Sourdough Starter Recipe (2024)

Recipe from Peter Reinhart

Adapted by Oliver Strand

Sourdough Starter Recipe (1)

Total Time
4 to 8 days
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This is an adaptation of the instructions for making a starter outlined by Peter Reinhart in his “Artisan Breads Every Day.” It takes a little more or less than a week of mixing flour with liquid – Mr. Reinhart starts with unsweetened pineapple juice (though you could also use orange juice or apple cider), then switches to water – to achieve a vigorous, living starter. Once it is bubbling and fragrant, with a light yeasty-boozy scent, you can use it and feed it daily with a cup of flour and a half-cup of water. Or put the starter in the refrigerator and feed it weekly, always discarding (or using!) a cup of the original when you do. (All measurements are by weight.) —Oliver Strand

Featured in: The Slow Route to Homemade Pizza

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Yield:2 pizza recipes and leftover starter

  • 16ounces flour
  • 3ounces pineapple juice
  • 10ounces filtered or spring water

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (4 servings)

424 calories; 1 gram fat; 0 grams saturated fat; 0 grams monounsaturated fat; 0 grams polyunsaturated fat; 89 grams carbohydrates; 3 grams dietary fiber; 2 grams sugars; 12 grams protein; 6 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Sourdough Starter Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Make seed culture: Combine 1 ounce of the flour and 2 ounces pineapple juice in a large glass or small nonreactive bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature, stirring with a wet spoon twice a day. Bubbles should appear after 24 to 36 hours. After 48 hours, add 1 ounce flour and remaining pineapple juice, stirring to incorporate. Re-cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature, stirring with a wet spoon twice a day. When it is foamy, in 1 to 4 days, combine 2 ounces flour and 1 ounce filtered or spring water in a medium nonreactive bowl. Add seed culture, stirring to incorporate, and re-cover with plastic wrap. Stir twice a day to aerate.

  2. When mixture has doubled in bulk, in 1 to 2 days, convert it into a starter: Combine 12 ounces flour and 9 ounces filtered or spring water in bowl. Add 4 ounces of seed culture mixture (discard the rest, or use to make a second starter) and mix until fully incorporated. Transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead for 2 minutes. It should have the consistency of bread dough. Transfer to a nonreactive bowl and let rest at room temperature until it doubles in size, about 4 to 8 hours. Knead lightly, then store in container with tight-fitting lid (container must be large enough to let starter triple in bulk). Store in refrigerator.


  • Every 5 to 10 days the starter will need to be fed with more flour and water. Follow the directions in step 2 above, substituting starter for seed culture.



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PLEASE... When you cite measurements for both liquids and solids in "ounces" it's ambiguous--are we talking fluid ounces or weights? Please specify grams for each ingredient, as we baker's are being strongly encouraged to measure all ingredients in this more precise way. Thanks!

Mary Laves

See easier to follow recipe in a serires of posts.

Seed Culture:
1.Mix 1 oz. Flour & 2 oz. Unsweetned fruit juice (Stir twice day)
2.48 hours: Add 1 oz. Flour and 1 oz. Juice. ( Stir twice a day)
3.1 to 4 days: When foamy combine 2oz flour and 1 oz. Filtered water. Add seed culture, stir to incorpoate. (Stir twice a day)


I'm confused. I now have the completed starter recipe in the fridge and it seems to have tripled in volume. What next? To make bread or pizza dough, do I now use that starter as is, or do I add it to more flour, water and what else; and, if so, in what proportions? Sorry to be so dense about this

Gemma Seymour @gcvsa

So far as I am aware, any acid will do. I prefer to start mine with actively fermenting apple cider. I buy gallon jugs of local sweet cider that has been lightly pasteurised, fit them with brewer's airlocks, and make hard cider. When it is in the early stages of ferment, I pour some off to make a new starter, if I've let my last one die. Incidentally, a thin sourdough starter can be cooked just like pancakes, with a touch of salt added. Best pancakes/panbreads I've ever tasted.


Just to set the record straight and give credit where credit is due, the use of pineapple juice to inhibit Leuconostoc bacteria growth during the initial phase of sourdough culture creation was discovered by microbiologist Debra Wink and colleagues back in 2002 ( and Perhaps it should be called The Wink Method.


I used flour and water, added air and a little time, just like the Tartine recipe, no acid; it's alive and well 8 months later. I refresh it every 10-14 days if not baking (an excellent opportunity, by the way, to see if anything else in the fridge needs refreshing) or daily if I am, by mixing 1/4 cup starter with 1/2 each flour and water, while the French press steeps, the milk heats and the quail forage. It fits easily into the morning routine.

Sam Fromartz

72 F is a bit cool to get a starter going. You will get more activity at a warmer temperature (the sweet spot is 78-80 F). If you kitchen is below <72 F it will be very hard to get this culture going. One tip:mix in warmer water to start (around 90 F, so the starter mixture ends up around 80 F). Or place the starter in a cabinet high up in the kitchen. Or, in an oven next to the oven light.

Anna newton

If the US went metric it would be clear: liters and milliliters for volume and grams for weight.


No, the pineapple juice is definitely for acid. See Debra Vink's excellent description of the microbiology that led to the development of the pineapple juice starter, here:

MP cormier

I thought I understood what this was: instructions for a sourdough starter. But rereading instructions & some comments, it isn't clear to me what part of the instructions are a starter and what part is Pizza dough. Is step 1 the starter and step 2 the pizza dough? Are both steps the starter. And if so, why does the note at the top of the recipe refer to Pizza dough? I hope some can help soon, because at the end of step 1 and I'm not sure where to go next.


Silly silly cup of unbleached flour, one cup of spring water mix in a non reactive bowl, leave in covered on the counter for two days, stirring the mixture occasionally. Add a cup of whole grain flour and a cup of spring water; adding a tablespoon of pineapple juice if you'd like it might speed the process, or 1/4 teaspoon of instant yeast if you don't mind breaking the rules...otherwise just wait for the bubbles.. So simple


IMPORTANT: This is VERY forgiving process. Not rocket science. I read a lot of recipes and determined ratio when feeding is one part seed to one part water to 2 parts flour. More or less. Lol. I put back in same jar in fridge. (I keep the empty jar in fridge overnight while feeding the starter.) So far no problems with spoilage. Got this idea from guy in Alaaka on YouTube. Also, brown liquid on top is ok. Byproduct. Just stir it back in.

Dick Voelkel

Why throw away any excess starter? Use it all to make the bread except 1/4 cup for the next starter! Waste not; want not! Works for me.

tom mcmahon

My question also. VERY unclear! I thought 'starter' WAS 'seed culture.' If not, what the heck is the difference? And what yeast beast now lies in my fridge? It's just dough not starter, right? And why aren't there ANY replies to all the confused posts? Makes me want to punch some dough - really hard.


For pineapple juice, substitute water potatoes were cooked in. Makes a wonderful starter.


I looked up Reinhart and it is flour by wt (28.5 g per oz) and liquid oz for liquids. And there is a reason to use pineapple juice. was shocked to see this kind of carelessness. Why is NA so slow to grams?


What is "seed culture mixture"?


I am a baker (but not bread) and am confused ... what is "seed culture?"


adding the pineapple hastens the process of activating starter without adding in sweetness. I use gold yeast, just a pinch to continue the process in the dough. The pinch of gold yeast is to stop the competition for hydration by the added fruit sugar. Works great


For seed culture in metric weight: 1. Mix 28g flour & 57g unsweetened fruit juice (Stir twice day)2. After 48 hours: Add 28g flour and 28g unsweetened juice. (Stir twice a day)3. When foamy (between 1 to 4 days): combine 57g flour and 28g of filtered water. Add seed culture, stir to incorporate. (Stir twice a day)To convert it into a starter: Combine 340g flour and 255g filtered water in bowl. Add 113g of seed culture mixture (discard the rest, or use to make a second starter)

Liz in Arizona

My starter is five years old, and I have never used juice. It is simply unbleached flour and dechlorinated water. It is amazingly resilient, forgiving lapses in feeding. It has also survived absences of three weeks, when its babysitter failed to feed it. It makes outstanding pancakes and bread. Read up on the King Arthur website. Wild yeast don't need no stinkin' juice! ;)

Dave M

Will canned pineapple juice work, or should it be "fesh"?


Since Chris's complaint about "ounces" measurement has 822 thumbs up, evidently quite a few of you are similarly confused. Liquids (juice and water) are in fluid ounces; flour is by weight. But given that "a pint's a pound the world around," it's not gonna make any difference either way.


For this recipe: While the recipe is ambiguous in terms which 'ounce' weight OR fluid, you'll only be off 4% which will make no difference whatsoever for a starter. Also hopefully you have a scale with fractional measurements of ounce so, for this recipe, it will be as good as grams.


What is seed culture? Thank you for your help.Peter

Lori Glier

Have made this sourdough starter from scratch. Just love it ! They say if you don't give your starter a name it is bad luck . So I named my starter Doughbalina! I have made waffles from this starter, dill sourdough crackers. Also my English muffins are in the fridge and they will be ready tomorrow!Thanks for this great recipe!


As to the pineapple juice amount: what you want at the start is a thin slurry. I accomplish this with 60 grams of fresh pineapple juice and 30 grams of King Arthur unbleached white flour. At the next step I use KA whole wheat flour. Then I sort of go my own way after that. My starter is about 5 years old now and it’s never gone funky or let me down.


my starter always starts to get moldy after about 3 to 4 days. what to do?


I used fermented apple juice, not sure how to make cider. And the starter looks more like bubly dough, it was too dense to mix in a batter to make a no knead bread. However, I used a bit of the seed culture to add moist since the recipe asked for 100% hydration of the starter. I have to say that my bread came up really good to be the first I make. I am now trying the milk bread recipe with the same starter. My only question is, how do you feed the starter? The recipe says to follow the step 2?


Leslie Lan sourdough bread (at least 3 days ahead).

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Sourdough Starter Recipe (2024)


How do you make sourdough starter? ›

It is created by combining flour and water and allowing it to ferment. Over time, the natural yeasts and bacteria present in the environment and on the flour begin to feed on the mixture. A portion of active sourdough starter is added to dough in order to make it rise during the baking process.

What makes the best sourdough starter? ›

There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding.

What is the best flour for sourdough starter? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour. Why do you need to use these two types of flour?

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time you feed it? ›

Do I have to discard my sourdough starter? It would be best if you discarded some portion of your starter each time you feed it unless you want to continue to let it grow. Eventually, you need to discard the used “food” (flour and water) that's been used to sustain your starter during the last fermentation period.

Is it worth making your own sourdough starter? ›

While buying a sourdough starter is very easy online, it's a very easy process to do at home! Plus, creating your own starter exposes you to the signs of fermentation, what steps you need to perform to maintain your starter, and gives you a chance to get to know the feeding (refreshment) process.

How soon after feeding sourdough starter can I use it? ›

*Do not try baking with your starter right after feeding it. Allow time for it to grow and feast on the flour before using it. Starters are usually ready to bake with around 4-12 hours after a feeding depending on the amount you feed your starter. The larger the feeding, the more time it needs to ferment.

Can I just buy sourdough starter? ›

If you're anti-social, you can also buy sourdough starter from King Arthur Flour and have it shipped to your door. A one-ounce jar of starter will set you back about $9. And even then, mail-order starter will need to adapt to wherever you happen to live (which is why making an at-home starter is preferable).

Is it better to make sourdough starter with milk or water? ›

Should You Add Milk to Sourdough Starter? No, milk should not be added to a sourdough starter. Sourdough starter needs only flour and water to colonise wild yeast.

How many days until sourdough starter is ready? ›

However, it will take about 10-14 days. You need patience, but once you create your sourdough starter it will literally outlive you and you can pass it on to future generations. Consult the video below for all of the details, but the basic process involves: Combine a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour.

Can I use tap water for sourdough starter? ›

*If making sourdough is new for you, do not be discouraged if you starter takes longer to get active than mine – stick with it, it will happen! *Tap water is usually fine, if you are not sure, use boiled and cooled water, you can use it at room temperature or cool; do not use distilled water.

What flour do Italians use for sourdough? ›

Grano tenero flours are generally used in Italy to make both bread and pastries.

Can I feed my sourdough starter any kind of flour? ›

What Flour Should I Be Feeding My Sourdough Starter With? You can feed your sourdough starter with any flour you like, as long as it provides the starches the wild yeast in your sourdough starter need to convert to Co2 to rise your dough. The flour you choose should always be unbleached flour.

Why do you throw away half the sourdough starter? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

Can I leave my sourdough starter out all night? ›

I wouldn't go more than 24 hours without feeding a very young sourdough starter (it may survive longer than this unfed however you will leave it open to the risk of mold). Mature sourdough starter aged more than 6 months old should be able to survive unfed on the counter for around 3-4 days without any risk of mold.

What happens if you forgot to discard sourdough starter? ›

If you didn't discard a portion of your starter each time you feed it, two things would happen: Your starter would grow to an enormous, unmanageable size. Your starter would likely become more and more inhospitable to the bacteria and yeast we want as the mixture would become ever more acidic.

How do you build up a sourdough starter? ›

Make More Sourdough Starter Using 1:1:1 Ratio

Even if you only had 10g of starter and you wanted 200g of starter, you'd just have to feed it at 1:10:10 which would mean adding 100g of flour and 100g of water to that 10g of sourdough starter.

How do you make a sourdough starter from a dry starter? ›

In a small bowl or jar, mix 5 grams of dehydrated sourdough starter with 15 grams of 80 °F water. Allow the starter and water to sit for about 2 hours, or until the dried starter dissolves. Stir in 15 grams of flour. Cover and put in the Sourdough Home or Proofer at 78 °F overnight, or for 12 - 14 hours.

What is sourdough starter for dummies? ›

A sourdough starter is really just another name for any fermented grain. It's a grain that starts to predigest during the fermentation process, which ultimately makes the flavor more sour. Here are just a few great reasons to make your very own sourdough: Sourdough is delicious.

How do you make an old sourdough starter? ›

If you haven't used your starter for a while, bring it to room temperature, remove some starter, and then feed what remains once or twice so that it revives and becomes strong enough for bread. Some people discard the weaker starter they remove, adding it to their compost.

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