48-Hour Fasting: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Do It (2024)

The field of longevity is constantly evolving. The one thing experts can agree on: eating less—through methods like calorie restriction or intermittent fasting—can do more than help you lose weight. Eating less may also boost your health and lifespan. For example, cutting back on your daily nosh may reduce your risk of chronic disease by triggering autophagy—a process that recycles damaged cell parts and is linked to a longer, healthier life (1).

But what if you’re simply not down with eating less daily or doing popular intermittent fasting methods like 18:6? That’s where 48-hour fasting comes in.

Fasting for 48 hours may increase how many calories you burn at rest (2, 3), and boost weight loss and cognitive function (4, 5). Better yet, you really only need to do it once or twice a month to see benefits, says Imashi Fernando, M.S., R.D.

While it might be effective, 48-hour fasting isn’t for the faint of heart. Everything you need to know about 48-hour fasting, including the benefits, side effects, and exactly how to do it for best results, below.

About the Expert

Imashi Fernando, M.S., R.D., C.D.C.E.S. is a registered dietitian who works in a large hospital system as a clinical dietitian and provides one-on-one nutrition counseling through her virtual private practice, Brown Sugar Nutrition PLLC. She holds a master’s degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Washington.

What Is a 48-Hour Fast?

A 48-hour fast is simple: give yourself a full, two-day break from eating, then resume your diet as normal after the 48 hours are up.

How to Do a 48-Hour Fast

There’s no right time of day to start a 48-hour fast, Fernando notes. The most important factor in successfully fasting for 48 hours is finding a schedule that’s sustainable for you. “The simplest method is to stop eating after dinner on the first day and begin eating again at dinnertime on the third day,” says Fernando. “This way, you’ll go to bed full and wake up with eight to ten hours of your fast already complete.”


48-Hour Fasting: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Do It (2)

Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Testosterone?

What Happens to Your Body During a 48-Hour Fast?

When your cells are deprived of external food sources for extended periods of time they’re forced to tap into stored forms of energy for fuel. At first, your body turns to glycogen (the stored form of glucose). But as glycogen stores dwindle, your body shifts into ketosis, a process that involves breaking down fat into ketones for energy.

Ketosis can boost mitochondrial function—poor mitochondrial function is believed to be associated with heart disease (6) and dementia (7). It’s also been linked to type 2 diabetes (8), metabolic syndrome (9), cancer (10), and insulin resistance (11). Plus, ketosis can reduce inflammation, which plays a role in everything from high blood pressure and arthritis to low testosterone (12, 13).

Experts note more research is needed to confirm exactly how or why ketosis induces these positive changes. Though limited to animal research, some experts believe the effects might be due to increased levels of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) (14), an enzyme that blocks DNA from premature aging (15).

Without food in your system, your body also triggers autophagy; the eating of your cells’ junk parts for energy. This process activates (and suppresses) specific proteins, enzymes, and pathways that appear to play critical roles in aging so that your cells stay healthier for longer (16, 17, 18, 19).

Benefits of a 48-Hour Fast

Fasting can help reduce hypertension, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma (20). It also allows your body to take a break from the energy-consuming process of digestion—giving it time to focus its energy on other tasks, like repairing itself.

According to human and animal research, this shift may (21):

  • Boost weight loss
  • Enhance brain function
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce glucose levels
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Reduce blood sugar levels
  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Increase human growth hormone
  • Slow the aging process
  • Boost immunity
  • Trigger autophagy

How Often Should You Do a 48-Hour Fast for Benefits?

“We don’t yet have evidence pointing towards the ideal fasting protocol for benefits. What we do know is when done too often, 48-hour fasting can become dangerous to your health,” says Fernando.

With 48-hour fasting, you’ll need to find a schedule that gives your body an appropriate amount of recovery in between. “Many people aim to do a 48-hour fast once or twice a month as tolerated, this appears to be safe and achievable for most people,” Fernando adds.


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Side Effects of 48-Hour Fasting

An obvious downside of 48-hour fasting is hunger. Although the feeling is temporary, that doesn’t make the visions of Taco Bell’s Mexican pizza (or any other strange but completely reasonable cravings) any easier.

On top of hunger, one study found that 72 percent of people who fasted for at least 48 hours also experienced a range of side effects including fatigue, insomnia, and dizziness (22). One small study also suggests you can expect a temporary dip in blood oxygen levels—which might reduce your workout performance (5).

How to Minimize Side Effects

Fasting for a full 48 hours isn’t easy, which is why Fernando recommends starting with shorter fasts. “Try fasting for 16 hours, then 24 hours, and so forth—slowly working your way up to the full 48 hours as tolerated,” she says. This will help you tune into your body before diving in headfirst.

During a fast, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (23). “Stick to drinks with zero calories like plain teas, black coffee, water, sparkling water, or seltzers (look forPFA-free options) to avoid breaking your fast,” recommends Fernando.

While electrolyte imbalances aren’t typically a concern for fasts lasting 48 hours or less, if you’re fasting for an extended period, you’ll also want to be conscious of your intake of essential electrolytes and minerals.

You’ll also want to load up on essential electrolytes and minerals. “Supplementing with electrolytes during a fast can prevent refeeding syndrome, a phenomenon where your electrolytes become dangerously low when you reintroduce large amounts of food after extended fasting (24),” says Fernando. Look for anelectrolyte powderwith sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium (25,26).

Have your nutrient levels checked by your doctor before engaging in an extended fasting or supplement regimen.

How to Safely Break a 48-Hour Fast

After your fast, it might be tempting to indulge in a cheat meal. Resist the urge. The quality and size of a fast-breaking meal can make a difference. Resuming normal eating—especially foods high in fat or sugar—after a period of fasting can lead to faster bowel movements and sometimes diarrhea.

“Break your fast with a small but energy-dense snack that pairs a carb with a protein like nuts and dried fruit, greek yogurt with granola, an apple or banana with nut butter, or an egg on toast,” says Fernando. “Have your next meal one to three hours later, depending on how your gut is feeling.”

Is a 48-Hour Fast Safe?

48-hour fasts are generally safe for healthy adults, according to Fernando. “If you do have a pre-existing medical condition or are on any medications talk with your healthcare provider before trying a fast,” she says. “Kids and pregnant women should avoid fasting.”

If you feel unwell during a 48-hour fast, it’s okay (and probably wise) to stop. “In particular, if you’re experiencing any prolonged symptoms like dizziness with standing, blurred vision, or vomiting, stop and talk to your healthcare provider immediately,” says Fernando.

“A 48-hour fast is an extreme diet change that might be difficult for some people to maintain,” says Fernando. “If you just can’t swing a full 48-hour fast, consider shorter fasting periods, which offer a similar range of benefits and might be easier to stick to in the long run.”


  1. Aman, Y. et al. (2021) Autophagy in Healthy Aging and Disease.
  2. Mansel, P. e tal (1990) Enhanced Thermogenic Response to Epinephrine After 48-Hour Starvation in Humans.
  3. Zauner, C. et al (2000) Resting Energy Expenditure in Short-Term Starvation is Increased as a Result of an Increase in Serum Norepinephrine.
  4. Fazeli, P. et al. (2020) Prolonged Fasting Drives a Program of Metabolic Inflammation in Human Adipose Tissue.
  5. Solianik, R. et al (2016) Effect of 48-Hour Fasting on Autonomic Function, Brain Activity, Cognition, and Mood in Amateur Weightlifters.
  6. Poznyak, A. et al (2020) The Role of Mitochondria in Cardiovascular Diseases.
  7. Misrani, A et al (2021) Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Alzheimer’s Disease.
  8. Pinti, M. et al (2019) Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: An Organ-Based Analysis.
  9. Bhatti, J. et al (2018) Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Metabolic Disorders—A Step Towards Mitochondria Based Therapeutic Strategies.
  10. Luo, Y. et al (2020) The Significance of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Cancer.
  11. Dowis, K. et al (2021) The Potential Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet: A Narrative Review.
  12. Pahwa, R. et al (2022) Chronic Inflammation.
  13. Masino, S. et al (2011) A Ketogenic Diet Suppresses Seizures in Mice Through Adenosine A1 Receptors.
  14. Zhu, H. et al. (2022) Ketogenic Diet for Human Diseases: The Underlying Mechanisms and Potential for Clinical Implementations.
  15. Szewczuk, M. et al. (2020) The Role of AMPK in Metabolism and Its Influence on DNA Damage Repair.
  16. Garbowska, W. et al (2017) Sirtuins, a Promising Target in Slowing Down the Ageing Process.
  17. Guillen, C. et al (2018) mTORC1 Overactivation as a Key Aging Factor in the Progression to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
  18. Zou, Z. et al (2020) mTOR Signaling Pathway and mTOR Inhibitors in Cancer: Progress and Challenges.
  19. Stancu, A (2015) AMPK Activation Can Delay Aging.
  20. Longo, V. et al (2015) Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications.
  21. Anton, S. et al (2018) Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying Health Benefits of Fasting.
  22. Finnell, J. et al (2018) Is Fasting Safe? A Chart Review of Adverse Events During Medically Supervised, Water-Only Fasting.
  23. Science Direct (2020) Refeeding Syndrome.
  24. Harvie, M. et al (2017) Potential Benefits and Harms of Intermittent Energy Restriction and Intermittent Fasting Among Obese, Overweight and Normal Weight Subjects—A Narrative Review of Human and Animal Evidence
  25. Menhanna, H. et al (2008) Refeeding Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Prevent and Treat It.
  26. Persaud-Sharma, D. et al. (2022) Refeeding Syndrome.

48-Hour Fasting: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Do It (5)

48-Hour Fasting: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Do It (2024)


48-Hour Fasting: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Do It? ›

Fasting for 48 hours may increase how many calories you burn at rest (2, 3), and boost weight loss and cognitive function (4, 5). Better yet, you really only need to do it once or twice a month to see benefits, says Imashi Fernando, M.S., R.D.

How to properly do a 48 hour fast? ›

In theory, a 48-hour fast is simple — you merely give yourself a full, two-day break from eating. One common method is to stop after dinner on the first day and begin eating again at dinnertime on the third.

What happens to my body if I fast for 48 hours? ›

The long-term fasting state, or starvation state, occurs around 48 hours into fasting. During this period, insulin levels decrease, ketone levels increase, and protein breakdown is reduced to conserve muscle tissue.

How can I reduce the side effects of fasting? ›

In these cases, it's especially important to hydrate ahead of time to help prevent dehydration. If the guidelines for your fast allow for water consumption, stay hydrated so you can maintain your energy levels and lessen any possible side effects like stomach cramps, irritability and the aptly named hunger headaches.

How many days of fasting does it take to reset your body? ›

While a prolonged fast of 3–5 days aligns with the gut lining's turnover rate and facilitates cell regeneration, studies have shown that shorter fasts of around 16–24 hours can still yield positive changes in the gut microbiome, offering digestive benefits without the need for an extended fast.

How much water should I drink on a 48-hour fast? ›

Water fast (24–72 hours)

During a water fast, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything besides water. Most people drink two to three liters of water per day during a water fast. The water fast lasts for 24–72 hours. You should not water fast for longer than this without medical supervision because of health risks.

What should you eat after fasting? ›

Include healthy, nutrient-dense foods, such as:
  • Lean meats and poultry.
  • Fish.
  • Whole fruits and vegetables.
  • Complex carbohydrates and whole grains.
  • Legumes (such as beans, lentils, peanuts, and peas)
  • Nuts.
  • Seeds.
  • Healthy fats.
May 20, 2024

What not to do after fasting? ›

Breaking your fast with foods that are especially high in fat, sugar, or even fiber can be difficult for your body to digest, leading to bloating and discomfort. Foods and drinks that can be even more shocking to your system after a fast include those like a greasy cheeseburger, slice of cake, or soda.

How to do fasting correctly? ›

To stay healthy while fasting, it's best to keep fast periods short, avoid intensive exercise, and stay hydrated. Eating enough protein and keeping a balanced diet when you're not fasting can also maintain overall health and ensure successful fasts.

What are the negative symptoms of fasting? ›

As much as IF is filled with benefits, there are mild side effects that can happen during fasting, which do not generally require medical or surgical treatment. Possible side effects can include dizziness, nausea, insomnia, headache, weakness, etc.

Does fasting clean out your gut? ›

Initial evidence suggests that intermittent fasting may benefit your gut health, particularly by increasing the diversity of your gut microbiome and the “good” gut bugs that make their home there. Certain foods may improve your gut health while intermittent fasting, as well as help support you during fasting periods.

Does fasting detox the liver? ›

Various researchers have reported that fasting may lead to improvements in liver function, potentially indicating a reduction in liver fat accumulation or inflammation. Additionally, total cholesterol levels, which are known to be associated with NAFLD, may also improve during this fasting period.

How to do fasting to detox your body? ›

A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices, and water. Sometimes a detox also includes herbs, teas, supplements, and colon cleanses or enemas. This claims to: rest your organs by fasting.

How much weight do you lose in a 48-hour fast? ›

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a 48-Hour Fast? Not much, particularly if this is your first time with this intermittent fasting cycle. Unfortunately, some online sources claim you can lose anything between 1 and 6 pounds during a 48-hour water fast, but this is a lie, especially if we are talking about fat.

How to fast safely for 2 days? ›

Here are 10 tips to help you fast safely.
  1. Keep fasting periods short. ...
  2. Eat a small amount on fast days. ...
  3. Stay hydrated. ...
  4. Go for walks or meditate. ...
  5. Don't break fasts with a feast. ...
  6. Stop fasting if you feel unwell. ...
  7. Eat enough protein. ...
  8. Eat plenty of whole foods on non-fasting days.

How much weight can you lose if you fast for 2 days? ›

The 48-hour fast once or twice per month may reduce your calorie intake to 8.000 calories per month. Now let's convert those calories to pounds. A 2-day fast weight loss equals 8000 calories which is 2.285714 lb. That said, a person may lose around 2 pounds of weight per month.

How much weight can I lose in 2 days if I only drink water? ›

Water fasting helps you lose weight quickly. According to studies, you can lose 0.9 kg per day by drinking water in 24 to 72 hours. However, this loss of body mass is only from water, carbs and even muscle mass, not fat.

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