18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (2024)



by Trent Thompson | August 3, 2021

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (1)

our top picks for shoulder rehabilitation products on Amazon:

Pulley Band for Doors: exercise band that hooks onto any door. Can be used for steps 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Shoulder Wand: exercise pole to increase range of motion. Can be used for steps 3 and 4.

Elastic Bands: elastic bands that can add resistance for internal and external rotation exercises. Can be used for steps 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Elastic Exercise Bar: elastic fitness bar that can be used to increase joint stability.

Shoulder Sling: top-rated comfortable shoulder sling.

Shoulder Brace: top rated shoulder brace that provides stability, compression, and support.

Shoulder Ice Pack: a hands-free reusable shoulder ice pack that straps on.

Weighted Heating Pad: electric powered shoulder heating pad that reaches both shoulders.

Padded Cushion for Shoulder Bags: soft and durable pad that wraps around your shoulder bags strap.

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Codman’s/Pendulum | Crossover Arm Stretch | Active Assistive ROM with Stick | Towel Stretch Internal Rotation/Extension | Sleeper Stretch | Standing Row | External Rotation with Arm Abducted 90° | Internal Rotation with Band | External Rotation with Band | Elbow Flexion | Elbow Extension | Straight Arm Dumbbell Row | Scapula Setting | Scapular Retraction/Protraction | Bent-Over Horizontal Abduction | Internal and External Rotation | External Rotation | Internal Rotation

Shoulder Rehabilitation Treatment for Patients

Shoulder injuries are very common in all ages of people. The shoulder consists of two anatomical joints: The Gleno-humeral joint and the Acromio-clavicular joint. The Gleno-humeral joint is the connection of the arm with the scapula (“shoulder blade”). The Acromio-clavicular joint is the connection of the clavicle (“collar bone”) and the scapula. Their are a large number of muscles and ligaments associated with the shoulder, the most important being the rotator cuff muscles (subscapularis, teres minor, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus) and the Acromio-clavicular ligaments along with the Gleno-humeral joint capsule. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons which hold the Glenohumeral joint together and aid in lifting the arm over the head.

This exercise program is not a substitute for seeing a Doctor, so if your shoulder pain doesn’t get better with time, we advise that you see your local chiropractor or physical therapist. From there, they will determine if further medical treatment is needed. If you’ve suffered an injury, such as a car accident, sports injury, falling, or experience pain in your shoulder, you should consult a healthcare professional before attempting any exercises at home.

Common causes of shoulder pain include tight and/or weak muscles. This exercise program includes strengthening exercises and stretches. The flexibility portion includes static stretches, range of motion (ROM), and dynamic stretching.

It is almost important to note that none of these exercises should hurt, you may experience discomfort, fatigue, or soreness, but if any exercises begin to hurt you stop performing them immediately.

The exercises listed may not help in the case of a torn muscle/ligament, severe inflammation, arthritis, or nerve impingement. If you can’t perform any exercises within this program without experiencing pain, we advise that you consult a chiropractor and/or physical therapist.

Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation: Increased Flexibility and Strength

All of the exercises listed are to be done with slow and steady movements and controlled breathing. Do only what you feel comfortable doing.

1. Codman’s/Pendulum

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (2)

1. Lean forward and place one hand on a counter or table for support. Let your other arm hang freely at your side.

2. Gently swing your arm forward and back. Repeat the exercise moving your arm side-to-side, and repeat again in a circular motion.

3. Keep from rounding your back or locking your knees.

4. Repeat 10 times.

5. Complete 2-3 sets.

2. Crossover Arm Stretch

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1. Standing upright, relax your shoulders and pull one arm across your body as far as possible. Hold at your upper arm.

2. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.

3. Repeat the stretch for your other arm.

4. Repeat the stretch 3 times for each arm.

1. Keep your affected arm relaxed, do not lift your affected arm on its own.

2. Move through the motions slowly.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (4)


1. Hold a stick with your hands shoulder width apart.

2. Slowly raise your arms up out in front of you. Relax your affected arm allowing your unaffected arm to lift your affected arm.

3. After holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range, slowly return back down.

4. Repeat 10 times.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (5)


1. Hold a stick at your side with your affected arm at your side.

2. Slowly push your affected arm backwards behind you. Keep your body upright and your affected arm relaxed.

3. After holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range, slowly return back down.

4. Repeat 10 times.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (6)


1. Hold a stick with your hands shoulder width apart.

2. Slowly push your affected arm to the side of you. Completely relax your affected arm.

3. After holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range, slowly return back down.

4. Repeat 10 times.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (7)

Internal Rotation/Extension:

1. Hold a stick with your hands as close as possible behind your body.

2. Slowly raise your affected arm up, bringing your affected arm up with it. Relax your affected arm as much as possible.

3. After holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range, slowly return back down.

4. Repeat 10 times.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (8)

Passive Internal Rotation:

1. Hold a stick with your hands shoulder width apart behind your back.

2. Slowly pull your affected arm behind your body. Completely relax your affected arm.

3. After holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range, slowly return back down.

4. Repeat 10 times.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (9)

Passive External Rotation:

1. Hold a stick with one hand and cup the other end of the stick with your other hand.

2. Slowly push your affected arm outward horizontally.

3. After holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range, slowly return back down.

4. Repeat 10 times.

4. Towel Stretch Internal Rotation / Extension

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (10)

1. Hold a towel behind your back. Affected arm at the bottom.

2. Slowly elevate your affected arm by pulling up with your unaffected arm.

3. Hold for 20-30 seconds at the maximum pain free range, then relax for 30 seconds.

4. Repeat 3-6 times.

5. Sleeper Stretch

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (11)

1. Lay on your side on a firm surface with your affected arm under you as shown. Flex your elbow to 90 degrees.

2. Slowly press down on your forearm with the opposite arm, stopping when you feel a stretch.

3. Hold for 20-30 seconds at the maximum pain free range, then relax for 30 seconds.

4. Repeat 3-6 times.

6. Standing Row

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (12)

1. Attach a band to a doorknob or other steady surface. You may tie the ends of the band together to create a loop.

2. Stand upright with your arm at a 90 degree angle at your side.

3. Keeping your arm tucked at your side, slowly pull your elbow straight backwards.

4. Slowly return to the start position, repeat 8-12 times.

5. Complete 3 sets.

7. External Rotation with Arm Abducted 90°

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (13)

1. Attach a band to a doorknob or other steady surface. You may tie the ends of the band together to create a loop.

2. Stand upright with your arm at a 90 degree angle and at shoulder height.

3. Keeping your shoulder and elbow at an even level, slowly raise your hand until it is facing upwards, or even with your head.

4. Slowly return to the start position, repeat 8-12 times.

5. Complete 3 sets.

8. Internal Rotation with Band

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (14)

1. Attach a band to a doorknob or other steady surface. You may tie the ends of the band together to create a loop.

2. Stand perpendicular to the band with your arm at a 90 degree angle and tucked at your side.

3. Keeping your elbow tucked, slowly rotate your hand inward.

4. Slowly return to the start position, repeat 8-12 times.

5. Complete 3 sets.

9. External Rotation with Band

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (15)

1. Attach a band to a doorknob or other steady surface. You may tie the ends of the band together to create a loop.

2. Stand perpendicular to the band with your arm at a 90 degree angle and tucked at your side.

3. Keeping your elbow tucked, slowly rotate your hand outward.

4. Slowly return to the start position, repeat 8-12 times.

5. Complete 3 sets.

10. Elbow Flexion (Bicep Curl)

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (16)

1. Standing upright hold a dumbbell in each hand.

2. Keeping your elbow close to your side slowly raise the weight upwards toward your shoulder.

3. Avoid swinging your arm or using momentum.

4. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions.

5. Complete 3 sets.

11. Elbow Extension (Overhead Tricep Extension)

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (17)

1. Standing upright hold a dumbbell over your head. Support your arm by holding your opposite hand on your upper arm.

2. Slowly straighten your elbow and raise the weight overhead.

3. Repeat for 8-12 repetions.

4. Complete 3 sets.

12. Straight Arm Dumbbell Row

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (18)

1. Place your knee or a chair or bench and lean forward so your that your hand supports your weight. Use a light weight (1-7lbs).

2. Slowly raise the weight behind you parallel to the floor, rotating your hand to a thumbs-up position. Keep your arm straight.

3. Repeat 15-20 times.

4. Complete 3-4 sets.

13. Scapula Setting

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (19)

1. Lay on your stomach with your arms at your side. Palms facing downwards.

2. Slowly draw your shoulder blades together and down your back.

3. Ease about halfway off this position and hold for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds.

4. Repeat 10 times.

14. Scapular Retraction/Protraction

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (20)

1. Lay on your stomach on an edge with your affected arm hanging off the side.

2. Slowly raise your arm keeping your elbow straight by drawing your shoulder blade to the other side. You are not raising your arm straight out to your side, but elevating your arm.

3. Repeat 10 times.

4. Complete 2 sets.

15. Bent-Over Horizontal Abduction

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (21)

1. Lay on your stomach on an edge with your affected arm hanging off the side.

2. Slowly raise your arm keeping your elbow straight by raising your arm out to your side. Control the movement.

3. Repeat 10 times.

4. Complete 2 sets.

16. Internal and External Rotation

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (22)

1. Lay on your back on a steady surface.

2. Raise your arm to 90 degrees and lift your fingers to face upwards.

3. Keeping your arm bend, slowly move your arm as shown.

4. Bring your arm to a smaller angle (45 degrees) if 90 degrees hurts.

5. Repeat 20 times.

6. Complete 3-4 sets.

17. External Rotation

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (23)

1. Lay on your side on a steady surface with your unaffected arm cradling your head.

2. Hold your arm at a 90 degree angle, keeping your affected arms elbow tucked at your side.

3. Slowly raise your arm to a vertical position and lower the weight slowly.

4. Repeat 10 times.

5. Complete 2-3 sets.

18. Internal Rotation

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (24)

1. Lay on your side on a flat surface on the side of the affected arm

2. Hold your arm at a 90 degree angle, keeping your affected arms elbow tucked at your side.

3. Slowly raise your arm to a vertical position and lower the weight slowly.

4. Repeat 10 times.

5. Complete 2-3 sets.

How Patient Exercises Helps Healthcare Professionals

Patient Exercises is an all inclusive exercise program builder that can be easily broken down into four modules that work together to help providers deliver better care.

Program Builder: Our easy to use program builder that enables you to pick and choose exercises beneficial to your patients recovery.

Patient Management: Manage all of your patients program notes, track progress, and keep EMR’s.

Exercise Video Library:Gain access to our inclusive digital library of hundreds of exercises.

Automated Communications: Never miss a beat. Our system automatically notifies your patients of changes to their program made by you.

Get Started

If you want to test some of the features available with Patient Exercises, you can sign up here. If you need help implementing changes like these in your practice or want to chat more about how Patient Exercises can benefit you, get in touch.

18 Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation (Free PDF Download)​ - Patient Exercises (2024)


What exercise works all 3 shoulder muscles? ›

Yes, you can target all three heads of the deltoid in a single workout session by incorporating specific exercises for each muscle head. An effective shoulder workout might include a compound exercise like the shoulder press, followed by isolation movements such as lateral raises and rear-delt flyes.

Can you repair a torn rotator cuff with exercise? ›

The main treatment for rotator cuff tears are exercises to strengthen the muscles. However, if your injury is severe, in some cases you may also need rotator cuff surgery.

Should I stretch my rotator cuff if it hurts? ›

Doing specific exercises and stretches can help you build strength and enhance your range of motion after an injury to the rotator cuff, such as a tear or strain. These exercises can also assist in promoting healing and reducing the chances of any further complications.

What is the number one exercise for the shoulder? ›

One of the best exercises for shoulder activation is the Overhead Band Press performed with an elastic stretch band. A few warm up sets of this exercise will greatly help to prepare your shoulder mobility for your workout. This is one of the better rear delt movements.

What not to do with shoulder arthritis? ›

Reduce Shoulder Strain

This means avoiding activities that put too much pressure on these areas, such as carrying heavy loads or participating in contact sports. Sitting for long periods of time can also be damaging, so make sure to get up and move around regularly throughout the day.

What is the new treatment for arthritis in the shoulder? ›

Reverse total shoulder replacements are beneficial for individuals who suffer from shoulder arthritis. Individuals who undergo a reverse total shoulder replacement experience reduced pain, restored function and greater range of motion.

What makes shoulder arthritis worse? ›

Shoulder Arthritis Symptoms

Some people have pain even when they are not using the arm, and some have pain only when using it. Arthritis pain can occur at any time of day and can be present with or without shoulder stiffness. Often the pain is worse with lifting, carrying heavy objects or after exercising.

What will happen if I don't repair a torn rotator cuff? ›

A rotator cuff tear can get worse without treatment. A complete tear can make it almost impossible to move your arm. Without treatment, you may have chronic shoulder pain and find it very difficult to use your injured arm.

Can you live with a torn rotator cuff without surgery? ›

Even though most tears cannot heal on their own, you can often achieve good function without surgery. If, however, you are active or use your arm for overhead work or sports, surgery is most often recommended because many tears will not heal without surgery.

How do you know if shoulder pain is muscle or joint? ›

Shoulder pain is usually away above or below the joint localized to a muscle group, and associated with the muscle kink joint movement will be pain-free and there isn't any pain in the joint.

What is the fastest way to heal a torn rotator cuff? ›

Conservative treatments — such as rest, ice and physical therapy — sometimes are all that's needed to recover from a rotator cuff injury. If your injury is severe, you might need surgery.

What cream is good for rotator cuffs? ›

Creams such as Aspercreme, Bio freeze, and Voltaren are over-the-counter topicals that may help with nighttime rotator cuff pain.

What not to do when rotator cuff hurts? ›

Do not work with your arms above shoulder level for a long time. If needed, use a foot stool or ladder. Lift and carry objects close to your body. Try not to lift heavy loads away from your body or overhead.

How to hit all three parts of the shoulder? ›

  1. Exercise 1. 180/ARNOLD DUMBBELL PRESSES. 4 sets of 12,10,10,8 reps.
  2. Exercise 2. BENT OVER REAR DELT DUMBBELL FLYS* 3 sets of 12,10,10, reps.
  3. Exercise 3. REAR DELT CABLE FLYS. 3 sets of 12,10,10 reps.
  4. Exercise 4. SEATED LATERAL DUMBBELL RAISES. 3 sets of 12,12,10 reps.

How do you target all shoulder muscles? ›

Here, Coggan offers four exercises to try, as well as modifications for each fitness level.
  1. Dumbbell front raise. ...
  2. Dumbbell lateral raise. ...
  3. Reverse fly. ...
  4. Seated military press. ...
  5. Standing dumbbell shoulder press. ...
  6. One-arm dumbbell push press. ...
  7. Plank dumbbell shoulder raise.

Is 3 exercises for shoulders enough? ›

How many sets and reps should I do for shoulder exercises? Beginners, aim for around two sets of 12-15 reps with two exercises per session. This provides a solid foundation without leaving you too worn out for the next session. For more experienced trainers, 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps with 3-4 exercises per session.

Which shoulder exercise hits all heads? ›

Three exercises that hit all 3 heads of the triceps are:
  • Cable Triceps Pushaway for long head.
  • Diamond Cutter Pushup for lateral head.
  • Close Grip Bench Press for medial head – try an underhand grip to see if you feel it more.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.