How Many Exercises Per Workout Should You Do? (And Why) (2024)

March 22, 2022

You’ve gotten into a stride with your fitness regimen and you’re proud of your results so far, but in the back of your mind you’re wondering, “am I really optimizing my workouts?”

Working towards a fitness goal isn’t just physically and mentally challenging — it’s also a science. Transform how you work out and how quickly you reach targets by knowing how to structure your exercises per workout session so you get the most out of them.

How many exercises should you do per workout, and why? Let’s find out!

Any sudden, drastic change in your exercise routine should be discussed with your doctor or your go-to fitness professional.

How Many Exercises Should You Do Each Workout and Why?

If you’re wondering how many exercises per day in gym environments is enough or most beneficial for you, the answer depends. Three to four exercises per workout is typically a sensible goal, but for those just getting into fitness for the first time, two exercises is a great start. Similarly, most avid athletes can handle more.


Aerobic exercise and strength training are two basic forms of exercise. Though it’s possible to do both strength training and cardio in one activity, beginners should try two exercises per workout session.

It’s okay to start small. Try to achieve a weekly total of 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity like a running workout or 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity. With each session (at least twice per week), combine that cardio with 12–15 reps of one to two strength training exercises.

Gradually increase and work toward three to four exercises per workout that hit all major muscle groups.


Three to four exercises can be enough to cover a full-body workout at the intermediate level, but it of course depends on your preferences and the type of movements that you are doing.

If you choose the right three or four exercises, you can get that ideal balance of 80:20 compound vs. isolation exercises, at least 15 total repetitions of each, and every muscle group being worked at least twice per week.


Attempting more than four exercises in one workout may make the session drag, depleting focus and energy levels.

However, depending on what you’re doing and your energy for the day, five or more could be totally fine for you. Just ensure you’re doing two exercises per muscle group and enough sets per week to train each muscle group twice a week.

How Many Exercises Should You Perform For Each Muscle Group?

As long as you pay attention to each muscle group, putting extra focus on certain muscles or areas depends on your personal preference.

Do enough different exercises/sets per week to train all of these muscle groups at least twice a week through at least two different activities:

  • Chest muscles
  • Shoulders and rotator cuff
  • Arms and forearms
  • Back
  • Abs/Core
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Calves

Why You Should Not Go Beyond This Recommended Number

If you’re wondering how many different exercises per workout is most efficient, there is a window to keep in mind. Unless you’re highly experienced and committed to working out, you’ll get overwhelmed if you exceed a certain threshold. Keep it to around four exercises at once and two or three sets per muscle group, two to four times per week.

It is time-consuming.

Most people thrive on 30–45 minutes per day. If you introduce too many different things, you run the risk of sacrificing focus, stamina, performance, and time.

It may exhaust you.

When doing too much at once takes a toll on your energy levels, you aren’t doing quality repetitions and therefore won’t benefit much from those exercises.

At that point, the best-case scenario is your workout becomes less effective and demotivates you for next time. The worst-case scenario is that poor form causes stress, strain, or injury.

It might lead to overtraining.

Overtraining means you’ve worked certain muscles too much to sufficiently recover and sustain the effort for your fitness goals. Be reasonable about your sets per muscle group within any given day.

It may harm your performance.

When workout motivation pays off, we start to feel invincible, but everyone has mental and physical limits. We can’t continue improving if we don’t respect those limits.

How Do You Pick the Exercises for a Workout Session?

There are many different ways to structure a training schedule. Choosing just one muscle group per day isn’t as efficient, so mix and match exercises targeting certain muscle groups.

Pick a routine that’s best for your fitness level, goals, schedule, and needs.

What Are the Three Types of Workout Splits?

  • The Upper Body/Lower Body Split
  • For an upper/lower body split, complete one day of two or three upper body exercises and one day of two or three lower body exercises, followed by a rest day. This works great at an intermediate level.

  • The Full Body Split
  • The full body split entails training your whole body — every muscle group in one workout, followed by a rest day, and repeat three times per week. Reaching both the upper and lower body through two or three exercises is straightforward, making this a great option for beginners.

  • The Push-Pull Split
  • Some upper body muscles engage more during pushing or pressing motions, while others come into play with pulling. For this split, you’d do three exercises each day, cycling upper body pushing, upper body pulling, then lower body workouts, plus one rest day.

    How Often Should You Train Each Body Part Per Week?

    The most realistic and efficient path towards muscle growth is to focus on each body part two to three times per week through strength training.

    How Many Reps Should You Perform Per Workout?

    The number of quality repetitions you can complete depends on the muscle, exercise, difficulty level, goals, and ability. Regardless, prioritize rep quality.

    For example, the more weight you’re lifting, the fewer reps you’ll do, and if you’re lifting less weight, you can complete more reps. Most people have a different 1RM (one-rep maximum weight) they can handle for different muscles.

    If you’re aiming for general fitness with your resistance training, 12–45 total reps of an exercise per workout is sufficient. Doing 26–48 total reps helps build endurance, 36–72 is ideal for building muscle mass, and 24–36 total reps will suffice to maximize strength. Powerlifting is slightly different, requiring 9–25 total reps, and sometimes only 3–10.

    How Many Sets Should You Do Per Workout?

    Instead of all at once, spread these reps out throughout your workout, including rest breaks for a couple of minutes each.

    Here’s the breakdown of how many sets to break those reps into for each exercise, from lowest to highest amount of weight lifted:

    • General fitness: 1–3 sets of 12–15 reps
    • Endurance: 3–4 sets of up to 12 reps
    • Building muscle mass: 3–6 sets of 6–12 reps
    • Strength: 4–6 sets of up to 6 reps
    • Power: 3–5 sets of 3–5 reps
    • Single-rep power: 3–5 sets of 1–2 reps

    Look at your goal, type of exercise, and the number of workouts per week in your split to calculate your total sets per week.

    How Many Workouts Should You Do Per Day?

    Most people can effectively strive for fitness goals by working out once a day three to six days per week. If dividing that into two to three shorter workouts throughout the day is more compatible with your schedule, that’s great!

    It’s possible to do cardio and strength-train all your muscles in the same number of sets per week in two to three workouts per day rather than a once-a-day schedule. Whatever works best for your body and your schedule is what you should go with!

    Five Expert Tips For Best Results

    1. Map the ideal plan for you.

    How to structure your workout routine depends on your lifestyle, schedule, and physical abilities. For example, if the gym doesn’t work for you, check out tips to work out at home.

    Your current strength and size have a big impact on the amount of cardio, weight, reps, and sets you can handle at once. There are many ways to individualize women’s strength training and cardio.

    2. Set specific goals.

    This is closely related to tip number one. Know where you are today to set goals for tomorrow, next week, and beyond. Find the best way to get there.

    Are you trying to max out your power, your endurance, or are you trying to lose weight? How will you continue ramping up the challenge?

    3. Fuel and Hydrate up.

    Nutrition and hydration are key parts of the workout equation. Eat nutritious foods that contribute to your fitness and energy levels, and stay hydrated throughout the day.

    Remember, it’s not one-size-fits-all. Your current size and how hard you push in your workouts influence how much fuel and water you will need to maintain your energy levels.

    4. Rest and recover.

    Get ample sleep, and rest at least one day per week. Muscles go through a lot during exercise. They need time to repair themselves before working again.

    Specifically, your muscles need 48 hours to rest after strength training whether you work out your whole body every other day or alternate muscle groups.

    5. Seek helpful resources.

    Hiring a personal trainer helps, but now, there are resources online, from fitness plans to free blogs and video programs to help guide your journey, regardless of if you do home workouts, gym workouts, outdoor workouts, or anything in between.

    FAQs About Workout Frequency

    Are 4 exercises per workout enough?

    Yes. Four exercises per workout is an effective and efficient amount for most people.

    Are 10 exercises per workout too much?

    Doing ten exercises per workout will make the session last a long time, potentially hurting your focus, energy, and performance.

    How many exercises per workout to build muscle?

    To build muscle, work each muscle group two to three times per week, through two to four different exercises.

    How many exercises per leg day?

    Do three to four exercises each leg day.

    How many exercises per full-body workout?

    For a full-body workout, find three to four exercises that integrate the upper and lower body equally.

    How many exercises per workout for hypertrophy?

    Hypertrophy, or building a specific muscle’s mass, is possible by working out that muscle with two to four exercises two or three times per week.

    How have you evolved your training schedule?

    What type of split works best for you, and why? How many sets per week do you complete for each muscle group? How do you structure your routine to keep pushing your limits without breaking your resolve?

    Share your progress on Instagram and tag us @goalfive. Then, head over to our women’s activewear collection to add something special to your workout routine.

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    How Many Exercises Per Workout Should You Do? (And Why) (2024)


    How Many Exercises Per Workout Should You Do? (And Why)? ›

    Attempting more than four exercises in one workout may make the session drag, depleting focus and energy levels. However, depending on what you're doing and your energy for the day, five or more could be totally fine for you.

    How many exercises should you do per workout? ›

    How many exercises you should do per workout depends on your level of experience. Beginners may do 4-6 exercises, intermediates may do 1-3, and advanced clients may do 1-6. But we challenge you to think about movement patterns before you choose the exercise.

    Are 4 exercises enough for glutes? ›

    Within a single week (microcycle) of training, we recommend between 2 and 5 different glute exercises. For example, if you train glutes 3x a week, you can do a heavy deficit sumo pull on one day, a barbell hip thrust on the next day, and a lunge version on the last day for 3 total exercises in the week.

    Are 3 exercises enough for legs? ›

    As a beginner looking to increase general fitness — and following the theme of keeping things simple — choose 3–5 exercises per leg workout. Then complete 3 sets of 8–12 reps of each exercise, ensuring that you're working your muscles to fatigue but not failure (1).

    Is 2 sets per exercise enough? ›

    As explained above, a “set” describes a group of repetitions performed for an exercise without stopping. For example, if you do 10 squats right now, you just did 1 SET of 10 reps of squats. So let's talk about the “correct” number of sets per exercise. The simple answer: “Do 3-5 work sets of a given exercise.”

    Is 10 exercises per workout too much? ›

    Are 10 exercises per workout too much? Doing ten exercises per workout will make the session last a long time, potentially hurting your focus, energy, and performance.

    Is 3 sets of 10 enough to build muscle? ›

    This holds that regardless of whether you're trying to build muscle, strength, power, or endurance, performing three sets of 10 reps per exercise is a good place to start. The scheme mostly works, especially if you're just starting out with strength training—because everything works in the beginning.

    Are 4 exercises enough per workout? ›

    For most people, training a target muscle group per session with 2-4 different exercises. This could end up being 4-12 different exercises per muscle group per week, depending on how many times per week you train the target muscle group.

    Should I do 3 or 4 exercises? ›

    Meaning that once your muscles get used to what you're currently doing, you'll have no 'leftover exercises' to introduce it to in order to potentially stimulate more growth. So instead, a much more effective option is to pick about 2-4 exercises for each of the muscle groups that work very well for you.

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    *Name three sounds you hear. *Move three parts of your body — your fingers, shoulders, and then feet. *And point out three things you see. “Whenever you feel your brain going 1000 miles per hour, try this exercise to help bring you back to the present moment,” the psychologist said.

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    The takeaway

    Ultimately, there's no wrong decision here, according to Jones. He says whether you're lifting more weight or cranking out more reps you're nudging your body toward continually improved fitness and strength.

    How long should I work out? ›

    As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight, keep off lost weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more.

    Are two sets of squats enough? ›

    Most fitness experts recommend doing between 3 and 6 sets of squats per workout. For beginners, it's often recommended to start with 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps. As you get stronger and more comfortable with the exercise, you can gradually increase the number of sets and reps.

    Is 3 exercises per muscle group enough? ›

    To recap, most people can see great results performing 2-4 different exercise per muscle group per training day, and include 4-12 different exercises paper muscle group per week as long as they are getting enough training volume throughout the week (15-20 total work sets for most people would suffice)..

    How long should a workout be? ›

    The ideal workout duration can vary significantly depending on the person, their goals, their preferences, and the exercise type. For weightlifting and bodyweight strength training, 45–60 minutes per session may suffice. Meanwhile, cardiovascular and calisthenic training may be better if performed for 30–60 minutes.

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    A typical push day workout varies based on the person, but we recommend somewhere between 5 and 8 different exercises. The set-up of these push day routine exercises means you're able to do them relatively quickly, taking 1–2 minutes per exercise with a 2-minute break before moving on to the next exercise.

    How many exercises per workout leg day? ›

    To avoid overtraining, we recommend not doing any more than five leg exercises per workout. However, this rule may be broken if you are doing lots of specific isolatory work.

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