How to Exercise With Bad Knees (2024)

You may be wondering how to exercise with bad knees to lose weight. Whether you have arthritis, a knee injury, or another cause of knee pain, there are still plenty of exercises you can do to lose weight while also improving knee pain and overall fitness.

Practicing a combination of cardio and weight-bearing exercises is essential for relieving knee pain. The best exercises for knee pain and weight loss include stretching, strength training, and low-impact cardio workouts like cycling and swimming.

This article takes a closer look at how to exercise with bad knees to lose weight and relieve knee pain. It covers the benefits of exercise for arthritis, injury rehabilitation, and other causes of knee pain, and includes tips for exercising safely with bad knees.

How to Exercise With Bad Knees (1)

Check In With Your Healthcare Provider

Check with your healthcare provider about any knee pain before starting an exercise program.

Benefits of Exercise for Bad Knees

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week.

At least two days per week should involve moderate- to high-intensity strength training, such as resistance or weights, the AHA says.

You need both cardio exercise and strength training to relieve knee pain, lose weight, and maintain a healthy fitness level. Here's why they're important:

Relieves Knee Pain

It may seem counterintuitive to exercise your knees when they are in pain. However, practicing aerobic (cardio) and weight-bearing exercises is essential for relieving knee pain and preventing it in the future.

According to research:

  • Cardio exercises prevent muscle atrophy (muscle wasting), heal damaged cartilage, enhance immunity, and reduce pain.
  • Weight-bearing exercises provide pain relief, enhance psychological well-being, maintain cartilage, and increase the shock-absorbing capabilities of the lower extremities while walking.

A 2018 study shows that physical activity for arthritic knee pain often results in better outcomes than medications, injections, and surgery. Another benefit is that exercise therapy doesn't pose the risk of serious harm like other treatments, such as pain medications and surgery.

Improves Fitness

Physical fitness is more than just the strength of your muscles. It involves the fitness of your heart, lungs, and muscles, both individually, and as an integrated unit that works together to keep you healthy.

In addition to helping you stay healthy, energetic, and independent as you age, regular exercise:

  • Improves circulation
  • Increases endurance
  • Enhances lung fitness
  • Increases muscle and bone strength
  • Boosts immune function
  • Reduces the risk of falls
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Maintains steady digestion
  • Maintains healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Prevents diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, cancers, and innumerable other diseases

Physical activity falls into four basic categories: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility training, each of which is vital for overall fitness.

Regardless of your age or activity level, research shows that it's never too late to improve your health and fitness with exercise.

Weight Loss

A healthy diet and regular exercise are two of the most important elements of an effective weight loss strategy.

Excessive abdominal weight increases the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, certain cancers, and numerous other diseases. Furthermore, reducing the weight load on your knees can ease pain and help your knees heal.

It can take significant exercise to lose weight, and you may not notice the difference right away. But, even when it does not seem like you are losing weight, exercise still increases muscle mass, reduces fat, and improves cardiovascular fitness.

Diet and Exercise for Arthritis

Best Exercises for Bad Knees

Your personal goals will determine the types of exercises you choose. For example, if you have knee pain but your primary goal is to lose weight, your workout routine may look different compared to someone whose primary goal is to relieve knee pain.

Regardless, your weekly routine should include both cardio and weight-bearing exercises to improve your fitness and overall health.

Exercises to Lose Weight and Improve Fitness

Most forms of aerobic exercise are effective for weight loss when done with moderate intensity. However, some high-impact exercises, like long-distance jogging or running up stairs, will be too stressful on bad knees, no matter how lightly you do them.

If you have bad knees but want to lose weight, choose low-impact exercises that you can do with moderate aerobic intensity. These exercises will still burn fat and get your heart pumping without stressing your knees.

The following workouts are great choices:

Walking lubricates the joints, burns calories, and aids in weight loss. Walking also increases blood flow to tight muscles and helps strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee.Longer, slower walks are more knee-pain friendly.

Cycling is a safe, overall workout for people with knee pain. Cycling provides aerobic and strengthening benefits. It promotes range of motion and targets the quadriceps muscles. The peddling strengthens the hamstrings and glutes as well.

Water exercises, including swimming, jogging in water, and water aerobics, are go-to exercises that can help strengthen knee muscles. The buoyancy of the water allows you to exercise without putting pressure on your joints. A 2016 study showed that regular swimming exercise reduced joint pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and improved muscle strength and functional capacity in middle-aged and older adults.

Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain

The muscles above, below, and around your knee have a direct influence on knee pain. If the muscles are too weak—or too tight—they won't be able to support your knee properly.

Some muscles are particularly important, like the hip muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps—three muscle groups that provide crucial knee support.

If your primary goal is to relieve knee pain, opt for a combination of low-impact aerobic exercises and strength training. Workouts to consider include:

Strength training is critical for improving knee function. Weight machines—such as the seated knee extension—help strengthen the muscles. You can also use body weight in place of weight machines. Straight leg raises and squats or modified squats, are some good exercises for knees.

Stretches prevent the knee and leg muscles from becoming too tight, which can contribute to knee pain. Stretches that help the knee and surrounding muscles include knee quadriceps stretch and standing hamstring stretch.

Yoga and pilates are low-impact exercises that simultaneously stretch and strengthen the knee. They are proven beneficial for increasing overall knee strength without overextending the joints.

Tai chi is an internal martial art commonly used to treat chronic pain disorders, including knee osteoarthritis. Studies show that Tai Chi effectively improves knee pain, physical function, mood, and overall quality of life. The practice involves slow, gentle movements, poses, meditation, and controlled breathing.

Elliptical training provides a low-impact aerobic workout, thanks to the fluid, gliding motion of its pedals. Unlike running on treadmills, elliptical training won't stress your knees. And, since your feet stay in contact with the machine, elliptical training is ideal for people who enjoy running but are managing knee instability.

Rowing machines are another low-impact exercise that provides all-in-one strength and resistance training. Stationary rowing strengthens the muscles that support your knees, particularly the quadriceps. Since rowing machines are low to the ground, they are also a safe option for people with balance problems.

A 2019 study showed that weak quadriceps are universal in people with knee osteoarthritis and may be a modifiable risk factor.

The Short Arc Quad Exercise to Improve Quadriceps Strength

Physical Therapy

The goal of physical therapy (PT) is to alleviate pain and improve mobility associated with various knee ailments. Throughout PT, you can expect to learn low-impact exercises and stretches that:

  • Strengthen knee muscles
  • Improve stability and flexibility
  • Lessen joint stress

Your physical therapist can also suggest modalities, such as heat, ice, or massage to ease the pain.

All of these treatments are designed not to aggravate knee pain in the process. You will see your physical therapist, sometimes several times a week, and have exercises and stretches to do at home between appointments.


While exercise is great for pain relief and knee strength, it's important to do the right exercises or you can end up doing more harm than good. Here are a few pointers:

  • Follow your healthcare provider's and physical therapist's recommendations: They will know specifically which exercises are best for your knee pain and which are not based on your diagnosis.
  • Listen to your body: Stop any exercises that make the pain worse.
  • Watch your form: Any exercise can make knee pain worse over time if done improperly.
  • Avoid exercises that overextend or put excessive pressure on the knees: Deep squats, lunges, and running, are probably not ideal.
  • Wear the proper shoes: Keep your workout shoes in good repair. Worn shoes lose adequate support over time and can make knee pain worse. On average, people who work out 30 minutes a day should replace their shoes every six months. However the heavier you are, the faster the wear. You may consider cycling through two or more pairs of shoes and alternate them to spread the wear over a longer period.
  • Warm up before exercising: A warm-up increases your body temperature and promotes blood flow to loosen up your muscles. Warming up is also good for the joints since it prepares them for exercise-related activities.
  • Change your routine: Be sure to cross-train by doing different exercises and workout routines that work a variety of muscles. This will help prevent overuse injuries.

Finally, you should start exercising slowly and gradually build up to increasing weight, duration, or reps.

Don't ignore pain. Pain is a sign you should stop the exercise you're doing. And don't overdo it. Overdoing exercise can cause a setback to recovery.


Cardio and weight-bearing exercises are important for all people, particularly for those who wish to lose weight, relieve knee pain, or do both at the same. A variety of exercises, including cycling, swimming, and rowing, are proven to strengthen and stabilize the knee while also relieving knee pain over time.

If you have a medical problem like osteoarthritis or are recovering from a knee injury, consult with a healthcare provider or physical therapist before trying new exercises. Depending on the cause of your knee pain, your provider may recommend a particular set of exercises for you.

How to Exercise With Bad Knees (2024)


Can I workout with a bad knee? ›

Exercise should not make your existing knee pain worse overall. However, practicing new exercises can sometimes cause short term muscle pain as the body gets used to moving in new ways. This kind of pain should ease quickly and your pain should be no worse the morning after you've exercised.

How can I lose weight if I have bad knees? ›

How to Exercise With Bad Knees to Lose Weight
  1. Swimming: Swimming is a non-weight-bearing exercise because you become nearly weightless in the pool. ...
  2. Walking: Walking can also be low-impact, though you may want to try water walking to start, which puts even less strain on the knees.

What is the best exercise for bad knee pain? ›

Focus on Flexibility and Strength
  • Water aerobics. Water aerobics is an excellent choice of workout for people with knee pain. ...
  • Biking. Biking is great for improving range of motion, flexibility and strength. ...
  • Yoga. Yoga is wonderful for flexibility, especially for the areas around the knee that might be tight. ...
  • Walking.
Jan 9, 2023

How to stay in shape with a knee injury? ›

Safe but Strenuous Activities. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may also be able to participate in forms of exercise such as kayaking, bicycling, walking, or swimming while you are in recovery. Activities like swimming are low-impact and protect your joints, yet still offer a high calorie-burning workout.

What is the #1 mistake that makes bad knees worse? ›

The outcome can be discomfort, pain, and a higher propensity for knee injury. In this article, Dr. Marc Jacobchick helps to unpack the #1 mistake that makes bad knees worse – a lack of exercise.

What not to do with bad knees? ›

High-impact exercises can further injure painful knees. Avoid jarring exercises such as running, jumping, and kickboxing. Also avoid doing exercises such as lunges and deep squats that put a lot of stress on your knees. These can worsen pain and, if not done correctly, cause injury.

Is walking too much bad for your knees? ›

Although rest is an important part of life, too much rest can cause the joints in the body to become tight and stiff. Doing low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga, or cycling can be great for the knees, as well as your fitness!

What is the best exercise machine for bad knees to lose weight? ›

Rowing machines are known for their low-impact, full-body workouts. They're great for bad knees because they minimize joint stress while providing cardiovascular benefits. These machines focus more on the upper body than the legs. This emphasis helps strengthen core muscles without overloading the knees.

Can you reverse knee damage by losing weight? ›

While your body can't reverse arthritis or regrow cartilage, losing weight can help arthritic joints feel better and prevent further excess damage.

How to work out legs with bad knees? ›

  2. 2.) PAUSE SQUAT. ...
  4. 4.) REVERSE LUNGE. ...
  5. 5.) dumbbell BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT HOP. ...

Is a stationary bike good for knee pain? ›

Research shows that low-intensity stationary biking is just as effective at easing pain and increasing fitness for people with knee osteoarthritis as tougher. high-intensity cycling workouts. After you're comfortable on the bike, gradually increase your speed.

How can I fix my knee pain without surgery? ›

Recommended Non-Surgical Treatment Options
  1. Bracing. We may suggest a knee brace to provide external stability to the knee joint. ...
  2. Injections and Infusions. Some medications can be injected directly into the knee to treat your pain. ...
  3. Lifestyle Modifications. ...
  4. Nutraceuticals. ...
  5. Pain Medications. ...
  6. Physical and Occupational Therapy.

How to lose weight with a bad knee? ›

Some low-impact exercises that are good for people with knee pain include:
  1. Walking.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Biking.
  4. Water aerobics.
  5. Yoga.
  6. Pilates.

How to do cardio with bad knees? ›

Several exercise machines are gentle on your joints and provide a great cardio workout while strengthening your muscles, improving endurance, and boosting range of motion.
  1. An elliptical trainer. ...
  2. A stationary bike. ...
  3. A rowing machine. ...
  4. Pool exercises. ...
  5. Short brisk walks. ...
  6. Tai chi.
Aug 1, 2021

Can knee pain go away with exercise? ›

"Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for knee pain," says Dr. Lauren Elson, an instructor in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. The right combination of strengthening and stretching exercises can relieve pain by helping to improve the way the joint moves and functions.

Should I stop going to the gym if I have knee pain? ›

“The purpose is to make your muscles sore so that you get stronger,” he says. But if you experience a sharp pain in the knee joint while exercising, you should stop immediately, and change or modify that exercise.

How do you build muscle with bad knees? ›

10 Quad stretches and exercises for sore or weak knees
  1. Plank Leg Lifts. Planks are another firm favourite for fitness lovers - while simple, planks target nearly all the muscles in your body. ...
  2. Squats. ...
  3. Hip Thrusts. ...
  4. Bulgarian Split Squats. ...
  5. Sumo Deadlifts. ...
  6. Walking Lunges. ...
  7. Single Leg Lifts. ...
  8. Leg Press.
Oct 11, 2023

What gym machines to avoid with bad knees? ›

Knee extension machine

Knee extension machines cause a lot of stress on the anterior knee (front of knee) that could lead to injury. Hayes recommends split squats or lunges to target your quads without the added stress on your knees.

Should I do squats with bad knees? ›

The bottom line. Squats are not bad for your knees. But they may be painful and irritating for people with conditions like knee osteoarthritis, runner's knee, or meniscus tears. To avoid injury and irritation, maintaining good form is key.

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