be grateful for assistance off the course. Pay your drop-out fee and be kind to your evacuator. Be patient if you have to wait, even for several hours. Remember that these folks are only there because they have volunteered to help you (even in the middle of the night), not to put up with your bitter bison mood.


Racers are expected to start and finish with all gear they will need for the course. Racers may pick up snacks and drop trash at aid stations. There is no caching or outside support allowed. This includes dropping gear you are not using, towing or receiving food, water or a ride from anyone not affiliated with the race. Doing so will result in disqualification. Racers may not receive outside help, but are encouraged to accept or provide help from/to other racers. In the event of injury, illness or other dilemma, racers are obligated to stop and help each other.


March in Pinedale is still very much winter. The average high is 38*F (which seems like a lie-it’s colder than that) and the average low is 7*F (again: lies). March is the windiest month (and, hey, that’s really saying something) with an average wind speed of 8 mph (but it’s totally going to be windier than that). However, temperatures in Sublette County in March have been as cold as -39*F. Read it again. For real. (yes, it says negative.thirty.nine.degrees.fahrenheit). Keep in mind that much of your time will be spent between 9- and 10,000 feet. You will have a full 12 hours of darkness. Be prepared. Be overly prepared. Should you show up for the race under-prepared, it is at the discretion of a Race Director to determine whether you can safely race, and you may be denied entry, without a refund on your registration fees.

Leave No Trace

Pack it in, pack it out. We are guests of the Forest. The Drift is permitted through theBridger-Teton National Forestand theShoshone National Forestand future races depend on you. Please be respectful of each other and of the area.

Animal Safety

The Wind River Range is home to both grizzly and black bears as well as moose, elk, mountain lions, wolves, coyotes and many other animal species. You are unlikely to see any of them. Racers are responsible for knowing what to do in case of an encounter. Take extra precautions with your food-please don’t litter or leave food behind. This protects both you and the animals in the area.


We do not receive special use of the trails as racers. We are still required to abide by all trail rules. Please yield to other trail users and say “Excuse me” and “Thank you.” Remember, you are wearing race bibs and are representing The Drift-everything you do, or do not do is a reflection of the entire race. The possibility of future events depends on you. Also remember your manners while interacting with race volunteers! Putting on a race like this is an enormous undertaking and our volunteers are taking time away from their homes and families to help make the event successful. Treat all volunteers with respect-they certainly deserve it. Tell them “Thank you.” Tell them more than once. Should you have a concern or a complaint,please reach out to a Race Director.


  • Race Directors win all arguments.
  • No whining.
  • No outside assistance or motorized forms of travel.
  • Bring all mandatory gear.
  • Leave No Trace

More questions?Check out the FAQ page

The Drift 100 – The Drift (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.