Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (2024)

Bambinos are hairless dwarf cats with large ears and short paws. They attract attention not only by their unusual appearance, but also by the way they waddle.

All this together with inexhaustible friendliness makes them incredibly popular. And since hairless cats with short paws need careful care, you should study the main features of the breed before buying.

A brief history of the breed

Bambino is a young breed that appeared thanks to the Osborne couple from the USA. They owned the popular HolyMoly Cattery at that time and in the early 2000s acquired a cute kitten with short paws, which had a congenital genetic mutation.

The couple were so fascinated by the unusual appearance of the animal that they decided to try to breed a new breed.

Munchkin and the Canadian sphinx took part in the creation of bambino. This explains the extremely low fit, hairlessness and stretched body of the bambino. In 2005, dwarf hybrids were introduced to the public.

The history of the breed

To date, it is unknown whether the bambinos occurred during deliberate crossing or it was just a lucky coincidence. In any case, the breeders, in whose kennel such an outlandish connection between such different cats turned out, preferred to sell a strange kitten. The Osborne couple, who purchased a kitten, started breeding this breed, calling them bambino for their diminutiveness (bambino is translated from Italian as a child).

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (1)

The crossing of Canadian sphinxes and Munchkins with other breeds is prohibited in many countries. Because of this, the breed is not recognized by international felinological organizations. Cats introduced to the public back in 2006 are still considered experimental.

Breed description, standards, appearance

Bambino is a cat with short paws, big ears and a hairless stretched body. Although it belongs to experimental breeds with an unstable phenotype, it has long had its own standard.

Dimensions and weight

Bambino are miniature short-legged cats with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Females are about a quarter lighter than males. The average weight of a cat with short paws is 2-4 kg.

Anatomical characteristics

Bambinos are hairless cats with big ears and short paws. They resemble Minskins in physique, but have a number of significant differences.

A typical representative of the Bambino breed should correspond to the following description:

  1. The head is wedge-shaped, medium-sized, with a wide muzzle, a poorly defined foot, a well-defined chin and prominent cheekbones.
  2. The ears are large, leaf-shaped, with a wide base and a slightly unfolded canvas. The inside of the shell is hairless and smooth. The outer part and contours of the cat’s ear with short paws are covered with a light flock.
  3. The eyes are slightly slanted, set wide apart. They look like a lemon in shape. The iris is colored evenly, without inclusions.
  4. The body is stretched, with moderately heavy bones, developed muscles, strong shoulders, a rounded belly, a wide chest and a massive muscular neck.
  5. The limbs are short, strong, with characteristic thickenings and folds. The front legs look longer than the hind legs. Elbows are tightly pressed to the body, elegantly bend around the chest. The lower legs and thighs are well developed, identical in length. On the paws of representatives of the breed there are long flexible fingers and dense, bulging pads.
  6. The tail is flexible, with a thickened base and a rounded tip.

Coat color and type

Bambino – bald cats with thick, folded skin and a good layer of fat reserves. Most of the “wrinkles” are localized on the muzzle, neck, shoulders, forelimbs and between the ears of the animal.

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (2)

For the record. A bambino cat can be not only completely naked, but also half-bald. On the legs, the bridge of the nose, the tail and the outer part of the ears of such individuals there are light light hairs. And the bodies of individual representatives of the breed are covered with a short velour pile, the length of which does not exceed 2 mm.

The color of a cat with short paws can be any, except for the zonal. Blue, black and white representatives of the breed are considered especially valuable.

Possible breed defects

Disadvantages of appearance, in the presence of which the bambino cat will not receive the highest expert assessment:

  • creases on the tail;
  • compact short body;
  • excessive overgrowth;
  • poorly developed musculature;
  • light backbone.

Breed Standard

According to TICA, the breed characteristics are as follows.


Rounded wedge of medium size. The chin is large enough, clearly designed, the bite is correct.


Large, almond-shaped, widely spaced. More often green or blue, but can be topaz or gray. Match the color.


Of medium length, the lobe is at the same level with the chin.


Big and high-ranking. Wide at the base, taper to a strongly rounded tip.


Strong, strong, elongated, with a wide back. The belly is dense, rounded. In general, they have an athletic type of addition.


Very short, powerful and strong, about one-third of the height of the animal at the withers. The rear ones are slightly higher than the front ones. The gene responsible for short legs is recessive. There may also be kittens with normal limb length in the litter. They are involved in breeding work, but are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.


Corresponds to the length of the body. Thick at the base, tapers to a rounded tip.

Leather, wool

Animals have thick, strong, folded skin with a well-developed layer of subcutaneous fat. Vibrissae and whiskers are usually broken off or curly. A small amount of short hair is allowed inside and on the tops of the ears, on the genitals, paws, tail, nose bridge. There may be light down on the body (up to two millimeters long), resembling suede or warm velvet to the touch.


Any of the known ones, except ticked ones.


The average weight is 2-3 kilograms. Dimorphism is developed — males are larger than females. The largest male is about 4 kilograms.

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (3)


Before full approval, breeds are allowed with the Munchkin, the Canadian Sphinx and intrabreed.

Disqualifying signs

Animals with the following violations are excluded from participation in exhibitions and breeding work:

  • tail defects;
  • elegant physique;
  • a large amount of hair on the head and body;
  • unnecessarily short body;
  • strabismus;
  • malocclusion.

Character and temperament

Bambinos are mischievous, playful and incredibly sociable animals that love to interact with their owners and require a friendly attitude from people.

Funny cats with short paws are very attached to all family members, but they single out a leader for themselves and follow him everywhere. The bambinos left alone begin to get bored, so you need to leave more toys for them.

The contact and playful nature of cats of this breed helps them get along well with children and even become inseparable friends with them.

Non-aggressive bambinos are completely devoid of hunting instincts and easily find a common language with dogs, decorative birds, rodents and inhabitants of aquariums.


Bambino cat remain children all their lives. The process of growing up in these pets is so slow that they seem small until old age. Only by the age of three, bambinchiki discover a sense of pride, self-esteem, their behavior becomes more restrained.

Clumsiness does not affect the kittens’ ability to maneuver their body, somersault, jump.

By nature, Bambino cats are devoid of aggressive perception of the world.

How to choose the right kitten

This breed of cats is difficult to breed and is considered quite rare. Getting exotic kittens from mating two bambinos is much more difficult than from mating a Canadian sphinx with a munchkin. About 25% of embryos die in the womb, which means that cats with short paws usually have few litters.

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (4)

Another part of kittens has long limbs and is not in particular demand among buyers. Therefore, the search for a potential pet can be delayed for a long time.

When choosing a bambino kitten , you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • presence of documents;
  • the presence of the main breed characteristics;
  • behaviour;
  • state of health.

Caring for kittens

Up to 3 months, bambino kittens need maternal care, which means that it is extremely undesirable to take them earlier than this age. They learn basic skills from their mother and learn to interact with the world around them. Therefore, 12-week-old kittens from good nurseries come to new owners already quite independent. Of course, the little bambino needs to be given time to adapt to the changed conditions and show where he can eat, sleep and go to the toilet.

In order to avoid trouble with the kitten during the acquaintance with the new house, decorative plants, detergents, wires and fragile objects are removed from it in advance. And in order to protect the inquisitive bambino from falling, he is restricted access to open windows and balconies.


Breeding bambino is not an easy task. It is better to do this in a nursery than in an apartment on an amateur basis. A cat rarely brings more than four babies, since every fourth embryo when crossing dwarf individuals is usually not viable.

Some newborn kittens will have long paws. They are well suited for crossbreeding, as the probability of getting healthy offspring increases. Mating with other breeds is not recommended. To prevent breeding outside the nursery, many breeders offering elves and bambinos sterilize bambino kittens before selling at the age of 4 months.

Care and maintenance

Due to the lack of wool, bambinos cannot stand cold, damp and drafts. It is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room and arrange several insulated beds in the form of nests.

For the record. Some breeders recommend choosing a warm wardrobe for bambino. Clothes for a cat with short paws should be adjusted to size so as not to constrain the movements of the animal.

Hygienic care of a cat of this breed is reduced to simple, but regular procedures:

  1. Bambino’s eyes are wiped daily with a clean cloth soaked in boiled water or a decoction of herbs.
  2. Large ears of a cat with short paws are cleaned weekly from accumulated dirt and dust. To do this, use cotton pads and special lotions.
  3. Bambino claws are shortened several times a month with a claw cutter, while only the transparent tips are cut off.
  4. The cat’s teeth are cleaned weekly from plaque with a non-foaming paste and a soft brush or a special nozzle.

Bambinos sweat and secrete a skin secret, and dirt and dust quickly accumulate on their body. Therefore, representatives of the breed need regular washing. It is advisable to bathe cats with short paws at least 2-3 times a month, otherwise they begin to exude an unpleasant smell.

Buying a kitten

Of course, you can only buy a bambino cat in a kennel, according to the ads you will buy an ordinary Canadian sphinx.

The nursery will definitely give you a pedigree, show the parents of the kitten, tell you about his character, what to feed, how to care for. Of course, there are guarantees that the baby is vaccinated, kept in excellent conditions, not embittered by people.

Carefully examine the bambino, he should not be afraid of you, the ears and eyes should be clean.

Cat at home

Special care will not be required, bambino inherited excellent health. The only thing is that they freeze, like all bald pets, so the temperature in the apartment should be from 22 to 27 degrees. Surprisingly, this is one of the single breeds of cats that loves clothes. If it’s cool at home, or you’re going for a walk, then the kitty will not refuse a warm blouse.

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (5)

The character is very friendly, sociable, they love to play with young children and bask in the lap of the owner. If your joints hurt, then there is simply no better treatment to come up with – warmth, therapeutic vibration from purring, a pleasant feeling of peace, and no pills are needed.

When moving, bambines are very nimble, fast, somewhat resemble martens. They don’t know how to jump high, so you don’t have to worry that things will fall off the mezzanine. It is also worth noting their high intelligence, the cat will quickly get used to the daily routine, to a certain place of toilet and meal.

Bambino food

Due to the constant maintenance of temperature, they need slightly more high-calorie food. The diet should be like that of the Canadian sphinx:

  • Lean raw meat;
  • Poultry, chicken is especially useful;
  • Fish, but only sea and no more than 1 time a week, and scalded with boiling water;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Vegetables, greens;
  • Ready-made super-premium feed.

Do not forget to change the water daily, and wash the bowls after each meal.

Just don’t teach the cat to eat from our table, they can’t have fried, salty, sweet, sausages. We have different digestive systems.

Bathing a cat

Their attitude to water is quite feline – bambinos do not like water. But if they are accustomed to water procedures from childhood, but they will be indifferent to it.

And they need bath days at least a couple of times a month, since a special fat layer is released on their skin, but nature did not take into account one thing – dirt sticks to it.

The water temperature should be around 25 degrees, you can only use either mild soap or a special shampoo for cats. To make the cat at least a little more fond of water, treat her to something delicious after each bath, so she will develop a pleasant association.

With proper care, feeding, paying attention, care and affection, you will grow very cute kind earwigs, who with age remain the character of small kittens and spectacular appearance, as in the photo above.

And remember – we are responsible for those who have been tamed!

Feeding the cat

In order for the short-legged hairless cat to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, he is provided with a balanced diet. Many breeders recommend feeding bambino with premium or super premium quality drying.

When choosing a brand, you need to give preference to products from proven global manufacturers, which do not add soy, corn, dyes and preservatives.

If a bambino eats natural foods, at least 70% of meat should be in his diet. Twice a week, chicken, beef or turkey is replaced with oceanic fish and giblets. Also, representatives of the Bambino cat breed are necessarily given vegetables, eggs, porridges and fermented dairy products.

In order not to harm the animal, it is completely excluded from its diet:

  • fatty meat;
  • river fish;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • baking;
  • sausage products;
  • any food from the master’s table.

Health and care of bambino cats

The lack of wool makes bambino vulnerable to drafts and sudden temperature changes. In the summer, they should not be released on a hot afternoon, in the winter cold they will gladly allow you to put on warm clothes. Dwarf cats, and even more so without wool, are mostly pets, and it is not necessary to take them outside at all. Also, it is important to protect your pet from drafts, including from the air conditioner. We all remember how easily we are blown away by this miracle of technology.

In order for your pet not to suffer from diseases, it will be enough to observe the general principles of keeping cats:

  1. Once a quarter and before vaccination, conduct a course of treatment for worms and parasites;
  2. Put down all the necessary vaccines;
  3. Check with your veterinarian from time to time;
  4. Once a year or six months, conduct a full examination of the body;
  5. Observe the basic requirements for animal hygiene;
  6. Watch what your pet eats.

Bambino kittens are born with a lot of folds all over the body, most of which disappear by adulthood. And yet, the folds on the body are an element that requires special care, because sweat and dirt accumulate in them, causing the development of microbes.

Bambino should be bathed more often than ordinary cats. As necessary, clean the cat’s eyes and ears with a cotton pad with a special solution and trim the claws.

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (6)

The animal’s body compensates for the lack of wool with a high level of energy metabolism – they release more energy to maintain temperature, which means they need to be fed more. It is important that the cat’s nutrition is balanced. It is unacceptable to feed bambino food from your table, however, as well as all other cats. Bambino cats, like all sphinxes, have a weak digestive system, which imposes even greater responsibility for what your pet will eat.

  • It is not necessary to feed bambino with fatty meats. Give preference to chicken, turkey or lean beef. Meat, in most cases, is given raw, supplemented with vegetables or cereals;
  • Do not lean on dairy products, occasionally you can give kefir or cottage cheese with low fat content Proteins need to be replenished from eggs or fish oil;
  • It is forbidden to feed bambino with river fish, smoked meats, beans, sweet or salty, as well as cow’s milk. These foods are too heavy for cats’ stomachs;
  • It is important not to overfeed the animal – excess weight will put a lot of strain on the small spine.

INFORMATION: Fish oil is a storehouse of useful vitamins. It makes up for the lack of vitamin A, keeps the number of platelets in the blood normal, strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol. In order to make it easier to give fish oil to cats, it is produced in the form of capsules.

The easiest way, according to the owners, will be to pick up a suitable dry food for your cat. It is preferable to choose top-class feeds specialized for hairless cats (they do not contain vitamins for hair growth, healthy fats and protein are presented in greater quantities).

Education and physical activity

Despite their mischievous nature, bambinos are easy to learn. Cats with short paws easily get used to the feeding regime and quickly master the skills of using a tray and a scratching post. In addition to the basic rules of behavior, representatives of the breed are able to remember about 10 commands like “Come to me!” or “Bring it!”.

Nimble and active bambinos have anatomical features that limit their jumping ability. Therefore, they do not need high sports complexes. And in order for cats with short paws to have something to do, they get a lot of toys for them.

Buy bambino – tips and recommendations

It is better to take the baby in a nursery where sphinxes, as well as elves and bambinos are bred. Before buying, you should study the price list of the selected nursery. Pre-order a video call, inspect the kitten online. Useful contacts are found during specialized exhibitions. It is not safe to buy such a pet with your hands, especially on prepayment terms. Scammers pass off Canadian sphinx kittens as bambino kittens.

Price, cost

The answer to the question of how much such an individual costs depends on its type. The cost of elite individuals can reach $ 5,000. The amount of expenses will increase, since you will need to spend on food, vitamins, a house, special cosmetics, etc. If a kitten is taken from a kennel, the future owner has about 4 months to prepare everything necessary.

Health and susceptibility to diseases

The average life expectancy of a bambino is 12-14 years. The relationship with sphinxes and munchkins was reflected not only in the appearance, but also in the health of these hairless cats with short paws.

From the first they inherited a predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, from the second – a tendency to lordosis. In addition, representatives of the breed are prone to sunburn, dermatitis and colds.


One breed combining 2 mutated genes is a “time bomb”, it’s only a matter of time. For any “rough” breeding work, animals pay with their health.

Although “breed diseases” are not officially called, you can’t hide the obvious:

  • The elongated body shape and short legs are a factor contributing to the development of hip dysplasia.
  • Individuals with an improperly developed pelvis and tail creases are culled from breeding, which means that there is a possibility of the birth of defective kittens.
  • Dermatitis is a constant problem of naked cats.
  • The tendency to develop malignant tumors due to empty leaks is a common phenomenon for naked cats. For prevention purposes, all non-breeding animals are sterilized before the onset of the first sexual hunt.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment

For the prevention of viral and infectious diseases, bambino is subjected to routine vaccination against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis. The first vaccination of a kitten with short paws is done at 7-8 weeks. After 28 days, bambino is vaccinated against the same diseases and rabies. Subsequently, a cat of this breed is vaccinated 1 time a year.

Important! Bambino is contraindicated in many vaccines. Therefore, the drug should be selected by a veterinarian familiar with the characteristics of the breed.

The anthelmintic treatment of bambino is arranged twice a year with a mandatory repeat after 10-14 days. The dosage of anthelmintic drugs is regulated depending on the weight of a cat with short paws.

Pros and cons of the breed

Bambino, like cats of any other breed, has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.


  • Original exterior
  • Friendly disposition
  • Love for children


  • Difficulty in breeding
  • High cost of kittens

Bambino are cute dwarf cats that have inherited from their ancestors not only a funny appearance, but also a wonderful character. After all, sociable and playful pets with short paws quickly fit into the family and become everyone’s favorites.

Pregnancy and childbirth

These periods usually go smoothly. Females calmly bear offspring, give birth to up to five kittens in due time, successfully feed them. The task of the owner is to provide the mother with proper nutrition, create conditions for successful lambing and raising offspring. Kittens open their eyes on the sixth day. It is important that the mother and offspring are in comfortable conditions. Otherwise, the cat begins to move newborns, which leads to infection and diseases.

Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (7)

The time of the first estrus in a healthy kitty comes at the age of seven to eight months, the optimal age for the first mating is one and a half years. To reduce stress factors, an experienced male is invited. Two weeks before mating, its participants are vaccinated, and deworming procedures are performed a month before.

Washing on the eve of mating is not provided, the claws are trimmed. If the pregnancy took place, two weeks later you will notice swollen nipples, an enlarged tummy. Childbirth occurs 62-65 days after mating. A cozy house with a clean, soft fabric litter is prepared in advance.

During pregnancy, the cat is provided with proper nutrition and a minimum of stress. Excessive activity is contraindicated. Before giving birth, the expectant mother begins to worry, often licks herself, settles in the designated place. If the cat’s temperature dropped, she lay down and stretched out her hind legs, then contractions began. Childbirth lasts a maximum of a month, usually several hours are enough. During the first pregnancy during childbirth, it is very desirable to be closely accompanied by an experienced veterinarian.

Complex care makes kittens quite expensive, it is almost impossible to get such a pet for adoption (for adoption). But with the availability of funds in Russia, you can buy a thoroughbred baby, because their breeding is taken seriously here.

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Bambino cat breed - description, and character - Hairless Hearts - Charitable Sphynx HCM scanning and support for breeders and pet owners (2024)
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