7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (2024)

You can't change your genes, or even much of the environment around you, but there are lifestyle choices you can make to boost your health. Being informed and intentional about diet, activity, sleep, and smoking can reduce your health risks and potentially add years to your life.

This article looks at seven lifestyle factors that are backed by the best evidence when it comes to your health over the long run. It shows you why they matter and how to begin making positive changes.

Getting the Right Amount of Sleep

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (1)

Getting the right amount of sleep, and doing so regularly, is first on the list. It's often missed because people focus on diet and exercise, but the link between sleep and life expectancy is supported by research.

What surprises some people is that the relationship is a U-shaped curve. This means that too little and too much sleep can affect your health. In one study, sleeping for a long duration (defined as more than 10 hours a night) was associated with psychiatric diseases and higher body mass index BMI.

Another study found that sleeping nine or more hours a night had an increased incidence of stroke of 23% compared to those sleeping seven to eight hours a night. Those who slept over nine hours and napped for 90 minutes or more had an 85% increased stroke risk.

A 2021 study of 1.1 million people in Europe and the United States found that 25% of people slept less than what is recommended for their ages. More than half of all teens don't get enough sleep. Adults do better but have more insomnia and poor sleep quality.

A good night's sleep is important to recharge both the body and mind. It helps the body repair cells and get rid of wastes. It also is important in making memories, and sleep deprivation leads to forgetfulness.

Even if you intend to sleep well, health issues can disrupt your plan. Sleep apnea, for example, can greatly increase health risks.

Sleep apnea affects millions of people, but it's believed that many cases are being missed. Part of the reason is that symptoms like snoring, or waking up gasping for air, don't happen in every case. Sleep apnea can present with a number of surprising signs and symptoms, such as teeth grinding and depression.

If you have any concerns, talk to your healthcare provider about a sleep study. There are treatments, like CPAP, that lower risk and improve quality of life. Changes in your sleep patterns can signal other health issues too, so see your healthcare provider for a checkup if anything changes.

10 Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep

Eating Well-Balanced Meals

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (2)

A healthy diet gives you energy and lowers your risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. Some of these conditions have proven links to food and nutrition, as is the case with red meat and colorectal cancer.

Taking steps toward a lifelong change in diet will help more than jumping on the latest fad diet does. You may have heard author Michael Pollan's signature phrase: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Of those plants, choose a rainbow of colors to make sure you get all the nutrients you need.

One place to begin is with the well-regarded Mediterranean diet. It's rich in many of the healthiest foods and naturally limits less healthy choices. The more you follow the Mediterranean diet, the lower your risk of a host of diseases.

A 2018 review looked at over 12 million people and the risk of over a dozen chronic diseases. The researchers found that people who chose a Mediterranean diet lowered their risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other diseases.

The Mediterranean diet includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, "good" oils, and plenty of herbs and spices. It doesn't recommend highly processed foods, refined grains, or added sugar.

Can the Mediterranean Diet Lower Your Cholesterol?

Making Time for Physical Activity

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (3)

Thirty minutes a day of physical activity protects heart health. It also lowers the amount of bone loss as you age, and with it the risk of osteoporosis. It's so important that a 2021 study of colon cancer survivors found that living in a "green" community that is friendly for exercise reduced the risk of death.

A 2017 review in Lancet found that people participating in moderate physical activity every day had a lower risk of heart disease and overall mortality, no matter what their income level.

Best of all, physical activity is a low-cost way to boost your health and even save you money. Sometimes your health may limit your exercise options, but you can keep moving by washing your windows, mowing your lawn, sweeping a sidewalk, and other basic tasks.

Once you are past age 65, you may benefit by adding balance and flexibility exercises, but keep moving too. Whether you dance, garden, swim, or go biking, choose moderate-intensity exercise that you know you'll enjoy.

Keeping a Healthy Body Weight

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (4)

Obesity is associated with a shorter lifespan and a higher risk of many diseases. The good news is that just being somewhat overweight does not reduce your longevity. In fact, for those over age 65, it's better to be on the high side of normal than the low side.

A 2018 study looked at body mass index (BMI) and mortality over a period of 24 years. A BMI considered between 19 and 24 is considered "normal" or healthy. For those who were in the range classified as obesity, a BMI of 30 to 35 meant a 27% increase in mortality. A BMI of 35 to 40 was linked to a 93% increase.

Among those with a BMI in the overweight range (BMI 25 to 30), mortality was only higher among those who smoked. People with a BMI on the high side of normal (BMI 24, for example) had the lowest death risks.

BMI is a dated, flawed measure. It does not take into account factors such as body composition, ethnicity, sex, race, and age. Even though it is a biased measure, BMI is still widely used in the medical community because it’s an inexpensive and quick way to analyze a person’s potential health status and outcomes.

There isn't any real magic when it comes to keeping a healthy weight. Eating a nutritious diet and exercising dailyare the true secrets for most people. If you're struggling, talk with your healthcare provider. But keep in mind that fad diets don't work, and your greatest hope for success lies in making long-term changes.

Avoiding Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

Smoking accounts for some 480,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. Added to this are another 16 million people who are alive but coping with a smoking-related illness. If you want the chance to live well for however long you live, don't smoke or chew tobacco.

The list of diseases and cancers linked to smoking is long. If you're finding it hard to quit, and you think illness comes only later in life, it may help to think of more short-term goals. Perhaps it's too expensive, or indoor smoking bans limit your social outings.

Or maybe the midlife concerns will help you! Smoking speeds up wrinkling of the skin. There's also a link between smoking and erectile dysfunction in men. Quitting, or avoiding tobacco in the first place, will save lives but protect its quality too.

Types of Smokeless Tobacco and Health Risks

Limiting or Avoiding Alcohol

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (6)

Despite the hype over red wine and longevity, alcohol should be used only in moderation, and for many people, not at all. Red wine has been found to offer some protective health effects, but there are other ways to get these benefits.

Red wine is rich in flavonoids, particularly the nutrient resveratrol. Resveratrol, however, is also found in red grapes themselves, in red grape juice, and even peanuts.

Moderate alcohol consumption (one drink per day for women, two for men) may lower heart disease risk. Yet a link between alcohol and breast cancer suggests that even this amount should be used with caution.

Women who have three drinks per week have a 15% higher risk of breast cancer and the risk goes up another 10% for every additional drink they have each day.

It is important to note that alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Group 1 is the highest-risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation, and tobacco. Alcohol causes at least seven types of cancer. The more alcohol you drink, the higher your cancer risk.

Higher levels of alcohol can lead to health and other problems, including a greater risk for:

  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Some cancers
  • Accidents
  • Violence
  • Suicide

Moderate intake of alcohol may be part of a healthy lifestyle in special moments, as long as you have no personal or family problems with alcohol abuse. As long as everyone understands the risks, there are times you may drink a toast to your good health!

Managing Mental Health

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (7)

Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being.It affects how we think, feel, act, and relate to others.

Managing mental health includes factors such as managing stress and maintaining social connections. Research shows that people who report being happier live as much as four to 10 years longer than less happy people.

One way to increase happiness is to manage stress. Although we can't eliminate stress entirely, there are some ways to limit it:

  • Take time to unwind, such as doing deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, taking a bath, or reading a book. Schedule regular times for these and other healthy activities.
  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news and social media.
  • Practice gratitude by reminding yourself daily of things you are grateful for. Be specific. Write them down at night, or replay them in your mind.
  • Focus on the positive by identifying and challenging your negative and unhelpful thoughts.
  • Find a hobby. Research shows activities like gardening, singing, playing a musical instrument, and other hobbies are linked to living longer, healthier lives Hobbies may reduce stress and provide mental stimulation.

Research also shows that staying socially connected positively impacts health and longevity. Getting together regularly with friends or family members can provide emotional support and pleasure. Other ways to foster connection may include:

  • Connecting with community or faith-based groups
  • Volunteering with others
  • Joining a local group, such as a hiking club, knitting group, or other interest group


For a long, healthy life, the seven key lifestyle behaviors include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, being physically active, maintaining a healthy body weight, not smoking, limiting alcohol, and managing mental health.

These factors may seem like a part of the common-sense advice, but there's a reason for that. They're all backed by data, and new medical research continues to point in the same healthy direction.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What lifestyle choices help keep your bones healthy?

    To help strengthen your bones, try the following tips:

    • Eat foods that are good sources of calcium and vitamin D.
    • Get 30 minutes of exercise a day, especially weight-bearing and strength-building activities like walking, dancing, climbing stairs, and lifting weights.
    • Avoid smoking.
    • Prevent falls. Exercise may help you improve your balance. Also, remember to check for tripping hazards in your home.

    Learn MoreYour Bone Health as You Age

  • How do lifestyle choices contribute to cardiovascular disease?

    Making healthy lifestyle choices can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. In a study of 55,000 people, those who made healthy lifestyle choices such as avoiding smoking, eating healthy, and exercising lowered their heart disease risk by about 50%.

    Learn MoreCauses and Risk Factors of Heart Disease

  • How do lifestyle choices increase your risk for cancer?

    The World Cancer Research Fund says at least 18% of cancers in the United States are related to preventable risk factors, including obesity, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and drinking alcohol.

    Learn MoreCauses and Risk Factors of Cancer

7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health (2024)


What are positive health factors? ›

We have outlined multiple new directions at NIH for promoting optimal health via positive health behaviors (nutrition, exercise, stress management), quality social relationships, and strong psychological resources.

What five 5 main factors contribute to good health? ›

Studies indicate that the following five factors make the biggest difference in overall health and wellness: 1) diet; 2) rest; 3) exercise; 4) posture; and 5) avoiding the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

What are 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle? ›

10 Tips for good health
  • Healthy eating and drinking.
  • Giving up smoking.
  • Get plenty of fresh air.
  • Keeping physically active.
  • Be socially active.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Keeping your brain active.
  • Have regular health checks.
Jun 25, 2024

What are the health factors in life's simple 7? ›

In 2010, the Life's Simple 7 was proposed by the American Heart Association to be a widely used metric of cardiovascular health that included the assessment of 7 health domains: smoking, diet, physical activity, body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting glucose.

What are the 6 factors of a healthy lifestyle? ›

It shows you why they matter and how to begin making positive changes.
  • Getting the Right Amount of Sleep.
  • Eating Well-Balanced Meals.
  • Making Time for Physical Activity.
  • Keeping a Healthy Body Weight.
  • Avoiding Smoking or Chewing Tobacco.
  • Limiting or Avoiding Alcohol.
  • Managing Mental Health.
  • Summary.
Dec 6, 2023

What are the 8 factors of health? ›

Wellness comprises of eight mutually co-dependence dimensions: emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial. If any one of these dimensions is neglected over time, it will adversely affect one's health, well-being, and quality of life.

What are the factors for good health? ›

The important factors required for maintaining good health are:
  • Hygiene balanced diet.
  • Clean drinking water.
  • Personal cleanliness and community hygiene.
  • Regular physical exercise.
  • Proper disposal of wastes and control of vectors.
Jul 3, 2022

What are the positives of health? ›

Extended life expectancy: Those who are healthy typically live longer than those who are not. Better looks: Being in good health can make you feel and look your best. Productivity gains: Being healthy increases your chances of being productive at work and in other aspects of your life.

What is a positive lifestyle choice? ›

Positive lifestyle choices include: taking part regularly in physical activity. eating a balanced diet. getting sufficient sleep. balancing school/work and other commitments.

What are 5 aspects of a healthy lifestyle? ›

5 Key Elements to a Healthy Lifestyle
  • 1) A Balanced Diet. A balanced diet is easier and more beneficial than a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet for most people to maintain. ...
  • 2) Regular Physical Activity. ...
  • 3) Maintaining a Regular Sleep Pattern. ...
  • 4) Stress Management. ...
  • 5) Supplementation.

What are examples of lifestyle factors? ›

Some examples of lifestyle risk factors include cigarette smoking or other tobacco use, having an unhealthy diet, not getting enough exercise, and drinking too much alcohol.

What are the major 7 10 positive lifestyle factors one can do as regular habits to maintain a healthy human body? ›

  • Measure and Watch Your Weight. ...
  • Limit Unhealthy Foods and Eat Healthy Meals. ...
  • Take Multivitamin Supplements. ...
  • Drink Water and Stay Hydrated, and Limit Sugared Beverages. ...
  • Exercise Regularly and Be Physically Active. ...
  • Reduce Sitting and Screen Time. ...
  • Get Enough Good Sleep. ...
  • Go Easy on Alcohol and Stay Sober.

How to gain weight? ›

  1. gain weight gradually by adding healthy calories – adults could try adding around 300 to 500 extra calories a day.
  2. eat smaller meals more often, adding healthy snacks between meals.
  3. add extra calories to your meals with cheese, nuts, and seeds.
  4. have high-calorie drinks in between meals, such as milkshakes.

What are the 8 components of a healthy lifestyle? ›

Wellness comprises of eight mutually co-dependence dimensions: emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial. If any one of these dimensions is neglected over time, it will adversely affect one's health, well-being, and quality of life.

What are 3 examples of lifestyle factors? ›

Some examples of lifestyle risk factors include cigarette smoking or other tobacco use, having an unhealthy diet, not getting enough exercise, and drinking too much alcohol.

What is a positive lifestyle? ›

It means focusing on the positive aspects of life and not worrying about the negative things in life. To attain a positive lifestyle, one must constantly improve his/her approach toward life and the people they meet. It also refers to living in the moment and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.