Optimal Bowel Cleansing for Colonoscopy in the Elderly Patient (2024)

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Optimal Bowel Cleansing for Colonoscopy in the ElderlyPatient (1)

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Drugs Aging. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Mar 1.

Published in final edited form as:

Drugs Aging. 2017 Mar; 34(3): 163–172.


PMCID: PMC5374979


PMID: 28214970

Samuel B. Ho, Rita Hovsepians, and Samir Gupta

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The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Drugs Aging


Colonoscopy is an important diagnostic and screening tool for colorectalcancer detection and prevention, and adequate bowel preparation is critical forsuccessful colonoscopy. Complications related to colonoscopy are increased inelderly patients, either directly or indirectly related to the procedure, andthe risks and benefits of colonoscopy procedures need to be carefully consideredin these patients. Recent studies have shown that the 4 liter polyethyleneglycol with a split preparation is safe and effective for elderly patients, andis the preferred preparation for patients with medical comorbidites.Preparations containing sodium phosphate are generally not recommended for theelderly due to increased renal complications. In addition, a low residue dietmay aid in tolerance and willingness to undergo the procedure compared with aclear liquid diet, with comparable bowel preparation adequacy. Risk factors forinadequate bowel preparations include poor adherence to split preparationinstructions or volume of solution ingested, and certain patient relatedmedications and comorbidities, such as diabetes, elevated body mass index, andantidepressant or narcotic use. Methods for achieving safe and adequate bowelpreparations in the elderly include clear instructions, reminder calls, and casemanagement for potential confounding patient related factors.

Keywords: colonoscopy, bowel preparation, colon cancer screening

1. Introduction

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men andwomen within the United States. In 2016 it is estimated that there will be 95,270new cases of colon cancer and 39,220 new cases of rectal cancer 1. Colonoscopy is an important diagnostic andscreening tool for colorectal cancer detection and prevention, and adequate bowelpreparation is critical for successful colonoscopy. Previous studies have shown thatinadequate bowel preparation affects as many as 30% of all colonoscopyprocedures in many U.S. facilities 24. Theconsequences of poor bowel preparation include reduced polyp detection rates, highersurgical complication rates, and procedure cancellations 5. Poor bowel preparation presents a costly andunnecessary burden upon our health care system.

Elderly patients (>age 65 years) deserve special consideration whenplanning a colonoscopy procedure. Complications related to colonoscopy are increasedin elderly patients, either directly or indirectly related to the procedure.Complications related to bowel preparation regimens may also be increased in theelderly, due to increased incidence of comorbidities such as diabetes, congestiveheart failure, and renal failure. Finally, the benefit of purely screeningcolonoscopy procedures is reduced in elderly patients and careful consideration ofthe risks and benefits is required prior to recommending colonoscopy. In this paperwe will discuss issues specific to the elderly related to colonoscopy procedures,define optimal bowel cleansing, discuss the currently available preparationssuitable for use in the elderly, and methods for improving adherence and outcomes inthis patient group.

We searched the PubMed database between the dates of January 1, 2011 andDecember 1, 2016 for articles related to bowel preparation for colonoscopy with anemphasis on identifying review articles, practice guidelines, and key comparisonstudies. The keywords for the search were: colonoscopy, colon cancer screening,bowel preparation, split-dose, elderly patients, and polyethylene glycol. We alsoexamined the literature referenced that was utilized for review articles. Thepurpose of this survey was to summarize the options available for patients today andthe implications for elderly patients, rather than a systematic review of theprimary literature.

2. Colonoscopy and the elderly patient

While the incidence of colorectal cancer increases with age, the benefits ofscreening are reduced after age 75 by competing morbidities. The current USPreventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) does not recommend routine colon cancerscreening for all patients over the age of 75, but rather that “the decisionto screen for colorectal cancer is an individual one,” and to evaluate theneed for screening based on the patients overall health and risk factors. The USPSTFdid not recommend any routine colorectal cancer screening for patients age 86 andabove 6. Elderly patients with aprior history of colorectal neoplasia who are undergoing surveillance colonoscopiesalso have competing comorbidities that need to be taken into consideration whenmaking decisions of whether to repeat these procedures. Tran, et al. performed aretrospective cohort study of 4834 elderly patients (age>75 years; 55.8%male)(median surveillance age, 79 years) and 22,929 individuals in the referencegroup (age 50–74 years; 57.7% male) (median surveillance age, 63years) undergoing surveillance colonoscopy. They found that surveillance in theelderly was associated with a low incidence of CRC (0.24 per 1000 person-years vs3.61 per 1000 person-years in the reference population (P <.001). After adjusting for comorbid illness, the elderly were found to haveincreased post procedure hospitalizations (OR 1.28 [95%CI,1.07–1.53]; P = .006) 7. A Charlson score of 2 was also found to beindependently associated with increased risk of post-procedure hospitalization. Theynoted that procedure related complications comprised only 13% ofpost-procedure hospitalizations, and exacerbation of underlying comorbid illness wasa major indication for unplanned admissions (63.1%). These were not directlyrelated to the procedure; however it is possible that exacerbation of underlyingcomorbidities was an indirect consequence of the invasive procedure. These data aresimilar to others who have noted increase risks related to colonoscopy procedures inthe elderly. Kahi, et al. found in a cohort of US veteran patients thatpost-procedure mortality was increased among patients older than 75 years andincreasing Charlson score. Among patients age ≥80 years, the median survivalwas <5 years regardless of Charlson score 8. Day, et al. reported a meta-analysis of 20 studies andfound higher rates of cumulative gastrointestinal adverse events in patients≤80 years (incidence rate ratio 1.7; 95% CI, 1.5–1.9)compared with patients less than 80 years 9. Warren, et al, reported on a large cohort of elderlyMedicare patients, and found that risks for adverse events after outpatientcolonoscopy were low; however, they increased with age with specific comorbidconditions and depending on whether polypectomy was done 10. They found that patients with a history ofstroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, atrial fibrillation, or congestiveheart failure had significantly higher risk for serious gastrointestinal eventsfollowing colonoscopy. Finally, a recent large population based prospective study ofMedicare beneficiaries (n=1,355,692) at average risk for colorectal cancerfound that the 8-year risk for colorectal cancer in 70–74 year old subjectswas 2.19% in those who received colonoscopy and 2.62% in those whodid not receive colonoscopy (absolute risk difference, −0.42%[CI, −0.24% to −0.63%]) 11. In subjects aged 75–79years the risk was 2.84% and 2.97%, respectively (risk difference,−0.14% [CI, −0.41 to 0.16]). They also foundthat the excess 30-day risk for any adverse events in the colonoscopy group was 5.6events per 1000 individuals aged 70–74 and 10.3 events per 1000 individualsaged 75–79 years. Taken together, these studies support the recommendationsof the US Preventive Services Task Force to stop colon cancer screening at age 75,and should be used to discuss the risks and benefits of any colonoscopy procedure inelderly patients, especially in those with comorbidities.

3. Definition of optimal bowel cleansing

Several rating systems are used by endoscopists to describe the quality ofthe bowel preparation achieved at the end of the procedure (Table 1). A widely used rating system is the AronchickBowel Preparation Scale because of the simplicity. The rating categories include:Excellent, Good, Fair, Inadequate, and Poor. Inadequate and poor ratings aregenerally equivalent and indicate that the colonoscopy was not successful. Otherwidely used and validated rating systems include the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale(BBPS), which rates the right and the left colon separately, The Ottawa BowelPreparation Quality Scale, Chicago Bowel Preparation Scale, and the HarefieldCleansing Scale (HCS). Details pertaining to the scoring systems used in thesescales are shown in Table 1. Parmar, et al.systematically reviewed the validity and reliability of 5 published and 2preliminary bowel preparation scales and concluded that all the scales demonstrateda range of inter-observer reliability from fair to excellent, however the BBPS wasthe most thoroughly validated scale. In addition, the BBPS is recommended over theAronchick and Ottawa classifications because it does not score for retained fluidand explicitly reflects the quality of the preparation after cleansing andsuctioning efforts. Studies to date have demonstrated that high BBPS measurementshave been associated with greater polyp detection, less repeat colonoscopies, andshorter insertion and withdrawal times 12.

Table 1

Bowel preparation scoring systems (ref. 12)

Aronchick BPSRating for entirecolon
5=Inadequate - repeat preparationneeded
4=Poor - semi-solid stool could not be suctionedand <90% of mucosa seen
3=Fair - semi-solidstool could not be suctioned, but >90% of mucosaseen
2=Good - clear liquid covering up to 25% ofmucosa, but >90% of mucosa seen
1=Excellent ->95% of mucosa seen
Whole colon is scored.
Boston BPSRating for each colonsegment
0=Unprepared colon segment withstool that cannot be cleared
1=Portion of mucosa insegment seen after cleaning, but other areas not seen because ofretained material
2=Minor residual material aftercleaning, but mucosa of segment generally wellseen
3=Entire mucosa of segment well seen aftercleaning
Add scores of the right, transverse, and leftcolon segments. Ranges from 0 (very poor) to 9 (excellent)
Ottawa BPQSRating for each colonsegment
4=Inadequate - solid stool notcleared with washing and suctioning
3=Poor - necessary towash and suction to obtain a reasonable view
2=Fair -necessary to suction liquid to adequately viewsegment
1=Good - minimal turbid fluid insegment
0=Excellent - mucosal detail clearlyvisible
Rating for amount of fluid incolon
 2=Large amount offluid
 1= Moderate amount offluid
 0 = Small amount of fluid
Add scores of the right,transverse/descending, sigmoid/rectum colon, and colon fluid. Rangesfrom 14 (very poor) to 0 (excellent).
Chicago BPSRating for each colonsegment
0=Unprepared colon segment withstool that cannot be cleared (>15% of the mucosa notseen)
5=Portion of mucosa in segment seen after cleaning,but up to 15% of the mucosa not seen because of retainedmaterial
10=Minor residual material after cleaning, butmucosa of segment generally well seen
11=Entire mucosa ofsegment well seen after cleaning
12=Entire mucosa ofsegment well seen without washing (suctioning of liquidallowed)
Rating for amount of fluid incolon
 3=Large amount of fluid(>300 cc)
 2=Moderate amount of fluid(151–300 cc)
 1=Minimal amount of fluid(51–150 cc)
 0=Little fluid (≤50cc)
Add scores of right, transverse, and leftcolon. Ranges from 0 (very poor) to 36 (outstanding). Fluid score isreported separately.
Harefield CS0=irremovable, heavy, hardstools
1=semi-solid only partially removablestools
2=brown liquid/fully removable semi-solidstools
3=clear liquid
4=empty andclean
Rectum, sigmoid, descending, tansverse, andascending colon are rated 1–5. All scores are added (maximum20). Then grade is determined as A, B, C, or D.

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An adequate bowel preparation is considered to be present if fine mucosaldetail is visible in all portions of the colon such that the endoscopist isconfident that small and flat polyps are detectable, and then recommends thestandard screening or surveillance interval for a follow up procedure. The USMulti-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer and American Society ofGastrointestinal Endoscopy has recommended that a preparation is adequate if aftersuctioning and washing the mucosa during the procedure it was deemed adequate forthe detection of lesions greater than 5 mm in size 13. Current practice suggests that anyprocedure with a preparation rating of less than excellent or good be accompanied bya recommendation for a shortened follow up interval 14. There is no data currently available tosuggest that a specific bowel preparation score is considered adequate, however aBBSP score of greater than 5 has been associated with a very low rate (2%)of shortened follow up intervals 15.

4. Currently available bowel preparations

The currently available bowel preparations are listed in Table 2, along with representative comparison studiesand their outcomes 1622. Each preparation has its ownrisks and benefits 15. The mostcommon preparations include Polyethylene glycol (PEG) electrolyte lavage solution,which come as a 4 liter solution or a 2 liter solution that requires adjuvanttreatments, or sodium phosphate (NaP) type laxatives. Concentrated preparationstypically have a reduced volume allowing for improved compliance and readiness torepeat the procedure 23. The majordrawback of the larger volume preparations is the volume required and the taste,however these are safer in regards to causing dehydration or electrolyteabnormalities (for a complete summary of the toxicities of all bowel preparationssee Adamcewicz M, et al 24). Ingeneral, studies comparing different bowel preparations did not report differencesin adenoma detection rates, and generally lacked the statistical power to make sucha comparison.

Table 2

Current colonoscopy bowel preparations

SolutionPolyethelene Glycol-electrolyte lavagesolution (PEG)Oral Sulfate SolutionNa Picosulfate/Mg Citrate (MC)Sodium PhosphatePEG-3350 powder + GatoradeMagnesium Citrate (MC)Other OTC products
BrandGolytely, Colyte, Gavilyte, NulytelySuprep: OSS alone
Suclear: PEG+ OSS
Picolax, Picoprep, Prepopik, Picolax,Citrafleet, and PicolightFleet Phospho-Soda, Fleet EZ-PREP,OsmoprepMiralaxSenna, Bisacodyl (often used as adjuvantrx)
Volume4L32 oz2L90mL or Tablets (Osmoprep)2L600mL (lower volumes used with bisacodyl10–20mg)Tablets
FDA approvedYesYes-split dose onlyYesYesNoNoNo
RisksHypokalemia in older patientsCaution w/electrolyte abnormalitiesAvoid in renal disease-risk ofhyper-magnesemia, electrolyte imbalanceHyperosmotic-Avoid in renal insufficiency,electrolyte abnormalities, CHF, cirrhosis, ascites. Black box for AcutePhosphate NephropathyHypotonic
Risk of hyponatremia;
Avoid in renal disease – risk ofhyper-magnesemia, electrolyte imbalanceMay have increased abdominal pain andcramping
Bisacodyl rarely associated with ischemic colitis
BenefitsPreferred for renal insufficiency, congestiveheart failure, advanced liver diseaseLower volumeLower volumeLower volume, well tolerated by mostpatientsLower volume, well tolerated by mostpatientsLower volumeLower volume
Use in elderlyPreferredNot recommendedNot recommendedNot recommendedNot recommended
Outcome ReferenceEnestvedt et al (16). In this meta-analysis of9 higher-quality bowel preparation RCTs, 4-L split-dose PEG bowelpreparation showed superiority over other bowel preparationcomparators.Rex et al (17) Successful bowel preparationwas more frequent with OSS than with 4L PEG (98.4% vs89.6%; P=.04).Tan et al (22) Meta-analysis found Napicosulfate/MC to be superior to PEG-based regimens due to increasedtolerability with comparable bowel cleansingSchanz et al (18) Discomfort from ingestedfluid was less in NaP group compared to PEG (39.8% vs54.6%; P=.015).McKenna et al. (19) PEG3350 + Gatoradegave higher overall satisfaction scores (p = 0.001), and hadfewer adverse effects compared to PEG.30Berkelhammer et al. (20) When preparationswere taken the day before colonoscopy, MC achieved better bowelcleansing compared to NaP (p < 0.001).Radaelli et al. (21) Overall cleansing wasexcellent/good in 90.6% of patients in the senna group and in79.7% in the PEG group (p= 0.003)

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Numerous physiologic changes are common in elderly patients, includingdecrements in renal function, reduced intestinal motility, along with the potentialadverse effects of accumulating cardiovascular, neurologic, and other comorbiditieswith their need for concurrent medications 25, 26. For thesereasons magnesium citrate should also be used with caution in the elderly, and hasbeen associated with age-related increases in serum sodium, potassium, and urea,along with an increased risk for hypermagnesemia, with its resulting cardiac andneurologic complications 24, 27. In addition, elderly patientswith cardiovascular disease may be predisposed to ischemic colitis, which is areported rare complication of bisacodyl use 28. NaP regimens have been associated with renal damage fromtubular toxicity from calcium phosphate. In general the use of NaP or other hyper orhypo-osmotic regimens in elderly patients with reduced renal function should beavoided. Current ASGE guidelines state that “there is insufficient evidenceto recommend specific bowel preparation regimens for elderly persons; however, werecommend that NaP preparations be avoided in this population 15.”

Efficacy of split bowel preparation

When using any bowel preparation it is essential that patients“split” the preparation. Numerous randomized controlled trialsand meta-analysis of all studies comparing one time ingestion vs a splitpreparation conclude that the split dose is superior, and allows for increasedadenoma detection, cecal intubation, and reduced insertion and withdrawal times29, 30. Patients must be cautioned that theinstructions on the product label do not call for a split timing of ingestion.For the split preparation the patients are instructed to drink half of thevolume over the course of an hour starting at 6PM the night prior to theprocedure. On the day of the procedure, they are directed to finish theremaining volume approximately 4–6 hours prior to the start time of thecolonoscopy. Additional instructions were given regarding drinking plenty ofclear fluids and certain medications that should not be taken shortly before theprocedure. The patients should then cease all oral intake 2 hours prior to thestart time of the procedure. In general the patients are instructed to continueall their usual medications with the exception of diabetic medications. Patientswho require chronic anticoagulation will need this discontinued at least 5 daysprior to the procedure, and may or may not be required to using a bridginganticoagulant medication such as enoxaparin until the day of the procedure.Veitch et al. reports recent guidelines for patients on anticoagulation therapypreparing for an endoscopy procedure 31. Patients who are reluctant to take a split prep inearly morning hours can take the second portion before midnight, and will stillhave an improved preparation compared to patients who do not split the prep32, however this maydecrease the efficacy compared to taking the second portion 4–6 hoursbefore the planned start time of the procedure. Importantly for elderlypatients, they should be reassured that studies have shown that there was nosignificant increased need for stopping to pass stool during trip to hospitalfollowing a split-preparation compared to evening-only preparation 33, and in a meta-analysis ofmultiple trials a split preparation was superior to an evening preparation forfrequency of prep discontinuation (OR = 0.53; 95% CI:0.28–0.98); willingness to repeat prep (OR = 1.76; 95%CI: 1.06–2.91), and the frequency of nausea (OR = 0.55;95% CI: 0.38–0.79) 34.

Enestvedt et al performed a meta-analysis of randomized trials comparinga split dose 4 liter PEG preparation with other preparations including 4 Lsingle dose PEG and low dose PEG and NaP split dose regimens with and withoutother additives such as ascorbic acid, tegaserod, lubiproston, bisacodyl, ormagnesium citrate. In their review there were 9 relevant studies, and they foundthat the overall pooled odds ratio for excellent or good bowel preparationquality for 4-L split-dose PEG compared to other methods = 3.46(95% confidence interval, 2.45–4.89; P<.01). In this study they found no significant differences between PEG and othersin preparation compliance, favorable experience, willingness to repeat,abdominal cramping, nausea, or sleep disturbance 16. They concluded that the gold standardbowel preparation method should be a split dose 4 liter PEG preparation. Theaddition of adjuvants such as bisacodyl, magnesium citrate or other medicationsto a split dose 4 liter PEG regimen was not studied.

Availability of alternative preparations

Several alternative preparations should be available to patients. A lowvolume preparation should be available to patients who have difficulty with thevolume of a split 4 liter PEG preparation; however the presence of renalinsufficiency and other co-morbidities must be taken into consideration. Thereis no consensus as to the best preparation for patients who are compliant buthave inadequate results with a 4 liter PEG preparation. Patients who have faileda prior 4L split PEG regimen may require an extended low fiber (72 hours) andclear liquid diet (24 hours) two day regimen with repeating the split PEGregimen with the addition of 10 mg bisacodyl the evening before, as described35. In our practicewith patients without renal failure (CrCL< 30ml/mn) who have previouslyfailed a bowel preparation, we generally emphasize teaching related to thepreparation and use a clear liquid diet beginning the day before the procedureand recommend a 4 L split PEG preparation with the addition of 1 bottle ofmagnesium citrate the evening before the procedure. For patients with renalfailure we add an additional 2 L PEG to be taken the day prior to the procedurerather than using magnesium citrate. In addition, for patients complaining ofbloating or nausea from the preparation, we recommend use a single dose of 20 mgmetochlopramide orally prior to the ingestion of the PEG preparation 23. Note that metochlopramideshould be avoided in patients with neurologic diseases and is not an effectiveoverall adjunct that would warrant use in all patients 36.

Low residue versus clear liquid diet

Most studies to date have used a clear liquid diet for either 24 or 48hours in addition to the bowel preparation solution or medication. Recently ameta-analysis of 9 randomized trials of low residue diets vs. clear liquid dietson the day prior to colonoscopy indicated that patients consuming low residuediet demonstrated significantly higher tolerability (OR 1.92; 95% CI,1.36–2.70; P < .01) and willingness to repeat preparation (OR 1.86;95% CI, 1.34–2.59; P < .01), with no differences in adequatebowel preparations (OR 1.21; 95% CI, 0.64–2.28; P = .58)or adverse effects (OR 0.88; 95% CI, 0.58–1.35; P = .57)37. Low residue dietsmay include white bread, refined pastas and cereals, crackers, white rice,certain vegetables or fruits without skin or seeds, limited amounts of milk andyogurt, broth-based soups (strained) and sweets such as jelly, honey, and syrup.Further studies are needed in high risk groups to determine the adequacy of thisdiet.

5. Factors associated with poor bowel preparation

Table 3 summarizes risk factorsassociated with inadequate preparation from various multivariate analyses. Dik, etal. recently described an analysis of 1331 consecutive colonoscopy procedures at 4centers, of which 172 (12.9%) had inadequate bowel preparations 38. The bowel preparation regimens inthis study included split preparations using 4 liter PEG, 2 liter PEG +ascorbic acid, sodium picosulfate + magnesium citrate, or sodium phosphate.In a multivariate analysis the independent factors related to inadequate preparationthe American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification Systemscore ≥3, use of tricyclic antidepressants, use of opioids, diabetes,chronic constipation, history of abdominal and/or pelvic surgery, history ofinadequate bowel preparation, and current hospitalization. In this study increasingage, body weight, multiple medications, neurologic disease and cirrhosis were notassociated with bowel preparation adequacy. Other studies have described otherindependent factors associated with inadequate bowel preparations, includingelevated body mass index, older age, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, use ofnarcotics or antidepressants, hypertension, dementia, among others3, 4,3943 (Table3). Further randomized studies are needed to study interventions that mayimprove upon current bowel preparation regimens in patients with characteristicsindicating they are at high risk for inadequate preparations.

Table 3

Independent risk factors for inadequate bowel preparations in multivariateanalyses.

AuthorNSplit Prep used?VariableOR (95% CI)
Dik et al. 20151331yestricyclic antidepressants5.3 (2.3–12.5)
opiates1.9 (1.0–3.6)
diabetes2.1 (1.3–3.4)
chronic constipation2.7 (1.7–4.3)
prior abdominal/pelvic surgery1.8 (1.3–2.6)
prior inadequate prep1.8 (1.1–3.0)
current hospitalization1.8 (1.0–3.1)
Fayad et al. 20132163yesBMI ≥ 30 kg/m21.46 (1.21–1.75)
tobacco1.28 (1.07–1.54)
narcotics1.28 (1.04–1.57)
hypertension1.30 (1.07–1.57)
diabetes1.38 (1.12–1.69)
dementia3.02 (1.22–7.49)
Hassan et al. 20122811Only for 12%male1.2 (1.02–1.5)
high BMI1.1 (1.03–1.1)
older age1.01 (1.004–1.02)
prior colorectal surgery1.6 (1.2–2.2)
cirrhosis5.0 (2.6–10.4)
Parkinson disease3.2 (1.2–9.3)
diabetes1.8 (1.3–2.5)
positive FOBT0.6 (0.5–0.8)
Borg et al. 20091588noBMI ≥251.28 (1.01–161)
Chan et al. 20115013 day prep w/bisacodyl andlow-residue diet followed by 2L PEGLower education level2.35 (1.54 – 3.60)
appt waiting time > 16 wks1.86 (1.04 – 3.37)
non-adherence to prep instructions4.76 (3.00 – 7.55)
Chung et al. 2009362no (4L morning of)age > 60 years old2.8 (1.04–7.4)
diabetes8.6 (6.3–19.4)
appendectomy4.6 (2.0–10.5)
colorectal resection7.5 (3.4–17.6)
hysterectomy3.4 (1.1–10.4)
Lebwohl et al. 201012,430noon Medcaid1.84 (1.61–2.11)
later time of day appt1.89 (1.71–2.09)
marital status0.89 (0.80–0.98)
increased age1.09 (1.05–1.14)
male1.44 (1.31–1.59)
inpatient status1.51 (1.26–1.80)
Ness at al. 2001649approximately halfProcedure time1.15 (1.05, 1.25)
non-adherence to prep instructions2.68 (1.52, 4.75)
cirrhosis3.71 (1.17, 11.75)
inpatient status3.13 (1.15, 8.50)
constipation2.81 (1.10, 7.20)
tricyclic antidepressant2.99 (1.10, 8.15)
hx of polyps0.55 (0.31, 0.98)
male1.54 (1.03, 2.30)
stroke or dementia2.23 (1.00, 4.97)

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Many of the prior studies of patient-related risk factors for inadequatebowel preparations failed to take into account patient self-report of compliancewith either splitting the preparation or the amount ingested. We recently used aprospective questionnaire given to patients presenting for a colonoscopy procedureto determine factors that correlated with inadequate bowel preparations 44. Data from the survey includedpatient compliance with the volume consumed (non-compliance defined as failure tocomplete at least 95% of the PEG solution), patient compliance withinstructions adhere to the timing of the split preparation, self-reported difficultylevel of the preparation, and the highest education level achieved by the patient.These data were supplemented by medical record data regarding gender, age, body massindex, distance from the medical clinic, current medications, mental healthdiagnoses, and other medical diagnoses. Of 500 consecutive patients, 87% (n= 435) had an adequate bowel preparation rating on their colonoscopies while13% (n = 65) had an inadequate bowel preparation rating. Inmultivariate analysis, the most significant factor associated with inadequate bowelpreparation was noncompliance with adherence to splitting the preparation[OR=2.99, 95% CI= (1.35, 6.63),p=0.01]. Ness et al 43, and Chan et al 40, also reported that non-adherence with instructions were highlyrelated to inadequate preparations. These data indicate that patient education andinstruction materials are of critical importance.

6. Methods for improving compliance and outcomes

Practice guidelines related to colonoscopy bowel preparations have beenpublished by the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer 15. Full compliance to theinstructions of the split-preparation plan has been shown to be a very importantfactor related to adequate bowel preparation. This has been observed in a multitudeof prior bowel preparation studies that directly compared split preps with prepswithout split timing of ingestion. Therefore, methods that emphasize the importanceof compliance with both the timing of ingestion of the preparation in addition tothe entire volume of the preparation are important. This could be achieved byproviding clear instructions and more education to the patients about theirpreparation as well as having health care professionals attentively follow-up on thepatients to verify their understanding of the preparation process by performingpre-procedure calls. The use of patient navigators and enlisting the assistance offamily members can be especially helpful in improving compliance in elderlypatients. In addition, identification of patients who have failed previous bowelpreparations is important in order to identify compliance issues and/or recommend apreparation with increased intensity. Table 4lists specific evidence-based actions that can improve bowel preparation compliance45, and we have made aneffort to implement all of these at our institution. MacArther et al. haveemphasized that there is no single intervention that is proven to be the mostimportant for improving compliance, but rather practices should consider a number ofdifferent interventions that combined may be the most effective 46.

Table 4

Methods to improve patient compliance and adherence to bowel preparations (ref.45,46).

Clear instructions
  • Instructions in both verbal and written form

  • Effective for a wide range of health literacy and educationlevels

  • Education tools (booklets, visual aids, cell phone apps,etc.) that are standardized and valid

Instructions on product label forsplitting the preparation
  • Current product instructions do not generally include splitpreparation instructions, these would need to be added bythe pharmacy to the product

Pre-procedure phone calls
  • Clinic staff confirm that patient understands appointmentdate and diet instructions

  • Verify split-preparation instructions and emphasizecompleting the entire volume

  • Standardized templates are used for recording pre-calls inmedical record

  • Phone number for patients to call if they have questions,including instructions to page the GI fellow on call if theyhave questions the night before the procedure.

Alternative Preparationavailable
  • Availability of at least two alternative bowel preparationoptions. These would include a reduced volume preparationfor patients who are unable to take a 4L preparation even ifit is split (if no risk factors for renal disease), and anaugmented regimen for patients that failed a previouspreparation despite adequate compliance (e.g., two day lowresidue or clear liquid diet with 4 L PEG split prep withthe addition of one bottle magnesium citrate the eveningbefore; premedication with metochlopramide 20 mg to preventnausea if no neurologic co-morbidity)

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7. Conclusions

The quality of colonoscopy examinations is a crucial issue for anyendoscopic procedure unit and health care system engaged in colon cancer screeningprograms. It is important to recognize that elderly patients have increased risksfor complications from both colonoscopy bowel preparations and procedures, and therisk-benefit balance for colonoscopy in elderly patients needs to be carefullyconsidered. Overall a split 4 liter PEG split preparation is effective and preferredfor elderly patients with comorbidities. We have provided recommendations forcurrently available bowel preparations and methods to improve the adherence andquality of the preparations. All centers should be engaged in continuous qualityimprovement efforts to improve bowel preparations, reduce the need for repeatedprocedures, and to minimize potential complications.

Key Points

  1. Complications are increased in the elderly and need to be consideredalong with expected benefits prior to recommending this procedure.

  2. A split 4 liter polyethylene glycol preparation is highly effectiveand may be preferred for elderly patients with comorbidities.

  3. Methods for achieving safe and adequate bowel preparations in theelderly include clear instructions, reminder calls, and case management forpotential confounding patient related factors.


Grant Support: VA San Diego Healthcare System Research Service and NIH UO1 HX001574.



The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest.


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Optimal Bowel Cleansing for Colonoscopy in the Elderly
Patient (2024)


What is the best prep for an elderly colonoscopy? ›

The most common preparations include Polyethylene glycol (PEG) electrolyte lavage solution, which come as a 4 liter solution or a 2 liter solution that requires adjuvant treatments, or sodium phosphate (NaP) type laxatives.

What are the guidelines for colonoscopy in the elderly? ›

The guidelines:
  • recommend screening for colorectal cancer using fecal occult blood testing, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy in adults, beginning at age 50 years and continuing until age 75.
  • recommend against routine screening for colorectal cancer in adults age 76 to 85 years.

What should you avoid 3 days before a colonoscopy? ›

Quick Colonoscopy Prep Timeline

Three days before your procedure, eat a low-fiber diet and avoid seeds, nuts, corn, and popcorn.

What if my poop isn't clear before a colonoscopy? ›

However, if your bowel movements are still solid or look like pictures #1, #2, or #3, you are probably not prepped adequately enough and will need to cancel your procedure. Do I need to drink all of the bowel prep solution? Yes. In order to properly see the lining of the colon, the colon must be completely clean.

Does your 80 year old patient really need that colonoscopy? ›

There's no upper age limit for colon cancer screening. But most medical organizations in the United States agree that the benefits of screening decline after age 75 for most people and there's little evidence to support continuing screening after age 85. Discuss colon cancer screening with your health care provider.

What is the newest and easiest prep for colonoscopy? ›

Suflave is the newest type of colonoscopy preparation, which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved in 2023. People take Suflave as a liquid solution in two doses, with an extra 16 ounces of water after each dose.

Why are colonoscopies not recommended after age 70? ›

Serious adverse events of colonoscopy increase with age and can outweigh the benefit of screening. The great majority of reviews concluded that screening between 75 and 85 years must be decided case by case.

What is the new procedure instead of a colonoscopy? ›

Virtual colonoscopy is a special X-ray examination of the colon using low dose computed tomography (CT). It is a less invasive procedure than a conventional colonoscopy. A radiologist reviews the images from the virtual colonoscopy to look for polyps on the inside of the colon that can sometimes turn into colon cancer.

At what age does Medicare stop paying for routine colonoscopies? ›

Medicare has no minimum or maximum age limit for a screening colonoscopy, and you pay nothing if your health care provider accepts Medicare assignment. Medicare Advantage plans provide free colonoscopy screenings at the same frequency as Original Medicare.

Why no nuts before colonoscopy? ›

Fiber is the part of foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains that is not digested. If it remains in your bowel it can mask areas that your doctor needs to see. Follow these general guidelines for five days before your colonoscopy: Avoid nuts, seeds, dried fruits, dried beans and peas.

Why no dairy before colonoscopy? ›

5. Why Can't I Have Milk Before a Colonoscopy? Anything that you drink other than clear liquids can end up inside of the colon. Similar to how certain dyes can affect your colonoscopy, traces of milk can hide a possible polyp in the walls of the colon.

Can I eat scrambled eggs the day before a colonoscopy? ›

Can you eat eggs the day before a colonoscopy? You will usually be asked to avoid eating all solid foods the day before your colonoscopy, including eggs. However in the week preceding your colonoscopy, you can eat eggs.

What is the simple trick to empty your bowels every morning? ›

In the morning, drink warm water with lemon to stimulate bowel movement and hydrate the body. Consume fiber-rich foods such as whole grains and fruits to improve digestion and regularity. Probiotics can help to improve gut health and regulate bowel movements.

How do I know my colon is clean enough for a colonoscopy? ›

How can you tell if your colon is clean and ready for a colonoscopy? Your stool after finishing your bowel prep agent can act as a guide. Your stool should be clear, yellow, light and liquid. The presence of dark particles or thick brown or black stool means you are not ready for colonoscopy.

Should I still be pooping the morning of my colonoscopy? ›

What if I'm still pooping before my colonoscopy? As long as your poop is clear (it will be yellow, but see-through, not cloudy,) your colonoscopy prep is done. If it's not clear, you may have to take additional steps before you can have your colonoscopy.

What is the least awful colonoscopy prep? ›

What is the easiest prep to take for a colonoscopy?
  • A sulfate-free and flavored formula, such as NuLYTELY or TriLyte (PEG), for better taste.
  • A lower-volume formula, such as MiraLAX or Halflytely (PEG), so there's less to drink.

What is better for colonoscopy prep, liquid or pills? ›

Clinical data suggests that colonoscopy prep tablets are generally as effective as liquid solutions. Sutab is likely more effective than OsmoPrep. They also differ in terms of safety. One of the biggest issues with liquid prep solutions is they require drinking a large volume of fluids.

What are the complications of colonoscopy in the elderly? ›

Pooled incidence rates for adverse events (per 1000 colonoscopies) in patients 65 years of age and older were 26.0 (95% CI, 25.0–27.0) for cumulative GI adverse events, 1.0 (95% CI, 0.9–1.5) for perforation, 6.3 (95% CI, 5.7–7.0) for GI bleeding, 19.1 (95% CI, 18.0–20.3) for CV/pulmonary complications, and 1.0 (95% CI, ...

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.