Are you Stomach Gripping? (2024)

Posted on by Steffen Toates146 Comments

Stomach gripping (or clinically known as ‘the hourglass syndrome’) is a common dysfunction which can be an underlying factor in many pain syndromes. It occurs due to too much tension in the upper abdominals and dysfunction of the diaphragm (the muscle that sits under your lungs).

The diaphragm: more than just a breathing muscle

You can think about the diaphragm like an umbrella that sits under the lungs at the bottom of the ribcage. Normally the diaphragm will contract towards its outer margins, which are attached to the lower ribcage at the front + sides and to the spine at the back. This pulls the centre of the diaphragm (or the spike in the umbrella) down, inflating the lungs and stabilising the spine.

However, with the hourglass syndrome the diaphragm contracts in the opposite direction, towards the centre (the spike in the middle of the umbrella) which pulls the lower ribs in. This gives rise to the typical narrow waisted or hourglass appearance. Other clues of the hourglass syndrome include a ‘turned up’ belly button or a horizontal crease either at the level of, or just above the belly button. ‘Turning up’ of the belly button is a sign of muscle imbalance of the abdominals; with the upper section working much harder than the lower abdominals and pulling the belly button upwards.

So you may be wondering what’s the problem? A tight stomach and a narrow waist – doesn’t sound so bad to me! However, this altered pattern of muscle activation can have some far reaching effects.

Stomach Gripping and Pain

Low Back Pain

The diaphragm is a key stabiliser of the low back, so when it isn’t working correctly the low back is left vulnerable. This also means other muscles have to work harder to compensate for dysfunction of the diaphragm, specifically the extensors of the lowback. In the picture opposite you can see the extensive ‘sausaging’ of extensors (thick red arrows) as these muscles work overtime in an attempt to support this patients back as he lifts his head. Ideally we would see more balanced activity of these muscles and less ‘sausaging’. This constant overworking of these muscles can lead to continual tightness and pain.

Neck Pain

If the diaphragm doesn’t descend properly not only will stabilisation be affected but also breathing. This can place a great strain on the neck. As described above, the centre of the diaphragm should descend downwards expanding the abdomen (belly breath) and inflating the lungs. In the hourglass syndrome this normal pattern of motion doesn’t occur and, in most cases, when breathing in, the chest and shoulders elevate instead to compensate. This puts a lot of stress on the muscles of the neck and is a common factor in headaches and neck pain.

Acid Reflux

Along with its breathing and stabilising roles, the diaphragm also functions as a sphincter – helping to prevent the stomach contents traveling back up into the oesophagus. It has recently been found that people with GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) have decreased diaphragmatic function and improving diaphragm function may have a role in GERD treatment [1] [2]

Why Stomach Gripping occurs

There are 3 main causes to why this hourglass syndrome occurs:

1. Poor habits/ aesthetics

Everybody wants a flat stomach but actively holding the stomach tends to lead to an unbalanced activation of the stomach (with the upper section working much too hard). If this is done for prolonged periods this your brain can ‘rewire’ from your normal pattern of stabilisation to this altered version. A bit like a virus corrupting a computer program.

2. Non-ideal Development

Sometimes the ‘program’ of muscle activation isn’t quite right from the start. This is thought to be the case in around 30% of babies [3]. Abdominal gripping is a common compensation strategy that babies may develop as a result and which can persist into adulthood. Click here to read more on this topic.

3. Protective patterns

Stomach gripping can develop as part of muscle guarding with a painful injury and may remain long after the pain has disappeared. “After an injury tissues heal, but muscles learn. They readily develop habits of guarding that outlast the injury.” Janet Travell, M.D. White House Physician for John F Kennedy.

What you can do

The first step is to learn to relax your upper abdominal muscles. This can be very difficult initially in seated a standing positions, especially if you have been doing it for a long period of time.

Are you Stomach Gripping? (8)

The position on all fours (shown above) is usually a good place to start. Adopt this position and relax the stomach. Think about dropping your stomach to the floor. Next, take a relaxed breath in, expanding the stomach and sides of your ribs. You should feel you stomach move into your thighs but you shouldn’t feel the shoulders lifting. Breathe out, again focus on relaxing the stomach. Repeat this breathing cycle for 3-5 minutes 3-5 times per day. Once mastered you can integrate this pattern into your daily postures and movements – sitting, driving, standing, and walking before progressing to more advanced exercises.

Are you an stomach gripper? Do you suffer with neck pain, back pain or GERD? Let us know in the comments section below.


  • Kolar, P. (2014). Clinical Rehabilitation. Alena Kobesová
  • Liebenson. C., Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies


  3. Meholjic, A. (2010). Can a Motor Development of Risky Infants Be predicted by Testing postural Reflexes According to Vojta Method?. Materia Socio Medica, 22(3), 127-131

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146 Responses to Are you Stomach Gripping?

  1. Love your article on stomach gripping. It makes so much sense and explains why so many people are suffering . A little knowledge can go a long way.
    Hope people take the time to read this .


    • Thanks Carol!


    • I have had stomach gripping my whole life. Just recently I noticed that I was doing it. I try to stop, but it’s very difficult to do when stressed. I have to make more of an effort. When I do, I feel better.


      • Karen, me to when stressed it’s hard to relax stomach muscles but when I do I feel better, and like my digestion is better


      • How do you manage stomach gripping? I have also been suffering from this habit unknowingly for a long time. Whenever i face a stressful thought, stomach gripping occurs abruptly. Please explain your condition.


    • Wow. Just…wow!I recently noticed that I am always clenching my lower abs. I just happened to Google it because it’s been causing me enough problems and pain. I absolutely cannot believe that there’s a name to this! It makes so much sense all of it. So thank you very much for writing this article!!


      • Glad I’m not alone in discovering this in 2024!

        I feel like I definitely do this “gripping” thing- all the time. I have OCD, and recently started therapy to address it, which has ramped up my symptoms (my brain/ocd is very resistant to change!) and I’ve picked up this old strange breathing habit I used to do in high school when I was Uber stressed, which I now know is due to the OCD. In turn, I think I’ve really been pissing my abdomen off. I’ve definitely been experiencing more abdominal discomfort lately, and I’ve been working on stopping this breathing thing. (OCD is a menace- very persistent in keeping me under its thumb, but I’m still trying!) But tonight I had this wild, pretty severe sharp pain throughout my abdomen and wide up into my chest- like a flash of pain and then it was gone. Only once. But it got my attention, and after some googling, I landed here. I feel like this description- the gripping issue- is definitely a factor for me. I knew I was always anxious and always tense – neck, shoulders, jaw, and I guess my stomach too! Always clenched and tight and tense- I am trying my hardest to learn how to r-e-l-a-x. And clearly, the tension is starting to take a bigger toll!
        Best of luck all. 🙂


  2. I truly appreciate this article.Much thanks again. Will read on… Musslewhite


    • I love this, I believe I stomach grip when I get stressed or frustrated. I also grit my teeth. I have noticed that my ribs poke out and even though my belly is big, it makes it hard to wear bras and they ride up on me. I do a lot of yoga so I am going to practice that one pose and hold for all the breaths to help. I have bad Gerd, so thankful for this article and information to fix it.


  3. Will a physio be able to help? Or a Chiro?


    • Hi Naomi,

      Either a physio or chiro who is familiar with this issue should be able to help. Feel free to book a no charge initial consultation so see what would be best for you.


    • I have been a stomach gripper for many years. Not sure if it developed before or after my lower back prognosis. I feel that it’s attempt to gaurd my back… I will definitely be trying these exercises.
      Thanks for your article and bringing attention to this.


  4. Diagnosed with gall stones and GERD having sore ribs and back, more concerning shortness of breath when climbing stairs etc


  5. Thank you so much. I have been suffering with this for along time but didn’t know how to describe it to my emphysema or general practice physician.


    • you’re welcome:)


  6. Thanx for this. I have all of the above symptoms and it occurred to me that they are caused by wrong breathing. Eventhough I have permanent abdominal breathing I’ve noticed that when I breathe out I grip my stomach. Now I am trying to learn what relaxed exhale is like. Intead of going backwards, like the stomach withdrawing, which causess the grip, maybe it should move downwards,like I allow it to fall – from a sitting of a standing position.
    Your articel was helpful. Thank you


    • you’re welcome:)


      • Please this stomach gripping really speaks to me, I have suffered this for 2yrs with no cure, I thank God for seeing this. Please which doctor should I see for this?


  7. […] Are you stomach gripping? […]


  8. OMG!!!!!!!! I cannot believe this!! I have every single symptom listed and a couple more… I have been having issues with my belly for a couple of years. I had gastric bypass the R-Y procedure) so i was opened vertically. I then had 3 additional surgeries for hernia repair,small bowel obstruction and skin removal. In the last 6 months, i have noticed symptoms I have never had before. If i allow my upper abdominal muscles to relax, I barely can breathe. Holding my muscles tight all day long is exhausting and uncomfortable. I then noticed that for about a month, i wake up and vomit most days. I am very nauseated but i have always attributed that to my surgical history. This is different. I feel like my insides are not being supported. I have a left upper rib that literally pops out of place and i attribute it to the weakness in my diaphragm. The only comfortable position is laying flat or in a Cat position. I have low back pain suddenly, I have acid reflux symptoms, and for about a month I have complained or neck pain also, attributing that to a bad pillow. After reading this, i clearly have all the symptoms. THANK YOU!! Is stretching alone going to fix this or do I need to see a doctor. It’s causing me anxiety because it always feels like someone just punched me in the stomach.


    • Hi Jami, Sorry for the slow reply. In your case with a history of multiple surgeries you may need some hands on treatment to fully correct the issue. Please see the link for a list of DNS practitioners who would be well versed in this problem ( If you have had a gastric bypass surgery you may also want to consider possible nutritional deficiencies that may be contributing to your symptoms. This article discusses some of the main ones ( If you would liek more specific info on nutritional deficiency you can reach out to me directly via the info on our contact page.


    • Hi Jamie! I have what you have to a T! I cannot breathe when I relax my belly. At all. And every single one of the symptoms listed in this article. I see you posted in 2020. Are you any better now? I JUST found this article and am planning on implementing the advice given here. So are you any better today? What have you tried? I’m desperate


    • Are you better today? Did you try anything that helped? I’m in the same exact boat and desperate to feel some relief


  9. I think I’m a stomach gripper. I have most of the symptoms listed above. It all started after my gallbladder surgery. I had so many tests done and they couldn’t find anything that’s wrong with me. I started to notice when I bend forward to pick something up, I have to brace myself because I feel like I’m going to fall over. My shortness of breath is terrible and I have a very poor appetite. My anxiety is pretty bad too. I’m going to give this a try and see how it goes.


    • Hi Ali, Sorry to hear you are having problems. If you are in Jersey I would be happy to have a chat and see if we can help. Steffen


      • I’ve been having so many medical problems also depression and anxiety disorde,this belly gripping its been so painful full I can’t even get out of bed as soon as I do the gripping starts it goes right into my back and I also get pain in the lower right side I have high blood pressure, I’ve lost my two baby sisters passed so my dad and my two sisters they died of heart attackswith my two younger sisters I just lost one 4 month’s ago and my other sister the year before that,and this belly gripping started about three months ago I’ve teyed all of what u put out there so now where do I go from here,,??


        • Hi Brenda, I’m very sorry to hear that. Its sounds like the gripping may be a secondary issue and you would liekly benefit from a personalised assessment and treatment to identify/address the underlying cause(s). I would recommend consulting with a good functional medicine doctor to start (take a look here).


    • Have you been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia?


    • This is probably the only article I was able to find that explains how I feel! I recently about a month ago started feeling contracting of upper stomach! I’ve never understood the reason, it all started when acid reflux got worse I had shortness of breath, nausea, dry cough, dizzy, feeling full after taking sips of water, lots of gas and bloating! I’ve never experienced such thing! I’ve been having back pain and receiving PT for that then the pain got worse between shoulders and that’s when I started developing the mentioned symptoms! It is starting to affect my mental health and I feel helpless not being able to help myself!


  10. Hi, I have all of the above symptoms. I have chronic IBS over past 20 years. I have so much fo discomfort around my upper stomach feels like muscle tightness. I don’t feel pain but the tightness stops me sitting comfortably and the only way that I can mitigate the discomfort is by lying done on my back. Its not easy fro me do the posture you posted above as it used to be one the most relaxing posture for my low back pain in past. Any suggestions to reduce this tightness around my upper stomach is so appreciated. Thanks!


    • Hi Mary. Stomach probelms such as IBS, chrons or UC can also drive a stomach gripping pattern. Have you had your IBS fully investigated?


      • Hi Steffens, thank you for your quick reply. It’s much appreciated! I have had the same symptom of severe bloating to the extend as if I am 7 month pregnant and this started since 1999 after an sport accident/ ice skating and fell down backward lucky I hadn’t break any bones but I got sever muscular issues that been treating it for years through seeing chiropractor and massage therapist together sometime physio. I get better until stress set my body off. That all said, I had an endoscopy done back in 2006 and that showed acid reflux and didn’t have any type of hernia. I also had barium swallow X-ray done and that was all okay too. Interestingly when I wear my sport bra then I don’t feel the tightness as much? I’m frustrated and exhausted of not knowing what to do.


      • Hi Steffen, thanks for your reply. I have had endoscopy done back in 2005 and I had similar extensive bloating. No sign of hiatus hernia. It showed acid reflux. The stomach griping and muscle tightness all around upper belly and around my diaphragm is very uncomfortable. It feels as if you are wearing something tight and causing pressure. I do not have pain but it’s pressure and tightness feeling in the muscles. When I release gas helps to take that pressure off. When I’m lying down on bed it helps to mitigate the tightness and almost don’t feel that anymore. Thanks


        • Where are you based Mary? I’ll see if there is someone I could possibly refer you to.


    • I have been dealing with this tightness and its gets so tight I have to go get it massaged out. I think it’s bc I have a desk job now and I must be sitting wrong or doing something wrong. If I even bend over the muscles above my stomach spams up and hurts so bad until it finally releases.


      • Hi
        I’ve developed this following hours of sitting at my desk job and I also have to get regular massages to help ease the pain. It’s a horrible condition hope you feel well soon.


      • Hello, I’ve been troubling with every symptom listed and it been a hectic ride. Crazy seeing everything I’ve been dealing with be explained so precisely. I have an endoscopy this coming Saturday. From my first time dealing with acid reflux , that horizontal line has been on top of my belly button ever since. After taking a hot shower one day I got out and the ac was on so I felt cold instantly , my stomach was cramping up from the line , felt hard to breathe & the acid has been a nightmare. Anything I eat , even if I take a prevacid pill before eating , I would still throw up later on during the day. I’ve notice some spots of blood whenever I throw up also , I’m going to the emergency room today to figure myself out. I hope everyone here including myself gets better. Take care


        • We wish you the best of luck


  11. Hi Steffen, thanks so much for your reply! I sent you a reply few minutes ago but not sure it went through. I have had endoscopy done back in 2006 and it was showing acid reflux and not any hernia. I also had barium swallow back in 2000 and that also showed acid reflux. My symptoms is exactly same as for bloating ever since 1999 when I first stared showing symptoms of bloating and was as severe ever since and that said it flares with stress. When I do deep breathing it looks like my bloating goes down by half. I get bloated really bad with distension and that it looks like a 7 months pregnant women. It’s frustrating and I have tried chiropractors and Massage therapy was helpful but due to Covid we can’t go for any fo those. Meditation is helpful. When I lye down on my back feels immediately better and my bloating goes down. I also wanted to let you know that I have started getting this IBS severe bloating symptoms since 1999 and that happened after severe stress and an sport accident while was ice skating. I have taken Losec for many years but stopped taking it because of side effects. I try to help the IBS symptom with natural medicine. I’m a scientist / molecular biologist and that strongly believe in traditional medicine.
    Kind regards,


  12. Very interesting article and so much relates to my breathing pattern, back and neck pain. I have periods where whole ribcage under the breasts feels stiff and sore and also rib bones in the front combined with lower back pain. Just wanted to ask you – could an irritated or stiff diaphragma cause burning pain just under the lower ribs? Feels as if my skin is sunburned, but deeper down. Could it be muscles or maybe likely nervepain? Have just been diagnosed with Chrons, but to me it does not feel like it is related to intestines, but difficult to know. Burning pain is not really listes as a Chrons symptom as far as I can tell. It is not from my stomach. It follows the shape of the lower ribs in the front and is often accompanied with burning sensation on my back as well. Today both back and stomach pain (burning) got worse after a walk. Have been chronically ill for 10 Years so this body had been through a lot. This burning pain especially in the front is very annoying so just had to send you a question.


    • Thanks for your question. Your symptoms could be related to the diaphragm but I would recommend getting a assessment to rule out the possibility of nerve pain.


    • Hello C. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this skin burning. I found this article, and like most, I was searching for answers to my own weird issues. Periodic bloating, feels like my stomach I’d in a vice, it’s soooooo squeezy I have such shortness of breathe. I also have multiple compression syndromes and I’m trying to discern if SMAS or MALS might be contributing factors. I have all these other symptoms, except I cannot control the shortness of breath. Things feel so emergent on the inside, it is definitely alarming. I’ve been to the E.R. a few times. Having May Thurner, I sometimes worry the “plueritic chest pain” and the “welling tightness” in chest and stomach sensation are pulmonary embolism. But I have been checked. The burning skin sensation happens as well, although I have not had an “episode” lately. I definitely bug my doctor about it regularly. I work in construction. I’m a very physically active person. I could go on forever about my strange issues, but I just was hoping it would give some of you comfort in knowing. I’ve been stuck this way for over 6 years and it began with the diagnosis of my hiatial hernia via colonoscopy/ endoscopy. Things are never what it seems with the body I’ve learned, and most recently, I’m told by doctors all this additional pain is deferred pain from the stomach.


  13. Do you have any more sources about this? Would love to read more into it.


  14. I’ve got poor posture, GERD, the crease across the stomach, and low back/pelvis pain (SI joint). I had no idea this even existed.


  15. Oof. I have a horrible gastric history, hiatal hernia, crazy back and neck pain, and I KNOW for a fact I do this because I was a vocal performer in my 20’s and was afraid of looking fat while I was singing, so I learned to breathe while ‘sucking in.’ That’s very eye opening.


    • Hello everyone,
      I am happy to hear and know my problem is not my heart. I have all of the above unfortunately and it’s terrible. I am so scare , my belly is turning upside down , my back is so painful, my lunge and like someone pokeing me with a sharp object. My Ribs , under my breasts , my back , my lower back , between my 2 breast . It’s all over very painful. I was recently dynose with stomach hernia .
      I wish everyone the best and hope all get better soon.


  16. Okay I 100% do this and definitely have hourglass syndrome. It’s crazy because those red arrows are the exact locations I have regular muscle pain. I’ve been doing the breathing exercises and stretches and it’s amazing how different it feels just to breathe now. Are there other exercises or things to do that can help decrease that line or the damage caused by this problem? Thank you for all of this info.


    • Hi Kelsey, glad your feeling a little better. Seeing a good massage therapist to work on areas of residual tightness (like the upper abdominals, psoas and hips rotators) can be helpful for chroinc/ stubborn issues. From a exercise standpoint the goal is to progress into more challening psoitions whilst maintaining a good breathing pattern and spinal allignment – An assisted deep squat hold (like a normal deep squat but hoding onto something like a door handle to reduce some of the weight) can be a good progression once you are good with the rainbow breathing positon. (the squat position is really the same as rainbow breathing but turned vertical). Hope that helps.


  17. […] Are you stomach gripping? […]


    • Hi Steffen! Wow, this is what I’ve been looking for, for years! My symptoms match to a T. Do you think pregnancy can cause this issue? Gerd, and pain aside, my worst symptom yet is breathing difficulty 24/7. It only gets a little easier when laying down. Hanging from a pull bar is a nightmare, my breathing stops right away. I assume it’s due to the weird diaphragm position when dead hanging from a bar? Also sitting upright with a straight back gives me instant severe breathing difficulty. Will be trying your stretch!


      • Hi Lucy. Pregnancy can certainly have an impact, particulary if a c-section was performed or diastasis developed. If hanging and and siting straight exacerbate the breathing difficulty it MAY be associated with an “open scissors” postural syndorme and that would need to be addressed to help faciliate a proper diaphragm position and breathing pattern. Its also important to rule out other causes of breathing difficulty e.g. asthma. Hoppe that helps


  18. […] Are you stomach gripping? […]


  19. […] Are you stomach gripping? […]


  20. Thank YOU!!! Now that I have read this article I realize that I have been a “gripper” for most of my life! Became extreme this past week or so in response to medical issues and stress related to those. I have dealt with many of the symptoms throughout my life; acid reflux, neck and back pain. I have scoliosis and have a Harrington rod in place. Was placed in 1980. Do you think this fact has contributed to my gripping?


    • Potentially… Pain, stress, trauma and surgery can all exacerbate this gripping pattern. But it can also largely be corrected or at least managed even if this is the case. Good luck!


  21. I didn’t know this was a thing. But I have the horizontal line above my belly button where my stomach dips in some. As I’ve gained weight, my stomach looks like a B from the side. And my lower belly fat just hangs. So while I’m not a super big person, my stomach shape makes me insecure. I have pcos which makes me gain weight between my hips. But now I’m scared my stomach will always look like this.


    • Hi Haven. Don’t panic it is resolvable in most people with some simple exercises and training. It can be exacerbated by abdominal disorders like PCOS but there any many approaches to help with that also. Take a look at the work of people like robb wolf, rhonda patrick, chris kressor or terry wahls for approaches for PCOS. Good luck 🙂


      • Hi, I’m 14 years old and about 4 years ago I began insecure of my weight. I was a little chubby from having such a big appetite. I can’t remember exactly when,but I developed a habit of holding in my gut. For a while I didn’t think about it, until about a year ago I decided to lose weight. I ate the normal three meals a day but nothing in between. I became conscientious of everything I ate, even a small piece of candy. My parents started to notice the rapid decline in my weight during check ups. During my recovery about 4 months ago I let go of my belly and thought, I’m all better now. Just recently I went to the doctor and I found out that I’m extremely constipated and blocked up with gas. I also feel tightness in my abdomen which is making it hard to breath,and I’ve been having irregular periods. It been almost three month since my last period. I have most of the symptoms listed. Please, I need more advice. I’m afraid.


        • Hi Karina, If you have been gripping for a long time this can result in some a more ‘fixed’ pattern that can remain even when consciously relaxing the stomach. This may need some hands on treatment and further exercise to resolve completely. This residual gripping pattern may be the cause (or at least part of the cause) for the constipation and gas but is unlikley to be the cause of the period irregularity so you should get that investigated fully. If further treatment doesn’t change your constipation and gas symptoms consider some additional nutitional/ supplementation approaches.


  22. Thanks for this article, Steffen! I was a dancer growing up and as I’ve gotten older (I’m in my mid-20s) I’ve developed all of these symptoms and the physical appearance that comes from this. I am based in Minnesota in the US. Is this something I could go to a general physical therapist for support for? Or do you think a pelvic floor therapist would have better knowledge? Being in my mid-20s, I would love to get control over this and retrain my body as to prevent future issues. Thank you!


    • Thanks Emily, depending on their background a phsyical therapist could help. Most DNS practitioners (who are doctors, chiros, physio or osteos with additional training in DNS) will likely to be best suited to help. You can see a list of practitioners here –> Good luck!


  23. Wow, my mind is blown! And that takes some doing! I was born with some health issues that put me on the alternative health pathway my whole life. Naturally, I’m drawn to articles such as this. Seeing this one has been eye-opening for me. I lived through the 80’s which of course, glamorized the hourglass figure. Which I proudly attained, unknowing of the cost. Until now, I’d been under the impression that an hourglass figure had been something I should be proud of regardless of how I felt. Now I’m rethinking this. So it sounds like a woman really isn’t supposed to have a narrow waist like that after all, right? Are the exercises I’ve seen women doing that seem to widen the waistline (i.e, planking) actually better or worse for the diaphragm? What stomach-flattening/strengthening exercises would you recommend to strengthen overall gut health?


    • Hi. It largely depends how you do them! Planks and side bridges can be OK if done well. Often abdominal exercises with a rotational component can help to prevent the upper abdominals over contracting – take a look at the “low oblique sit” exercise on youtube for a rotational variation. Crunches/ sit ups are generally best avoided as it can be very difficult not to overactive the upper abdominals if you are prone to doing so. “Deadbug” type exercises are generally a better option than crunches.


  24. Hi I have this I think. I have the crease in the abdomen and tightness in the belly and back. It’s fine if I’m rested off my feet but after an hour or so on my feet the muscles indicated with red arrows get tight and I have slot of discomfort but I wouldn’t say pain. I also get headaches. I’ve had X-rays and ct scans and mri. And all normal.


  25. I’m not sure what’s worse, the breathing problems i’ve been left with or that I used to think the “second boobs” was a defect with my ribs and that they stuck out too much causing that look. Little did I know it was because I sucked in my stomach from the age of 7/8 until now at 26. The back problems and constant tense neck muscles make sense now. We were so little and so impressionable, I always see my 4 year old “sucking in her gut” when I try to put her pants on (ones with buttons) and I always tell her she doesn’t have to do that. If the pants can only be buttoned by sucking in your gut then they no longer fit and that’s okay! I always try to remind her that she’s a little kid growing really fast and it’s normal for her clothes not to fit the same all the time either. I try really hard as a mom of 2 girls to remind them our tummy and body shapes change from day to day from all kinds of minor things. If I had guidance like that I think I would be much better off. A lot of parents think their kids are overweight when it’s just normal childhood growth. There are periods when infants get wider but don’t get taller! Then they spend 6-12 months only growing taller but not really putting on weight! It’s NORMAL and it’s NATURAL!


    • Thank you!


  26. I must have been sucking my stomach in for years and never knew it would cause this. Now I’m almost 30 and have gerd with barretts esophagus. I’m hoping these stretches help.


  27. Hello I am from India. I have this problem for more than 12 years. Sometimes it’s absolutely normal. Sometimes I have a feeling that something is stuck below my left rib. I had my endoscopy done in 2008. That time it was informed that diaphragm is slightly red. Thereafter couple of times barium x-ray was done but nothing was seen. I think It’s something like hiatus hernia or is enlarged spleen. I am confused. After reading this article I feel my breathing is wrong.But I have not understood exact pattern mentioned in your article. Can you please elaborate it.


    • Hi Varsha, please see this article for more information –>


  28. I’ve been clenching my stomach muscles for 21 years didn’t know it could have effects like this. I’ve always felt like I can’t take a full breath and in the last three years I’ve developed very bad headaches that never go away and just a year ago I started to have severe neck pain on top of headaches. I’m scheduled to see a neurologist for my c7 I believe but I was wondering if I should bring this up if u think this could be a factor in what’s causing my pain?


    • You could mention it but consultants are generally more focused on the source of the pain rather than identifying/addressing the underlying cause. If you haven’t already consider seeing a good chiro/ physio/ osteopath for an assessment of potential underlying mechanical causes (such as stomach gripping).


  29. Hi, I’ve been self-conscious of my weight since I was in 3rd grade, and I’ve always just sucked in out of habit, even before reading this article, I was sitting there just doing random stuff with my muscles flexed. I always wondered why I have the larger portions of skin on my rib cage, and it’s apparently this. I feel cheated in life because now I’m in 9th grade and 15 and now I will probably never be able to recover from this 6+ year bad habit. I’ve always watched what I’ve ate, and I’m even 6’0 ft, but I still feel inadequate with myself and Even though I work out every other day, I just can’t lose like 20 lbs in one day, and I tbh am sick of having back problems and having my stomach muscles form bad. I feel like the American education system messed up by not telling me at an earlier age about this and what it would lead to because I probably wouldn’t have all the spinal and body image problems that I do now. Good luck to everyone else in the comments, feel better.


    • Hi Mj, don’t give up! you are still very young with ALOT of potential for change. Awareness is the first step and most people (myself included) aren’t aware of this problem until much later in life. Aim for tiny improvements each day and you will get there


  30. Hello , I’m reaching out because last year I had major reflux which gave me esphogitis. I was given ppi’s and told I’d be using them the rest of my life. After a while it stopped with my taking supplements and doing various exercises. It has recently returned, but only stomach gurgling for a week. Also discomfort that came and went. I’ve been holding in my gut for years , very heavy into bodybuilding. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist in a week and am concerned I’ll just be given ppi’s again, and sent on my way. I’m in PA and very interested in being seen , by someone who actually knows what their talking about. If state insurance is an issue , I’m willing to pay cash and travel to New Jersey. Please if you would , advise me on any options I may have .


    • Hi Walter, thanks for your message. We are based in Jersey Channel Islands (in the UK) so out of reach I presume! As the article explains musculoskeletal factors can play a role in reflux – a DNS practitioner would likley be best placed to help in that respect – see if there are any in your area here –> Nutritional factors can also play a role – for more infomation take a look at Good luck


      • Ohhhh
        Thought the NJ was New Jersey my bad


        • I thought the exact same thing and started to look him up in New Jersey, US


  31. I never knew this was a medical issue. My mother used to force me to suck in my stomach constantly. She called it “thinking” and now i have the area under my breasts that I’m hella insecure about because it doesn’t look right.


  32. Hi, I have an hourglass figure, but around 15-16 I started doing hundreds of sit-ups a day and I’m not sure if that’s caused the upper abdominal muscles to stick out. There is an obvious dip in my stomach and I’m now 34 and it just won’t go away. I tried losing more weight to see if it would go, but it hasn’t. Is there anyway to get rid of this? My mum is an hourglass and had a very flat stomach and I did before I started doing so many sit-ups. I do struggle with anxiety and depression and have suffered with panic attacks and I have noticed recently a lot of tension around my upper abdominals. Is there anyway of reversing this? It’s really bothering me now because I feel like whenever I bend, even though I’m thin, it makes me look bigger. I’m worried about doing any other exercises with my stomach, just incase I make it worse.


    • Hi Kim, as discussed in the article learning to relax the upper abdominals is an important first step. If the gripping pattern is chronic or severe often soft tissue work (e.g. self massage or from a therapist) is required. Simple breathing exercises can be added next and later abdominal exercises with a good breathing pattenr and balanced activation of teh trunk muscles (i.e not overusing the upper abdominals). Crunches/ sit ups are generally best avoided as it can be very difficult not to overactive the upper abdominals if you are prone to doing so. Planks and side bridges can be OK if done well. Often abdominal exercises with a rotational component can help to prevent the upper abdominals over contracting – take a look at the “low oblique sit” exercise on youtube for a rotational variation. “Deadbug” type exercises are generally a better option than crunches.


  33. After noticing and fixing stomach gripping, will it affect the way the intestines digest? I mean since I’ve been doing it for most of my life, my abdominal area is used to the pressure and contraction of the muscles, so now that I am relaxing it all the time does it cause other symptoms to occur?


    • Proper movement of diaphragm (which can be inihbited by stomach gripping) is important for movement of digested food through the bowel. For this reason stomach gripping can also be associated with ‘functional’ bowel issues such as IBS or constipation.


  34. I am shocked! Literally have been googling things on and off for years. Tonight, I pick up my phone and Google stomach tightness and saw the anatomic pic and it drew me in. I have the line, I have GERD – where it seems nothing helps but maybe mitigating my diet and portion size but sometimes that doesn’t help either. I have definitely been the person for years and years that would walk around erect with my upper muscles engaged. People would compliment me on my posture. I recently had a gallbladder surgery due to stones. I thought everything went away, as for a couple months everything was relaxed and normal then it started rearing its ugly head again. Now it’s ridiculously uncomfortable and can wake me up at night with mega burning and pain. I get some relief when stretching, when I take deep belly breathes (that feels so good) but I have to be in a half laying down position to be able to get a good one in otherwise it’s like my body doesn’t know how to do it. The stomach gripping is so automatic, there are times I ask myself why I’m tightening my upper ab muscles bc at this point all it does is cause discomfort to the point it really interferes with my day bc it’s uncomfortable but also bc of the GERD. I was about to go through a bunch of testing but knowing this, I think I need a DC. I don’t have a DNC local unfortunately. It’s good to know it’s not in my head and can be reversed. Recently I started Nexium but Bentyl has helped a great deal. I’m not a med person so the first thing I want to do is figure it out so I can fix it and get off these things. Any advice is accepted. Thank you!!


    • Thanks Tara. Stomach grippng/ hourgalss posture can be primary or secondary (i.e. it develops due to another problem). If your stomach gripping improved considerably after gallbladder surgery it MAY be that it is secondary in your case. Its always best to identifty / address the true underlying cause(s) (although this is not always easy). A good functional medicine practitioner may help in this regard. Also be aware even if the stomach gripping is secondary but has been there for a long time, often this will also need direct treatment even after the primary cause has been addressed. Good luck!


  35. I have done this for years and was alerted to it when I was told I have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I also have severe GERD as well as back problems. I’m curious could this also be due to sex traumas, rape or molestation? This is the first time I have ever heard of the diagnosis for this.


    • Hi Melody, Pelvic floor function is closely related to diaphragm function and can therefore be impacted by hourglass syndrome/ stomach gripping. Early life trauma can cause a sustained sympathetic response which could promote a number symptoms including anxiety, depression and muscle tightness.


  36. I don’t have this condtion but I have bulimia. Can bulimia cause this??


  37. Hi Steffan,
    This is an amazing article. I have this! And I literally have no way of describing what I’ve been experiencing for most of my life to my doctors. It is miserable. Unfortunately there are no DNS practitioners in my state. Do you have any other suggestions as to how to get this treated ??? Thank you so much!!!


    • Hi Tabitha, Thank you. Unfortunatley it is very under recognised by practitioners. I would suggest calling around for a physiotherapist/ chiropractor/ osteopath who at least treats the abdominal area and assesses/ treats breathing patterns.


      • I have been gripping my abdominals for many years due to anxiety. For the past 10 yrs I have been having flare ups of pain around the Costal mmargin, so painful! drs thought it could be related to an old appendix scar!
        Apart from the obvious tension I never thought I was causing myself pain, could gripping get so bad?. I also butt clench and my pelvic floor is so painful at the moment too. I have been trying diaphragmatic bteathing
        Is there anything else you can suggest?
        Thanks for telling us about this.


        • Hi Ruth. Abdominal scars can certainly exacerbate pain and gripping – it would be worth having it assessed and treated if necessary. Glut (butt) clenching is also commonly related. Take a look at this article for more information and advice.


  38. I have been for many tests for stomach and back pain and all come back negative I can only think that stomach gripping is the cause I have been doing it for many years unbeknown
    All the symptoms seem to correspond to the above can your GP prescribe pain relief I have taken all sorts of medication I have been treated for IBF to consterpation and still suffer pains help


    • Hi Shaun, sorry to hear that. Medication is generally unsuccessful for treatment of stomach gripping. Hands-on treatment combined with exercise tends to work best. I would recommmed trying to find a good physio/ chiro/ osetoapth experienced with treating this problem. Good luck.


  39. I started having pains below my sternum which then moved laterally along the ribs and reached the spine. By the time I saw the doctor the pains had gone, but she prescribed Lansoprazole for a month, which I took. This left me with a sense of emptyness and suction from inside my stomach and a tightness and heaviness at the bottom of the sternum. I have seen a nutritionist in the past circa 3 months who has put me on the paleodiet and a number of gut and other supplements. In the meantime I have had an endoscopy which has found a sliding hiatus hernia. The diet has not improved the sensation of suction and emptyness in my stomach. These symptoms improve when I eat but return again, as if the stomach needs to be active all the time. Do you think I suffer from the gripping condition that you describe? What do you suggest I should do to improve?


    • Hi Giorgio, unfortunately without examination it would be impossible to give you any specific answers. I would recommend seeking the help of a good practitioner, you can find some links in the comments below. All the best


  40. Hi, I’ve constantly been having food come in my mouth, and I have some symptoms that you have listed above. I just want to make sure that the issue that I’m facing is GERD. So this has been happening for a month, I have chest pains randomly, not too severe, on a scale of 1 to 10, I would consider the pain a 1. The chest pains also happen when I take deep breaths. I also feel like the food I eat is coming to my mouth or I am going to vomit. Another issue is that when I bend forth and then stand up straight again, I get a feeling of my stomach being pinched. I also burp very often nowadays. The chest pain mentioned earlier just fades away on its own and travels to my upper back, upper abdomen, or my shoulder. It’s really scary since I’ve always been in good shape. So to control this I started taking omeprazole 20 and Gas Ex, which was prescribed by a doctor and am constantly drinking water, how can I fix this problem.
    Thank you for your advice,


    • Hi Muhammad, unfortunately it would be impossible gove you specific answers without examination. I would recommend seeking the help of a good practitioner, you can find some links in the comments below. Best of luck.


  41. This describes me exactly. Over the years I have had neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain and years of digestive problems. Gall bladder removal 4 years ago gave me around 6 months of relief from the gripping sensation around my lower ribs but this came back again. Numerous scans and endoscopies show nothing and I continue to suffer functional dyspepsia with sensation of stomach not emptying particularly later in the day. Can only eat small amounts before feeling full. Also suffer lots of stomach twitching and spasming after eating and when hungry which can trigger ectopic heart beats and sometimes a rapid pulse. Not currently taking any medication and the only thing that seems to help is regular gentle exercise, stretching and deep breathing which helps to calm the vagus nerve. More GPs should know about this. Excellent article.


  42. I sub-consciously hold my stomach. The child’s pose in the article is helping especially when done for longer periods. What are the more advanced exercises?


  43. I recognise these signs. Neck pain. Lower back pain. I have what feels like a tight band around the front bottom of ribcage (diaphragm) around in a circle to the back. My bottom ribs on both sides are sore. Drives me insane.


  44. Me to T… I wake up and it feels my stomach is glued to my back it hurts wildly .. I started to breath using lower diaphr it loosened up already. Thanks I need to see a primary so I can see. Specialist


  45. Hi, cannot believe I found this! For many years I have suffered with debilitating lower back pain. I am not 37 but have had back pain for 16 year.
    I now have neck spasms and neck tension constantly for the last 3 years.
    It’s only since I visited an Osteopath I realised just how bad my stomach clenching is. I know I have always done it but I actually assumed it was normal, and that most other people did the same.
    It feels so hard to let my stomach release, and so unnatural.
    I cannot believe this is even a thing and I’m only realising now! Thank you.


  46. Hello. I began to feel my stomach tightening each time I stood up and especially while I was walking about four years ago; it got progressively worse over the years and now I have severe tightness in my neck that accompanies my stomach gripping whenever I walk with my arms at my side. It has gotten to the point that I cannot climb stairs or walk up an incline unless I place my hands on my hips or in my pockets to support my body as I am ascending. I find it difficult to breathe when I am walking or climbing, because my abdominal muscles pull so tightly, along with my straining neck muscles. I have acid reflux and that has also been kicking in along with my stomach gripping when I walk.
    I recently had an abdominal biopsy taken to determine if this is a form of muscle or neurological myopathy. This scenario has been affecting my life tremendously. I am not experiencing any pain however, just extreme, involuntary contractivity of my abdominal and neck musculature upon trying to maintain an erect posture. What are your thoughts, as I await the results of my biopsy? Thank you so much.


    • Hi Ira, unfortunately it is very difficult to draw any firm conclusions without an in person assessment. However, given what you have described and the severity of symptoms it may well be the stomach gripping is a secondary issue. I wish you the best of luck with your recovery


  47. I have been struggling with this so much. I am overweight, and because of the rib gripping, my body fat is distributed in very strange ways that leave me feeling very self-conscious.
    I do regular stretches and try to improve my posture to help correct the issue, but I fear I may be too far gone.
    It is very painful in the ribs. I can’t bend over too far because the pain is excruciating in my ribs.
    My doctor just told me to take ibuprofen 🙁
    I don’t know if this issue would go away with weight loss or not, but it’s not a good time.


    • Hi Haley, Don’t give up! I have seen plenty of severe cases improve with focused treatment and consistent exercise. With chronic / severe cases often manuel treatment is helpful / necessary alongside exercise. I would recommend finding a good practitioner (physio/chiro/osteo etc) with experience in this type of issue. Good luck!


  48. Hi Mary,
    I’m not sure if you’ll see this message. I read your comments about your symptoms, particularly the tightness/discomfort around your upper stomach. I have the same and can’t be diagnosed or find help. Have you found any help/relief?


  49. I am a lifelong stomach gripper to hide my belly. I have neck and back pain and gerd. I am 67 years old and would like to learn how to relax my belly and breathe better. The exercise given is hopefully a good start.


  50. This article makes sense. I have always had stomach problems. Just had a Endoscopy that showed a Hiatal Hernia and a polyp. I also have Sjogrens and I cough a lot especially while eating. I will end up with vomiting and severe mid back pain that takes my breath away. It is difficult to get my stomach muscles to relax .


  51. Hiya, is upper abdomen and upper back ache common with this? Ive been having an anxiety disorder for 5 months now and recently noticed this ache and around my ribs sometimes too. But constant in my upper stomach with tenderness to touch. Ive noticed im holding my stomach tense all the time, cant seem to relax it. Stomach is fine when i first wake up but gets worse through the day. Could this be the cause of the ache?


    • Hi Pauline, yes very common


  52. Hello,
    I never used to grip my stomach, but I injured my back and I continue working through my pain. It’s almost like my stomach muscles are in overdrive, trying to help my bad/weak back. It’s caused me to think it was a digestive problem, but I have come to realize that my stomach doesn’t hurt when I can get it to relax.


  53. i’m 17 and i’ve been doing this for years when i stop it feels like i can’t breathe in all the way and i get dizzy a lot what do i do i don’t know if it’s caused by anxiety or the stomach gripping


    • Hi Tegan, stomach gripping and anxiety are often associated. Dizziness with stomach relaxation/ breathing exercises can be related to over breathing. when doing the exercises try breathing more slowly and taking slightly shallower breathes


  54. I have been doing this since my teenage years or early 20s. I’m now in my 60s. I was very thin as a child but had a protuberant abdomen for reasons unknown to me. As I got older, I grew self conscious and started sucking it in all the time. I now have a small hiatal hernia, reflux and digestive issues, as well as pelvic floor issues with a small rectocele. I’ve been noticing for years my upper abdomen protruding to the point that it causes a big wrinkle or fold at the top of my rib cage and decided to google and was led to this discussion. It’s good to finally know the cause of this so hopefully I can accomplish reversal. Thank you so much for the helpful info!


  55. I seem to have something like this, but only when I stand. When I lay down my stomach is completely relaxed, but then as soon as I stand my upper abdomen just tightens up and it feels painful. What would be your thoughts on this?


    • It is often the case that this pattern is exacerbated with increased postural demand. Generally postural demand is > during active exercise > standing > sitting > laying down


  56. Hi I am a 40 yr. old woman and like most have been taught to suck in their stomach. It wasn’t until after I gave birth to my twins via c-section that I noticeably saw a change in my body and how I felt. My body seems to be off put in that I mean I feel like im shaped like the letter s, I tend to carry more weight on my right side and now in my more recent years Ive developed vertigo. Im not sure if there is any connection there but as of today I am recovering from an episode of shortness of breath severe back and side pain and constipation all stemming from stress. Could all of this be in some relation? It has been affecting my quality of life and I could really use some advice and direction if possible!!


    • Hi Cheyenne, Sorry to hear that. Although stomach gripping may be part of the picture, with a complex history like this it is likely there are some other factors at play. I would therefore recommend seeking the help of a good practitioner, you can find some links in the comments below. All the best


  57. I have all of those symptoms and it has actually affected my great Omentum. Hiatal hernia acting up and guarding under left rib cage. Lower back pain horrible. I will book and appointment. Thank you for explaining this. I may be able to go for walks and ski again some dat


  58. I’m 5’2 I can not sit in a chair with my feet touching the ground unless I perch on the edge with no back support, I engage my core all day, could this be the cause of my pain? I think I have what you describe it is constant pain until I lie down and take deep breaths


  59. Oh my goodness. This is exactly what I have been suffering from for a while. I have gripped my stomach for a couple months. And now when I let my stomach out I feel really dizzy, but when I stuck in I feel better. But the thing is I’m pregnant now and I can’t stuck my stomach in anymore. How can recover from this.I want my stomach back the way it was without feeling dizzy. Help please. Thanks


  60. Hey, if I stop stomach gripping, would my hourglass go away? I already don’t really like my stomach, could I maybe achieve the same results with working out? I just can’t imagine loosing my hourglass shape..


    • Hi Jas, The hourglass shape is the result of a few different factors including stomach gripping. If you stop stomach gripping it is likley the hourgalss shape will reduce to some extent.


      • Wow. It is so wonderful to read your article. It’s been years of mysterious issues and chronic pain that you know something causes but no one has answers. Makes so much sense now. I’ve been doing this for years! I started feeling like I couldn’t get a good breath and when I could breathe deep I would cough.that Scared me. Then it’s just one thing leading to the next (unknowingly) I would sometimes catch myself clinched up and think “why am I all clinched in my upper abdomen like I’m about to engage a fight or something?” I never connected it to my awful lower back pain, neck pain (that I’ve had four level ACDF on now) and my muscles so tense! Like rocks. Constant lower rib pain and soreness. Flared lower rib cage. I’m going to try the stretch and hopefully find a practitioner to help. It gives me hope. Thank you for the most helpful information.


  61. Help…If what I have is this hourglass stomach gripping syndrome screwed up thingy, mine is on steroids.
    I’m going to try and “nutshell” a little history, although my Daddy always told me that my “nutshells” tend to turn into bulk size containers of peanut butter.
    Ok. Overweight beginning middle school. Topped out 200 lbs freshman high school. (Oh, Female was 5’ 6” …now I “measure in” at 5’ 1”…IKR?) This girl started sophom*ore yr high school at 130 lbs. Not eating enough and a Jane Fonda cassette that I used making up how I thought each exercise was supposed to be done. Here begins a cycle of weight fluctuations 130 to 155 to 140 to 150 to 125 to 135….. always with some kind of intermittent exercise, walking, step aerobics, free weights, biking, etc. until I was 29. At 29, a new job for the husband (boyfriend from freshman yr that my sister said I better lose weight if I wanted to keep. Hah! Irony and just hah is all I have about that at this moment) took us to SC. He says “You don’t have to teach now. You just stay home. We won’t have to work around schedules to do stuff, go places, etc.” His job-2nd shift.
    *One moment please•••
    ALL THE SINGLE LADIES READING THIS —Do not give up your career for the man okay? Okay. Cause divorce was never in my plans until I was told about it after having a lovely baby girl who has severe autism and epilepsy. She is a lovely 15 yr old baby girl and she is my ❤️ on two legs.
    Okay, continuing. 29 , no job left me like, “OMG, what? What do people do when they don’t work? Soo, keeping our home, cooking, baking, and getting fit became my “work”. And I became damn good at my job. 5’6” 115 lbs is credited to Jillian Michaels, Mari Windsor Pilates, free weights, elliptical trainer, hiking (Grandfather Mountain once in hurricane force winds— apparently we started just before they closed the trails. I seriously would squat down real fast when the wind would gust because it felt like I was gonna be blown off my feet. Not what you want that high up on that mountain. My husband finally turned around like “what’s up with you?” He laughed and came and tucked my hood inside my hoodie lol), and still some good old step aerobics. I was freaking fit. Oh, and the guy’s that my husband worked with loved me cause I sent baked yummy stuff to them. I was in the best shape I’d ever been in from about 30 right on thru my pregnancy at 37.
    Post pregnancy: Wait, pre pregnancy —had difficulties getting pregnant, exploratory surgery-3 incisions, 1 thru naval (ovary scraped from pelvic floor. Awful back pain when I woke, my doctor standing right close saying, “Maggie, you’re gonna be ok, let explain why your back hurts so much”.
    She estimated I had very likely lived with endometriosis from teen years (I told my step mom my cramps were really bad SMH). Boiled down, I had all 4 stages of endometriosis all over. Old stuff, apparently about like tree bark, and current and very active shedding monthly, wherever it had made a home.
    I put this stuff in so that once I explain my debilitating whatever that’s contouring my body, there might be something that could be contributing?? Oh I don’t know.
    Let’s go post pregnancy now. I had planned on getting back to exercise as soon as safe and doable, however, my girl, she was unlike any baby I’d ever cared for, and I was a nanny for numerous families while finishing my degree in Elementary Education. This was MY BABY! So this was very hard in so many ways. My not being able to get back to Jillian and Mari was low on my list of concerns. Endometriosis still wreaking having—when my girl was
    18 months, I had complete hysterectomy +appendix (covered in endometriosis tree bark)+scraping of some of the yuck from in there. Huge upside! My doctor worked alongside another doctor who has begun doing hysterectomies without opening the abdomen and agreed that they would work together, back thru the navel (I don’t know…they dissect and make small. No incision, that I knew). Recovered quickly.
    Got my sweet girl’s diagnosis of autism around 2yrs of age. Therapists in-home, therapies outside the home, reading, researching, doctors, then…the seizures. One ambulance ride, they had to breathe for my baby girl to keep her alive. You never get something like that out of your head, your heart, your soul. Never. And then there’s self harm (3 investigations by child services—cleared obviously, but still devastating and terrifying). So no. It’s been 16 years since I’ve been able to really take care of this body I live in. In fact, I was tested several years ago and diagnosed with severe narcolepsy and fall seizures (broken nose, fractured spine, craniotomy…a lot of falls).
    Going way, way back for a min. 19 years old or so, I leaned, kind of too far out to pick up my 3 year old nephew and holding him mid air, tried not to scream, got someone to grab him because I couldn’t move at that moment. I felt like a hot spear had ripped thru a little to the right of my spine, pain across lower back, more concentrated on right. By lower back, it effects lower back, but very painful, like if my hands were on my pelvic bone then the other hand in the back across from that hand. Oh boy. As lower back goes in to butt cheek. Ummm. Ok, here’s this. 15 years after that happened,(all the while, intermittent pain, sometimes put me out of commission, but I never swept the floor, vacuumed, anything bending, without discomfort) an “old school” chiropractor who could work magic when I could barely walk, took some
    X-rays, ran me thru some movements and tests and said I had separation of the sacroiliac joints. Said left side, just slight, but it was the right side that was causing the most pain.
    Now, I research things. My Daddy used to call me “20 questions” when I was growing up. So, I’m thinking that because of that low back pain, in order to keep moving and relieve it a little, I tucked my butt. For years I’m thinking. So posterior pelvic tilt? I think.
    This is ridiculously long. I just don’t know what might kind of be part of a whole picture of what I’m going to try to explain. It’s awful. Just awful.
    Ok, let’s see. First 5’6” to 5’1”. I had not had my height measure in years. I just knew that my ex husband and my boss (family friend-he’s not the boss of me lol) kept saying things like “sit up straight”, “why are you leaning over like that?”, “Maggie, honey, your posture was so much better when I met you and over the years. Why do you hunch over all the time now?”
    Nice right? And all I knew to say was “I go thru every day battling gravity. I have to press down on the edge of a counter top to get a good breath and to take the weight of this bowling ball in my gut away “.
    Now, I have a crease across my abdomen but it’s higher than you hear with the hourglass syndrome. By crease, it feels like someone has sutured, with Gore-Tex, from the inside across that line and it works on a pulley. Depending on what I do, even how much of a hurry I have to do things in, and definitely raising my arms at all. Lifting any thing with a little weight to it, I have to battle not to just become a person walking around with my head somewhere around my knees. Seriously, it will physically tighten or pull so intensely that, I don’t know how to explain it. I cry. When my girl’s not here. I scream, I get angry, frustrated. And it has gotten so far out of control and the thing is, I don’t know what I did to get here. You know, belly button to spine…Mari Pilates, but that was a very conscious action, I knew when to do it, I knew how, it wasn’t “sucking in”. It became a very familiar muscular movement done with intensive purposes when I engaged. Where this crease is I wouldn’t think could be caused or effected by “sucking in”.
    This is sad and it sickened me but it was when I realized, ok, this is not exhaustion or JUST physical, something is going wrong in various areas. I was sent to a doctor by my heart doctor (heart doctors can request sleep latency test for narcolepsy, or refer, whatever it’s called. IDK I found it interesting) another doctor, not sleep lab, to rule out lupus. That doctor wasn’t caring about no lupus, he wanted to know what is with your back? Found out about 5’1” at that appt. Oh, and fractured spine because he wasn’t letting me outta there without X-rays of my back. Sad part. The girl says, “ok, I want you to just raise your arms straight up above your head. I start to do it, I CAN’T without it bending me forward/pulling the crease back, that bowling ball weight, it just crumpled me. She pulled down a bar from above me and said sweetly, “it’s ok, just hold on to this bar”. And she raised it, you know, to however she needed me to be for the X-ray.
    There’s more I think I’ve put together, could be wrong. My esophagus is closed. Well, not completely obviously but one of my hospital stays they were asking health questions so I told them about my “heart attacks” on the right side though (serious pain, all I ever said through 17 hours of back labor was “this is intense”, so yeah, my right side heart attacks hurt like hell). Well, my heart was great, so esophagus next. All these little cups of stuff that I wasn’t really looking forward to lined up with a machine to take pictures. I drank a little of the first little cup, X-ray, one person looks at it, calls somebody in, 2nd person looks, tells me, drink another swallow of this one. X-ray, 3rd person called in, looking at X-ray, here, drink the last bit of this first cup. X-ray. “Ok, we’re gonna stop there. The doctor is going to want to do, I forget the name of the test, to see what’s going on with your esophagus. No point in you drinking any of these because that first cup is just dripping thru.”
    Huge hernia. And I just know it’s connected. I’ve had that test before and didn’t have a hernia. I was fine, everything was good.
    This is a humongous bulk bucket of peanut butter. I’ve never been able to “nut shell” anything. When I tell someone about a movie, I talk longer than it takes to watch the movie.
    Oh, why haven’t I been to see my “old school” chiropractor? He passed away. Haven’t gone anywhere else because, well, lost insurance. Did I mention single mother of my miracle girl with severe autism? Yeah, and narcolepsy and driving to a job you can get really don’t go hand in hand. I do a little work from home for my boss who’s not the boss of me lol. I roll on my exercise ball often just to stretch that area of my abdominal crease out, if I could live on it, I would. I use an exercise band to stretch chest area which feels incredible and I do a couple of things with it like rows to try and work those muscles between my shoulder blades. A lot of times, if I have just a minute to, I’ll just simply tighten then it clinch, you know, pull them together. No band, just a minute of time so, clench, and clench…
    If anyone is still reading, God bless you! And if you’ve got any ideas…please.
    Thank you for taking your valuable time to read. Really. Thank you.


    • Hi just read your reply. I’m in the same state too. I have s.i. Joint issues. Right side. Started with pregnancy 21years ago. Never went away. I clench my backside as well. Interesting stuff!! Hopefully this is bodily overcompensation that we’ve used to protect the parts that were hurting at the time. just adapted the contracting muscle imbalance as normal and we can unlearn the gripping. I sure hope so. This is for sure the best medical information I’ve read in years in my journey to find answers. Good luck.


  62. Maggie again, I know I’m like, in SC, but your sure and information on gripping is the only one I read that made the most sense to me as far as some of my issues. But if stomach gripping is what this is, I’d say I’m a very extreme case.


  63. Hi
    I m suffering a lot due to such kind of problem, I feet my stomach is displaced may be to hiatus hernia though it is not seen in barium swallow xray
    I can barely live , my stomach and abdominal wall feel collapsed, feel everything is being sucked inside
    I can’t burp and feel suffocated
    What can I do to at least get some relief



    • Sorry to hear you are in so much pain Monika. Its unlikley the hourglass syndrome alone is casuing this level of dscomfort. I would recommend having further investigation to see whats going on. Good luck.


    • Hey Monika…I’m thinking you must have read my very long post
      I am with you on tHE suffocating feeling. I feel like I spend half my day going over to a counter or dresser to push up with my arms so I can straighten enough to get a full breath or two, only to let go and collapse and keep going. I’m about to shower and dreading washing my hair because of raising my arms. A shower should NOT exhaust me. Whatever this is, it’s very debilitating and affects every aspect of my life. Except sleep…but who wants to sleep their life away? Well ok, who is able to sleep life away? “Not I” said the collapsing woman who can’t breathe!


  64. Thank you for your article, I am also having above symptoms, which lab test is prefferable to identify the stomach gripping


  65. Sir which test is preferable to identify stomach gripping


  66. Does stomach gripping cause abdominal muscles spasms?


    • Linda, I have that too — painful muscle spasm on my left side just below the rib (or breast bone). In my case, I think the spasm came first — and it was like a “stress spasm” that occurred when I tried pulling my body up from the floor with the aid of a piece of furniture. Total pain/cramp. I thought I had done severe damage. Now I get a milder form of that spasm, periodically when I move the “wrong way”.


  67. This article was very helpful, after ER visits 5 times this week with bradycardia and shortness of breathe with noticeable stomach gripping that is subconscious. Doctors believe affecting my vagus nerve, maybe causing sinus bradycardia. Hopefully the stomach clenching is it, and not sick sinus syndrome. It seems most likely! All CT MRI and ekg etc normal. Thanks! Ps do not quit caffiene suddenly, thinking you have a heart problem, only adds to the bradycardia due to adenosine running rampant in my body!


  68. I don’t know if Stomach Gripping is what i have. I cant really understand what its saying. But 7 years ago i was diagnosed with GERD and was prescribed Omeprazole 20g. I had an endo done 2 years ago and they found a hiatal hernia. I have had ongoing stomach and back pain for years. But over the last year i have noticed that every time i lean forward onto my elbows my stomach instantly knots up. its not painful, but its uncomfortable. Is this stomach gripping?


  69. I’ve been in pain for months! I thought it was acid and I’ve been popping tums (which never helped!) I tried your relaxation techniques last night and since then I have been pain free!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • I definitely have muscle gripping issues. I have back issues from injuries and degenerative disc issues along with a lot of stomach issues and gerd eoe etc.I have been searching for a logical answer to my symtoms for quite some time. Doctors keep wanting blame it on gerd and eoe pushing meds upon meds on me which have not worked.It has escalated uncontrollably since my last car wreck. To compensate for back injuries I have noticed I do a lot of muscle gripping especially when driving. 90 % of the day in fact. Since wreck I have been having lot of issues with stomach and acid reflux back and neck pain. Test and blood and endoscopy have looked mostly normal. Is seeing a chiropractor a first step in addressing this issue?? I am currently in physical theraphy and read about criss cross syndrome to which sounds related to this to so….


  70. Yes I guess I am a stomach gripper! It makes since now! I think mine may be to the extreme! I actually walk around hunched over. The painful catch feeling in my stomach, is that caused by gripping or is that the gripping?


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Are you Stomach Gripping? (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.