Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (2024)

Upper Body Workouts

By: Lindsey Bomgren, CPT | May 15, 2023

Build strong shoulders, biceps and triceps with eight of the best dumbbell arm exercises. The rep-drop format of this upper body workout will fatigue your arms in just 10 minutes.

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Burn out your upper body in just 10 minutes with eight of my favorite exercises for the shoulders, biceps and triceps.

This upper body workout is effective because we’re incorporating some fun exercise variations that increase the time under tension on the shoulder, bicep and tricep muscles.

This 10-minute workout is sure tofatigue those smaller muscle groups in the arms (which is necessary for new muscle growth).

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Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (1)

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (2)

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout FAQs

Is It Good To Workout The Shoulders, Biceps And Triceps Together?

Push workouts target the chest, shoulders and triceps while pull workouts target the back and biceps. You might not traditionally pair the shoulders, biceps and triceps together in a workout, but combining these muscle groups is effective! These muscle groups are smaller than the back and chest, so you can fatigue them with heavy weights and exercise variations that incorporate time under tension.

Can You Train The Shoulders, Biceps And Triceps With Dumbbells?

Yes! Some of my favorite exercises for these muscle groups include: overhead presses, shoulder raises, bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions and skull crushers. You can do all of these with a set of dumbbells at home.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (3)

10-Minute Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout with Dumbbells

I encourage you to lift heavy for this rep-drop workout. You only have to do each dumbbell arm exercise twice, so make it count.

This is one of my favorite arm workouts to add onto a run. Or a quick and effective, 10-minute upper body workout for women when you’re short on time.

Try adding this shoulder, bicep and tricep workout to your fitness routine 1-2 times a week.

Workout Equipment:

A medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells.

I recommend 5-20 lbs depending on your fitness level. I’m using 12-15 lbs in this workout video.

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Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (4)

Workout Instructions:

Follow along with theguided Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout on YouTube,led by certified personal trainer, Lindsey Bomgren.

Your Arm Workout Looks Like This:

  • 8 Dumbbell Arm Exercises (hitting each muscle group – shoulders, biceps and triceps)
  • Rep Drop Format (10 reps of each arm exercise for the first set, then 8 reps of each exercise for the second set)
  • Repeat All 8 Exercises x2 Sets

Workout Outline

  1. Single Arm Overhead Press Hold and 10 Single Arm Bicep Curls and Press, R
  2. Single Arm Overhead Press Hold and 10 Single Arm Bicep Curls and Press, L
  3. Push Press
  4. Tricep Kickbacks
  5. 1.5 Bicep Curls
  6. Hammer Curl and Alternating Press Out
  7. Alternating Press Out (Dumbbell Punches)
  8. 1.5 Overhead Tricep Extensions

7 Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Exercises with Dumbbells

Single Arm Overhead Press Hold And 10 Single Arm Bicep Curls And Press On Opposite Arm

Targets:Upper arms — shoulders, biceps and core.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (8)

How To Do A Single Arm Overhead Press Hold And Single Arm Curl And Press

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing in towards one another.
  2. Extend your arm overhead (right arm), locking out the elbow and keeping your bicep by your right ear.
  3. Hold the right arm overhead as you perform a hammer curl to overhead press on the left arm. Curl the dumbbell up to shoulder height, then press overhead; palm stays facing in.
  4. Lower the dumbbell in the left hand back to the starting position with control.

Dumbbell Push Press

Targets: Shoulders, triceps, rear delts and upper back muscles (with some assistance from the lower body).

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (9)

How To Do A Dumbbell Push Press

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width distance apart, slight bend in your knees, holding one dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. Palms facing in towards each other (neutral grip).
  2. Drop into a shallow squat; about a 2-inch dip. Then press through your heels, and push the dumbbells straight overhead. Think of peeking your head through your arms as you lock out the dumbbells overhead.
  3. Lower dumbbells down to starting position at shoulder-level and repeat.

Tricep Kickbacks

Targets: All three heads of the tricep muscle (lateral head, medial head, and long head).

The tricep kickback is one of best isolation exercises for targeting the triceps brachii muscle.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (10)

How To Do Tricep Kickbacks

  1. Start with feet hip-distance apart, slightly bent knees. Hold one dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing in.
  2. Roll your shoulders down and back, hinge forward at the hips (bent over position) and lock your arms in at a90-degree angle. Upper arms in line with ribcage, elbows bent at 90 degrees, weights near hips.
  3. Perform a tricep kickback on the right arm; extending the right arm long behind you, kicking the weight past your hips.
  4. With control, slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position.
  5. Repeat to perform two tricep kickbacks on the right arm. Then perform two tricep kickbacks on the left arm.

1.5 Bicep Curls

Targets: The two heads of the bicep muscle, with anemphasis on the short head. And all of thestabilizing muscles in the shoulder, wrist, elbow and core.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (11)

How To Do 1.5 Bicep Curls

  1. Start with feet under hips, core engaged. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing outward (underhand grip or supine curl).
  2. Keeping your elbows locked by your sides, squeeze your bicep muscle to curl the weights up to shoulder-height as you exhale.
  3. With control, slowly lower the dumbbells down half way, stopping when your elbows form a 90-degree angle.
  4. Then curl the dumbbells back up to shoulder height.
  5. Finally, lower the dumbbells all the way back down to your thighs, returning to starting position. Throughout this movement, think: all the way up, halfway down, back to the top and all the way down.

Hammer Curl And Alternating Press Out

Targets:The biceps, tricep, shoulders, back and core. Emphasizing the long head of the bicep muscle (hammer curl) and front delts and traps of the shoulder muscles.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (12)

How To Do A Hammer Curl And Alternating Press Out

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, holding one dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Palms facing in towards each other (hammer curl grip).
  2. Curl the dumbbells up halfway, forming a 90-degree bend in each elbow.
  3. Hold the 90-degree bend in each arm as you press the dumbbell in your right hand forward a few inches, feeling your shoulder and core engage. With control, return the dumbbell back towards your body, and lower both dumbbells back to your thighs.
  4. Repeat, curing the dumbbells up to the half way point, then punching out the dumbbell in your left hand.

Alternating Press Out (Dumbbell Punches)

Targets:Shoulders, back, biceps and triceps.

A killer arm exercise to sculpt and tone the upper body muscles.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (13)

How To Do An Alternating Press Out

  1. Start standing feet hip-distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent at 90 degrees and palms facing in towards each other (hammer grip)
  2. Alternate punching each dumbbell forward a few inches, then returning to center.

1.5 Overhead Tricep Extensions

Targets:The long head of the triceps and all the stabilizing muscles in the shoulders, core, glutes and lower back muscles.

Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (14)

How To Do 1.5 Overhead Tricep Extensions

  1. Stand with feet hip-distance apart, core engaged and soft bend in your knees.
  2. Hold one dumbbell vertically between your palms overhead.
  3. Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle, bringing the dumbbell behind your head. Think ‘hide the dumbbell, show the dumbbell’, if you were watching yourself in a mirror. Keep your elbows close to your ears throughout the entire movement (don’t let your elbows flare out as you fatigue).
  4. Raise the dumbbell halfway up, then lower back behind your head.
  5. Then raise the dumbbell all the way up, overhead.

More Workouts

Upper Body Workouts

  • 5 Best Bicep Exercises (20-Minute Bicep Workout At Home)
  • 7 Best Shoulder Exercises (25-Minute Dumbbell Shoulder Workout For Women)
  • 8 Best Tricep Exercises for Women (30-Minute Tricep Workout)

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Shoulder, Bicep and Tricep Workout (Video) |Nourish Move Love (2024)


Is it okay to train biceps, triceps, and shoulders together? ›

Definitely. Your pushing days should focus on the muscles of your chest, shoulders and triceps; pulling days on your back and biceps; and lower days on movements such as squats, deadlifts and lunges for those legs.

Can you workout biceps, triceps, and shoulders on the same day? ›

That's not to say you can't perform your shoulder, biceps and triceps workout routine together, just be diligent when planning the rest of your lifting week to leave at least 48 hours of rest between muscle groups worked.

Are 10 minute arm workouts effective? ›

Ten minutes may seem too brief to get much done, but with the right routine and challenging-enough weights, you can absolutely get in some quality strength work.

What is a movement that engage your triceps shoulder and chest? ›

Bench presses work the chest, triceps, and shoulders. This move can be done with a barbell or dumbbells. Lie on a step, bench, or on the floor and hold a heavy barbell a few inches above the chest. Be sure to maintain a neutral spine and feet should be flat on the floor.

What muscles not to workout together? ›

Basically u should not mix muscle groups involved in push (chest,triceps,shoulders,quads) workout and muscle involved in pull workout( back, biceps, hamstrings) . And from my experience and and legs should not be trained together.

What is the 4 2 1 workout combo? ›

What is the 4-2-1 workout split? The 4-2-1 workout split recently grew to TikTok fame as a simple formula for programming your workouts throughout the week, says Stewart. It's broken down to four strength workouts, two cardio workouts, and one mobility session per week, she explains.

Should triceps go before or after shoulders? ›

For our chest and shoulder workout, we'll get you to train chest, then shoulders and finally triceps, and there's a good reason for that. The chest exercises below are compound moves, so your shoulders will also be getting fatigued when you're hitting your chest.

What is the best workout split? ›

The push/pull/legs split is probably the most efficient workout split there is because all related muscle groups are trained together in the same workout. This means that you get the maximum overlap of movements within the same workout, and the muscle groups being trained get an overall benefit from this overlap.

Are light or heavy weights better for toning arms? ›

While both approaches have merits, lifting heavier weights (typically) yields superior results for achieving toned arms. Heavy lifting promotes muscle hypertrophy and strength gains, which are crucial for sculpting lean muscle mass and defining arm muscles.

What lb weight to tone arms? ›

I recommend starting with 5-pound weights. Halfway through the month, do a check-in with your body to see if they feel too light. If so, you can move up to 7.5- or 8-pound weights. If you notice you are building muscle too quickly, or bulking instead of toning, I recommend staying lighter with your weights.

How to slim down arms with weights? ›

5 Best Dumbbell Arm Exercises for a Toned Look
  1. Standing Tricep Kickbacks: 3 Sets x 12 Reps. Just behind the triangle push-up, tricep kickbacks are considered the second most effective exercise for working your triceps. ...
  2. Lateral Raises: 3 Sets x 12 Reps. ...
  3. Standing Chest Fly:3. ...
  4. Shoulder Press:3. ...
  5. Front Raises: 3 Sets x 12 Reps.

What is the 6-12-25 method for shoulders? ›

It's called the 6-12-25 workout. You'll do 6 reps with the first exercise for strength gains, then you'll do 12 reps with the second exercise for size gains and then you'll do a third exercise for 25 reps for endurance gains.

Should you hit chest or shoulders first? ›

Also, simply arrange your workout in a way that those other pushing muscles are completed after your chest session, never before. So it's "chest and shoulders," not "shoulders and chest." And if you train triceps on the same day you work chest, it's always chest, then triceps.

Which muscle groups should you train together? ›

An example of a 3-day workout for advanced lifters may include:
  • day 1: the chest, triceps, shoulders, and forearms.
  • day 2: the legs, separated into the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, along with the abs.
  • day 3: the back, biceps, traps, and lats.
Jan 6, 2021

What is the best muscle group combination to workout together? ›

There's no right or wrong answer when deciding the best muscle group combinations to work out together. Some popular combinations include chest and back, arms and shoulders, and glutes and abdominals. But really, you can pair whatever suits you, as long as it makes sense.

Should I pair shoulders with biceps? ›

Yes, you can do shoulders and biceps together. It's not as popular as other muscle group combinations, but I (a certified personal trainer) sometimes do shoulder and biceps workouts and enjoy them.

Is shoulder and triceps a good combination? ›

Yes, you can train chest, shoulders and triceps. In fact, we'd recommend it. If you want to build some serious muscle, you should avoid training your larger muscles on the same day. So that means no chest and back workouts.

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