Natural and Over-the-Counter Heartburn Treatments (2024)

Natural and Over-the-Counter Heartburn Treatments (1)

Do They Work?

Heartburn is a common problem that affects many Canadians at one time or another. It is that familiar burning sensation behind the breastbone resulting from acidic stomach contents rising into the esophagus (acid reflux). Occasional heartburn might result after a large holiday meal, or a night out drinking alcohol and eating greasy food, or perhaps from not having eaten recently enough. However, when heartburn becomes frequent and chronic, it is likely a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

It might be difficult to figure out what to do when heartburn strikes. With such a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, miscellaneous herbal or other natural remedies, and prescription medications available, choosing the right treatment can be an adventure.

GERD vs Heartburn

The first step in finding the right treatment involves understanding the differences between heartburn and GERD. GERD is a chronic condition defined by an improperly functioning sphincter between the esophagus and stomach (lower esophageal sphincter), which causes stomach contents to regularly push up into the esophagus. Heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD, but other symptoms include persistent sore throat, hoarseness, chronic coughing, frequent throat clearing, difficult or painful swallowing, asthma, unexplained chest pain, bad breath, erosion of enamel on teeth, a feeling of a lump in the throat, and an uncomfortable feeling of fullness after meals. Untreated and persistent GERD can also lead to more harmful diseases such as esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal cancer.

If you experience these symptoms of GERD, please consult your physician, because the treatment for this disease is more complex than the treatment for occasional heartburn and will likely involve prescription medicines. If you only experience heartburn infrequently, usually after specific triggers, and you don’t experience the other symptoms of GERD, it is likely that you are just experiencing bouts of heartburn. However, please consult your physician if you have any questions or concerns.

Prescription Medications

These are for treating GERD, not occasional heartburn, and include two types of medications that supress acid production. Histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) work by blocking the effect of histamine, which stimulates certain cells in the stomach to produce acid, and include cimetidine (Tagamet®), ranitidine (Zantac®), famotidine (Pepcid®), and nizatidine (Axid®). Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) work by blocking an enzyme necessary for acid secretion and include omeprazole (Losec®) lansoprazole (Prevacid®), pantoprazole sodium (Pantoloc®), esomeprazole (Nexium®), rabeprazole (Pariet®), pantoprazole magnesium (Tecta®), and dual delayed release dexlansoprazole (Dexilant®).

Over-the-Counter Treatments

Most of those who have experienced heartburn are familiar with OTC medicines. They offer quick relief for occasional heartburn, and are available at any drug store or grocery chain. These can also be helpful for those who have GERD, for those times when they notice that their ongoing treatment is temporarily not enough. Medications such as Maalox®, Tums®, and Pepto-Bismol® neutralize acid, and another product, Gaviscon®, neutralizes stomach acid and forms a barrier to block acid rising into the esophagus.1,2 Some small dose H2RAs are also available OTC. Generally, you shouldn’t use these products for longer than two weeks and, if you feel like you need to, then it can be a sign that you might have GERD or that your prescription GERD medication isn’t working well enough.

Natural Remedies

Most of the medications used to treat heartburn, both prescription and OTC, have gone through rigorous testing and studies to establish safe and effective use, but what about natural remedies? You’ve likely seen long lists of natural heartburn cures, or maybe had friends or family members who swear by baking soda or apple cider vinegar to relieve their heartburn, but what does the evidence say about these methods?

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda): baking soda is alkaline, and is generally safe to consume, which makes it a good candidate for neutralizing acidity. It makes sense that people reach for this common household item to treat heartburn. While some evidence does show that it is safe for occasional use, overdoing it can lead to a medical state known as alkalosis which can cause cardiovascular disturbances and is potentially dangerous.3 Baking soda is also very high in sodium, and can prevent the absorption of certain medicines. Use in moderation.

Acids: this is an odd remedy, and typically involves consuming either apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to quell heartburn. The logic behind it is that not all heartburn is caused by an increase in acid, which would make the treatments that neutralize acid pointless. According to proponents of this method, heartburn can be a result of an improperly functioning stomach that allows contents to backflow into the esophagus because it isn’t acidic enough. Therefore, consuming acids helps to restore the normal acidity level in your stomach and aids digestion. However, there isn’t much evidence that this is actually effective, and in some cases, adding extra acid to your stomach might make symptoms worse. Physicians generally do not recommend this method. This theory might stem from the fact that some individuals experience heartburn or GERD as a result of delayed gastric emptying. But there isn’t any good evidence that vinegar will speed up gastric emptying, so you are better off using a medication made for that purpose. Don’t use for heartburn.

Milk: using milk to ease heartburn seems like a good idea intuitively. Milk is alkaline, and it can feel soothing to drink. And while it is true that initially milk can ease your discomfort, the fat and protein it contains can lead to worse heartburn once digestion begins. Lower fat milk might be easier to tolerate during bouts of heartburn. Try a calcium-based OTC treatment (such as Tums® or Maalox®), which have the benefits of the calcium in milk without the drawbacks. Don’t use for heartburn.

Chewing gum: chewing any type of gum could be a simple way to ease mild heartburn. Our saliva is slightly alkaline due to the presence of various enzymes. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, which can help reduce reflux when you swallow. In addition, the very act of swallowing might help to push stomach contents back into the stomach. This method is generally harmless, as long as you avoid consuming large quantities of artificially sweetened gum, which can cause diarrhea in some individuals.4 Chewing gum might also increase your ingestion of air, increasing flatulence. Use in moderation.

Gingerroot: ginger has many benefits when it comes to stomach aches and nausea, and it might also help reduce acid reflux. While many peoples have been using ginger as a treatment for all varieties of stomach ailments for a very long time, it isn’t quite clear how it helps ease heartburn. One study found that it might actually reduce acid production in the stomach, but there isn’t enough research.5 Use in moderation.

Iberogast®: containing nine herbal extracts, Iberogast® is a prokinetic medication proven to help ease heartburn, along with several other digestive ailments and disorders, including GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, nausea, constipation, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. The herbs included are iberis amara, angelica, chamomile, caraway, St. Mary’s thistle, balm, peppermint, celandine, and liquorice. Generally, peppermint can actually worsen heartburn, but the combination of herbs in this product is still often effective in those with heartburn. Use in moderation.

Treatments for GERD and Heartburn

TreatmentUse for Heartburn or GERD?How it WorksNotes
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)GERDprevent acid production in the stomachby prescription only
histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs)GERDprevent acid production in the stomachby prescription and OTC in smaller doses
calcium carbonate (Maalox®, Tums®)temporary relief of heartburnneutralizes aciddo not use for longer than two weeks
bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol®)temporary relief of heartburnneutralizes aciddo not use for longer than two weeks
alginates (Gaviscon®)temporary relief of heartburncreates a barrier between stomach contents and esophaguslikely safe in pregnancy (no systemic effect)
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)occasional relief of heartburn or when other products are unavailableneutralizes acidpotentially dangerous if used frequently
acids (apple cider vinegar or lemon juice)not recommendedadds more acids to the stomachlikely not effective, might worsen heartburn
milknot recommendedtemporarily eases discomfort, might lead to worse symptomslow fat milk might work better than high fat
chewing gummild heartburnneutralizes acid, swallowing pushes contents back into stomachavoid large quantities of artificially sweetened gum
gingerrootmild heartburnunknownresearch is still early, not necessarily effective but generally safe
Iberogast®heartburn or GERDpositive interaction with the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinesspeak with your physician before using regularly


In addition to these treatments, there are some lifestyle and dietary changes you can make to lessen heartburn or GERD symptoms. Avoiding dietary triggers, eating several small meals instead of fewer large ones, losing weight, quitting smoking, and avoiding lying down for a few hours after eating can all help reduce acid reflux. Elevating the head of your mattress six to eight inches when you sleep can help prevent night time heartburn. As always, speak with your physician before making any long-term changes to your medicine regimen.

First published in the Inside Tract® newsletter issue 199 – 2016
Image Credit: ©
1. McRorie JW Jr et al. Evidence-based treatment of frequent heartburn: the benefits and limitations of over-the-counter medications. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 2014;26(6):330-9.
2. Strugala V et al. A Randomized, controlled, crossover trial to investigate times to onset of the perception of soothing and cooling by over-the-counter heartburn treatments. The Journal of Internal Medical Research. 2010 Mar-Apr;38(2):449-57.
3. Al-Abri SA et al. Baking soda can settle the stomach but upset the heart: case files of the Medical Toxicology Fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco. Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2013;9(3):255-8.
4. Moazzez R et al. The effect of chewing sugar-free gum on gastro-esophageal reflux. Journal of Dental Research. 2005;84(11):1062-5.
5. Siddaraju MN et al. Inhibition of gastric H+, K+-ATPase and Helicobacter pylori growth by phenolic antioxidants of Zingiber officinale. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 2007;51(3):324-32.
Natural and Over-the-Counter Heartburn Treatments (2024)


What can I take to stop heartburn immediately? ›

  1. Antacids.
  2. Soothe occasional, mild heartburn with an antacid that contains calcium carbonate or magnesium. They help zap stomach acid. ...
  3. Antacids can cause constipation and diarrhea. ...
  4. H2 Blockers.
  5. H2 blockers help relieve and prevent occasional heartburn by lowering the amount of acid your stomach makes.
Nov 9, 2022

What is the best thing over-the-counter for heartburn? ›

Antacids. The oldest and best-known medicines for treating heartburn, they have remained popular because they're fast-acting, inexpensive, available without a prescription, and are safe for most people when used as directed. Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, and Tums are examples.

What is the best natural drink for heartburn? ›

What is the best drink for acid reflux? Herbal teas (chamomile, licorice, and ginger), low fat milk, plant-based milk (oat, flax, or almond milk), smoothies, coconut water, and nonacidic juices (cucumber, carrot, and aloe vera) may help you manage acid reflux symptoms.

How do you flush acid out of your stomach? ›

How to Treat Acid Reflux Naturally
  1. Drink diluted baking soda. Also known as sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda, baking can help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. ...
  2. Drink diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. ...
  3. Drink a glass of milk. ...
  4. Chew some gum. ...
  5. Enjoy ginger root in soups, smoothies or tea. ...
  6. Take Iberogast®
Feb 18, 2022

What is a natural antacid? ›

If you can't take antacids or are looking for a more natural alternative, several natural remedies can help, including ginger, turmeric, papaya, and chamomile. If natural or over-the-counter solutions aren't working for you, it's important to visit a healthcare provider for further guidance.

What cancels heartburn? ›

Ginger. Ginger is one of the best digestive aids because of its medicinal properties. It's alkaline in nature and anti-inflammatory, which eases irritation in the digestive tract. Try sipping ginger tea when you feel heartburn coming on.

How do I get rid of indigestion asap? ›

  1. WATER. Water: nature's best medicine. ...
  2. LEMON JUICE. Whilst there is still some debate over whether or not lemon can help with digestion, plenty of people swear by its use. ...
  3. BAKING SODA. Still feeling the effects of indigestion? ...
  4. GINGER. ...
  6. PEPPERMINT. ...

What is the best natural supplement for acid reflux? ›

Herbs and Supplements for Acid Reflux (GERD)
  • Peppermint oil.
  • Ginger.
  • Chamomile.
  • Licorice.
  • Other herbs.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Melatonin.
  • FAQ.

Will drinking water help heartburn? ›

Acid reflux causes a burning sensation in the throat and chest. Drinking water, low fat milk, and herbal teas may help manage it. Alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and sodas may worsen symptoms.

What natural food neutralizes stomach acid? ›

Bananas, melons, broccoli, asparagus, and green beans are low in acid and known to reduce stomach acid levels. Whole grains — High fiber, whole-grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain breads help stop symptoms. They are a good source of fiber and may help absorb stomach acid, reducing the risk of symtoms.

What is the fastest heartburn relief? ›

Antacids provide fast heartburn relief. They start to work in seconds* to neutralize stomach acid, making your stomach contents less acidic and reducing the chances that acidic liquid will leak into your esophagus (the muscular tube that connects your mouth and stomach).

How to get rid of heartburn asap? ›

Once acid reflux starts, you can use over-the-counter medications like antacids or H2 blockers to stop the symptoms fast. Home remedies like drinking milk or eating a banana may help relieve heartburn symptoms.

Can I stop heartburn naturally? ›

Avoid trigger foods: Foods that promote heartburn include fried and fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods and carbonated beverages. Lose weight: Being overweight increases the likelihood that you'll experience heartburn. Avoid eating late at night: Try to eat three hours before going to bed.

What food or drink calms heartburn? ›

Oatmeal – Filling, hearty and healthy, this comforting breakfast standard also works for lunch. Fennel – This low-acid crunchy vegetable has a mild licorice flavor and a natural soothing effect. Ginger – Steep caffeine-free ginger tea or chew on low-sugar dried ginger for a natural tummy tamer.

What food gets rid of heartburn? ›

To curb heartburn, build your meals around naturally low-acid foods like:
  • Melons and bananas. While most fruits have a high acid content, these don't. ...
  • Oatmeal. It's a great way to start your day. ...
  • Bread. ...
  • Rice and couscous. ...
  • Green veggies. ...
  • Lean poultry and meats. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Fish.
Mar 15, 2024

How to treat heartburn at night? ›

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as antacids or acid reducers, may help treat occasional digestive upsets and heartburn.
  1. Antacids. ...
  2. Acid reducers. ...
  3. Sleeping on the left side of the body. ...
  4. Elevating the head and chest. ...
  5. Losing weight. ...
  6. Avoiding tight clothing. ...
  7. Avoiding late night snacking. ...
  8. Eating smaller meals.
Feb 14, 2020

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