Natural Colon Cleanse: 8 Ways to Try at Home (2024)

Certain aspects of colon cleansing may be beneficial. That said, according to an older pilot study, there isn’t any research evidence to support its use unless you are doing it for constipation or before a medical procedure like a colonoscopy.

In these instances, the available evidence focuses on colon hydrotherapy, which is a procedure done with a medical device as opposed to a natural cleanse.

More research is needed to understand whether cleansing your colon has any health benefits. Other colon cleanse claims about the effectiveness of colon cleansing, such as the removal of toxins and parasites, are questionable.

There are a few ways to colon cleanse. You can purchase a colon-cleansing product, or you can get a colonic irrigation or enema.

Otherwise, you can do simple things to boost or “cleanse” colon health naturally at home.

The following natural colon cleanses can be done cheaply, and they’re also quite safe if done correctly.

1. Hydration

Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is a great way to regulate digestion. Drinking lukewarm water has been shown to be good for digestion as well, according to an older study from 2016. However, more research is necessary.

Also, try eating plenty of foods high in water content. This includes fruits and vegetables like watermelons, tomatoes, lettuce, and celery.

In fact, there are lots of foods that help cleanse the colon naturally through diet.

2. Saltwater flush

You can also try a salt water flush. This could be an option for people experiencing constipation and irregularity.

However, keep in mind that there’s limited scientific evidence that a salt water flush for colon cleansing works:

  • One older 2010 study found that drinking lukewarm saline solution at regular intervals while doing yoga poses was more effective at pre-colonoscopy bowel cleansing than a specialized cleansing solution.
  • Another 2018 study found that using a sodium phosphate solution worked well in cleansing the colon. That said, this study was also evaluating the saline cleanse in the context of prepping for a colonoscopy.

In addition, there are anecdotal claims stories on the internet from people who believe saltwater flushes worked for them.

If you would like to try saltwater cleansing for yourself, it’s best to speak with your doctor beforehand. Once you’re ready to give this a try, here are a few tips for how to do it.

Before eating in the morning, mix 2 teaspoons salt with lukewarm water. People often use sea salt or Himalayan salt.

Drink water quickly on an empty stomach, and in a few minutes, you may feel the urge to go to the bathroom.

Do this in the morning and in the evening, and make sure to stay home near the bathroom for a while after the cleanse. You may need to go to the bathroom multiple times.

3. High fiber diet

Fiber is an essential macronutrient to have in the diet. It’s found in whole, healthy plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and more.

Plants contain cellulose and fibers that help “bulk” up the excess matter in the colon. They also regulate constipation and overactive bowels while boosting helpful bacteria as a prebiotic.

Make sure to eat plenty of high fiber foods, which help a healthy colon. They can also be great for gut bacteria too.

4. Juices and smoothies

Juices are popular colon cleansers. These include fruit and vegetable juice fasts and cleanses like master cleanses.

There isn’t enough research on these for the colon, however. In fact, some research points out risks.

Even so, a moderate intake of juices and juicing can be good for you. Juice blends contain some fiber and nutrients that benefit digestion. They also hold water to help hydrate and keep up regularity.

What’s more, eating fruit can help improve the gut microbiome and the movement of food through the bowel. It can also help reduce constipation.

5. Juice fast

Popular juices in juice fasts and cleanses include apple juice, lemon juice, and vegetable juices. However, smoothies over juices could be more beneficial for the colon and overall health.

Since pulp and skins are removed when juicing, juices contain less fiber. Fiber is great for the colon, and smoothies hold a lot more fiber.

A 2017 study found that going on a fruit or vegetable diet for three days was associated with weight loss, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.

You don’t need to fast and drink only juices and smoothies to get any benefit. Just try including more in your diet, such as with a daily juice or smoothie.

6. More resistant starches

Resistant starches are similar to fiber. They’re also found in plant foods like potatoes, rice, legumes, green bananas, and grains.

These promote a healthy colon by boosting gut microflora.

There is a downside, though. Resistant starches are found in carbohydrates. Still, if following a low carb diet, you can choose options that cause fewer blood sugar spikes. These include whole wheat, green bananas, or lentils.

Including these in the diet, like fiber, can be great for cleansing the colon.

7. Probiotics

Adding probiotics to your diet is another way to cleanse the colon. This also boosts overall health in many other ways.

You can get more probiotics by taking probiotic supplements. Also, eat lots of probiotic-rich foods, like yogurt, kimchi, pickles, and other fermented foods.

Probiotics introduce good bacteria to the gut with the help of fiber and resistant starches. These curb inflammation and promote regularity — two elements of digestive health related to the colon.

Apple cider vinegar is also considered a probiotic and is included in colon cleanses. The enzymes and acids that apple cider vinegar contains supposedly suppress bad bacteria. Currently, there are very few animal-based studies on this.

8. Herbal teas

Herbal teas may assist digestive health via the colon.

Laxative herbs like psyllium, aloe vera, marshmallow root, and slippery elm may help constipation. Make sure to talk with your doctor and follow directions closely before using these herbs. And use them sparingly — otherwise, they can be harmful.

Other herbs like ginger, garlic, and cayenne pepper contain antimicrobial phytochemicals. These are thought to suppress bad bacteria. For this reason, they’re included in lots of cleanses, though studies are needed.

Interested in one of the above natural colon cleanses? Doing one in a gentle fashion at home is usually safe.

Combining these with fasting or increasing the frequency of their use can have risks. If you have high blood pressure and must keep your sodium intake low, avoid salt water flushes.

Colon cleanse side effects

Side effects or complications of colon cleanse may include:

  • infection
  • inflammation in the colon or bowels
  • dehydration
  • electrolyte imbalances

If any of these symptoms occur, stop your cleanse immediately and talk with your doctor. These symptoms have the risk of leading to heart failure and digestive damage if the cleanse is continued. This includes bowel perforation, which can lead to sepsis.

An enema or colon cleanse occasionally poses little risk for a healthy individual. However, overuse can quickly lead to chronic constipation or even bowel injury.

Also, talk with your doctor before making major changes to your diet for colon health. This includes eating significantly more fiber, resistant starches, juices, and smoothies.

Make sure to also be careful when using herbal teas for a colon cleanse. Some herbs can impede or affect certain medications. Laxative herbs can also be harmful if overdone. Overuse of laxatives reduces the body’s ability to move stool and can result in chronic constipation.

If you have a chronic illness, speak with your doctor before doing a natural colon cleanse at home. Colon cleanses aren’t right for everyone.

How can I cleanse my colon overnight?

It’s not good for your health to flush your colon quickly. Colon cleansing does not have research to support its use unless you have been diagnosed with constipation.

How can I cleanse my colon naturally?

The healthiest way to flush your colon is to drink more water, increase your fiber intake, and make regular time for physical exercise.

Try to have three or more bowel movements a week. Talk with a doctor about other ways to prevent constipation and avoid the overuse of laxatives.

What drink is good for colon cleansing?

You can include drinks like Keifer and foods like yogurt in your diet to improve the gut microbiome.

How can I completely clean out my colon?

Natural remedies may help flush your colon, but if you want a complete cleanout, you may need to use over-the-counter medication like Miralax. This is something you should only do under the supervision of a doctor if there is a medical need for it, such as preparing for a colonoscopy, for example.

How do I detox my gut?

Your body systems typically work together to remove toxins from your body. You can support these natural body systems by staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals, and getting regular physical activity.

If you’re dealing with constipation, you may be able to find relief with over-the-counter fiber supplements or laxatives.

Natural colon cleanses may help improve digestive health. Whether they truly “cleanse” the colon is up for debate.

They’re also safe when not overdone. Regardless, talk with your doctor to ensure that you have the greatest experiences possible using them.

Natural Colon Cleanse: 8 Ways to Try at Home (2024)


Natural Colon Cleanse: 8 Ways to Try at Home? ›

You can do a natural colon cleanse by adding more fiber and probiotics to your diet, as well as by trying a saltwater flush or mixing apple cider vinegar with honey. While you may find that the practice helps ease bloating or other digestive issues, there's no scientific support for doing a natural colon cleanse.

How to empty bowels completely naturally? ›

Here are 13 natural home remedies to relieve constipation.
  1. Drink more water. ...
  2. Eat more fiber, especially soluble, non-fermentable fiber. ...
  3. Exercise more. ...
  4. Drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee. ...
  5. Take Senna, an herbal laxative. ...
  6. Eat probiotic foods or take probiotic supplements. ...
  7. Over-the-counter or prescription laxatives.

How to get rid of old feces in the colon? ›

You can do a natural colon cleanse by adding more fiber and probiotics to your diet, as well as by trying a saltwater flush or mixing apple cider vinegar with honey. While you may find that the practice helps ease bloating or other digestive issues, there's no scientific support for doing a natural colon cleanse.

What can I drink at night to clean my colon? ›

Another easy natural colon cleanse recipe is mixing pure apple cider vinegar and raw honey. This colon cleanse drink may have a positive impact on your gut flora. That's because both raw honey and apple cider vinegar have probiotics (in the case of honey) and compounds that aid in gut health.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try drinking warm liquids like herbal tea or water, which can stimulate bowel movements. Gentle abdominal massage or light exercise like walking may also help.

What simple trick empties bowels every morning? ›

Lemon juice – a cleansing way to encourage bowel movements is to try taking a glass of water mixed with the juice of half a lemon before bed and when you wake up. You may want to drink with a straw as you could find your teeth becoming sensitive after a regular course of lemon water.

What is the 7 second poop trick? ›

Sitting a certain way for seven seconds is not proven to help constipation. However, changing your body posture while on the toilet can make things easier. Place your feet on a stool to place your knees higher than your hips.

What to drink to have bowel movement? ›

Tips to reduce constipation

Liquids can help keep stools soft. Good choices include water, prune juice, warm juices, decaffeinated teas and hot lemonade.

How can you tell if your colon is empty? ›

How can you tell if your colon is clean and ready for a colonoscopy? Your stool after finishing your bowel prep agent can act as a guide. Your stool should be clear, yellow, light and liquid. The presence of dark particles or thick brown or black stool means you are not ready for colonoscopy.

How many pounds of waste can your intestines hold? ›

The amount of stool or poop in your colon varies depending on factors such as diet, hydration, and frequency of bowel movements. The intestines can hold as little as 5 pounds and as much as 25 pounds of waste at any given time, varying greatly depending on body weight and diet.

How to clean the large intestine at home? ›

To cleanse the colon, experts recommend drinking 6 to 8 cups of warm water per day. In addition, you should also eat plenty of foods with a high water content, including fruits and vegetables like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce, and celery.

How do you drink a super colon cleanse? ›

Use Super Colon Cleanse about every 2 months and for no more than 10 days at a time. Adults: Take 2 capsules 2 times daily with at least 10-12 oz. of water and drink immediately. Taking this product without enough liquid may cause choking.

How to clean stomach overnight? ›

If you are looking for how to improve digestion Here are some tips on how to clean stomach instantly:
  1. 2.1 Drink Plenty Of Water. ...
  2. 2.2 Saltwater Flush. ...
  3. 2.3 Fiber-Rich Diet. ...
  4. 2.4 Honey And Lemon Water. ...
  5. 2.5 Juices And Smoothies. ...
  6. 2.6 Organic And Herbal Teas. ...
  7. 2.7 Ginger. ...
  8. 2.8 Resistant Starches.
Mar 22, 2023

How to clean stomach in 5 minutes? ›

Getting rid of a stomachache in five minutes may not always be possible. However, some remedies that may help settle an upset stomach include drinking water or clear liquids, eating small and frequent meals, avoiding greasy or spicy foods, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding tobacco and caffeine.

How do you make Epsom salt colon cleanse? ›

For adults and children 12 years old and older, dissolve 2 to 4 level teaspoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of water and drink the mixture immediately. For children 6 to 11 years old, dissolve 1 to 2 level teaspoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of water and drink immediately.

Why do my bowels never fully empty? ›

Tenesmus is a feeling of being unable to empty the bowel or bladder. It usually refers to rectal tenesmus, which can occur with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rectal cancer, and other conditions. Vesical tenesmus is a separate condition that relates to the bladder.

What food empties the bowels? ›

What foods are natural laxatives?
  • legumes such as beans and lentils.
  • fermented beverages such as kefir.
  • fruits such as prunes, figs, and apples.
  • vegetables such as rhubarb and sweet potatoes.
  • seeds such as chia seeds and flaxseed.
  • grains such as rolled oats and oat bran.
Jun 30, 2023

Will impacted stool eventually come out? ›

When you have a fecal impaction, you'll need to have the hard mass of stool removed from your colon or rectum to get better. It won't go away on its own, and it can lead to death if it's allowed to worsen.

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