Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (2024)

Table of Contents
15.1. FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES INTRODUCTION Learning Objectives 15.2. BASIC FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE CONCEPTS Body Fluids Fluid Movement Solute Movement Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation Fluid Imbalance Video Review of Fluid and Electrolytes[19] References 15.3. INTRAVENOUS SOLUTIONS Isotonic Solutions Hypotonic Solutions Hypertonic Solutions Osmolarityis defined as the proportion of dissolved particles in an amount of fluid and is generally the term used to describe body fluids. As the dissolved particles become more concentrated, the osmolarity increases.Osmolalityrefers to the proportion of dissolved particles in a specific weight of fluid. The terms osmolarity and osmolality are often used interchangeably in clinical practice. References 15.4. ELECTROLYTES Sodium Video Review of Fluids and Electrolytes: Sodium[6] Potassium View helpful mnemonics for hypokalemia atHypokalemia NCLEX Review Notes. Video Review About Potassium[12] Calcium View a video of a patient exhibitingChvostek’s Sign and Trousseau’s Signsof hypocalcemia. Phosphorus Magnesium References 15.5. ACID-BASE BALANCE Arterial Blood Gases Prior to collecting blood gases, it is important to ensure the patient has appropriate arterial blood flow to the hand. This is done by performing the Allen test. When performing the Allen test, pressure is held on both the radial and ulnar artery below the wrist. Pressure is released from the ulnar artery to check if blood flow is adequate. If arterial blood flow is adequate, warmth and color should return to the hand. Read more information about interpreting ABG results in the “Oxygen Therapy” chapter in Open RNNursing Skills. Video Review of Acid-Base Balance[3] Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases Review of Tic-Tac-Toe Method of ABG Interpretation[4] Read more details about oxygenation equipment in “Oxygen Therapy” in Open RNNursing Skills. Breathing Retraining References 15.6. APPLYING THE NURSING PROCESS Assessment Review additional details about assessing these body systems in Open RNNursing Skills. Diagnoses Outcome Identification Planning Interventions Implement Interventions Safely Evaluation References 15.7. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Patient Scenario Applying the Nursing Process 15.7. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Patient Scenario Applying the Nursing Process 5.8. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Learning Activities References XV GLOSSARY FAQs


Learning Objectives

  • Describe variables that influence fluid and electrolyte balance

  • Identify factors related to fluid/electrolyte balance across the life span

  • Assess a patient’s nutritional and fluid/electrolyte status

  • Outline specific nursing interventions to promote fluid and electrolyte balance

  • Base decisions on the signs and symptoms of fluid volume excess and fluid volume deficit

  • Base decisions on the interpretation of diagnostic tests and lab values indicative of a disturbance in fluid and electrolyte balance

  • Identify evidence-based practices

The human body maintains a delicate balance of fluids and electrolytes to help ensure proper functioning and homeostasis. When fluids or electrolytes become imbalanced, individuals are at risk for organ system dysfunction. If an imbalance goes undetected and is left untreated, organ systems cannot function properly and ultimately death will occur. Nurses must be able to recognize subtle changes in fluid or electrolyte balances in their patients so they can intervene promptly. Timely assessment and intervention prevent complications and save lives.


Before learning about how to care for patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances, it is important to understand the physiological processes of the body’s regulatory mechanisms. The body is in a constant state of change as fluids and electrolytes are shifted in and out of cells within the body in an attempt to maintain a nearly perfect balance. A slight change in either direction can have significant consequences on various body systems.

Body Fluids

Body fluids consist of water, electrolytes, blood plasma and component cells, proteins, and other soluble particles called solutes. Body fluids are found in two main areas of the body called intracellular and extracellular compartments. See Figure 15.1[1]for an illustration of intracellular and extracellular compartments.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (1)

Figure 15.1

Intracellular and Extracellular Compartments

Intracellular fluids (ICF)are found inside cells and are made up of protein, water, electrolytes, and solutes. The most abundant electrolyte in intracellular fluid is potassium. Intracellular fluids are crucial to the body’s functioning. In fact, intracellular fluid accounts for 60% of the volume of body fluids and 40% of a person’s total body weight![2]

Extracellular fluids (ECF)are fluids found outside of cells. The most abundant electrolyte in extracellular fluid is sodium. The body regulates sodium levels to control the movement of water into and out of the extracellular space due to osmosis.

Extracellular fluids can be further broken down into various types. The first type is known as intravascular fluid that is found in the vascular system that consists of arteries, veins, and capillary networks. Intravascular fluid is whole blood volume and also includes red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Intravascular fluid is the most important component of the body’s overall fluid balance.

Loss of intravascular fluids causes the nursing diagnosisDeficient Fluid Volume, also referred to ashypovolemia.Intravascular fluidloss can be caused by several factors, such as excessive diuretic use, severe bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, and inadequate oral fluid intake. If intravascular fluid loss is severe, the body cannot maintain adequate blood pressure and perfusion of vital organs. This can result in hypovolemic shock and cellular death when critical organs do not receive an oxygen-rich blood supply needed to perform cellular function.

A second type of extracellular fluid isinterstitial fluidthat refers to fluid outside of blood vessels and between the cells. For example, if you have ever cared for a patient with heart failure and noticed increased swelling in the feet and ankles, you have seen an example of excess interstitial fluid referred to asedema.

The remaining extracellular fluid, also calledtranscellular fluid, refers to fluid in areas such as cerebrospinal, synovial, intrapleural, and gastrointestinal system.[3]

Fluid Movement

Fluid movement occurs inside the body due to osmotic pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and osmosis. Proper fluid movement depends on intact and properly functioning vascular tissue lining, normal levels of protein content within the blood, and adequate hydrostatic pressures inside the blood vessels. Intact vascular tissue lining prevents fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels. Protein content of the blood (in the form of albumin) causesoncotic pressurethat holds water inside the vascular compartment. For example, patients with decreased protein levels (i.e., low serum albumin) experience edema due to the leakage of intravascular fluid into interstitial areas because of decreased oncotic pressure.

Hydrostatic pressureis defined as pressure that a contained fluid exerts on what is confining it. In the intravascular fluid compartment, hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by blood against the capillaries. Hydrostatic pressure opposes oncotic pressure at the arterial end of capillaries, where it pushes fluid and solutes out into the interstitial compartment. On the venous end of the capillary, hydrostatic pressure is reduced, which allows oncotic pressure to pull fluids and solutes back into the capillary.[4],[5]See Figure 15.2[6]for an illustration of hydrostatic pressure and oncotic pressure in a capillary.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (2)

Figure 15.2

Hydrostatic Pressure

Filtrationoccurs when hydrostatic pressure pushes fluids and solutes through a permeable membrane so they can be excreted. An example of this process is fluid and waste filtration through the glomerular capillaries in the kidneys. This filtration process within the kidneys allows excess fluid and waste products to be excreted from the body in the form of urine.

Fluid movement is also controlled through osmosis.Osmosisis water movement through a semipermeable membrane, from an area of lesser solute concentration to an area of greater solute concentration, in an attempt to equalize the solute concentrations on either side of the membrane. Only fluids and some particles dissolved in the fluid are able to pass through a semipermeable membrane; larger particles are blocked from getting through. Because osmosis causes fluid to travel due to a concentration gradient and no energy is expended during the process, it is referred to aspassive transport.[7]See Figure 15.3[8]for an illustration of osmosis where water has moved to the right side of the membrane to equalize the concentration of solutes on that side with the left side.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (3)

Figure 15.3


Osmosis causes fluid movement between the intravascular, interstitial, and intracellular fluid compartments based on solute concentration. For example, recall a time when you have eaten a large amount of salty foods. The sodium concentration of the blood becomes elevated. Due to the elevated solute concentration within the bloodstream, osmosis causes fluid to be pulled into the intravascular compartment from the interstitial and intracellular compartments to try to equalize the solute concentration. As fluid leaves the cells, they shrink in size. The shrinkage of cells is what causes many symptoms of dehydration, such as dry, sticky mucous membranes. Because the brain cells are especially susceptible to fluid movement due to osmosis, a headache may occur if adequate fluid intake does not occur.

Solute Movement

Solute movement is controlled by diffusion, active transport, and filtration.Diffusionis the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration to equalize the concentration of solutes throughout an area. (Note that diffusion is different from osmosis because osmosis is the movement of fluid whereas diffusion is the movement of solutes.) See Figure 15.4[9]for an image of diffusion. Because diffusion travels down a concentration gradient, the solutes move freely without energy expenditure. An example of diffusion is the movement of inhaled oxygen molecules from alveoli to the capillaries in the lungs so that they can be distributed throughout the body.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (4)

Figure 15.4


Active transport, unlike diffusion, involves moving solutes and ions across a cell membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. Because active transport moves solutes against a concentration gradient to prevent an overaccumulation of solutes in an area, energy is required for this process to take place.[10]An example of active transport is the sodium-potassium pump, which uses energy to maintain higher levels of sodium in the extracellular fluid and higher levels of potassium in the intracellular fluid. See Figure 15.5[11]for an image of diffusion and the sodium-potassium pump regulating sodium and potassium levels in the extracellular and intracellular compartments. Recall that sodium (Na+) is the primary electrolyte in the extracellular space and potassium (K+) is the primary electrolyte in the intracellular space.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (5)

Figure 15.5

Sodium-Potassium Pump

Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation

The body must carefully regulate intravascular fluid accumulation and excretion to prevent fluid volume excesses or deficits and maintain adequate blood pressure. Water balance is regulated by several mechanisms including ADH, thirst, and the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS).

Fluid intake is regulated by thirst. As fluid is lost and the sodium level increases in the intravascular space, serum osmolality increases. Serumosmolalityis a measure of the concentration of dissolved solutes in the blood. Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus sense increased serum osmolarity levels and trigger the release of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) in the kidneys to retain fluid. The osmoreceptors also produce the feeling of thirst to stimulate increased fluid intake. However, individuals must be able to mentally and physically respond to thirst signals to increase their oral intake. They must be alert, fluids must be accessible, and the person must be strong enough to reach for fluids. When a person is unable to respond to thirst signals, dehydration occurs. Older individuals are at increased risk of dehydration due to age-related impairment in thirst perception. The average adult intake of fluids is about 2,500 mL per day from both food and drink. An increased amount of fluids is needed if the patient has other medical conditions causing excessive fluid loss, such as sweating, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding.

TheRenin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)plays an important role in regulating fluid output and blood pressure. See Figure 15.6[12]for an illustration of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS). When there is decreased blood pressure (which can be caused by fluid loss), specialized kidney cells make and secrete renin into the bloodstream. Renin acts on angiotensinogen released by the liver and converts it to angiotensin I, which is then converted to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II does a few important things. First, angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction to increase blood flow to vital organs. It also stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone that triggers increased sodium reabsorption by the kidneys and subsequent increased serum osmolality in the bloodstream. As you recall, increased serum osmolality causes osmosis to move fluid into the intravascular compartment in an effort to equalize solute particles. The increased fluids in the intravascular compartment increase circulating blood volume and help raise the person’s blood pressure. An easy way to remember this physiological process is “aldosterone saves salt” and “water follows salt.”[13]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (6)

Figure 15.6

Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS)

Fluid output occurs mostly through the kidneys in the form of urine. Fluid is also lost through the skin as perspiration, through the gastrointestinal tract in the form of stool, and through the lungs during respiration. Forty percent of daily fluid output occurs due to these “insensible losses” through the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs and cannot be measured. The remaining 60% of daily fluid output is in the form of urine. Normally, the kidneys produce about 1,500 mL of urine per day when fluid intake is adequate. Decreased urine production is an early sign of dehydration or kidney dysfunction. It is important for nurses to assess urine output in patients at risk. If a patient demonstrates less than 30 mL/hour (or 0.5 mL/kg/hour) of urine output over eight hours, the provider should be notified for prompt intervention. See Figure 15.7[14]for an illustration of an average adult’s daily water balance of 2,500 mL fluid intake balanced with 2,500 mL fluid output.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (7)

Figure 15.7

Water Balance

Fluid Imbalance

Two types of fluid imbalances are excessive fluid volume (also referred to as hypervolemia) and deficient fluid volume (also referred to as hypovolemia). These imbalances primarily refer to imbalances in the extracellular compartment, but can cause fluid movement in the intracellular compartments based on the sodium level of the blood.

Excessive Fluid Volume

Excessive fluid volume (also referred to as hypervolemia) occurs when there is increased fluid retained in the intravascular compartment. Patients at risk for developing excessive fluid volume are those with the following conditions:

  • Heart Failure

  • Kidney Failure

  • Cirrhosis

  • Pregnancy[15]

Symptoms of fluid overload include pitting edema, ascites, and dyspnea and crackles from fluid in the lungs. Edema is swelling in dependent tissues due to fluid accumulation in the interstitial spaces. Ascites is fluid retained in the abdomen.

Treatment depends on the cause of the fluid retention. Sodium and fluids are typically restricted and diuretics are often prescribed to eliminate the excess fluid. For more information about the nursing care of patients with excessive fluid volume, see the “Applying the Nursing Process” section.

Deficient Fluid Volume

Deficient fluid volume (also referred to as hypovolemia or dehydration) occurs when loss of fluid is greater than fluid input. Common causes of deficient fluid volume are diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, fever, and poor oral fluid intake. Individuals who have a higher risk of dehydration include the following:

  • Older adults

  • Infants and children

  • Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and kidney disease

  • Patients taking diuretics and other medications that cause increased urine output

  • Individuals who exercise or work outdoors in hot weather[16]

In adults, symptoms of dehydration are as follows:

  • Feeling very thirsty

  • Dry mouth

  • Headache

  • Dry skin

  • Urinating and sweating less than usual

  • Dark, concentrated urine

  • Feeling tired

  • Changes in mental status

  • Dizziness due to decreased blood pressure

  • Elevated heart rate[17]

In infants and young children, additional symptoms of dehydration include the following:

  • Crying without tears

  • No wet diapers for three hours or more

  • Being unusually sleepy or drowsy

  • Irritability

  • Eyes that look sunken

  • Sunken fontanel[18]

Dehydration can be mild and treated with increased oral intake such as water or sports drinks. Severe cases can be life-threatening and require the administration of intravenous fluids.

For more information about water balance and fluid movement, review the following video.

Video Review of Fluid and Electrolytes[19]



This work is a derivative ofStatPearlsby Brinkman, Dorius, and Sharma and is licensed underCC BY 4.0.


This work is a derivative ofStatPearlsby Brinkman, Dorius, and Sharma and is licensed underCC BY 4.0.


"Hydrostatic Pressure" by Ann Lawrie is licensed underCC BY-NC 2.0.


This work is a derivative ofStatPearlsby Fountain and Lappin and is licensed underCC BY 4.0.


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); Dehydration; [updated 2020, Oct 1; reviewed 2016, Apr 15; cited 2020, Aug 5].https://medlineplus​.gov/dehydration.html.


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); Dehydration; [updated 2020, Oct 1; reviewed 2016, Apr 15; cited 2020, Aug 5].https://medlineplus​.gov/dehydration.html.


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); Dehydration; [updated 2020, Oct 1; reviewed 2016, Apr 15; cited 2020, Aug 5].https://medlineplus​.gov/dehydration.html.


Forciea, B. (2017, April 21).Fluids and electrolytes: Water. [Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/VMxmDeduKR0.


When patients experience deficient fluid volume, intravenous (IV) fluids are often prescribed. IV fluid restores fluid to the intravascular compartment, and some IV fluids are also used to facilitate the movement of fluid between compartments due to osmosis. There are three types of IV fluids: isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic.

Isotonic Solutions

Isotonic solutionsare IV fluids that have a similar concentration of dissolved particles as blood. An example of an isotonic IV solution is 0.9% Normal Saline (0.9% NaCl). Because the concentration of the IV fluid is similar to the blood, the fluid stays in the intravascular space and osmosis does not cause fluid movement between compartments. See Figure 15.8[1]for an illustration of isotonic IV solution administration with no osmotic movement of fluid with cells. Isotonic solutions are used for patients with fluid volume deficit (also called hypovolemia) to raise their blood pressure. However, infusion of too much isotonic fluid can cause excessive fluid volume (also referred to as hypervolemia).

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (8)

Figure 15.8

Lack of Fluid Movement When Isotonic IV Solution Is Administered

Hypotonic Solutions

Hypotonic solutionshave a lower concentration of dissolved solutes than blood. An example of a hypotonic IV solution is 0.45% Normal Saline (0.45% NaCl). When hypotonic IV solutions are infused, it results in a decreased concentration of dissolved solutes in the blood as compared to the intracellular space. This imbalance causes osmotic movement of water from the intravascular compartment into the intracellular space. For this reason, hypotonic fluids are used to treat cellular dehydration. See Figure 15.9[2]for an illustration of the osmotic movement of fluid into a cell when a hypotonic IV solution is administered, causing lower concentration of solutes (pink molecules) in the bloodstream compared to within the cell.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (9)

Figure 15.9

Hypotonic IV Solution Causing Osmotic Movement of Fluid Into Cell

However, if too much fluid moves out of the intravascular compartment into cells, cerebral edema can occur. It is also possible to cause worsening hypovolemia and hypotension if too much fluid moves out of the intravascular space and into the cells. Therefore, patient status should be monitored carefully when hypotonic solutions are infused.

Hypertonic Solutions

Hypertonic solutionshave a higher concentration of dissolved particles than blood. An example of hypertonic IV solution is 3% Normal Saline (3% NaCl). When infused, hypertonic fluids cause an increased concentration of dissolved solutes in the intravascular space compared to the cells. This causes the osmotic movement of water out of the cells and into the intravascular space to dilute the solutes in the blood. See Figure 15.10[3]for an illustration of osmotic movement of fluid out of a cell when hypertonic IV fluid is administered due to a higher concentration of solutes (pink molecules) in the bloodstream compared to the cell.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (10)

Figure 15.10

Hypertonic IV Solution Causing Osmotic Fluid Movement Out of a Cell

When administering hypertonic fluids, it is essential to monitor for signs of hypervolemia such as breathing difficulties and elevated blood pressure. Additionally, if hypertonic solutions with sodium are given, the patient’s serum sodium level should be closely monitored.[4]See Table 15.3 for a comparison of types of IV solutions, their uses, and nursing considerations.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (11)

Table 15.3

Comparison of IV Solutions[6]

See Figure 15.11[5]for an illustration comparing how different types of IV solutions affect red blood cell size.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (12)

Figure 15.11

Comparison of Osmotic Effects of Hypertonic, Isotonic, and Hypotonic IV Fluids on Red Blood Cells

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (13)

Osmolarityis defined as the proportion of dissolved particles in an amount of fluid and is generally the term used to describe body fluids. As the dissolved particles become more concentrated, the osmolarity increases.Osmolalityrefers to the proportion of dissolved particles in a specific weight of fluid. The terms osmolarity and osmolality are often used interchangeably in clinical practice.



Harris, H. (2011). I.V. fluids: What nurses need to know.Nursing2017, 41(5), 30-38.. [PubMed: 21487274]


Harris, H. (2011). I.V. fluids: What nurses need to know.Nursing2017, 41(5), 30-38.. [PubMed: 21487274]


Electrolytes play an important role in bodily functions and fluid regulation. There is a very narrow target range for normal electrolyte values, and slight abnormalities can have devastating consequences. For this reason, it is crucial to understand normal electrolyte ranges, causes of electrolyte imbalances, signs and symptoms of imbalances, and appropriate treatments.


Sodium levels in the blood typically range from 136-145 mEq/L.[1]Refer to each agency’s normal reference range on the lab report. Sodium is the most abundant electrolyte in the extracellular fluid (ECF) and is maintained by the sodium-potassium pump. Sodium plays an important role in maintaining adequate fluid balance in the intravascular and interstitial spaces. See the “Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation” section of this chapter for more information about how the body regulates sodium and water balance.

Hypernatremia refers to an elevated sodium level in the blood. Typically, hypernatremia is caused by excess water loss due to lack of fluid intake, vomiting, or diarrhea. As you recall, elevated sodium levels in the blood cause the osmotic movement of water out of the cells to dilute the blood. This causes the body’s cells to shrink, referred to as cellular dehydration. This fluid shift can have a significant impact on various organs within the body and is especially notable in the patient’s neurological function. As fluid shifts out of the brain cells, the nurse may notice symptoms such as confusion, irritability, lethargy, and even seizures. Other signs and symptoms of hypernatremia include severe thirst and sticky mucous membranes. See Figure 15.12[2]for an illustration of a patient with severe thirst due to hypernatremia. Treatment for hypernatremia includes decreasing sodium intake, increasing oral water intake, and rehydrating with a hypotonic IV solution.[3],[4]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (14)

Figure 15.12


Hyponatremia refers to a decreased sodium level in the blood. Hyponatremia can be caused by excess water intake or excessive administration of hypotonic IV solutions. For example, a marathon runner who only rehydrates with water (without other fluids with solutes like Gatorade) can develop hyponatremia. As with hypernatremia, altered sodium levels often cause neurological symptoms due to the movement of water into brain cells, causing them to swell. Symptoms of hyponatremia are headache, confusion, seizures, and coma. Treatment for hyponatremia depends on the cause and often consists of limiting water intake or discontinuing administration of hypotonic IV fluids. If hyponatremia is severe, a hypertonic IV saline solution may be prescribed to gradually raise the patient’s sodium level.[5]

Video Review of Fluids and Electrolytes: Sodium[6]


Potassium levels normally range from 3.5 to 5.1 mEq/L.[7]Refer to each agency’s normal reference range on the lab report. Potassium is the most abundant electrolyte in intracellular fluid and is maintained inside the cell by the sodium-potassium pump. Potassium is regulated by aldosterone in the kidneys and is obtained in the diet through consumption of foods such as bananas, oranges, and tomatoes. See Figure 15.13[8]for an illustration of potassium regulation by aldosterone. Recall that aldosterone causes reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium in the distal tubule of the kidneys. In response to potassium levels rising or sodium levels falling in the bloodstream, the adrenal cortex releases aldosterone and targets the kidneys. In response, the kidneys excrete potassium and reabsorb sodium. Potassium is also impacted by the hormone insulin that moves potassium into the cells from the ECF.[9]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (15)

Figure 15.13

Potassium Regulation by Aldosterone

Potassium is necessary for normal cardiac function, neural function, and muscle contractility, including effective contractility of the cardiac muscles. Abnormal potassium levels can cause significantly abnormal heart rhythms and contractility. Potassium is poorly conserved by the body and much is lost with urine output. For this reason, it is often necessary to provide potassium supplements when administering loop and thiazide diuretics because potassium is excreted from the kidneys along with water.[10]Potassium supplementation can be given orally or by IV infusion mixed with fluids. Potassium must NEVER be administered IV push because it can immediately stop the heart.

Hyperkalemia refers to increased potassium levels in the blood. Hyperkalemia can be caused by kidney failure, metabolic acidosis, and administration of potassium-sparing diuretics or oral/intravenous potassium supplements. Signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia are generally cardiac in nature and include irritability, cramping, diarrhea, and electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities. As hyperkalemia worsens, ECG abnormalities may progress to cardiac dysrhythmias and cardiac arrest.

Treatment for hyperkalemia depends on the severity of the hyperkalemia symptoms. For mild symptoms, decreased potassium intake in the diet is helpful. Adjustment to medications contributing to increased levels of potassium may be indicated. For severe symptoms, administration of sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) orally or rectally helps bind excess potassium so it is excreted through the GI tract. Insulin may be administered to push potassium into cells and decrease serum potassium levels. When administering an insulin infusion, it is important to monitor blood glucose levels closely, often hourly per agency policy. The patient often requires supplemental IV dextrose to prevent low blood sugar levels when insulin is used for potassium reduction. IV calcium gluconate may also be given to prevent excess potassium from affecting cardiac muscle. This is a temporary measure and wears off quickly but allows time for other treatments to take effect and lower potassium levels before cardiac arrest develops. For severe symptomatic hyperkalemia, temporary hemodialysis may also be used to quickly decrease potassium levels.[11]

Hypokalemia refers to decreased potassium level in the blood. Hypokalemia can be caused by excessive vomiting, diarrhea, potassium-wasting diuretics, and insulin use, as well as lack of potassium in the diet. Signs and symptoms of hypokalemia include weakness, arrhythmias, lethargy, and a thready pulse. View helpful mnemonics for hypokalemia using the following hyperlink. Treatment for hypokalemia includes increasing oral intake of potassium in the diet and oral or IV potassium in fluids supplementation. It is important to remember that administering IV potassium too quickly can cause cardiac arrest. In fact, potassium is one of the ingredients used during lethal injection to stop the heart.

View helpful mnemonics for hypokalemia atHypokalemia NCLEX Review Notes.

Video Review About Potassium[12]


Calcium levels normally range from 8.6-10.2 mg/dL.[13]Refer to each agency’s normal reference range on the lab report. Calcium circulates in the bloodstream, but the majority is stored in bones. Calcium is important for bone and teeth structure, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. Calcium excretion and reabsorption are regulated by the parathyroid hormone (PTH) that is secreted from the parathyroid glands near the thyroid. See Figure 15.14[14]for an illustration of the parathyroid glands. As PTH is secreted in response to low calcium levels in the blood, calcium is reabsorbed in both the kidneys and the intestine and released from the bones to increase serum calcium levels. Calcium is also affected by dietary intake and physical activity. Activity causes calcium to move into bones whereas immobility causes the release of calcium from bones, which cases them to become weak. Dietary sources of calcium include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, sardines, and whole grains.[15]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (16)

Figure 15.14

Parathyroid Glands

Hypercalcemia refers to an increased calcium level. It can be caused by prolonged immobilization that allows calcium to leach out of the bones and into the serum. Additionally, there are many types of cancers that may cause excessive calcium release from bones. Hypercalcemia can also be caused by hyperparathyroidism and parathyroid tumors, which can cause too much PTH secretion, causing too much calcium to be reabsorbed in the kidneys and intestines and released from bone.

Signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia often impact the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, constipation, increased thirst and/or urination, and skeletal muscle weakness. Treatment for hypercalcemia includes decreasing calcium intake in the diet, phosphate supplementation (which has an inverse relationship to calcium), hemodialysis, surgical removal of the parathyroid gland (if hyperparathyroidism is causing the hypercalcemia), and weight-bearing exercises as tolerated.[16]

Hypocalcemia refers to a decreased calcium level in the blood. Hypocalcemia can be caused by hypoparathyroidism where not enough PTH is excreted, causing a decreased reabsorption of calcium and decreased release of calcium from the bones. Hypocalcemia is also caused by vitamin D deficiency and renal disease. Because phosphorus is inversely related to calcium, an abnormally high phosphorus level as seen with renal failure can also result in hypocalcemia.

Signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia often impact the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. These include paresthesias (numbness and tingling) of the lips, tongue, hands and feet, muscle cramps, and tetany.Chvostek’s signis a classic sign of acute hypocalcemia and is an involuntary twitching of facial muscles when the facial nerve is tapped. A second classic sign of acute hypocalcemia isTrousseau’s signwhere a hand spasm is caused by inflating a blood pressure cuff to a level above systolic pressure for 3 minutes. See a video of a patient experiencing Chvostek’s and Trousseau’s signs in the hyperlink below. Treatment of hypocalcemia includes increasing oral intake of dietary calcium and vitamin D and oral or IV calcium supplementation and decreasing the phosphorus level if it is elevated.[17]

View a video of a patient exhibitingChvostek’s Sign and Trousseau’s Signsof hypocalcemia.


Phosphorus levels typically range from 2.5-4.0 mg/dL. Refer to each agency’s normal reference range on the lab report. Phosphorus is stored in the bones and is predominantly found in the ICF with small amounts in the ECF. Phosphorus is important in energy metabolism, RNA and DNA formation, nerve function, muscle contraction, and for bone, teeth, and membrane building and repair. Phosphorus is excreted by the kidneys and absorbed by the intestines. Dietary phosphorus sources include dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meat, and cereal.[18]

Hyperphosphatemia refers to an increased phosphorus level in the blood and can be caused by kidney disease, crush injuries, or overuse of phosphate-containing enemas. Hyperphosphatemia itself is usually asymptomatic, but signs of associated hypocalcemia may be present due to the inverse relationship between phosphorus and calcium. Treatment for hyperphosphatemia includes decreasing intake of phosphorus, administration of phosphate-binder medications to help with excretion, and hemodialysis.[19]

Hypophosphatemia is a decreased phosphorus level in the blood. Acute hypophosphatemia can be caused by acute alcohol abuse, burns, diuretic use, respiratory alkalosis, resolving diabetic ketoacidosis, and starvation. Chronic hypophosphatemia is caused by hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, prolonged use of phosphate binders, and hypomagnesemia or hypokalemia. Hypophosphatemia is usually asymptomatic, but in severe cases, it can cause muscle weakness, anorexia, encephalopathy, seizures, and death. Treatment for hypophosphatemia includes treating what is causing the imbalance, oral or IV phosphorus replacement, and increased phosphate-containing foods in the diet.[20]


Magnesium levels typically range from 1.5-2.4 mEq/L. Refer to each agency’s reference range on the lab report. Magnesium is essential for normal cardiac, nerve, muscle, and immune system functioning. About half of the body’s magnesium is stored in the bones. About 1% is stored in ECF and the rest is found in ICF.[21]Dietary sources of magnesium include green leafy vegetables, citrus, peanut butter, almonds, legumes, and chocolate.

Hypermagnesemia refers to an elevated magnesium level in the blood. It is usually the result of renal failure, excess magnesium replacement, or use of magnesium containing laxatives or antacids. Signs and symptoms of hypermagnesemia include bradycardia, weak and thready pulse, lethargy, tremors, hyporeflexia, muscle weakness, and cardiac arrest. Treatment for hypermagnesemia involves increasing fluid intake, discontinuing magnesium-containing medications, and in severe cases, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Additionally, administration of calcium gluconate can be helpful to reduce the cardiac effects of hypermagnesemia until the magnesium level can be lowered.[22]

Hypomagnesemia refers to decreased magnesium level in the blood. It typically results from inadequate magnesium in the diet, or from loop diuretics that excrete magnesium. Patients with alcohol use disorder often have hypomagnesemia due to concurrent poor diet and impaired nutrient absorption that occurs with alcohol consumption. Chronic proton pump inhibitor use can also cause hypomagnesemia due to impaired nutrient absorption.

Signs and symptoms of hypomagnesemia include nausea, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, leg cramps, tremor, dysrhythmias, and tetany that is associated with concurrent hypocalcemia that can occur with hypomagnesemia. Treatment for hypomagnesemia consists of increasing dietary intake of magnesium containing foods and oral or IV magnesium supplementation.[23]

See Table 15.4 for a comparison of causes, symptoms, and treatments of different electrolyte imbalances. As always, refer to agency lab reference ranges when providing patient care.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (17)

Table 15.4

Comparison of Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Imbalanced Electrolyte Levels



Lab Tests Online. (2019).Sodium.https:​//


This work is a derivative ofStatPearlsby Brinkman, Dorius, and Sharma and is licensed underCC BY 4.0.


Forciea, B.(2017, April 24).Fluids and electrolytes sodium. [Video]. YouTube. All Rights Reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/ar-WrfC7SJs.


Lab Tests Online. (2019).Potassium.https:​//labtestsonline​.org/tests/potassium.


Lewis, J. L., III. (April 2020).Overview of disorders of potassium concentration. Merck Manual Professional Version.https://www​.merckmanuals​.com/professional​/endocrine-and-metabolic-disorders​/electrolyte-disorders​/overview-of-disorders-of-potassium-concentration.


Forciea, B. (2017, April 26).Fluids and electrolytes potassium. [Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/SNAiGaaYkvs.


Lab Tests Online. (2017).Calcium.https:​//


Lewis, J. L., III. (April 2020).Overview of disorders of calcium concentration. Merck Manual Professional Version.https://www​.merckmanuals​.com/professional​/endocrine-and-metabolic-disorders​/electrolyte-disorders​/overview-of-disorders-of-calcium-concentration.


Lewis, J. L., III. (April 2020).Overview of disorders of phosphate concentration. Merck Manual Professional Version.https://www​.merckmanuals​.com/professional​/endocrine-and-metabolic-disorders​/electrolyte-disorders​/overview-of-disorders-of-phosphate-concentration.


Lewis, J. L., III. (April 2020).Overview of disorders of magnesium concentration. Merck Manual Professional Version.https://www​.merckmanuals​.com/professional​/endocrine-and-metabolic-disorders​/electrolyte-disorders​/overview-of-disorders-of-magnesium-concentration.


Lewis, J. L., III. (April 2020).Hypomagnesemia. Merck Manual Professional Version.https://www​.merckmanuals​.com/professional​/endocrine-and-metabolic-disorders​/electrolyte-disorders​/hypomagnesemia7/7/20.


As with electrolytes, correct balance of acids and bases in the body is essential to proper body functioning. Even a slight variance outside of normal can be life-threatening, so it is important to understand normal acid-base values, as well their causes and how to correct them. The kidneys and lungs work together to correct slight imbalances as they occur. As a result, the kidneys compensate for shortcomings of the lungs, and the lungs compensate for shortcomings of the kidneys.

Arterial Blood Gases

Arterial blood gases (ABG) are measured by collecting blood from an artery, rather than a vein, and are most commonly collected via the radial artery. ABGs measure the pH level of the blood, the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2), the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2), the bicarbonate level (HCO3), and the oxygen saturation level (SaO2).

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (18)Prior to collecting blood gases, it is important to ensure the patient has appropriate arterial blood flow to the hand. This is done by performing the Allen test. When performing the Allen test, pressure is held on both the radial and ulnar artery below the wrist. Pressure is released from the ulnar artery to check if blood flow is adequate. If arterial blood flow is adequate, warmth and color should return to the hand.


pH is a scale from 0-14 used to determine the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. A neutral pH is 7, which is the same pH as water. Normally, the blood has a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. A blood pH of less than 7.35 is considered acidic, and a blood pH of more than 7.45 is considered alkaline.

The pH of blood is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration. A low pH, less than 7.35, occurs in acidosis when the blood has a high hydrogen ion concentration. A high pH, greater than 7.45, occurs in alkalosis when the blood has a low hydrogen ion concentration. Hydrogen ions are by-products of the metabolism of substances such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These by-products create extra hydrogen ions (H+) in the blood that need to be balanced and kept within normal range as described earlier.

The body has several mechanisms for maintaining blood pH. The lungs are essential for maintaining pH and the kidneys also play a role. For example, when the pH is too low (i.e., during acidosis), the respiratory rate quickly increases to eliminate acid in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). The kidneys excrete additional hydrogen ions (acid) in the urine and retain bicarbonate (base). Conversely, when the pH is too high (i.e., during alkalosis), the respiratory rate decreases to retain acid in the form of CO2. The kidneys excrete bicarbonate (base) in the urine and retain hydrogen ions (acid).


PaCO2 is the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide in the blood. The normal PaCO2 level is 35-45 mmHg. CO2 forms an acid in the blood that is regulated by the lungs by changing the rate or depth of respirations.

As the respiratory rate increases or becomes deeper, additional CO2 is removed causing decreased acid (H+) levels in the blood and increased pH (so the blood becomes more alkaline). As the respiratory rate decreases or becomes more shallow, less CO2 is removed causing increased acid (H+) levels in the blood and decreased pH (so the blood becomes more acidic).

Generally, the lungs work quickly to regulate the PaCO2 levels and cause a quick change in the pH. Therefore, an acid-base problem caused by hypoventilation can be quickly corrected by increasing ventilation, and a problem caused by hyperventilation can be quickly corrected by decreasing ventilation. For example, if an anxious patient is hyperventilating, they may be asked to breathe into a paper bag to rebreathe some of the CO2 they are blowing off. Conversely, a postoperative patient who is experiencing hypoventilation due to the sedative effects of receiving morphine is asked to cough and deep breathe to blow off more CO2.


HCO3 is the bicarbonate level of the blood and the normal range is 22-26. HCO3 is a base managed by the kidneys and helps to make the blood more alkaline. The kidneys take longer than the lungs to adjust the acidity or alkalinity of the blood, and the response is not visible upon assessment. As the kidneys sense an alteration in pH, they begin to retain or excrete HCO3, depending on what is needed. If the pH becomes acidic, the kidneys retain HCO3 to increase the amount of bases present in the blood to increase the pH. Conversely, if the pH becomes alkalotic, the kidneys excrete more HCO3, causing the pH to decrease.


PaO2 is the partial pressure of arterial oxygen in the blood. It more accurately measures a patient’s oxygenation status than SaO2 (the measurement of hemoglobin saturation with oxygen). Therefore, ABG results are also used to manage patients in respiratory distress.

Read more information about interpreting ABG results in the “Oxygen Therapy” chapter in Open RNNursing Skills.

See Table 15.5a for a review of ABG components, normal values, and key critical values. A critical ABG value means there is a greater risk of serious complications and even death if not corrected rapidly. For example, a pH of 7.10, a shift of only 0.25 below normal, is often fatal because this level of acidosis can cause cardiac or respiratory arrest or significant hyperkalemia.[1]As you can see, failure to recognize ABG abnormalities can have serious consequences for your patients.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (19)

Table 15.5a

ABG Components, Descriptions, Adult Normal Values, and Critical Values[2]

Video Review of Acid-Base Balance[3]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (20)

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases

After the ABG results are received, it is important to understand how to interpret them. A variety of respiratory, metabolic, electrolyte, or circulatory problems can cause acid-base imbalances. Correct interpretation also helps the nurse and other health care providers determine the appropriate treatment and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Arterial blood gasses can be interpreted as one of four conditions: respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, or metabolic alkalosis. Once this interpretation is made, conditions can further be classified as compensated, partially compensated, or uncompensated. A simple way to remember how to interpret ABGs is by using the ROME method of interpretation, which stands forRespiratoryOpposite,MetabolicEqual. This means that the respiratory component (PaCO2) moves in the opposite direction of the pH if the respiratory system is causing the imbalance. If the metabolic system is causing the imbalance, the metabolic component (HCO3) moves in the same direction as the pH. Some nurses find the Tic-Tac-Toe method of interpretation helpful. If you would like to learn more about this method, click on the hyperlink below to view a video.

Review of Tic-Tac-Toe Method of ABG Interpretation[4]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (21)

Respiratory Acidosis

Respiratory acidosis develops when carbon dioxide (CO2) builds up in the body (referred to ashypercapnia), causing the blood to become increasingly acidic. Respiratory acidosis is identified when reviewing ABGs and the pH level is below 7.35 and the PaCO2 level is above 45, indicating the cause of the acidosis is respiratory. Note that in respiratory acidosis, as the PaCO2 level increases, the pH level decreases. Respiratory acidosis is typically caused by a medical condition that decreases the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the alveolar level, such as an acute asthma exacerbation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or an acute heart failure exacerbation causing pulmonary edema. It can also be caused by decreased ventilation from anesthesia, alcohol, or administration of medications such as opioids and sedatives.

Chronic respiratory diseases, such as COPD, often cause chronic respiratory acidosis that is fully compensated by the kidneys retaining HCO3. Because the carbon dioxide levels build up over time, the body adapts to elevated PaCO2 levels so they are better tolerated. However, in acute respiratory acidosis, the body has not had time to adapt to elevated carbon dioxide levels, causing mental status changes associated with hypercapnia. Acute respiratory acidosis is caused by acute respiratory conditions, such as an asthma attack or heart failure exacerbation with pulmonary edema when the lungs suddenly are not able to ventilate adequately. As breathing slows and respirations become shallow, less CO2 is excreted by the lungs and PaCO2 levels quickly rise.

Signs of symptoms of hypercapnia vary depending upon the level and rate of CO2 accumulation in arterial blood:

  • Patients with mild to moderate hypercapnia may be anxious and/or complain of mild dyspnea, daytime sluggishness, headaches, or hypersomnolence.

  • Patients with higher levels of CO2 or rapidly developing hypercapnia develop delirium, paranoia, depression, and confusion that can progress to seizures and coma as levels continue to rise.

Individuals with normal lung function typically exhibit a depressed level of consciousness when the PaCO2 is greater than 75 to 80 mmHg, whereas patients with chronic hypercapnia may not develop symptoms until the PaCO2 rises above 90 to 100 mmHg.[5]

When a patient demonstrates signs of potential hypercapnia, the nurse should assess airway, breathing, and circulation. Urgent assistance should be sought, especially if the patient is in respiratory distress. The provider will order an ABG and prescribe treatments based on assessment findings and potential causes. Treatment for respiratory acidosis typically involves improving ventilation and respiration by removing airway restrictions, reversing oversedation, administering nebulizer treatments, or increasing the rate and depth of respiration by using a BiPAP or CPAP devices. BiPAP and CPAP devices provide noninvasive positive pressure ventilation to increase the depth of respirations, remove carbon dioxide, and oxygenate the patient. If these noninvasive interventions are not successful, the patient is intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation.[6],[7]

Read more details about oxygenation equipment in “Oxygen Therapy” in Open RNNursing Skills.

Respiratory Alkalosis

Respiratory alkalosis develops when the body removes too much carbon dioxide through respiration, resulting in increased pH and an alkalotic state. When reviewing ABGs, respiratory alkalosis is identified when pH levels are above 7.45 and the PaCO2 level is below 35. With respiratory alkalosis, notice that as the PaCO2 level decreases, the pH level increases.

Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation that can occur due to anxiety, panic attacks, pain, fear, head injuries, or mechanical ventilation. Overdoses of salicylates and other toxins can also cause respiratory alkalosis initially and then often progress to metabolic acidosis in later stages. Acute asthma exacerbations, pulmonary embolisms, or other respiratory disorders can initially cause respiratory alkalosis as the lungs breath faster in an attempt to increase oxygenation, which decreases the PaCO2. After a while, however, these hypoxic disorders cause respiratory acidosis as respiratory muscles tire, breathing slows, and CO2 builds up in the blood.

Patients experiencing respiratory alkalosis often report feelings of shortness of breath, dizziness or light-headedness, chest pain or tightness, paresthesias, and palpitations as a result of decreased carbon dioxide levels.[8]Respiratory alkalosis is not fatal, but it is important to recognize that underlying conditions such as an asthma exacerbation or pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening, so treatment of these underlying conditions is essential. As the pH level increases, the kidneys will attempt to compensate for the shortage of H+ ions by reabsorbing HCO3 before it can be excreted in the urine. This is a slow process, so additional treatment may be necessary.

Treatment of respiratory alkalosis involves treating the underlying cause of the hyperventilation. Acute management of patients who are hyperventilating should focus on patient reassurance, an explanation of the symptoms the patient is experiencing, removal of any stressors, and initiation of breathing retraining. Breathing retraining attempts to focus the patient on abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing. Read more about breathing retraining in the following box.

Breathing Retraining

While sitting or lying supine, the patient should place one hand on their abdomen and the other on the chest, and then be asked to observe which hand moves with greater excursion. In hyperventilating patients, this will almost always be the hand on the chest. Ask the patient to adjust their breathing so that the hand on the abdomen moves with greater excursion and the hand on the chest barely moves at all. Assure the patient that this is hard to learn and will take some practice to fully master. Ask the patient to breathe in slowly over four seconds, pause for a few seconds, and then breathe out over a period of eight seconds. After 5 to 10 such breathing cycles, the patient should begin to feel a sense of calmness with a reduction in anxiety and an improvement in hyperventilation. Symptoms should ideally resolve with continuation of this breathing exercise.

If the breathing retraining technique is not successful in resolving a hyperventilation episode and severe symptoms persist, the patient may be prescribed a small dose of a short-acting benzodiazepine (e.g., lorazepam 0.5 to 1 mg orally or 0.5 to 1 mg intravenously). Current research indicates that instructing patients who are hyperventilating to rebreathe carbon dioxide (CO2) by breathing into a paper bag can cause significant hypoxemia with significant complications, so this intervention is no longer recommended. If rebreathing is used, oxygen saturation levels should be continuously monitored.[9]

Metabolic Acidosis

Metabolic acidosis occurs when there is an accumulation of acids (hydrogen ions) and not enough bases (HCO3) in the body. Under normal conditions, the kidneys work to excrete acids through urine and neutralize excess acids by increasing bicarbonate (HCO3) reabsorption from the urine to maintain a normal pH. When the kidneys are not able to perform this buffering function to the level required to excrete and neutralize the excess acid, metabolic acidosis results.

Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a pH level below 7.35 and an HCO3 level below 22 when reviewing ABGs. It is important to notice that both the pH and HCO3 decrease with metabolic acidosis (i.e., the pH and HCO3 move in the same downward direction). A common cause of metabolic acidosis is diabetic ketoacidosis, where acids called ketones build up in the blood when blood sugar is extremely elevated. Another common cause of metabolic acidosis in hospitalized patients is lactic acidosis, which can be caused by impaired tissue oxygenation. Metabolic acidosis can also be caused by increased loss of bicarbonate due to severe diarrhea or from renal disease that causes decreased acid elimination. Additionally, toxins such as salicylate excess can cause metabolic acidosis.[10]

Nurses may first suspect that a patient has metabolic acidosis due to rapid breathing that occurs as the lungs try to remove excess CO2 in an attempt to resolve the acidosis. Other symptoms of metabolic acidosis include confusion, decreased level of consciousness, hypotension, and electrolyte disturbances that can progress to circulatory collapse and death if not treated promptly. It is important to quickly notify the provider of suspected metabolic acidosis so that an ABG can be drawn and treatment prescribed (based on the cause of the metabolic acidosis) to allow acid levels to improve. Treatment includes IV fluids to improve hydration status, glucose management, and circulatory support. When pH drops below 7.1, IV sodium bicarbonate is often prescribed to help neutralize the acids in the blood.[11],[12]

Metabolic Alkalosis

Metabolic alkalosis occurs when there is too much bicarbonate (HCO3) in the body or an excessive loss of acid (H+ ions). Metabolic alkalosis is defined by a pH above 7.45 and an HCO3 level above 26 on ABG results. Note that both pH and HCO3 are elevated in metabolic alkalosis.

Metabolic alkalosis can be caused by gastrointestinal loss of hydrogen ions, excessive urine loss, excessive levels of bicarbonate, or a shift of hydrogen ions from the bloodstream into cells.

Prolonged vomiting or nasogastric suctioning can also cause metabolic alkalosis. Gastric secretions have high levels of hydrogen ions (H+), so as acid is lost, the pH level of the bloodstream increases.

Excessive urinary loss (due to diuretics or excessive mineralocorticoids) can cause metabolic alkalosis due to loss of hydrogen ions in the urine. Intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate can also cause metabolic alkalosis due to increased levels of bases introduced into the body. Although it was once thought that excessive intake of calcium antacids could cause metabolic alkalosis, it has been found that this only occurs if they are administered concurrently with Kayexelate.[13]

Hydrogen ions may shift into cells due to hypokalemia, causing metabolic alkalosis. When hypokalemia occurs (i.e., low levels of potassium in the bloodstream), potassium shifts out of cells and into the bloodstream in an attempt to maintain a normal level of serum potassium for optimal cardiac function. However, as the potassium (K+) molecules move out of the cells, hydrogen (H+) ions then move into the cells from the bloodstream to maintain electrical neutrality. This transfer of ions causes the pH in the bloodstream to drop, causing metabolic alkalosis.[14]

A nurse may first suspect that a patient has metabolic alkalosis due to a decreased respiratory rate (as the lungs try to retain additional CO2 to increase the acidity of the blood and resolve the alkalosis). The patient may also be confused due to the altered pH level. The nurse should report signs of suspected metabolic alkalosis because uncorrected metabolic alkalosis can result in hypotension and cardiac dysfunction.[15]

Treatment is prescribed based on the ABG results and the suspected cause. For example, treat the cause of the vomiting, stop the gastrointestinal suctioning, or stop the administration of diuretics. If hypokalemia is present, it should be treated. If bicarbonate is being administered, it should be stopped. Patients with kidney disease may require dialysis.[16]

Analyzing ABG Results

Now that we’ve discussed the differences between the various acid-base imbalances, let’s review the steps to systematically interpret ABG results. Table 15.5b outlines the steps of ABG interpretation.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (22)

Table 15.5b

Analyzing ABG Results[17],[18]



Mitchel, J. H., Wildenthal, K., & Johnson Jr., R. L. (1972). The effects of acid-base disturbances on cardiovascular and pulmonary function.Kidney International, 1, 375-389.https://www​.kidney-international​.org/article​/S0085-2538(15)31047-4/pdf


WakeMed Pathology Laboratories. (2016).Critical values.https://www​​/assets/documents​/pathology/lab-critical-values.pdf


Forciea, B. (2017, May 10).Acid-base balance: Bicarbonate ion buffer. [Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/5_S5wZks9v8


RegisteredNurseRN. (2015, May 6).ABGs made easy for nurses w/ tic tac toe method for arterial blood gas interpretation. [Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/URCS4t9aM5o


Feller-Kopman, D. J., & Schwartzstein, R. M. (2020). The evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the adult patient with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/the-evaluation-diagnosis-and-treatment-of-the-adult-patient-with-acute-hypercapnic-respiratory-failure


A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): A.D.A.M., Inc.; c1997-2021. Respiratory acidosis; [updated 2021, February 8].https://medlineplus​.gov​/ency/article/000092.htm


Feller-Kopman, D. J., & Schwartzstein, R. M. (2020). The evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the adult patient with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/the-evaluation-diagnosis-and-treatment-of-the-adult-patient-with-acute-hypercapnic-respiratory-failure


Schwartzstein, R. M., Richards, J., Edlow, J. A., & Roy-Byrne, P. P. (2020). Hyperventilation syndrome in adults.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/hyperventilation-syndrome-in-adults


Schwartzstein, R. M., Richards, J., Edlow, J. A., & Roy-Byrne, P. P. (2020). Hyperventilation syndrome in adults.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/hyperventilation-syndrome-in-adults


Emmett, M., & Szerlip, H. (2020). Approach to the adult with metabolic acidosis.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/approach-to-the-adult-with-metabolic-acidosis


A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): A.D.A.M., Inc.; c1997-2021. Metabolic acidosis; [updated 2021, February 8].https://medlineplus​.gov​/ency/article/000335.htm


Emmett, M., & Szerlip, H. (2020). Approach to the adult with metabolic acidosis.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/approach-to-the-adult-with-metabolic-acidosis


Emmett, M., & Szerlip, H. (2020). Causes of metabolic alkalosis.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/causes-of-metabolic-alkalosis


Emmett, M., & Szerlip, H. (2020). Causes of metabolic alkalosis.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/causes-of-metabolic-alkalosis


This work is a derivative ofStatPearlsby Brinkman and Sharma and is licensed underCC BY 4.0


Emmett, M., & Szerlip, H. (2020). Causes of metabolic alkalosis.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/causes-of-metabolic-alkalosis


This work is a derivative ofStatPearlsby Castro and Keenaghan and is licensed underCC BY 4.0


Woodruff, D. W. (2012).6 easy steps to ABG analysis. Ed4Nurses, Inc.http://www​.profcaseyscudmorern​.org/uploads​/4/5/0/4/45049193/abgebook.pdf


The nursing process is used continuously when caring for individuals who have fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base imbalances, or at risk for developing them, because their condition can change rapidly. This systematic approach to nursing care ensures that subtle cues or changes are not overlooked and that appropriate outcomes and interventions are implemented according to the patient’s current condition.


A thorough assessment provides valuable information about a patient’s current fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, as well as risk factors for developing imbalances. Performing a chart review or focused health history is a good place to start collecting data, with any identified gaps or discrepancies verified during the physical assessment. It is also important to consider pertinent life span or cultural considerations that impact a patient’s fluid and electrolyte status.

Subjective Assessment

Subjective assessment data is information obtained from the patient as a primary source or family members or friends as a secondary source. This information must be obtained by interviewing the patient or someone accompanying the patient. Some of this information can be obtained through a chart review, but should be verified with the patient or family member for accuracy.

Subjective data to obtain includes age; history of chronic disease, surgeries, or traumas; dietary intake; activity level; prescribed medications and compliance with taking medications; pain; and bowel and bladder functioning. Subjective assessment data is helpful to determine normal pattern identification and risk identification. For example, a history of kidney disease or heart failure places the patient at risk for fluid volume excess, whereas diuretic use places the patient at risk for fluid volume deficit and electrolyte and acid-base imbalances. A history of diabetes mellitus also places a patient at risk for fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. Recognizing these risks helps nurses be prepared for complications that may arise and allows the nurse to recognize subtle cues as problems develop.

Objective Assessment

Objective assessment data is information that the nurse directly observes. This data is obtained through a physical examination using inspection, auscultation, and palpation. A complete head-to-toe assessment should be performed to avoid missing clues to the patient’s condition.

Focused assessments such as trends in weight, 24-hour intake and output, vital signs, pulses, lung sounds, skin, and mental status are used to determine fluid balance, electrolyte, and acid-base status.

  • Accurate daily weights can provide important clues to fluid balance. Weights must be taken on the same scale, at the same time of day, with the patient wearing similar clothing in order to be accurate. A one kilogram change in weight in 24 hours is considered significant because this represents a one liter fluid gain or loss and should be reported to the provider.

  • Accurate measurement of 24-hour intake and output helps validate weight findings. Averaged urine output of less than 30 mL/hour or 0.5mL/hr/kg of concentrated urine should be reported to the provider.

  • Vital signs should be analyzed. An elevated blood pressure and bounding pulses are often seen with fluid volume excess. Decreased blood pressure with an elevated heart rate and a weak or thready pulse are hallmark signs of fluid volume deficit. Systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg in adults, unless other parameters are provided, should be reported to the health care provider.

  • Lung crackles can signify fluid volume excess and are often first auscultated in the lower posterior lung fields.

  • Tight, edematous, shiny skin indicates fluid volume excess. See Figure 15.15[1]for an image of edema. Conversely, skin tenting, dry mucous membranes, or dry skin indicate fluid volume deficit.

  • New mental status changes such as confusion or decreased level of consciousness can indicate fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base imbalance, especially hypo- or hypernatremia, acid-base imbalances, or fluid volume deficit.

  • Cardiac arrhythmias can be seen with acid-base imbalances and electrolyte imbalances, especially with hypo- or hyperkalemia and alkalosis. See Table 15.6a for a comparison of expected and unexpected findings and those that require notification of a health care provider.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (24)

Table 15.6a

Expected Findings Versus Unexpected Findings Indicating a Fluid Imbalance[2]

Review additional details about assessing these body systems in Open RNNursing Skills.

Diagnostic and Lab Work

Diagnostic tests and lab work provide important information about fluid status, electrolyte, and acid-base balance and should be used in conjunction with a thorough subjective and objective assessment to form a complete picture of the patient’s overall status. It is important to cluster diagnostic and lab assessment data with subjective and objective assessment data to ensure a complete assessment picture. This will help ensure correct information is reported to the provider as necessary.

Lab work provides important clues to overall fluid status. Common lab tests used to evaluate fluid status include serum osmolarity, urine specific gravity, hematocrit, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN).

Serum osmolarity (often interchanged with the term serum osmolality) measures the concentration of particles in the blood with a normal range of 275 to 295 mmol/kg). Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. In healthy people, when serum osmolality in the blood becomes high, the body releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This hormone causes the kidneys to reabsorb water, resulting in dilution of the blood and the return of serum osmolarity to normal range. An elevated serum osmolarity level means the blood is more concentrated than normal and often indicates deficient fluid volume deficit. A decreased serum osmolarity means the blood is more dilute than normal and may indicate a fluid volume excess.[3]

Urine osmolarity measures the concentration of particles in the urine. An increased urine osmolarity result means the urine is concentrated and can indicate fluid volume deficit. A decreased urine osmolarity result means the urine is dilute and can indicate excess fluid intake.[4]Urine specific gravityis a urine test that commonly measures hydration status by measuring the concentration of particles in urine. Normal urine specific gravity levels are between 1.010 and 1.020. A urine specific gravity above 1.020 indicates concentrated urine and can indicate a fluid volume deficit, similarly to an elevated urine osmolarity. A urine specific gravity below 1.010 indicates dilute urine, which can occur with excessive fluid intake.[5]

When a condition called “Excessive Fluid Volume” occurs, altered physiological mechanisms impact the kidney’s ability to increase urine output to eliminate excessive fluid volume, causing urine output to decrease. As a result, the serum osmolarity decreases as fluid is retained but the urine specific gravity is elevated because urine is concentrated.

Hematocrit (HCT) is a blood test that measures how much of your blood is made up of red blood cells compared to the liquid component of blood called plasma. It is often part of a complete blood count (CBC), a routine test that measures different components of your blood. The normal hematocrit for men is 42 to 52%; for women it is 37 to 47%, but these ranges may vary slightly across labs.

In addition to measuring red blood cells, hematocrit levels can also be used to evaluate fluid balance. When deficient fluid volume is occurring, the plasma component of the blood also decreases, causing an elevated concentration of red blood cells (and an elevated hematocrit). In this case, drinking more fluid or receiving intravenous fluids will bring the hematocrit level back to normal range. Conversely, if a patient is experiencing “Excessive Fluid Volume,” the plasma component of the blood is increased, causing dilution of the red blood cells and a decreased hematocrit level.[6],[7]See Figure 15.16[8]for an illustration of normal hematocrit, elevated hematocrit, and decreased hematocrit due to fluid imbalance.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (25)

Figure 15.16

Effects of Fluid Imbalance on Hematocrit

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) measures the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood. BUN and serum creatinine levels are used to evaluate kidney function, with increased levels indicating worsening kidney function. In general, the normal BUN range is 7 to 20 mg/dL, but normal ranges vary depending on the reference range used by the lab and the patient’s age. Patients with “Deficient Fluid Volume”can also have elevated BUN levels for the same reason that hematocrit is affected; as plasma levels decrease, the blood becomes more concentrated.

In addition to monitoring lab work for results indicating fluid imbalance, electrolytes, specifically sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, should be monitored closely for patients at risk. Refer to Table 15.4 in the “Electrolytes” section for an overview of electrolyte imbalances, common symptoms, and common treatments.

Additional diagnostic tests used to evaluate for signs of fluid and electrolyte imbalances are the chest X-ray and the electrocardiogram. A chest X-ray evaluates for fluid in the lungs, a common complication of excessive fluid volume. An electrocardiogram (ECG) evaluates for cardiac complications resulting from electrolyte imbalances.

Arterial blood gases are used to closely monitor critically ill patients, such as patients in diabetic ketoacidosis or in severe respiratory distress. ABG results provide important clues about respiratory status, oxygenation, and metabolic processes occurring in the body. See Table 15.6b for a summary of laboratory findings associated with fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (26)

Table 15.6b

Lab Values Associated with Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances

Life Span Considerations

There are several life span considerations when assessing for fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance.


Newborns and infants have a large proportion of water weight compared to adults, with approximately 75% of weight being water. During the first week after birth, extracellular fluid is lost in urine along with sodium. Additionally, compensatory mechanisms such as the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System are less developed, and newborn kidneys are less able to concentrate urine, resulting in a decreased ability to retain sodium. Newborns and infants also have a greater body surface area, making them more susceptible to insensible fluid losses through the skin and lungs via evaporation. This causes increased risk of developing hyponatremia and fluid volume deficit. In contrast, newborns are less able to excrete potassium, placing them at risk for hyperkalemia.[9]Episodes of vomiting and diarrhea also place infants at an increased risk of quickly developing fluid and electrolyte disturbances.

When monitoring urine output in infants, parents are often asked about the number of wet diapers in a day. Nurses may also weigh diapers for hospitalized infants for more accurate measurement of urine output.


Children and adolescents are at risk for dehydration when physically active in hot environments causing excessive sweating. Illnesses causing diarrhea, vomiting, or fever can also quickly cause fluid deficit if there is little fluid intake to replace the water and sodium lost. For this reason, it is important to educate parents regarding the importance of fluid intake when their child is sweating or ill.[10]


Older adults are at risk for fluid and electrolyte imbalances for a variety of reasons, including surgery, chronic diseases such as heart and kidney disease, diuretic use, and decreased mobility that limits the ability to obtain hydration. They also have a decreased thirst reflex, which contributes to decreased fluid consumption. Kidney function naturally decreases with age, resulting in decreased sodium and water retention, as well as decreased potassium excretion. These factors place older patients at risk for fluid volume deficit and electrolyte abnormalities.[11]


There are many nursing diagnoses applicable to fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. Review a nursing care planning resource for current NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, related factors, and defining characteristics. See Table 15.6c for commonly used NANDA-I diagnoses associated with patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.[12]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (27)

Table 15.6c

Common NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses Related to Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances[13]

Excess Fluid Volume Example

A patient with heart failure has been hospitalized with an acute exacerbation with dyspnea and increased edema in the lower extremities. A sample PES statement is,“Fluid Volume Excess related to a compromised regulatory mechanism as evidenced by edema, crackles in lower posterior lungs, and weight gain of 2 kg in 24 hours.”

Deficient Fluid Volume Example

An elderly patient develops severe diarrhea due to food poisoning and is admitted to the hospital with dehydration. A sample PES statement is,“Deficient Fluid Volume related to insufficient fluid intake as evidenced by blood pressure 90/60, dry mucous membranes, decreased urine output, and an increase in hematocrit.”

Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume Example

A patient who is ten weeks pregnant has developed severe vomiting due to severe morning sickness. A sample PES statement is,“Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume as evidenced by vomiting.”The nurse plans to educate the patient about tips to stay hydrated despite vomiting, as well as when to contact the provider if signs of dehydration develop.

Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance Example

A patient with chronic kidney disease is prescribed a diuretic to control fluid retention. A sample PES statement is,“Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance as evidenced by insufficient knowledge of modifiable factors.”The nurse plans to educate the patient about signs and symptoms of fluid and electrolyte imbalance and when to contact the provider.

Note: Recall that risk diagnoses do not contain related factors in PES statements because a vulnerability for a potential problem is being identified for the patient. Instead, the phrase “as evidenced by” is used to refer to the evidence of risk that exists. Read more about formulating PES statements in the “Nursing Process” chapter.

Outcome Identification

Goals for a patient experiencing fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base imbalances depend on the chosen nursing diagnosis and specific patient situation. Typically, goals should relate to resolution of the imbalance. For example, if the nursing diagnosis isExcess Fluid Volume, then an appropriate goal would pertain to resolution of the fluid volume excess. Remember that goals are broad and outcomes should be narrowly focused and written in SMART format (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Oriented).

For the nursing diagnosis ofExcess Fluid Volume, an overall goal is,“Patient will achieve fluid balance.”Fluid balance for a patient withExcess Fluid Volumeis indicated by body weight returning to baseline with no peripheral edema, neck vein distention, or adventitious breath sounds.[14]An example of a SMART outcome is,“The patient will maintain clear lung sounds with no evidence of dyspnea over the next 24 hours.”

For patients experiencingElectrolyte Imbalances, an appropriate goal is,“Patient will maintain serum sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and/or pH levels within normal range.”An additional goal is,“The patient will maintain a normal sinus heart rhythm with regular rate,”because many electrolyte imbalances impact the electrical conduction system of the heart and this is a life-threatening complication.

Planning Interventions

Evidence-based interventions should be planned according to the patient’s history and specific fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base imbalance present. Refer to a nursing care planning resource for evidence-based interventions for specific nursing diagnoses. Table 15.6d lists selected interventions for key imbalances.[15],[16],[17],[18]

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (28)

Table 15.6d

Interventions for Imbalances

Read more about medications affecting fluid and electrolyte balance, such as diuretics, in the “Cardiovascular and Renal System” chapter in Open RNNursing Pharmacology.

Read about intravenous fluids used to treatFluid Volume Deficitin the “IV Therapy Management” chapter in Open RNNursing Skills.

Implement Interventions Safely

Patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances can quickly move from one imbalance to another based on treatments received. It is vital to reassess a patient before implementing interventions to ensure current status warrants the prescribed intervention. For example, a patient admitted withFluid Volume Deficitreceived intravenous fluids (IV) over the past 24 hours. When the nurse prepares to administer the next bag of IV fluids, she notices the patient has developed pitting edema in his lower extremities. She listens to his lungs and discovers crackles. The nurse notifies the prescribing provider, and the order for intravenous fluids is discontinued and a new order for diuretic medication is received.

Therefore, assessments for new or worsening imbalances should be performed prior to implementing interventions:[20]

  • Monitor daily weights for sudden changes. A weight change of greater than 1 kg in 24 hours (using the same scale and type of clothing) should be reported to the provider.

  • Monitor location and extent of edema using the 1+ to 4+ scale to quantify edema.

  • Monitor intake and output over a 24-hour period; note trends of decreasing urine output in relation to fluid intake indicating potential development ofFluid Volume Excess.

  • Monitor lab work such as serum osmolarity, serum sodium, BUN, and hematocrit for abnormalities. (For example, a patient receiving IV fluids may developFluid Volume Excess, resulting in decreased levels of serum osmolarity, serum sodium, BUN, and hematocrit. Conversely, a patient receiving IV diuretics can quickly become dehydrated, resulting in elevated levels of serum osmolarity, serum sodium, BUN, and hematocrit.)

  • For patients receiving intravenous fluids, monitor for the development of excessive fluid volume. Monitor lung sounds for crackles and ask about the presence of dyspnea. Report new abnormal findings to the provider.

  • For patients receiving diuretic therapy, monitor for fluid volume deficit and electrolyte imbalances such as hypokalemia and hyponatremia.

Implement fall precautions for patients with orthostatic hypotension, restlessness, anxiety, or confusion related to fluid imbalances.


The effectiveness of interventions implemented to maintain fluid balance must be continuously evaluated. Evaluation helps the nurse determine whether goals and outcomes are met and if interventions are still appropriate for the patient. If outcomes and goals are met, the plan of care can likely be discontinued. If outcomes and goals are not met, they may need to be revised. It is also possible that interventions may need to be added or revised to help the patient meet their goals and outcomes. Table 15.6e provides a list of assessment findings indicating imbalances are improved.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (29)

Table 15.6e

Evaluating for Improvement of Imbalances



El-Sharkawy A. M., Sahota O., Maughan R. J., Lobo D. N. The pathophysiology of fluid and electrolyte balance in the older adult surgical patient. Clinical Nutrition. 2014;33(1):6–13. [PubMed: 24308897] [CrossRef]


A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): A.D.A.M., Inc.; c1997-2021. Osmolality blood test; [updated 2021, February 8].https:​//medlineplus​.gov/ency/article/003463.htm.

4. (n.d.).Serum and urine osmolality.https://www​​.html.


Flasar C. What is urine specific gravity? Nursing. 2008;2008;38(7):14. [PubMed: 18580635] [CrossRef]


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); Hematocrit test; [updated 2020, Jul 31; reviewed 2020, Jul 31; cited 2021, Feb 11].https://medlineplus​.gov​/lab-tests/hematocrit-test/.


Billett, H. H. (1990). Hemoglobin and hematocrit. In Walker H. K., Hall W. D., Hurst J. W. (Eds.),Clinical methods: The history, physical, and laboratory examinations(3rd ed.). Butterworths.https://www​.ncbi.nlm​ [PubMed: 21250045]


Ringer, S. (2020). Fluid and electrolyte therapy in newborns.UpToDate.https://www​.uptodate​.com/contents/fluid-and-electrolyte-therapy-in-newborns.


Iglesia I., Guelinckx I., De Miguel-Etayo P. M., González-Gil E. M., Salas-Salvadó J., Kavouras S. A., Gandy J., Martínez H., Bardosono S., Abdollahi M., Nasseri E., Jarosz A., Ma G., Carmuega E., Thiébaut I., Moreno L. A. Total fluid intake of children and adolescents: cross-sectional surveys in 13 countries worldwide. European Journal of Nutrition. 2015;54:57–67. [PMC free article: PMC4473088] [PubMed: 26081646] [CrossRef]


El-Sharkawy A. M., Sahota O., Maughan R. J., Lobo D. N. The pathophysiology of fluid and electrolyte balance in the older adult surgical patient. Clinical Nutrition. 2014;33(1):6–13. [PubMed: 24308897] [CrossRef]


Herdman, T., & Kamitsuru, S. (2017).NANDA international nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification 2018-2020(11th ed.). Thieme Publishers. pp. 182-186..


Herdman, T., & Kamitsuru, S. (2017).NANDA international nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification 2018-2020(11th ed.). Thieme Publishers. pp. 182-186..


Ackley, B., Ladwig, G., Makic, M. B., Martinez-Kratz, M., & Zanotti, M. (2020).Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care(12th ed.). Elsevier. pp. 360-363, 406-416..


Ackley, B., Ladwig, G., Makic, M. B., Martinez-Kratz, M., & Zanotti, M. (2020).Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care(12th ed.). Elsevier. pp. 360-363, 406-416..


Fluid overload. (2021). Lippincott advisor.http://advisor​


Dehydration. (2021). Lippincott advisor.http://advisor​


Electrolyte imbalance. (2021). Lippincott advisor.http://advisor​


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017).Assessment - measuring orthostatic blood pressure.cdc​.gov/steadi/pdf/Measuring​_Orthostatic​_Blood_Pressure-print.pdf.


Ackley, B., Ladwig, G., Makic, M. B., Martinez-Kratz, M., & Zanotti, M. (2020).Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care(12th ed.). Elsevier. pp. 360-363, 406-416..


Patient Scenario

Mr. Hernandez is a 54-year-old patient admitted to the medical telemetry floor with a diagnosis of heart failure exacerbation. He tells the nurse, “My breathing has gotten worse the past last three days and I have a lot of swelling in my feet.”

Applying the Nursing Process

Assessment:Vital signs at the start of shift were blood pressure 154/94, heart rate 88, respiratory rate 24, and oxygen saturation 88%. On assessment, the nurse finds fine crackles in bilateral posterior lower lung bases, an S3 heart sound, and 2+ pitting edema in bilateral lower extremities midway to the knee. The nurse reviews the patient’s chart and discovers Mr. Hernandez has gained 10 pounds since his previous office visit last week.

Based on the assessment information that has been gathered, the nurse creates the following nursing care plan for Mr. Hernandez:

Nursing Diagnosis:Excess Fluid Volume related to compromised regulatory mechanism as evidenced by fine crackles in bilateral posterior lung bases, S3 heart sound, weight gain of 10 pounds in the past week, and the patient states, “My breathing has gotten worse the past last three days and I have a lot of swelling in my feet.”

Overall Goal:The patient will demonstrate stabilization in fluid volume.

SMART Expected Outcomes:

  • Mr. Hernandez’s vital signs and weight will return to his baseline in the next 48 hours.

  • Mr. Hernandez will verbalize three rules of dietary and fluid restriction to follow at home following his educational session.

Planning and Implementing Nursing Interventions:

The nurse will weigh the patient daily and analyze weight trends and 24-hour intake and output. The nurse will closely monitor lung sounds, respiratory rate, and oxygenation status. The nurse will establish a 24-hour schedule for fluid intake and educate the patient regarding fluid restriction. The nurse will closely monitor lab results, especially sodium and potassium, and monitor for symptoms of fluid shifts. The nurse will provide patient education regarding fluid and sodium restrictions.

Sample Documentation:

The patient was admitted with acute heart failure exacerbation and stated, “My breathing has gotten worse the past last three days and I have a lot of swelling in my feet.” On admission to the unit at 0900, vital signs were blood pressure 154/94, heart rate 88, respiratory rate 24, and oxygen saturation 88%. Fine crackles were present in bilateral posterior lower lung bases, an S3 heart sound was present, and there was 2+ pitting edema in bilateral lower extremities midway to the knee. The chart indicates he has gained 10 pounds since his previous office visit last week. Provider orders and fluid restrictions were implemented. Lab results are within normal ranges. Patient education regarding fluid and sodium restrictions and a handout were provided. At the end of the session, Mr. Hernandez was able to report back three rules of dietary and fluid restrictions to follow at home when discharged.


By the end of the shift, the second SMART outcome was “met” when Mr. Hernandez was able to report back three rules of dietary and fluid restrictions after the patient education session. The first SMART outcome was not yet met but will be reevaluated every shift for the next 24 hours.


Patient Scenario

Mr. Hernandez is a 54-year-old patient admitted to the medical telemetry floor with a diagnosis of heart failure exacerbation. He tells the nurse, “My breathing has gotten worse the past last three days and I have a lot of swelling in my feet.”

Applying the Nursing Process

Assessment:Vital signs at the start of shift were blood pressure 154/94, heart rate 88, respiratory rate 24, and oxygen saturation 88%. On assessment, the nurse finds fine crackles in bilateral posterior lower lung bases, an S3 heart sound, and 2+ pitting edema in bilateral lower extremities midway to the knee. The nurse reviews the patient’s chart and discovers Mr. Hernandez has gained 10 pounds since his previous office visit last week.

Based on the assessment information that has been gathered, the nurse creates the following nursing care plan for Mr. Hernandez:

Nursing Diagnosis:Excess Fluid Volume related to compromised regulatory mechanism as evidenced by fine crackles in bilateral posterior lung bases, S3 heart sound, weight gain of 10 pounds in the past week, and the patient states, “My breathing has gotten worse the past last three days and I have a lot of swelling in my feet.”

Overall Goal:The patient will demonstrate stabilization in fluid volume.

SMART Expected Outcomes:

  • Mr. Hernandez’s vital signs and weight will return to his baseline in the next 48 hours.

  • Mr. Hernandez will verbalize three rules of dietary and fluid restriction to follow at home following his educational session.

Planning and Implementing Nursing Interventions:

The nurse will weigh the patient daily and analyze weight trends and 24-hour intake and output. The nurse will closely monitor lung sounds, respiratory rate, and oxygenation status. The nurse will establish a 24-hour schedule for fluid intake and educate the patient regarding fluid restriction. The nurse will closely monitor lab results, especially sodium and potassium, and monitor for symptoms of fluid shifts. The nurse will provide patient education regarding fluid and sodium restrictions.

Sample Documentation:

The patient was admitted with acute heart failure exacerbation and stated, “My breathing has gotten worse the past last three days and I have a lot of swelling in my feet.” On admission to the unit at 0900, vital signs were blood pressure 154/94, heart rate 88, respiratory rate 24, and oxygen saturation 88%. Fine crackles were present in bilateral posterior lower lung bases, an S3 heart sound was present, and there was 2+ pitting edema in bilateral lower extremities midway to the knee. The chart indicates he has gained 10 pounds since his previous office visit last week. Provider orders and fluid restrictions were implemented. Lab results are within normal ranges. Patient education regarding fluid and sodium restrictions and a handout were provided. At the end of the session, Mr. Hernandez was able to report back three rules of dietary and fluid restrictions to follow at home when discharged.


By the end of the shift, the second SMART outcome was “met” when Mr. Hernandez was able to report back three rules of dietary and fluid restrictions after the patient education session. The first SMART outcome was not yet met but will be reevaluated every shift for the next 24 hours.


Learning Activities

(Answers to “Learning Activities” can be found in the “Answer Key” at the end of the book. Answers to interactive activity elements will be provided within the element as immediate feedback.)

Scenario A[1]

Mr. Smith, a 60-year-old male, was admitted to the general medical floor with a diagnosis of an exacerbation of heart failure. See Figure 15.17 for an image of Mr. Smith.[2]He has a past medical history of hypertension and coronary artery disease. His admitting weight was 225 pounds. His baseline weight from a previous clinic visit was 210 pounds. On admission, he had fine crackles throughout his lower posterior lobes and 4+ pitting edema in his lower extremities. His ABG results on admission were: pH 7.30, PaCO2 50 mmHg, PaO2 80 mm Hg, HCO3- 21 mEq/L, SaO2 85%.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (30)

Figure 15.17

Mr. Smith



Interpret Mr. Smith’s ABG results on admission.


Explain the likely cause of the ABG results.


Create a nursing diagnosis for Mr. Smith’s fluid status in PES format based on his admission data.

Mr. Smith has received multiple doses of IV diuretics over the past three days since admission. During your morning assessment, Mr. Smith tells you he very thirsty and feels dizzy. You notice he is irritable and is becoming increasingly confused. You quickly obtain his vital signs: BP 85/45, HR 110, RR 24/minute, O2 saturation 98% on 2L/min per nasal cannula, and temperature 37.2 degrees Celsius. His lung sounds are clear and his heart sounds are regular sinus rhythm. You notice his weight this morning was 205 pounds. You call the provider and receive orders for STAT Basic Metabolic Panel and to initiate 0.9% Normal Saline IV fluids at 250 mL/hour until the provider arrives to evaluate the patient.

The Basic Metabolic Panel results (with the lab’s normal reference range in parentheses) are:

Sodium: 155 mEq/L (135-145)

Potassium: 3.3 mEq/L (3.5-5.3)

Chloride: 103 mEq/L (98-108)

Carbon dioxide: 25 mEq/L (23-27)

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 30 mg/dL (10-25)

Creatinine: 1.9 mg/dL (0.5-1.5)

Glucose: 100 mg/dL (fasting 70-99)



What is Mr. Smith’s fluid balance this morning? Support your answer with data.


What is the probable cause of his fluid balance?


Interpret Mr. Smith’s lab results. What are the potential causes of these results?


Create a nursing diagnosis statement in PES format for Mr. Smith’s current fluid status.


Create a new expected outcome in SMART format for Mr. Smith.


In addition to providing intravenous fluids, what additional interventions will you implement for Mr. Smith?


How will you evaluate if the nursing interventions are effective?

Scenario B[3]

A 74-year-old male, Mr. M., was admitted to the general medical floor during the night shift with a diagnosis of pneumonia. See Figure 15.18 for an image of Mr. M.[4]He has a past medical history of alcohol abuse and coronary artery disease. You are the day shift nurse, and during your morning assessment you notice that Mr. M. becomes increasingly lethargic and is not following commands consistently. You obtain the following vital signs: BP 80/45, HR 110, RR 8 and labored, O2 saturation 80% on 3L per nasal cannula, temperature 38.1 degrees Celsius. His lung sounds reveal coarse crackles throughout, and you notice he is using accessory muscles with breathing. You notify the provider using an SBAR report and receive orders to increase oxygen to 10L per non-rebreather mask.

Lab results are ordered with the following results:

ABGs: pH 7.30, PaCO2 50, PaO2 59, HCO3 24, SaO2 80

Potassium: 5.9 mEq/L

Magnesium: 1.0 mEq/L

Calcium: 10.2 mg/dL

Sodium: 137 mEq/L

Hematocrit: 55%

Serum Osmolarity: 305 mmol/kg

BUN: 30 mg/dL

Urine Specific Gravity: 1.025



What is Mr. M.’s fluid balance? Provide data supporting the imbalance.


What is your interpretation of Mr. M.’s ABGs?


What is your interpretation of Mr. M.’s electrolyte studies?


Is Mr. M. stable or unstable? Why?


For what complications will you monitor?


Write an SBAR communication you would have with the health care provider to notify them about Mr. M.’s condition.


Create a NANDA-I diagnosis for Mr. M. in PES format.


Identify an expected outcome for Mr. M. in SMART format.


What interventions will you plan for Mr. M.?


How will you evaluate if your interventions are effective?


Write a nursing note about Mr. M.’s condition and your actions taken. This can be in the form of a DAR, SOAP, or summary nursing note.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (32)

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (33)

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (34)

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (35)



"HF-RTD.JPG“ byARISE projectis licensed underCC BY 4.0.


"HF-RTD.JPG“ byARISE projectis licensed underCC BY 4.0.


"Hospitalized Male“ byARISE projectis licensed underCC BY 4.0.


"Hospitalized Male“ byARISE projectis licensed underCC BY 4.0.


Active transport

Movement of solutes and ions across a cell membrane against a concentration gradient from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration using energy during the process.

Chvostek’s sign

An assessment sign of acute hypocalcemia characterized by involuntary facial muscle twitching when the facial nerve is tapped.


The movement of solute particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.


Swelling caused by excessive interstitial fluid retention.

Extracellular fluids (ECF)

Fluids found outside cells in the intravascular or interstitial spaces.


Movement of fluids through a permeable membrane utilizing hydrostatic pressure.

Hydrostatic pressure

The pressure that a contained fluid exerts on what is confining it.


Elevated levels of retained carbon dioxide in the body.

Hypertonic solution

Intravenous fluids with a higher concentration of dissolved particles than blood plasma.


Excess intravascular fluid. Used interchangeably with “excessive fluid volume.”

Hypotonic solution

Intravenous fluids with a lower concentration of dissolved particles than blood plasma.


Intravascular fluid loss. Used interchangeably with “deficient fluid volume” and “dehydration.”

Interstitial fluids

Fluids found between the cells and outside of the vascular system.

Intracellular fluids (ICF)

Fluids found inside cells consisting of protein, water, and electrolytes.

Intravascular fluids

Fluids found in the vascular system consisting of the body’s arteries, veins, and capillary networks.

Isotonic solution

Intravenous fluids with a similar concentration of dissolved particles as blood plasma.

Oncotic pressure

Pressure inside the vascular compartment created by protein content of the blood (in the form of albumin) that holds water inside the blood vessels.


Proportion of dissolved particles in a specific weight of fluid.


Proportion of dissolved particles or solutes in a specific volume of fluid.


Movement of fluid through a semipermeable membrane from an area of lesser solute concentration to an area of greater solute concentration.

Passive transport

Movement of fluids or solutes down a concentration gradient where no energy is used during the process.

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)

A body system that regulates extracellular fluids and blood pressure by regulating fluid output and electrolyte excretion.

Trousseau’s sign

A sign associated with hypocalcemia that causes a spasm of the hand when a blood pressure cuff is inflated.

Urine specific gravity

A measurement of hydration status that measures the concentration of particles in urine.

Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes (2024)


Which condition might result in a fluid volume deficit? ›

Deficient fluid volume (also referred to as hypovolemia or dehydration) occurs when loss of fluid is greater than fluid input. Common causes of deficient fluid volume are diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, fever, and poor oral fluid intake.

What is the fluid and electrolyte balance? ›

Fluid and electrolyte balance refers to a balance of intracellular volume (ICV) and extracellular volume. (ECV) which includes interstitial fluid (ISF) and intravascular fluids. Fluid balance is maintained by. hydrostatic pressures, osmolality or oncotic pressures (protein and plasma concentrations) and.

What labs show fluid volume deficits? ›

Common lab tests used to evaluate fluid status include serum osmolarity, urine specific gravity, hematocrit, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Serum osmolarity (often interchanged with the term serum osmolality) measures the concentration of particles in the blood with a normal range of 275 to 295 mmol/kg.

How does the body maintain fluid and electrolyte, including pH balance? ›

A variety of key electrolytes are dissolved in body fluids to maintain organ function and fluid balance. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the kidneys and the endocrine system (pituitary-thyroid-adrenals) orchestrate precise FEB. In addition, the respiratory system helps to maintain the body's acid base balance.

Which condition might result in a fluid volume deficit in Quizlet? ›

Which condition might result in a fluid volume deficit? Diabetes insipidus can result in a fluid volume deficit.

What is the formula for fluid deficit? ›

Abstract. Background: The water-deficit equation {WD(1) = 0.6 × B(m) × [1 - (140 ÷ Na(+))]; B(m) denotes body mass} is used in medicine and nutrition to estimate the volume (L) of water required to correct dehydration during the initial stages of fluid-replacement therapy.

What are the factors affecting fluid and electrolyte balance? ›

A diet that includes an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is best for maintaining electrolyte balance. Poor diet results in an imbalance. If there is not enough sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, or phosphorus in the diet, a fluid and electrolyte imbalance will occur.

What is a normal fluid balance? ›

In order to maintain homeostasis, the adult human body needs a fluid intake of 2-3 litres (25-30ml / kg per day), allowing it to keep a balance of the nutrients, oxygen and water, which are necessary to preserve a stable healthy internal environment.

What are the signs and symptoms of fluid and electrolyte imbalance? ›

What are electrolyte imbalance symptoms?
  • Confusion and irritability.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headaches.
  • Irregular or fast heart rate (arrhythmia).
  • Muscle cramps, muscle spasms or weakness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Numbness or tingling in limbs, fingers and toes.

How to cure dehydration fast at home? ›

Remedies for Dehydration
  1. Water. Water is the best and simplest remedy. ...
  2. Buttermilk. Buttermilk is an excellent hydrator and a great source of minerals that will help to replenish the body's electrolyte levels. ...
  3. Coconut water. ...
  4. Orange juice. ...
  5. Yoghurt and Cottage cheese. ...
  6. Lemon water. ...
  7. Bananas. ...
  8. Barley water.
Jun 16, 2023

What is the first aid of dehydration? ›

Treatment of Dehydration:

Enourage the person to sit down and rest in a cool place. Encourage the person to drink plenty of water or other clear fluids. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Consider the use of oral rehydration sachets which can help replace salt and minerals ther person has lost.

Which electrolyte is most abundant in the body? ›

Sodium (+)

Sodium plays a critical role in helping your cells maintain the right balance of fluid. It's also used to help cells absorb nutrients. It's the most abundant electrolyte ion found in the body.

What is the summary of fluid and electrolyte imbalance? ›

An electrolyte imbalance means that the level of one or more electrolytes in your body is too low or too high. It can happen when the amount of water in your body changes. The amount of water that you take in should equal the amount you lose.

What controls fluid and electrolyte balance? ›

The kidneys are essential for regulating the volume and composition of bodily fluids.

What is a positive fluid balance? ›

Positive fluid balance is a state of fluid overload resulting from fluid administration during resuscitation and subsequent therapies. Fluid overload is defined by “a cut off value of 10% of fluid accumulation as this is associated with worse outcomes” (Malbrain et al, 2014)

What causes a volume deficit? ›

Volume depletion, or extracellular fluid (ECF) volume contraction, occurs as a result of loss of total body sodium. Causes include vomiting, excessive sweating, diarrhea, burns, diuretic use, and acute or chronic kidney failure.

Which of the following is a symptom of fluid volume deficit? ›

Risk factors for deficient fluid volume are as follows: vomiting, diarrhea, GI suctioning, sweating, decreased intake, nausea, inability to gain access to fluids, adrenal insufficiency, osmotic diuresis, hemorrhage, coma, third-space fluid shifts, burns, ascites, and liver dysfunction.

Which condition is likely to cause hyponatremia quizlet? ›

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) results in dilutional hyponatremia from water retention.

What can fluid deficit cause? ›

Dehydration can lead to serious complications, including: Heat injury. If you don't drink enough fluids when you're exercising vigorously and perspiring heavily, you may end up with a heat injury, ranging in severity from mild heat cramps to heat exhaustion or potentially life-threatening heatstroke.

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Article information

Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6231

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.