Effects of potato and sweet potato flour addition on properties of wheat flour and dough, and bread quality (2024)

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  • Food Sci Nutr
  • v.10(3); 2022 Mar
  • PMC8907709

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Effects of potato and sweet potato flour addition on properties of wheat flour and dough, and bread quality (1)

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Food Sci Nutr. 2022 Mar; 10(3): 689–697.

Published online 2022 Jan 21. doi:10.1002/fsn3.2693

PMCID: PMC8907709

PMID: 35282011

Hongwei Meng,1 Chong Xu,1 Meiying Wu,1 and Ying FengEffects of potato and sweet potato flour addition on properties of wheat flour and dough, and bread quality (2)1

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The effects of 10%–30% of wheat flour substitution with potato flour (PF) and sweet potato flour (SPF) on the flour and dough properties, the total polyphenol (TPC), and carotenoid contents (TCC) of bread, as well as their correlation with bread texture and starch digestibility, were investigated. With PF and SPF addition, the peak, breakdown, and setback viscosity of the flour decreased. The addition of PF and SPF reduced the dough formation and stabilization duration, as well as the hardness of the bread. The specific volume of the bread depended on the addition amount of PF and SPF. When the addition of PF and SPF was 15%, the bread had the lowest hardness and highest specific volume. The TPC and TCC in the bread depended on the added flour variety, and negatively influenced specific volume and positively influenced the content of resistant starch (RS).

The decreased extent of the peak, breakdown, setback viscosity of the mixed flour depended on the flour variety. Specific volume of bread depended on the variety and amount of added flour. TPC and TCC negatively influenced specific volume, elasticity, and RDS content.

Effects of potato and sweet potato flour addition on properties of wheat flour and dough, and bread quality (3)


Both potato and sweet potato are rich in starch, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber (Nzamwita etal.,2017; Wang etal.,2020; Zhang etal.,2017). Moreover, they contain bioactive phytochemicals such as polyphenols that exert antioxidant and anticancer effects (Liu etal.,2016; Zhu & Sun,2019). Commercially, potatoes and sweet potatoes are mainly processed into starch, chips, and French fries (Tong etal.,2020; Zhang etal.,2017). In recent years, many countries have used potato and sweet potato as staple foods; therefore, their deep‐processed products, such as bread, mantou, and noodles, which satisfy the dietary habits of residents, are being studied and developed (Azeem etal.,2021; Liu etal.,2016; Zhang etal.,2017; Zhu & Sun,2019). Because fresh potato and sweet potato are difficult to store, it is better to process them into flour, which not only maintains their nutritive composition effectively but also prolongs their supply time.

Studies have shown that replacing part of wheat flour (WF) with potato flour (PF) or sweet potato flour (SPF) not only fortifies its nutritional value but also improves the properties of the flour and dough, and the texture and sensory quality of the bread. Meng etal.(2020) replaced 15% of WF with PF to make bread, and found that the specific volume of the bread increased to 4.12ml/g, the moisture content of the bread increased by 7%, and the hardness reduced by 6N. Meanwhile, the color, flavor, volatile aroma, and overall acceptable levels of the bread increased significantly. Nzamwita etal.(2017) found that 20% and 30% substitution of orange‐fleshed sweet potato flour (OFSPF) for WF to make bread can combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. Azeem etal.(2021) found that the sweet potato‐wheat bread (SPWB) made from 45‐μm particle size of OFSPF exhibited higher specific volume and lower hardness. The network and viscoelasticity of its dough were also improved. Jia and Zhong (2018) found that the addition of the sweet potato residue obtained after the extraction of starch significantly influenced the water absorption of WF, the formation time, stability time, and the tensile force of the dough, as well as the hardness and sensory score of the bread. However, studies regarding the comparative effects of the addition of PF and SPF to WF on the characteristics of the mixed flour and the dough, and the texture, total polyphenol content (TPC), and total carotenoid content (TCC) of the bread are rare.

The aim of this study was to investigate the addition of PF and SPF, including OFSPF and purple‐fleshed sweet potato flour (PFSPF) on the characteristics of mixed flour and the responding dough, as well as the quality of bread, including texture, bioactive components, and digestive property. Based on this, the relationship between the TPC, TCC, and the texture and digestibility of bread was explored. Our study outcomes provide a theoretical and practical basis to produce potato‐wheat bread (PWB) and SPWB, and help accelerate the development of potato and sweet potato‐based resources in the staple food industry.


2.1. Preparation of potato flour (PF) and sweet potato flour (SPF)

The commonly consumed Chinese varieties of fresh potato (eshu 10), OFSPF (Yanshu 25), and PFSPF (Ziluolan) were purchased from the market of Shenyang. The potatoes were washed, peeled, sliced, steamed for 20min, and then dried using a heat pump dryer (CN‐HGJ12P‐Shanghai Guangzheng Medical Instrument Co. Ltd.) at 60°C for 12h. Thereafter, they were crushed using a grinder (XM‐600‐Yongkang Boou Hardware Products Co. Ltd.) and passed through a 50‐mesh sieve, sealed, and stored at 4℃ for use.

2.2. Preparation of Sweet‐type bread

To prepare the bread, an egg, 15g of butter (COFCO, China), 90g of water, 40g of white sugar (COFCO, China), 0.5g of salt (China National Salt Industry Corporation), 200g of mixed flour, 7g of milk powder (Nestle S. A.), and 3g of yeast (Angel Yeast Co., Ltd) were put into a bread maker (MM‐ESC1510, Midea). The WF (high gluten, COFCO) was replaced at ratios of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% with PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF to make the bread. The operation conditions of the bread maker were set as sweet bread, light color, and 750g.

2.3. Measurement of the pasting characteristics of the flour

The pasting characteristics of the WF with different substitutions of PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF were measured using a rapid viscosimeter (RVA‐Super3, Newport Scientific Pty Ltd, Australia) using the methods described by Zhu and Sun (2019). Briefly, 3.5g flour mixture was blended with 25ml of deionized water, held at 50℃ for 5min, heated to 95°C at 6°C/min, held at 95℃ for 5min, and finally cooled to 50°C at the same speed and held at 50℃ for 2min. The peak viscosity, through viscosity, breakdown viscosity, final viscosity, setback viscosity, and pasting temperature were measured from the viscograph.

2.4. Measurement of the thermomechanical characteristics of the dough

The thermomechanical characteristics of the dough were measured using the MixolabⅡenzyme rheometer (SYD‐0716, Chopin). Using the method described by Azeem etal.(2021), with some modifications, the weight of the dough was set at 200g. The instrument automatically added the needed amount of water to make the mixed flour and form the dough in accordance with the requirement of achieving optimal consistency and maximum torque of 1.1. The stirring speed was set at 80rpm and the temperature program was set as follows: the sample was held at 30℃ for 8min, then heated to 90℃ at 4℃/min, and held for 7min followed by cooling to 30℃ at the same speed.

2.5. Measurement of bread texture and specific volume

The texture of the bread, including hardness and elasticity, were measured by using a texturing apparatus (TA.XT plus, Stable Micro Systems, England) according to the method described by Liu etal.(2018), with some modifications. The cooled bread core was cut into slices of 20mm3, and the test parameters were set as follows: TA4 probe, the pre‐ and post‐test speed of 2 and 1mm/s, respectively, the test speed of 1mm/s, the strain of 50%, and the trigger force 5g. The specific volume of the bread was measured using the rapeseed displacement method described by AACC (2000).

2.6. Determination of the content of TPC

The bread was cut into 1‐cm‐thick slices, dried in an oven at 40℃ for 24h, and then ground into bread powder. Phenols were extracted from the bread flour with 60% ethanol (v/v) at the ratio of 1g/55ml at 50℃ for 2h by shaking (100rpm), then centrifuged at 10,000g for 20min. The supernatant was used for the determination of TPC. The TPC was determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu method described by Singleton and Rossi (1964). TPC is expressed as mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100g bread weight.

2.7. Determination of TCC

According to the methods described by Tang etal.(2015), 0.5g of the bread powder was extracted with 5ml ethanol/BHT (100:1 v/w) at 85℃ for 5min, then mixed with 0.5ml KOH (80%), and saponified for 10min, then cooled down, mixed with 3ml deionized water and 3ml hexane, centrifuged at 7500g for 5min, and the absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 450 and 503nm. The TCC was calculated as follows:


where A is the absorbance and TCC is expressed as mg carotene/100g bread weight.

2.8. Determination of digestive characteristics of bread starch

The in vitro digestion characteristics of the bread were measured according to the method described by Huang etal.(2016), with slight modifications. Briefly, 0.2g bread powder was mixed with phosphate buffer (15ml, pH 5.2) and equilibrated to 37℃ in a water bath shaker for 20min. Next, 5ml of mixed enzymes (290U/ml porcine pancreas α‐amylase and 15U/ml amyloglucosidase) was added for enzymatic hydrolysis. At 0, 20, and 120min, 0.5ml hydrolytic solution was taken and mixed with 4ml 80% ethanol for enzyme inactivation. After centrifugation at 4000g for 10min, 1ml of supernatant was taken and mixed with 2ml 3,5‐dinitrosalicyclic acid (DNS) reagent for the determination of glucose content.

2.9. Statistical analysis

Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 20.0 software. All data were measured in triplicate and expressed as mean±standard deviation (SD). The significant differences between the samples (p<.05) were determined using variance and Duncan multiple comparison.


3.1. Determination of the pasting characteristics of potato (sweet potato)‐wheat mixed flour

Table1 shows that the peak viscosity of mixed flour decreased gradually with the addition of PF and SPF, especially with the latter. Zhou etal.(2013) indicated that starch particles with smaller size formed tighter bonds between molecules, which increased the expansion resistance, thus decreasing the viscosity. Guo etal.(2019) indicated that the particle size of starch of SP was mainly due to the varieties and had no relationship with its color. With the increase in the addition of PF, the breakdown viscosity of the mixed flour increased first and then decreased; however, the increase in the addition of SPF significantly decreased the breakdown viscosity, which indicated that the addition of SPF greatly enhanced the shear resistance and agitation resistance of the flour (Guo etal.,2019). These results were due to the tighter binding among the smaller particle size of starch molecules, which made them difficult to destroy (He etal.,2017).


Effect of adding PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF on the pasting characteristics of mixed flour

Flour addedAddition (%)Peak viscosity (mPas)Trough viscosity (mPa·s)Breakdown viscosity (mPa·s)Final viscosity (mPa·s)Setback viscosity (mPa·s)Pasting temperature (℃)
PF01813±25a926±11a887±12 c2183±43a1257±17a83.7±0.17d
101754±16b774±22b980±11 a1723±43b949±8b83.1±0.10b
151633±17c695±33c938±10 b1579±36c884±10c82.5±0.10d

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Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences between samples (p<.05).

Abbreviations: OFSPF, orange‐fleshed sweet potato flour; PF, potato flour; PFSPF, purple‐fleshed sweet potato flour.

The addition of PF and SPF reduced the setback viscosity of the flour, suggesting a decrease in the aging of amylose (Guo etal.,2019), among which the effect of OFSPF on the decrease of the aging of amylose was the most obvious. The effect of OFSPF may be due to its lower amylose content (He etal.,2017). Compared with pure WF, the pasting temperature of the flour showed a downward trend after the addition of PF, whereas the effects of SPF were opposite, which may be due to the lower degree of crystallization of starch in PF, resulting in it being easily gelatinized (Chen etal.,2014).

3.2. Effect of adding PF and SPF on the thermomechanical characteristics of the dough

Table2 shows that the addition of PF and PFSPF could increase the water absorption rate of the dough, which may be due to the water‐holding ability of their rich starch and dietary fiber (He etal.,2017; Zhang & Li,2017). For the OFSPF, with increased addition, the water absorption of the dough increased first, and then decreased, which may be due to the difference in starch and dietary fiber among the varieties, such as starch content and size (Zhang & Li,2017), as well as the number of hydroxyl groups in the fiber (Rosell etal.,2001). Compared with WF, the addition of PF and SPF reduced the formation and stabilization times of the dough. The increase in the protein‐weakening degree of the dough, which is consistent with the result of He etal.(2017) regarding the effect of the addition of PFSPF on the thermomechanical characteristics of bread dough, suggests that the addition of PF and SPF weakened the dough strength and decreased its stirring endurance (Cao etal.,2017). Zhang etal.(2017), who studied the effect of the addition of PF on the property of dough for making pizza base, also obtained similar results. Owing to the high water absorption ability and low content of gluten protein of PF and SPF, the addition of large amounts of the PF and SPF will cause excessive water absorption of gluten and a decrease in gluten protein content in the mixed flour, thus resulting in a decrease in the gluten strength and stability of the dough. The setback value of the dough decreased with the addition of PF and SPF, indicating that their addition could inhibit starch recrystallization and retrogradation (Cao etal.,2017), which is consistent with the result regarding the setback value of the mixed flour.


Effect of adding PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF on the thermomechanical characteristics of the dough

Flour addedAddition (%)Water absorption rate (%)Formation time (min)Stabilization time (min)Protein weakening degree (N·m)Gelatinization (N·m)Set back value (N·m)

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Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences between samples (p<.05).

Abbreviations: OFSPF, orange‐fleshed sweet potato flour; PF, potato flour; PFSPF, purple‐fleshed sweet potato flour.

3.3. Effect of the addition of PF and SPF on bread texture

Figure1a shows the change in the hardness of the bread with the increase in the addition of PF and SPF. The hardness of the bread with added PF and SPF is significantly lower than that with no addition (p<.05). When the added amount reached 15%, the hardness of the bread reached the lowest. Among them, the hardness of the bread with added OFSPF was the lowest (35.23±0.47g), and that with PFSPF was the highest. Good‐quality bread means bread with low hardness, as well as high elasticity (Tong etal.,2010). However, with increased addition, the hardness of the bread decreased first, and then increased (p<.05), which is consistent with the result of Cao etal.(2019) regarding the effect of substitution with potato pulp for wheat on the quality of steamed bread, indicating that the addition of PF and SPF should be appropriate (15% is the best). There is a lack of gluten protein in potato and sweet potato; therefore, when the addition of PF and SPF increases beyond 15%, the reduced gluten protein content makes it difficult to form a strong three‐dimensional network structure inside the dough to hold the air. This results in bread with a tight tissue structure, thereby increasing the hardness gradually (Cao etal.,2019).

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Effect of addition of PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF on the (a) hardness, (b) elasticity, and (c) specific volume of bread (p<.05). OFSPF, orange‐fleshed sweet potato flour; PF, potato flour; PFSPF, purple‐fleshed sweet potato flour

The changes in the elasticity and specific volume of the bread showed opposite trends compared with that in hardness (Figure1b,c). With the addition of flour, elasticity increased slightly (p>.05); when the addition of flour reached 30%, the elasticity decreased significantly, which is consistent with the result of Cao etal.(2019), due to the reduced gluten protein content leading to the reduction in the ability of the dough to keep the gas (Cao etal.,2019; Zhang etal.,2017). When the addition amount was 10%‐15% for SP and OFSPF and 10%‐20% for PFSPF, the specific volume of the bread was higher than that with no addition. When the amount was 15%, the specific volume reached the maximum. Among them, the bread with added PFSPF had the highest specific volume.

Potato and sweet potato are rich in minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, which can promote the growth of yeast and produce more gas. In addition, the potato and sweet potato starch in the gluten network of the dough absorbs more water to swell during gelatinization, resulting in an increase in the specific volume of the bread during baking. However, the lack of gluten protein and the rich dietary fiber and phenolics in PF and SPF caused damage in the gluten network structure and led to the failure of the dough to fully expand during fermentation, which eventually resulted in the decrease in the specific volume of the bread (Han & Koh,2011; Li etal.,2015).

3.4. Effects of PF and SPF addition on TPC and TCC

With an increase in the amounts of PF and SPF, the TPC of the bread significantly increased (Figure2a). Among them, the bread with OFSPF had the highest TCC (Figure2b), but the lowest TPC, whereas the bread with PFSPF had the highest TPC, but the lowest TCC, indicating the difference in TPC and TCC of PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF. The result of the correlation analysis (Table4) showed that TPC was negatively correlated with elasticity and specific volume (p<.01), which is consistent with the result of Han and Koh (2011) regarding the decrease in a specific volume of bread influenced by adding phenolic acids to the formula. It was reported that phenolics tended to weaken the network of gluten and reduced the specific volume of bread through interaction with the disulfide bond and the thiol group of gluten (Xu etal.,2019). In addition, TCC had the same correlation with the elasticity and specific volume of bread (for the bread with PFSPF, the correlation analysis was not performed considering its low TCC content), but the related study was not reported.

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Effect of addition of PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF on (a) TPC and (b) TCC of bread (p<.05). OFSPF, orange‐fleshed sweet potato flour; PF, potato flour; PFSPF, purple‐fleshed sweet potato flour; TCC, total carotenoid content; TPC, total polyphenol content


Correlation analysis between TPC, TCC, and bread texture, starch digestibility

Texture characteristicsDigestive characteristics
HardnessElasticitySpecific volumeRDSSDSRS

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Abbreviations: OFSPWB, orange‐fleshed sweet potato‐wheat bread; PFSPWB, purple‐fleshed sweet potato‐wheat bread; PWB, potato‐wheat bread; RDS, rapid digestible starch; RS, resistant starch; SDS, slowly digestible starch; TCC, total carotenoid content; TPC, total polyphenol content; * Significant correlation at 0.05 level; ** Significant correlation at 0.01 level.

3.5. Correlation of TPC, TCC with bread texture, and digestive characteristics of bread starch

With the addition of PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF, the content of rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS) in the bread decreased, while the content of resistant starch (RS) increased (Table3). Moreover, the bread with SPF had a higher content of RS, lower RDS and SDS contents when compared with those with PF. The correlation analysis for TPC, TCC, and the digestive characteristics of the bread (Table4) showed that TPC and TCC positively correlated with the RS content and negatively correlated with the RDS and SDS contents, indicating that the polyphenols and carotenoids in the potato and sweet potato improved the digestive characteristics of starch. Rocchetti etal.(2020) found that anthocyanins and procyanidins can change the starch digestibility of sorghum flour in vitro, and have a strong correlation with RS, which is consistent with our results. This may be due to the interaction between polyphenols and starch to form an insoluble complex with high hydrolysis resistance (Moraes etal.,2015). In addition, Kim and Huber (2016) found that starch and β‐carotene formed starch‐β‐carotene‐ordered structures, which were resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis.


Effect of adding PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF on the digestibility of bread

Flour addedAddition (%)RDS (%)SDS (%)RS (%)

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Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences between samples (p<.05).

Abbreviations: OFSPF, orange‐fleshed sweet potato flour; PF, potato flour; PFSPF, purple‐fleshed sweet potato flour; RDS, rapid digestible starch; RS, resistant starch; SDS, slowly digestible starch.


In this study, the addition of 10%–30% PF, OFSPF, and PFSPF to WF influenced the pasting properties of flour, thermomechanical properties of dough, texture, and TPC, TCC, as well as starch digestibility of bread. Except for the pasting temperature, with the addition of PF and SPF, the peak, breakdown, and setback viscosity decreased. However, the extent of the decrease depended on the flour variety; this was most evident for the flour with added SPF in the peak and breakdown viscosity, and for the flour with added OFSPF in the setback viscosity. The addition of PF and SPF reduced the formation and stabilization time of the dough, as well as the hardness of the bread. However, the specific volume of bread depended on the amount of different flour added. When the proportion was 10%–15% for SP and OFSPF and 10%–20% for PFSPF, the specific volume of the bread was higher than that of WF bread. When the proportion was 15%, the hardness was the lowest while the specific volume was the highest. The bread with added OFSPF and PFSPF had the lowest hardness and highest specific volume, respectively. The TPC and TCC in the bread depended on the flour variety added, and were negatively correlated with the specific volume, elasticity, and RDS content and positively correlated with the RS content.




Hongwei Meng: dataCuration (equal); formalAnalysis (equal); investigation (equal); methodology (equal); validation (equal); visualization (equal); writingOriginalDraft (equal). Chong Xu: dataCuration (equal); formalAnalysis (equal); methodology (equal); resources (equal); visualization (equal). Meiying Wu: dataCuration (equal); formalAnalysis (equal); visualization (equal). Ying Feng: conceptualization (equal); formalAnalysis (equal); fundingAcquisition (equal); methodology (equal); projectAdministration (equal); resources (equal); supervision (equal); validation (equal); writingReviewEditing (equal).


This work was supported by Shenyang Science and Technology Bureau Applied Basic Research Program Foundation (grant number 17‐231‐1‐36).


Meng, H., Xu, C., Wu, M., & Feng, Y. (2022). Effects of potato and sweet potato flour addition on properties of wheat flour and dough, and bread quality. Food Science & Nutrition, 10, 689–697. 10.1002/fsn3.2693 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]


The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Effects of potato and sweet potato flour addition on properties of wheat flour and dough, and bread quality (2024)


What is the effect of incorporating sweet potato flour to wheat flour on the quality characteristics of cookies? ›

The cohesiveness of dough with 20% sweetpotato flour and 80% of wheat flour increased to 0.480 g/s and then decreased with increasing percentage of sweetpotato flour. Sweetpotato flour lowered the spread factor from 6.666 to 6.150 with increasing its level from 0-100%.

What is the effect of potato flour in bread? ›

Potato flour addition significantly influenced the dough rheological properties and steamed bread quality, such as increased water absorption, the maximum gaseous release height, total volume of CO2 and hardness, while decreased dough stability and specific volume of steamed bread.

What does adding potato to dough do? ›

So when you add potato to your bread dough you're upping the dough's starch content, effectively increasing the resulting loaf's total liquid retention — which translates to bread with soft, moist texture and a long shelf life.

Can sweet potato flour replace wheat flour? ›

This study has shown the possibility of producing breads of acceptable quality from wheat flour substituted with sweet potato and tiger nut flour. Wheat flour could be substituted with sweet potato and tiger nut flour up to 15% inclusion level without detracting from the sensory properties.

How does flour affect bread quality? ›

The quality of flour used in bread and pasta production is a critical factor that affects the taste, texture, and nutritional value of these staple foods. Understanding the protein content, gluten formation, ash content, and their impact on the final product is essential for achieving the desired results.

What effect does potato flour or potatoes have on the quality of baked goods Why does it have this effect? ›

Therefore, the taste would be impaired and the quality would be lower. This may because potato flour contains a certain amount of starch, which makes it unable to form gluten network and the addition of potato flour results in dilution of the original gluten protein in wheat flour.

What does potato flour do to a cake? ›

Due to its amazing ability to retain moisture, potato flour helps to achieve a moist texture and crumb, extend shelf life, and increase dough handleability.

What is the purpose of potato flour? ›

Potato flour, when combined with all-purpose, bread, or whole wheat flour, makes yeast dough easier to shape and handle. It's a natural thickener for soups and stews, and adding a small amount to gluten-free recipes gives them a more tender crumb.

Is potato flour better than wheat flour? ›

Potato flour is of course much higher in nutritional value than starch. Plus it's rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, making it a healthier, gluten-free alternative to wheat flour.

Is potato flour good for thickening? ›

Thickening Capability: Both organic potato starch and organic corn starch possess commendable thickening power and are capable of thickening a variety of foods effectively. Texture: Potato starch boasts a smoother and more transparent texture in comparison to corn starch, which has a more opaque and gel-like texture.

What does potato starch do in gluten-free bread? ›

As it is gluten-free, potato starch can make a suitable gluten-free alternative for flour in baking recipes. However, too much potato starch can give baked goods a dry, crumbly texture. Therefore, it can feature in baking recipes alongside other starches.

Can sweet potato flour be used for baking? ›

Sweet potato can be processed into raw flour by being peeled, cut into slices, and dried in an oven at different temperatures (55°C–65°C). The flour can be used as a thickener in soup, gravy, fabricated snacks, and bakery products (Ahmed et al., 2010).

What is the use of sweet potato in bread and flour fortification? ›

When sweet potato flour in whole or in part replaces wheat flour to form bread, additives are selected to improve bread volume, texture, flavor, shelf life, and overall quality.

Does sweet potato flour rise? ›

As it doesn't contain gluten, you can't substitute wheat flour with sweet potato flour for preparations that require the dough to rise, as it doesn't contain the gluten that is essential for the yeast to rise.

What is the effect of purple yam flour substitution for wheat flour on in vitro starch digestibility of wheat bread? ›

The decreased digestibility of starch in bread made with purple yam flour was due to the relatively intact starch granules from purple yam flour and possibly an inhibitory effect on digestive enzymes by purple yam flour.

What is the importance of sweet potatoes flour? ›

Sweet potato flour can offer several health benefits, including more vitamin A, fiber and resistant starch than all-purpose flour. And for those who need gluten-free flour substitutes and prefer them to be nut- and seed-free, it's a fantastic new option.

What are the factors affecting flour quality? ›

The main factors that affect the quality of wheat flour are its composition, particle size distribution, ability to absorb water, gluten content, gluten index, and rheological properties.

What does potato flour do in gluten-free baking? ›

Due to its amazing ability to retain moisture, potato flour helps to achieve a moist texture and crumb, extend shelf life, and increase dough handleability. It's also naturally gluten free, allowing gluten-free bakers to tackle that troubles of gluten-free bread texture like never before.

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