21 Best healthy junk food ideas you will love - The Meal Prep Ninja (2024)

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Last Updated on December 15, 2022 by TheMealPrepNinja

Healthy junk foods are a great option compared to regular junk food because they are not only healthy but also taste great. There are plenty of tasty options available that are good for you and your body. The following are some ideas from which you can choose to make healthy junk foods or purchase them for your convenience.

I put together a list of some of the best-tasting healthy junk foods that you might like.

What is considered junk food?

Junk food is any food that is typically high in sugar, fat, and calories. Some examples include chips, cookies, candy, and fast food. Junk foods are also often times low in nutrients like vitamins and minerals, which can make them less healthy to consume on a regular basis.

Why is it important to avoid eating junk food?

There are a number of reasons why you should avoid eating junk food. For one, junk foods are generally low in nutrients and high in calories, which can lead to weight gain. Additionally, many junk foods are also high in sodium and preservatives, linked to health problems like heart disease and diabetes. Finally, consuming too much junk food on a regular basis can also lead to nutritional deficiencies, which in turn can cause problems like fatigue and weakness.

If you are looking for healthier alternatives to junk foods, many options are available. You could try making healthier homemade versions of your favorite junk foods at home, or opt for lower-calorie and nutrient-dense options like fruit, vegetables, and lean protein. Ultimately, the key to maintaining a healthy diet is moderation- choosing junk food once in a while rather than every day or even several times per week.

What is considered healthy junk food?

21 Best healthy junk food ideas you will love - The Meal Prep Ninja (1)

There are a number of healthy alternatives to traditional junk foods, including fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean protein, whole grains, and dairy products. Some examples of these healthier options include fresh fruit smoothies instead of sugary sodas or processed juices; kale chips instead of potato chips; hummus and veggies as an alternative to candy or cookies; and Greek yogurt instead of ice cream. By choosing these healthier options when you are craving junk food, you can enjoy your favorite treats without compromising your health in the process.

How can junk food be healthy?

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While there is no denying that junk food tends to be high in calories, fat, and sodium, it is possible to make more nutritious versions of some of your favorite treats. For example, you could try baking your own baked chips with healthier oils like olive or coconut oil instead of frying them; making your own chia seed fruit smoothie rather than buying one that is loaded with added sugar; or making your own trail mix out of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit instead of buying chips or crackers. By exploring these healthier alternatives to junk food, you can enjoy some of your favorite treats without compromising your health in the process.

Popcorn kernels

Popcorn is a delicious snack that can easily be made healthier. Start by making popcorn on the stovetop by popping popcorn kernels with oil and popcorn salt.

Not only does this save calories, but it also serves up fiber-filled popcorn at a fraction of the cost of store-bought popcorn. For even more nutrition, add dried herbs or spices like chili powder, oregano, garlic powder, or cumin for an extra boost of flavor and nutrients.

To keep popcorn light, skip the butter and try sprinkling popcorn with olive oil and fresh grated Parmesan cheese instead. Enjoy as is or use popcorn as an ingredient in recipes such as trail mix to make a simple but tasty snack!

Here are some of the healthiest popcorn choices.

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Oatmeal cookies

With oatmeal cookies being a classic, delicious treat, there are ways to make this healthier while still enjoying the classic oat flavor. To make oatmeal cookies with a healthier profile, you can use olive oil or coconut oil in replacement of butter.

You should also opt for maple syrup or honey as your sweetener instead of white sugar to help reduce added sugars. If oatmeal cookies had too much oat flavor for your liking, you can choose a combination of oat flour and almond flour to lighten it up while still retaining a hearty nutty taste.

Furthermore, you can mix in different mix-ins such as nut butter chips or coconut flakes to give an extra flavorful and nutritious boost. With these tips, you can bake oatmeal cookies that bring the same taste without compromising on healthy ingredients.

Here is my healthy homemade protein bars recipe.

If you don’t want to make them yourself, give these Heavenly Hunks Organic Oatmeal Dark Chocolate a try.

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Potato Chips

Making a healthier version of potato chips doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need is a potato, some seasonings, and an oven.

Start by slicing the potato into thin circular pieces – they should be as uniform in size and thickness as possible. Next, lay them on a baking tray and lightly season them with your choice of herbs and spices.

Bake the potato chips in an oven preheated to 375°F for 20-25 minutes then let them cool down before serving! Enjoy this delicious and nutritious snack without feeling guilty about consuming excess amounts of fat or calories.

If you prefer to buy your healthy potato chips, give these Quest Nutrition Tortilla Style Protein Chips a try.

Dark chocolate

Making dark chocolate with a healthier twist doesn’t have to be a difficult task. The key is making sure the dark chocolate you buy has at least 70% cocoa content, which can help minimize additional ingredients such as sugar and dairy.

When using dark chocolate in desserts or recipes, try using dark brown sugar instead of refined white sugar, or use alternative sweeteners like stevia or dates if going for an even healthier option.

For added texture, opt for dark chocolate that’s studded with nuts and dried fruit. That way you won’t miss out on any crunchy sweetness while enjoying dark chocolate’s health benefits.

You can also eat healthy chocolate bars like KIND Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars.

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Yogurt Pops

Making yogurt pops doesn’t have to be an unhealthy process; in fact, it can be an easy way to get healthy and delicious snacks. To make healthier yogurt pops, first, choose yogurt that is low-fat or fat-free, and opt for ones that have probiotics, which can help with your overall digestion.

Next, you’ll want to select your toppings: go for fresh berries and nuts rather than processed candies and chocolates for a nutrient-rich treat. Finally, if you decide to use molds for the yogurt popsicles, make sure they are silicone and BPA-free so that no harmful chemicals leach into the yogurt during the freezing process.

With these steps in mind, yogurt pops can be a wholesome summertime treat!

Give these GoodPop Organic Freezer Pops a try.

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Tortilla chips

Eating tortilla chips can be a part of a healthy diet as long as they are prepared properly. Making tortilla chips at home is an easy, health-conscious way to enjoy them. To make healthy tortilla chips, choose whole wheat tortillas, cut the tortillas into triangles, and lightly brush them with olive oil or canola oil before baking in the oven until golden brown and crispy. To add flavor, sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt or other seasonings for extra flavor. Finish off by enjoying a homemade batch of tortilla chips with salsa, guacamole, or chili.

Beef Jerky

Beef jerky has become an increasingly popular snack amongst health-conscious individuals, so why not make your own? Making beef jerky is a relatively simple process that requires an ounce of patience, and a few fresh ingredients.

Start by selecting lean beef, like top round or sirloin, and trimming away any fat. Then marinate the beef in a mixture of healthy herbs and spices: start off with soy sauce, garlic powder, liquid smoke, ground ginger, and Worcestershire sauce. After it has marinated for at least 8 hours (or overnight), slowly bake on low heat for about 6-7 hours until it is dry to the touch.

Once you have achieved the desired consistency, let it cool and enjoy! By making beef jerky yourself, you can choose healthier options for ingredients that fit within your diet preferences.

Making your own beef jerky can be time-consuming, give this People’s Choice Beef Jerky – Old Fashioned a try.

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Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato is a sweet, versatile, and nutritious vegetable that is also incredibly easy to work with. If you want to enjoy sweet potato in a healthy way, start by baking it! Preheat the oven to 400° F, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and toss sweet potatoes in some extra virgin olive oil.

Place them on the prepared baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes or until tender. The sweet potatoes can then be topped with a tablespoon of Greek yogurt or natural peanut butter and sprinkled with cinnamon or nutmeg for added flavor.

This simple dish is naturally sweet and incredibly delicious – perfect for any day of the week!

Jackson’s Sweet Potato Kettle Chips

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Granola bars

Making a healthy granola bar has never been easier. Start by combining whole grain oats, and nuts of your choice with a mix of seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower.

Add in honey to bind the ingredients together, or use a sugar substitute for a less sweet bar. Finally, include some dried fruit such as apricots that will provide natural sweetness without the extra sugar. Bake until golden brown and let cool before cutting into bars and eating.

Granola bars are a great snack option whether you’re just looking for something healthier or trying to save time on the go. Enjoy!

Nature Valley Protein Granola Bars, Snack Variety Pack, Chewy Bars, 15 ct

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Making salsa at home can be incredibly easy and beneficial to your health. All you need are a few simple ingredients: tomatoes, onion, garlic, fresh cilantro, lime juice, jalapeño pepper (optional), and sea salt.

Instead of using tomato sauce or canned tomatoes, try using fresh Roma tomatoes for more flavor and nutrition. Chop up the onion and mince the garlic in a food processor before adding it to your salsa; this will reduce their strong flavor.

To substitute for store-bought salsa that has added sugar and preservatives, use freshly squeezed lime juice instead to give it a naturally zesty kick! You can even get creative with your salsa by customizing how much spice you want by adding jalapeño peppers as desired.

Lastly, sprinkle on some sea salt for extra flavor and crunchiness. With these tips you can enjoy your salsa without compromising on taste or your health!

Angel food cake

Angel food cake is the perfect light and airy dessert that’s a great way to end any meal. To make it, start by whisking together egg whites, a pinch of cream of tartar, and ¼ cup of sugar in a large mixing bowl.

Once the whites are frothy and soft peaks have formed, gently sift in the flour and continue whisking until just combined.

Next, pour the batter into a round baking pan and bake at 350° F for about 25-30 minutes.

Once the cake is done, let it cool for a few minutes before topping it with your favorite healthy toppings, such as fresh fruit or Greek yogurt.

Whether you want to indulge in something sweet, or simply need a quick and healthy snack for on-the-go, angel food cake is the perfect go-to. Enjoy!

Ice cream

Making ice cream for a healthy treat is easy, and you don’t have to sacrifice indulgence for nutrition. Start by using low-fat or nonfat milk as your main ice cream base instead of high-fat cream or cream cheese typically found in traditional ice cream recipes.

You can also add fresh fruit, cocoa powder or nuts to flavor your ice cream. To sweeten it naturally, try substituting coconut sugar instead of refined white sugar.

Processed ingredients like artificial flavors and additives are not necessary — use ingredients you can recognize so that you know exactly what you’re eating! With these healthy solutions, your ice cream will taste just as creamy and still be better for your body.

Yasso® Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars, Mint Chocolate Chip, 3.5 Ounce Bars, 4 Count

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Sugar-free Jello

If you’re looking for a healthy sugar-free alternative to your traditional jello snacks, this recipe will be perfect for you!

Start by selecting sugar-free jello in any flavor that you find appealing.

Once the sugar-free jello is in a medium size bowl, add water and stir until fully dissolved.

You can then either add fresh fruits for added flavor and texture or omit this step if desired. Refrigerate the sugar-free jello for 2-3 hours before serving so it can be set. Enjoy!

Other healthy junk foods to consider

Here are a few other healthy junk food options to consider:


Protein peanut butter mugs


Candy apples covered in PB2

Chicken strips in the air fryer

Protein brownies

Homemade dry fruit

Sugar-free candy

Final thoughts

Whether you’re looking to satisfy a sweet tooth or need a quick and healthy snack on the go, there are many delicious and nutritious junk food options out there that won’t compromise your health. Just use these tips to select the best ingredients and experiment with different flavor combinations until you find what works for you. So go ahead and indulge — just remember to enjoy your junk food in moderation!

Here are other healthy snack recipes you might like.

21 Best healthy junk food ideas you will love - The Meal Prep Ninja (19)


Jim Lopez, the founder and editor of The Meal Prep Ninja, shares his journey from a passionate bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast to a certified nutrition coach. Certified by Precision Nutrition, Jim aims to empower others with knowledge on meal prep and nutrition, offering resources for busy individuals to enjoy low-calorie, tasty foods. His blog is a community for sharing healthy eating habits and meal prep recipes

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21 Best healthy junk food ideas you will love - The Meal Prep Ninja (2024)
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