Cancer - Symptoms and causes (2024)


Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout your body.

Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world. But survival rates are improving for many types of cancer, thanks to improvements in cancer screening, treatment and prevention.


Signs and symptoms caused by cancer will vary depending on what part of the body is affected.

Some general signs and symptoms associated with, but not specific to, cancer, include:

  • Fatigue
  • Lump or area of thickening that can be felt under the skin
  • Weight changes, including unintended loss or gain
  • Skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening or redness of the skin, sores that won't heal, or changes to existing moles
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits
  • Persistent cough or trouble breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness
  • Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating
  • Persistent, unexplained muscle or joint pain
  • Persistent, unexplained fevers or night sweats
  • Unexplained bleeding or bruising

When to see a doctor

Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms that concern you.

If you don't have any signs or symptoms, but are worried about your risk of cancer, discuss your concerns with your doctor. Ask about which cancer screening tests and procedures are appropriate for you.

Request an appointment


Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancerous.

What do gene mutations do?

A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to:

  • Allow rapid growth. A gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly. This creates many new cells that all have that same mutation.
  • Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth. Normal cells know when to stop growing so that you have just the right number of each type of cell. Cancer cells lose the controls (tumor suppressor genes) that tell them when to stop growing. A mutation in a tumor suppressor gene allows cancer cells to continue growing and accumulating.
  • Make mistakes when repairing DNA errors. DNA repair genes look for errors in a cell's DNA and make corrections. A mutation in a DNA repair gene may mean that other errors aren't corrected, leading cells to become cancerous.

These mutations are the most common ones found in cancer. But many other gene mutations can contribute to causing cancer.

What causes gene mutations?

Gene mutations can occur for several reasons, for instance:

  • Gene mutations you're born with. You may be born with a genetic mutation that you inherited from your parents. This type of mutation accounts for a small percentage of cancers.
  • Gene mutations that occur after birth. Most gene mutations occur after you're born and aren't inherited. A number of forces can cause gene mutations, such as smoking, radiation, viruses, cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens), obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation and a lack of exercise.

Gene mutations occur frequently during normal cell growth. However, cells contain a mechanism that recognizes when a mistake occurs and repairs the mistake. Occasionally, a mistake is missed. This could cause a cell to become cancerous.

How do gene mutations interact with each other?

The gene mutations you're born with and those that you acquire throughout your life work together to cause cancer.

For instance, if you've inherited a genetic mutation that predisposes you to cancer, that doesn't mean you're certain to get cancer. Instead, you may need one or more other gene mutations to cause cancer. Your inherited gene mutation could make you more likely than other people to develop cancer when exposed to a certain cancer-causing substance.

It's not clear just how many mutations must accumulate for cancer to form. It's likely that this varies among cancer types.

More Information

  • Cancer care at Mayo Clinic
  • Myths about cancer causes

Risk factors

While doctors have an idea of what may increase your risk of cancer, the majority of cancers occur in people who don't have any known risk factors. Factors known to increase your risk of cancer include:

Your age

Cancer can take decades to develop. That's why most people diagnosed with cancer are 65 or older. While it's more common in older adults, cancer isn't exclusively an adult disease — cancer can be diagnosed at any age.

Your habits

Certain lifestyle choices are known to increase your risk of cancer. Smoking, drinking more than one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men, excessive exposure to the sun or frequent blistering sunburns, being obese, and having unsafe sex can contribute to cancer.

You can change these habits to lower your risk of cancer — though some habits are easier to change than others.

Your family history

Only a small portion of cancers are due to an inherited condition. If cancer is common in your family, it's possible that mutations are being passed from one generation to the next. You might be a candidate for genetic testing to see whether you have inherited mutations that might increase your risk of certain cancers. Keep in mind that having an inherited genetic mutation doesn't necessarily mean you'll get cancer.

Your health conditions

Some chronic health conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, can markedly increase your risk of developing certain cancers. Talk to your doctor about your risk.

Your environment

The environment around you may contain harmful chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer. Even if you don't smoke, you might inhale secondhand smoke if you go where people are smoking or if you live with someone who smokes. Chemicals in your home or workplace, such as asbestos and benzene, also are associated with an increased risk of cancer.


Cancer and its treatment can cause several complications, including:

  • Pain. Pain can be caused by cancer or by cancer treatment, though not all cancer is painful. Medications and other approaches can effectively treat cancer-related pain.
  • Fatigue. Fatigue in people with cancer has many causes, but it can often be managed. Fatigue associated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy treatments is common, but it's usually temporary.
  • Difficulty breathing. Cancer or cancer treatment may cause a feeling of being short of breath. Treatments may bring relief.
  • Nausea. Certain cancers and cancer treatments can cause nausea. Your doctor can sometimes predict if your treatment is likely to cause nausea. Medications and other treatments may help you prevent or decrease nausea.
  • Diarrhea or constipation. Cancer and cancer treatment can affect your bowels and cause diarrhea or constipation.
  • Weight loss. Cancer and cancer treatment may cause weight loss. Cancer steals food from normal cells and deprives them of nutrients. This is often not affected by how many calories or what kind of food is eaten; it's difficult to treat. In most cases, using artificial nutrition through tubes into the stomach or vein does not help change the weight loss.
  • Chemical changes in your body. Cancer can upset the normal chemical balance in your body and increase your risk of serious complications. Signs and symptoms of chemical imbalances might include excessive thirst, frequent urination, constipation and confusion.
  • Brain and nervous system problems. Cancer can press on nearby nerves and cause pain and loss of function of one part of your body. Cancer that involves the brain can cause headaches and stroke-like signs and symptoms, such as weakness on one side of your body.
  • Unusual immune system reactions to cancer. In some cases the body's immune system may react to the presence of cancer by attacking healthy cells. Called paraneoplastic syndromes, these very rare reactions can lead to a variety of signs and symptoms, such as difficulty walking and seizures.
  • Cancer that spreads. As cancer advances, it may spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. Where cancer spreads depends on the type of cancer.
  • Cancer that returns. Cancer survivors have a risk of cancer recurrence. Some cancers are more likely to recur than others. Ask your doctor about what you can do to reduce your risk of cancer recurrence. Your doctor may devise a follow-up care plan for you after treatment. This plan may include periodic scans and exams in the months and years after your treatment, to look for cancer recurrence.


Doctors have identified several ways to reduce your risk of cancer, such as:

  • Stop smoking. If you smoke, quit. If you don't smoke, don't start. Smoking is linked to several types of cancer — not just lung cancer. Stopping now will reduce your risk of cancer in the future.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure. Harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can increase your risk of skin cancer. Limit your sun exposure by staying in the shade, wearing protective clothing or applying sunscreen.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Choose a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Select whole grains and lean proteins. Limit your intake of processed meats.
  • Exercise most days of the week. Regular exercise is linked to a lower risk of cancer. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. If you haven't been exercising regularly, start out slowly and work your way up to 30 minutes or longer.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese may increase your risk of cancer. Work to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation, if you choose to drink. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation. For healthy adults, that means up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men.
  • Schedule cancer screening exams. Talk to your doctor about what types of cancer screening exams are best for you based on your risk factors.
  • Ask your doctor about immunizations. Certain viruses increase your risk of cancer. Immunizations may help prevent those viruses, including hepatitis B, which increases the risk of liver cancer, and human papillomavirus (HPV), which increases the risk of cervical cancer and other cancers. Ask your doctor whether immunization against these viruses is appropriate for you.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Dec. 07, 2022

Cancer - Symptoms and causes (2024)


Cancer - Symptoms and causes? ›

Some general signs and symptoms associated with, but not specific to, cancer, include: Fatigue. Lump or area of thickening that can be felt under the skin. Weight changes, including unintended loss or gain.

What are 10 signs of cancer you shouldn't ignore? ›

17 Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore
  • Abnormal periods or pelvic pain. Most women have the occasional irregular period or cramps. ...
  • Changes in bathroom habits. ...
  • Bloating. ...
  • Breast changes. ...
  • Chronic coughing. ...
  • Chronic headache. ...
  • Difficulty swallowing. ...
  • Excessive bruising.
Apr 15, 2024

What is the number one symptom of cancer? ›

Some general signs and symptoms associated with, but not specific to, cancer, include: Fatigue. Lump or area of thickening that can be felt under the skin. Weight changes, including unintended loss or gain.

What are 20 warning signs of cancer? ›

Warning signs to get checked out
  • An unusual lump or swelling.
  • Abnormal bleeding or bruising.
  • Sudden changes in vision, hearing, speech, mood, memory or balance.
  • Persistent daily headaches.
  • Unexplained fatigue.
  • Ongoing pain, tingling or numbness.
  • Frequent infections and fever.
  • Sudden, unexplained weight loss.

What do cancer patients need most? ›

Suggested ideas:
  • Soft or silly socks.
  • Fun hats or scarves.
  • Bright, soft washcloths, towels, or sheets.
  • Silk or satin pillowcases.
  • Pajamas or a robe.
  • Unusual toiletries, such as soap and lotion.
  • Stamped postcards.
  • Favorite or unusual foods or snacks.
Oct 10, 2023

What acts like cancer but isn t? ›

Castleman disease is a rare condition that happens when too many cells grow in your lymph nodes, the small organs that filter out germs. After a while, hard growths form. Castleman disease isn't cancer. But it can act a lot like lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes.

What are three early warning signals of cancer? ›

What are some general signs and symptoms of cancer?
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness that doesn't get better with rest.
  • Weight loss or gain of 10 pounds or more for no known reason.
  • Eating problems such as not feeling hungry, trouble swallowing, belly pain, or nausea and vomiting.
  • Swelling or lumps anywhere in the body.
Nov 6, 2020

How does your body feel when you have cancer? ›

Sometimes symptoms affect specific areas of the body, such as our tummy or skin. But signs can also be more general, and include weight loss, tiredness (fatigue) or unexplained pain. Some possible signs of cancer, like a lump, are better known than others.

What does cancer fatigue feel like? ›

People with cancer-related fatigue may report some or all of the following: having little or no energy. feeling mentally or emotionally exhausted. muscle aches and pains.

How long can you have cancer without knowing? ›

How long can you have cancer without knowing it? While some cancers grow very quickly, other cancers are very slow growing and can even go undetected for ten years or more. One example is certain types of thyroid cancer, which are very slow growing and may never spread beyond the thyroid gland.

What not to do when diagnosed with cancer? ›

5 DON'Ts
  1. Do not smoke.
  2. Do not engage illicit sex.
  3. Do not drink often.
  4. Do not expose to intense sunlight.
  5. Do not eat fresh water sashimi.

What is the 7 day rule in chemotherapy? ›

Chemotherapy cycles may be planned in such a way that there will be 5 days of chemo with 2 days of rest, all within 7 days (roughly). Maintaining drug levels: 7-day rule helps ensure that there is enough chemo in the body to fight cancer.

What should cancer patients stay away from? ›

Chilled, ready-to-eat sandwiches, or deli-prepared salads made with egg, ham, chicken or seafood. Uncooked hot dogs, sliced cold cuts or uncooked cured salami, due to their increased risk of contamination with listeria. Smoked fish, including dips and spreads made with smoked fish.

What are the red flags of a cancer? ›

Data on the presence of red flag symptoms of cancer (persistent cough, persistent change in bowel/bladder habits, nonhealing ulcer, persistent difficulty in swallowing, unexplained weight loss, unexplained lump, persistent unexplained pain, unexplained bleeding, and change in the appearance of mole) and presence of ...

What does cancer tiredness feel like? ›

Everyday life can be difficult and you might not have the energy to cook, clean, bathe or go shopping. You might not even feel up to a chat. Things that you used to find easy to do can feel like hard work. Fatigue can affect the way you feel about yourself and your relationships with other people.

What should you never say to a cancer? ›

What Not to Say to a Cancer Patient
  • “Really you have cancer? ...
  • "Just live in the moment."
  • “I read about this new diet that cures cancer!”
  • “I know you will get better!”
  • “I know what you're going through. ...
  • “I can't stop worrying about you.” Please don't add another burden to my already heavy heart!
Mar 17, 2016

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.