Can You Really Bake When a Recipe Tells You to Fry? (2024)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that whenever a recipe for fried food is published—be it chicken or French fries, falafel or doughnuts—the first question will be whether that food can be baked instead.

And fair enough! Frying is messy, stinky, and splatter-y. While I'd happily accept a fried fish taco if someone else is offering, I don't want to fry on a weeknight in my small, ventilation-poor kitchen (and I imagine you don't either). Unless I have to, that is.

To see whether frying is worth the frazzle (or whether a baked version can make a perfectly acceptable stand-ins), we made and tasted baked and fried versions of sweet potato fries and falafel. Read on to see what happened—and, if you're curious, why it did.


The test

To test baking versus frying, we made two foods we love but would rather not go through the trouble to fry: sweet potato fries and falafel.

Sweet potato fries

Baked sweet potato fries seemed like a sure bet: After all, the most popular sweet potato "fries" on the internet are actually baked—and a recipe for fried fries is surprisingly hard to come by.

Southwestern Spiced Sweet Potato Fries with Chili-Cilantro Sour Cream (with Chili Powder)
Is This the Best Sweet Potato Fry Recipe on the Internet?

For our baked candidate, we tried The Kitchn's Crispy Baked Sweet Potato Fries, which is similar to our recipe for Southwestern Spiced Sweet Potato Fries, but theirs includes a game-changing ingredient: powdered starch.

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Top Comment:

“The baked falafel actually tasted healthy but not in a boring way, also they freezed well and reheated without that extra greasy oil you when you reheat fried food ewwwww. I was pleased. I bet in the air fryer they would be even better. ”

— Yvette S.


To make them, cut one large sweet potato (about 1 pound) into 1/4-inch-thick wedges, then coat with 2 tablespoons of corn starch or potato starch (we used potato) followed by 3 tablespoons of oil. Spread the wedges out in a single layer on an un-greased baking sheet, then bake at 400° F for 25 minutes, flipping every fry after 15. (We had to crank the heat to 425° F for the last 5 minutes to get a good color and crust.)

For the actually-fried fries, we made So Good Blog's Delicately Crispy Sweet Potato Fries: For this recipe, rinse the sweet potato strips in a few changes of cold water, then coat them in starch (this recipe calls for corn starch, and a much smaller amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons—as opposed to 2 tablespoons in The Kitchn's recipe—per every sweet potato) and deep-fry in a pot of oil that's between 325° and 350° F until golden, 3 to 4 minutes, and drain on a paper towel–lined baking sheet.


For the falafel, we turned to a good old Food52 favorite: World's Easiest Falafel with Tzatziki.

World's Easiest Falafel and Tzatziki View Recipe


2 cups dried chickpeas, rinsed well and soaked overnight
1 small yellow onion
3 cloves garlic, divided
1 bunch mint, washed, divided
1/2 bunch cilantro, rinsed and coarsely chopped
1 egg (optional)
1 piece bread
2 pinches salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 lemons, juiced, divided
1 cup canola oil, for frying
1 cucumber, peeled and seeded
1 cup plain yogurt, Greek-style preferred
Salt and pepper to taste
1 package pita or flatbread
2 cups dried chickpeas, rinsed well and soaked overnight
1 small yellow onion
3 cloves garlic, divided
1 bunch mint, washed, divided
1/2 bunch cilantro, rinsed and coarsely chopped
1 egg (optional)
1 piece bread
2 pinches salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 lemons, juiced, divided
1 cup canola oil, for frying
1 cucumber, peeled and seeded
1 cup plain yogurt, Greek-style preferred
Salt and pepper to taste
1 package pita or flatbread

We baked one batch on a lightly oiled baking sheet for 25 minutes at 425° F, until sufficiently brown on one side.

The other batch, we fried according to the recipe's instructions: We heated 1 cup of oil in a heavy-bottomed pan, then fried the falafel balls for 3 minutes on each side, until deeply brown all over.

The results:

Sweet potato fries

On first look, we were a little confused/put-off/upset by the appearance of the baked sweet potato fries, which, due to the large amount of potato starch, were gloopy going into the oven and retained a starchy exterior even once they were baked. The fried fries were flawless in comparison, with their smooth and discernible crusts.

Yet we actually preferred the baked sweet potato fries, despite their gunky appearance and chalkier coating. Neither group stayed particularly crispy—both erred on the softer side of the fry spectrum, even immediately after they were cooked, and got only softer over time—but the baked strips maintained more of a bite. Plus, the thin ends of the wedges got extra brown on the baking sheet (see those dark brown points in the photo below?), whereas every strip in the fried batch had a uniform softness.

We also found that the flavor of the baked bunch was also sweeter and purely sweet potato-y, not obscured by any frying oil. We'd definitely try baking sweet potato fries again—perhaps with a smaller amount of starch, at a higher oven temperature, and on preheated baking sheets.

Or, if we wanted to give frying another go, we might try to double-fry (two runs through the hot oil), which is supposed to help the fries stay crispy far longer.


You will not mistake a baked falafel for a fried one. Whereas our fried falafels were brown and crunchy all over, the baked patties were crisp on just one side. Yes, we could have been more diligent about flipping them, but even the brown underside of the baked falafel was not nearly as flavorful or crackly as the crust on their fried counterparts.

What's more, the fried falafel, while flaunting their crunchy exteriors, also had moister, greener, more flavorful interiors, too.

But many of our official taste-testers (that is, hungry members of the Food52 team) noticed that if you slathered the falafel in enough tzatziki, the differences became less noticeable—a lesson for the wise!

We may try baking falafel again—flipping them halfway through the baking time and being more generous with the amount of oil—but, in this instance, frying seems worthwhile.

Why ItHappened

To understand why baking and frying impart such different results in terms of flavor and texture, you have to understand just a teeny bit of the science behind it.

First off, frying creates a steam barrier that protects the interior of the food from drying out: When your falafel or drumstick hits oil, which is at a much higher temperature (typically between 325° to 425° F) than the boiling point of water (212° F, let us remind you), there is a sudden expulsion of hot steam from its surface, explains Amanda Greene, a contributing food scientist to the Huffington Post.

This water vapor repels the oil, preventing it from penetrating the interior of the food, and cools the surrounding oil so that the heat can make its way to the center of the food before the exterior burns. As that heat moves inward, starches gelatinize (in the case of potatoes), proteins denature (fried chicken), and fibers soften (fried vegetables), say David Joachim and Andrew Schloss of Fine Cooking.

And frying is much more efficient than baking, which makes for shorter cook times, which means that you're not dehydrating the interior of the food in an effort to crisp up the outside. When you fry, as Harold McGee outlines in On Food and Cooking, the "entire surface of the food is in contact with the cooking medium" and that cooking medium (oil!) is much more efficient at transferring energy than air. We know this: Sweet potato fries take nearly 30 minutes in the oven compared to 5 minutes in the oil; falafel take 25 minutes in the oven, 6 in oil.

No other cooking method delivers such crisp, delicious browning while keeping food moist and tender on the inside.

Fine Cooking, on Frying

Because the food's whole surface (or, in the case of the falafel, half of the surface at a time) is in contact with the hot oil, you're also more like to come away with evenly-cooked pieces. The oil can infiltrate all of the tiny cracks and crevices—just compare the smooth surface of the fried fries to the spotty baked fries, and the uniformly-browned falafel patties to the splotchy baked undersides. In the oven, only some of the food can be in contact with the hot baking sheet at any given point, which necessitates flipping (and spatula contortion). Plus, you risk burning thinner sections—like the points of the sweet potato wedges—before the exterior is sufficiently crisp.

Cook Your Vegetables in Hot Oil, But Not Always

If all this sounds like a case for frying, don't be alarmed: Remember that we favored the crisper, sweeter baked sweet potato fries! Perhaps because they were so thin with rather lean interiors, that the natural flavor was not overpowered by a hot bath of oil?

Regardless, there is a time and a place for frying. But in many cases, you can fake it in the oven—just don't think your egg rolls will be as smashingly crunchy as those from the restaurant.

Deep Frying Without Fear
  • If you are keen to bake when a recipe says to fry, try the convection setting (if you've got one). As McGee explains, convection ovens increase the rate of heat transfer and reduce baking times. You should be able to get crispier, more evenly cooked exteriors in less time (though you may need to reduce the oven temperature and check on your food more frequently!).

  • But if you're ready to fry, take steps to keep your hard-earned fried food crispy: Greene of the Huffington Post recommends immediately transferring your food to a 200° F oven until you're ready to serve it: By keeping the food steaming, you'll slow the migration of oil into the food (stymying greasiness) and prevent sogginess, which is a common pitfall of breaded and battered foods especially, because as the food cools, the steam in the space between the crust and the food condenses until water droplets (which translates to mushiness) form. Keep the food warm and stave off the sog.

To Bake or ToFry?

But baking doesn't always compromise quality! Below, you'll find baked (left) and fried (right) versions of some of our favorite foods. They're not exactly the same, but both are good options (promise!).

Judy Hesser’s Oven-Fried Chicken
Buttermilk Fried Chicken
Quinoa and Chickpea Flour Falafel with Romesco Sauce
World's Easiest Falafel and Tzatziki
Patricia Wells' Fake Frites
How to Make Very Crispy Classic Fries (Without a Recipe)
Japanese-Style Fried Tofu
Honey Mustard Chicken Wings
Korean Style Crispy Rice Chicken Wings
Chocolate-Coconut Cake Donuts
Basic Yeast Donuts (with Many Variations)

What typically fried foods have you had great success—or great failure—baking? Divulge in the comments below.

Can You Really Bake When a Recipe Tells You to Fry? (2024)


Can You Really Bake When a Recipe Tells You to Fry? ›

If you are keen to bake when a recipe says to fry, try the convection setting (if you've got one). As McGee explains, convection ovens increase the rate of heat transfer and reduce baking times.

Can I oven cook something that says fry? ›

Can you oven cook something that says “deep fry”? Yes, by putting oil on the pan you place the item on, or spray with an aerosol oil, or coat the pan with oil and spray the item to be cooked with the aerosol oil.

Can you replace frying with baking? ›

Baking in the oven is a simple and effective way to replace deep frying. It involves cooking food by surrounding it with dry, hot air, resulting in a crisp texture without the need for excessive oil.

Can you air fry something that says bake? ›

You can use your air fryer to cook recipes that have instructions for cooking in the oven. Because the heat in the air fryer is more intense than a standard oven, reduce the suggested temperature by 25ºF to 50ºF and cut the time by roughly 20%.

Why bake instead of fry? ›

The oxidised oils can cause many possible health problems including damage to the heart, kidney and lungs. Consuming oxidised oils can also lead to the increased risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. As baking requires no addition of oils, it does not cause any oxidation.

What is the oven alternative to frying? ›

Oven frying
  • Prepare an oven tray by placing parchment paper and then spray a little oil evenly on it.
  • Place the food on the oven tray carefully. Make sure not to overcrowd it.
  • Spray a light amount of oil on the top of the food.
  • Bake for at least 15 to 20 minutes at 450°F.
Jun 9, 2022

Is it faster to pan fry or bake chicken? ›

Pan Frying. While both baking and pan frying can give you tasty, juicy chicken, if you are in a hurry, it is better to pan fry it. Because baked chicken breast is easy to dry out, it needs time to brine or marinade before you cook it.

How long to bake instead of deep frying? ›

Spread the wedges out in a single layer on an un-greased baking sheet, then bake at 400° F for 25 minutes, flipping every fry after 15. (We had to crank the heat to 425° F for the last 5 minutes to get a good color and crust.)

Can I bake donuts instead of frying them? ›

With these no fry doughnuts, there's no messing about with hot oil or time spent standing over a hot pan. Oven baked doughnuts have a fairly different texture to the traditional deep fried versions. You'll find that they're much more cake-like and less chewy, hence often being referred to as cake doughnuts!

Can I substitute baking for air frying? ›

If you have a toaster oven that has convection but no air-fry setting, try using convection roast (or convection bake), and just as with an oven, use a dark pan to get the best crispy results.

Is air frying basically baking? ›

Understanding that an air fryer is basically a small convection oven means that, ultimately, a wide range of recipes can be baked in it.

What is the bake setting on an air fryer? ›

Use a temperature about 25 degrees F lower than what you may might be accustomed to with a conventional oven: Baking in the air fryer is typically about 325 instead of 350 degrees F, roasting will be about 400 instead of 425 degrees, and so on.

How to convert air fryer time to oven time? ›

Conclusion: The basic rule of thumb of converting air fryer recipes to oven recipes will be to increase the temperature by about 25 degrees Fahrenheit and add about 20% to the cooking time. If cooking raw meat, always cook to the FDA recommended internal temperatures.

Can I oven cook something that says deep fry? ›

Not all foods are suitable for deep frying in the oven. Select items that are typically deep fried, such as chicken wings, french fries, or breaded vegetables. These foods have a coating that crisps up nicely in the oven, resulting in a satisfying crunch.

Is baking healthier than frying? ›

Baking. A slow but simple way to cook food in the hot, dry air of the oven. Baking is a healthy option, as you generally need little or no oil – for example, chicken, fish and vegetables can be baked in greaseproof paper or foil parcels with a little water or reduced-salt stock.

Is baking same as frying? ›

One of the main differences between baking and frying is the heat source used to cook the food. In baking, heating elements are used to heat the air around a food, which in turn cooks the food in the oven. With frying, heating elements are used to heat the oil that surrounds a food.

Can you oven cook instead of pan fry? ›

Regardless, there are instances where oven baking (or frying) can indeed achieve some of the same results as pan or deep frying. For example, I actually 'prefer' preparing steak fries in the oven. Sweet potato fries, similarly, also fair quite well in the oven.

Can you put a frying in the oven? ›

Generally speaking, any cookware that is made entirely from metal will be oven-safe, and enamel (ceramic) coatings will be fine too. Wooden handles should stay out of the oven, as should plastic (unless labelled oven-safe). For pans with a non-stick coating, you always need to check.

Can I oven cook fry chips? ›

You can oven cook frying chips, either part oven cook then drizzle in oil before sticking them in the oven again, or let them sit in some vegetable oil for a few minutes before cooking at a high oven temperature for about 20 minutes.

Can I air fry in my oven? ›

Can I air fry in my CONVENTIONAL oven? No, you can't truly air fry in a regular, conventional oven unless it has a specialized air fry setting. However, there are a few adjustments you can make to promote crisping and browning in a conventional oven. You'll want to use a perforated tray and spread the food evenly.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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